Winter Wear

Winter Wear

A Poem by Keliy Nicolaites Kese

It is a beautiful Monday morning

I am preparing for the sunrise upon life

It will ask all of humankind lovingly, 

“Where am I now?” 

If we were thus inclined to care,

We would be able to share our thoughts 

Without revoking:

You are cascading upon the hills and mountains 

Sheltering the ignorant from woe

You sweep us off of our feet 

More ready to stand for us than we think 

And in all your resplendent shadow made of light

I’m craving poetry more than you;

Since I find it best to assume

I don’t know what to do with you, 

For you are distant from me 

Words are easy…

People carry them in the form of shovels 

Collecting snow

And only a Nordic Islander 

Dwelling deep within the 

Winter Solstice call can really know that

They will say from a soul darkened by 

The oxymoron known as the bad of love

“Prepare for the herd one day”

But I prepare to be heard one day 

Since I have no idea when the herd will come

I’m new here…life’s different on ice. 

It’s bound to break in the end, I’m sure

And when the shards of this season spread out 

Like chunks of dried mayonnaise upon 

A slice of buttered bread

We’ll see what the winter said this year about the herd

We waited long for

When it arrives, can we still be there?

Or will time tell us he will not be friendly to our will to stand in one place? 

As I read Clementine’s deep sea 

Of what we all tend to wrestle with;

Insufferable love being sufferable

Thus comes inspiration from 

The gist of 

Power of persuasion

Waiting in a bedroom painted with arousal 

He haunts and keeps you so narcotically 

With his genitals 

You imagined they were a fragrant fantasy 

Dressed in Jasmine 

Shapeshifting freaks into fondlings 

You wanted them in you

So you could intimately name his lips 

His cheeks, his nose

Tell them personally what you think about them

While watching his eyes glisten in response

To how his heart rises and falls at your words

Because to you these places on his face are individual bodies 

Capable of standing alone on the jigsaw puzzle boardwalk

Called your soul

To tell their own story of how they’ve 

Possessed the very essence of your womanhood

He will taunt you with his kisses 

By first drawing you in like a fish

With his index finger saying “Come here”

His teeth agreeably rape your vermillion borders with passion’s might

Before running off quietly into the abyss’s dead of night 

For only that can keep you

From being heard wishing you could scream 

At the sound of his satisfied sigh on your neck

Because you are all he ever thinks about

But that’s doubtful

And I relate to every word on this digital frame 

Keeping copies of her soul 

Which is not open for debate from anyone

These words are only here for you and me to agree

Respect and offer sympathy

And I design mine for her as she has done for me 


He cried before I could ever 

Understand how tears are processed 

Because of:


Broken promises




Public humiliation



Being beaten

Force fed






Stolen from

High jacked



So how come my tears can’t console 

One another any longer if they are still youthful?

There was one who used to come

Picking fights with demons 

Lording over ones 

Wanting more than what little bit of heaven 

Got emasculated under the weight of all this hell

I would have dreams of male-kind!!!

Of taking his body under my wings

And wait for the storm to cease its debilitating taunt of the both of us

To make sure our fears are so taut on the feathers

We’d be too scared to soar

I pushed and I pushed

For you

And I tried

And I failed

And I faked the funk

And I forgave

And I laughed

And I listened 

And I encouraged with my advice

Till I gave you all that I had 

Of my heart

And I failed

And I failed

And I failed

And I prayed

And I was willing to break

In your cave

To be remade

Into a better bird

With bigger wings

To do better things….

All for you.

To never be immersed in the storm

Whilst you became a flood for me 

For your own goals

Your own life

Your own thoughts

Your own dreams

All look like stone trees

Because you petrified everything around you;

Now standing in a sea of fossilized life

And it may be the most beautiful thing

You’ve ever seen;

Our core as crystal

But we cannot speak to you

And if history is any teacher 

That’s a milestone you must conquer before sex

That’s a real dream of yours 

Everything you know is wrapped around that

And I was the only woman

Who wouldn’t fight you for always thinking on that level

Since I can’t forget 

That I have dreams 

I have dreams that need your naked body

Dreams of my man canvas

Dreams of breaking bad

By moaning good 

Via your touch

Your taste

Your smell

Your sound

The sight of you nude 

I don’t want to hate that anymore, fear that anymore

Good like Mr. and Mrs. 

Your whole name

But I am being mishandled in your hands

I am not given full thought; undivided attention

But there is something about me 

You don’t understand that I am fully aware of

As evil has planned long and hard over my life 

And I am now beginning to it fight back

Come hell, or high water, or you

I…am not side-chick material. 

I’m not a car.

You cannot test drive me

I’m not a layaway item at these selective stores 

Around the United States of America that aren’t willing to admit

Straight to your face, 

“If you can’t afford this now, leave it alone

You are only hurting yourself 

And stripping precious time from our employees

If we have to put it back on the shelf

Because you did not pay

Because you would not pay

Because you could not pay.”

I will not be put on reserve

I am fashioned to be the crowning, priceless

Cherished jewel

I have no need for your calcification process

To make me your crystal

I am already radiant

A pear that you can only

Dive into deep waters to have me 

As this sea is not filled with your abundant ignorance

Of who I have the power to be if you’d 

Just reach your hand out as your testosterone requires

I am the one and only

Valued as such 

Yet the majority of men entrusted with this care 

Treat Kleenex with more thought

I can understand why you don’t really like religion

Because it tells every woman 

There is a Guy who went the full length

Of valuing her more than life itself

And there’s something about that concept 

You can’t handle since there wasn’t 

A single inch of His penis involved 

When He met me

No ruler to measure it

Against the whole fleet of His 

Lust born and bred competition

He came to me 

Fully clothed and purposed to be so 

Despite what I was thinking about it 

What you were thinking about it

To Him I am more than your boner at midnight, midnoons, mid-dawn

Midday, midair, mid breath, mid-length, midriff, mid rise, mid fall, midsize, midleg, mid gut, midcourse, mid-stroke, mid-thrust, midway, mid bite, 

And mistrust…

It is a beautiful Monday morning

I am preparing for the sunrise upon life

It will ask all of humankind lovingly, 

“Where am I now?” 

As it awaits the answer I’ll write 

Like an ancient scribe 

Aspiring to log a life lesson

It will be there unashamed, unhidden

Melting winter away for the herd 

I’ve been waiting to adore

So they can cover me in wool

Next year

When the frigid months return

© 2023 Keliy Nicolaites Kese

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Added on April 3, 2023
Last Updated on April 3, 2023
Tags: #relationships, #healing, #man, #woman, #God


Keliy Nicolaites Kese
Keliy Nicolaites Kese

The best way that I can describe my hands is to say Creation. In the most humble, godly way that is what I seek to do. more..
