![]() Ch 14: Fortuna's Chosen OnesA Chapter by KeithKVH![]() The memories over, Alastor's current self stands before Amy, bent on change at any cost. Grey awakes to the rescue, but as the two clash, it seems both of them are aware of a common enemy nearby.![]() Having become so absorbed in the tragic memories she’d seen within Alastor’s mind, it was only once Amy could bear no more that she noticed the tears streaming down her face. Wiping her face with her arm momentarily, she looked at Alastor as though she’d never truly seen him before and said, “I never knew…” Resting his eyes calmly, Alastor replied, “Don’t get sentimental, I didn’t show you that in an attempt to garner pity. I am no longer the weak fool who let Agnes perish. That Alastor Bastille died five years later during a certain unsavory incident in which Barinus and another member of the Hand of Fate were involved. The Nameless One briefly awoke that day, and by the time I emerged to subdue him, Barinus was at my mercy. However, I merely grilled him for information before letting him crawl back to his master with his tail between his legs, content to let them both watch me achieve Agnes’ wish.” Opening his eyes to lock gazes with Amy, he continued, “He wasn’t all that helpful even when backed into a corner, but I learned one important thing from him. Both worlds of our existence are being guided and controlled by the Hand of Fate, a secret order within the Church of Light who will stop at nothing to control the Inanimate Dream. They have purposely instilled prejudice and hatred in the hearts of mortals for millennia, all to further their own ends. They’ve turned this world rotten, and I saw only one path to correcting this heinous mistake made by the Old Gods, only one way to fulfill my promise…” His dark aura erupting around him, Alastor said in finality, “I will tear down this twisted world that they’ve created at its very foundation. I will enforce the ideal that man and beast dream of, but are unable to uphold on their own. Even if I’m to become a villain, even if some must suffer for the moment, even if there will be sacrifices… This world MUST change.” Shaking her head desperately, Amy exclaimed, “No, this isn’t the way she would want it!” Flashing his faint smile, Alastor said, “Perhaps, but only because of the weakness of her heart. Only once you’re stripped of that illogical component do you truly see things clearly. Heroes like you and Mr. Greyson, who can’t understand my unclouded vision, are sadly nothing more than obstacles that must be overcome.” Suddenly kicking open the lid of the container in which he had laid unconscious a moment ago, as Alastor looked over to watch him sit up, Grey met his gaze with a confident grin and said, “Keep talking like that, and I won’t be able to sit still!” A wave of relief washing over her, Amy exclaimed, “Grey!” Jumping out of the container and facing Alastor, Grey raised a hand before him and clenched it into a fist as he declared, “Just wait, I’ll show you that it’s only heroes like us who’ll overcome every obstacle!” Twirling the Scythe of Destruction in his hand a moment before dropping into a battle stance, Alastor said, “A perfectly timed entrance and theatrical lines to match… You’re becoming quite the performer Mr. Greyson. Shall we lower the curtain on your final scene?” Forming his swords and unleashing his aura of True EDE, Grey replied, “I doubt Gibolu would ever forgive me if I put on such a lame act with you! I’ve got a more ambitious script in mind, and it’s not too late to recast you!” Smirking, Grey surprised both Amy and Alastor as he said, “The Scion of Last Remote can still be a hero you know.” Wondering what he could mean, Amy thought to herself, “That’s what Barinus called Alastor in the memories I saw! Does Grey know about Alastor’s past somehow?!” Narrowing his eyes in irritation, Alastor channeled Corrupted EDE into the scythe blade of Acerbitas Desiderium and said, “You disappoint me Mr. Greyson… I told you before…” Swinging his weapon and unleashing the dark energy at Grey as a wave of power, Alastor shouted, “A hero cannot save this world!” Charging a blade with EDE, Grey deflected the wave to the side, and both he and Alastor activated their respective Accelerate and Haste abilities, becoming blurs of speed as they charged at each other. Swords and scythe blade met with a clang as they collided, sparks of power flying as they struggled against each other’s weapons and stared each other down. Yet though their battle had begun and their hostility was clear, Alastor quietly whispered to Grey, “Listen well, Mr. Greyson. They are watching us right now.” Making sure to conceal even the slightest of reactions, Grey quietly responded, “Yeah, The Hand of Fate…” Within the forsaken amusement park resting atop the deck of the Vinculus, unnoticed by all the various parties struggling against each other around them, Barinus Arcus Matuia watched as his Auram Cavea showed him the scene unfolding between Grey and Alastor, displaying a video-like image of them within it’s pulsating energy sphere. He was not alone, two other mautauians there with him, one full grown male and the other a child-like female, both with mautauian tattoos upon their faces. His hair short and blue with gray bangs, his serpent-like eyes violet, white skull earrings on both ears, the male wore a tattered, loose fitting robe tied at the waist with a black cord. Black armwraps coated his arms, and on his feet he wore a pair of brown sandals. The female had short blonde hair and green snake-like eyes. She was dressed in a frilly, cream and gold colored dress, cream colored leggings with gold designs, and cream colored heels with cute bows on them. She also wore a cream colored headband with a gold pin on it upon her head, and a white shoulder cape around her neck fastened with a green gemmed brooch. Clearly restless, the blue haired male spoke up, in a somewhat strange manner of speech due to the fact that his tongue was forked like a snake’s, saying, “Sssso did we just come here to watch after all Barinussss? Hardly sssseems worth the trouble to me, though they are both quite handssssome…” Taking his eyes off Auram Cavea momentarily to glance at him with a smirk, Barinus replied, “Assuming everything goes as we desire, there should be no reason to intervene. Just be glad you’re not in my shoes Rhast.” Raising his hand to show the signet ring that had been taken from Serius, he added, “I’m very busy now as Lord of Mautau you know…” Speaking rather haughtily, the young looking female commented, “Already bragging are we? Why are you even here then? It’s not like we need you.” Turning his gaze to her now, Barinus muttered, “Really Noel, can’t you just stay quiet and let me believe in that cute image of yours?” At this comment, Noel glowered at him, clearly intent on giving him a piece of her mind. Before she could though, Rhast burst into laughter and said, “Don’t tell me kidssss are your thing Barinussss?” Returning his attention to Auram Cavea, Barinus retorted, “Are you really in a position to criticize me even if it were Rhast? Both of you should take this more seriously. Lady Ziva predicted the possibility of an event that will endanger everything the Hand of Fate has worked for. Our generation’s task of controlling both the Scion of Last Remote and The Unforeseen Salvation will be the culmination of over 4000 years worth of efforts. We can’t afford to underestimate Fortuna’s chosen ones… No, not those two…” Sitting on a ledge jutting out from the side of the Vinculus, War and Famine standing on either side of him, as Malum gave up trying to contact Dreck on the communicator, he muttered, “So careless… With everything going my way, I got carried away and tried to fool Alastor through such simple means. Not only that, I failed to kill Alexander as well.” Raising a hand, he began calling back his monstrosities as he started to say, “There’s no reason to defend the Ultio now. I can only hope Alastor at least kills Grey. We’ll return to collect Pestilence and…” Suddenly trailing off, Malum got to his feet and turned his head upwards to look towards the top of the Vinculus as he thought, “What is this familiar aura? It’s faint, but…” Glancing briefly at his companions, Malum suddenly said, “War, Famine, come with me.” Moving through dark vortexes, Malum and his minions proceeded up to the top of the great air fortress where the abandoned amusement park rested, proceeding through the forgotten walkways and ruined buildings. Following his senses as his cohorts followed him, Malum made his way towards the faint trace of aura he had detected, and as they drew near a ruined square, he paused for a moment. Motioning with his hand, Malum said, “War.” Quickly moving in front of Malum, War raised his molten sword and blocked as a blue whip struck out from the shadows, wrapping around his sword and going taunt as its wielder tried to pull it from his grasp. War held firm to his weapon though, and watching fumes rising from the place of contact between the weapons, Malum thought, “Chemicals are evaporating from the surface of the material… A poisonous whip?” Raising his free hand, War summoned up four fiery soldiers around him, and as they flew off into the shadows with their flaming weapons, they cast light upon Rhast standing there holding the handle of his whip. Seeing him, Malum thought, “A mautauian?” Suddenly tearing through the air, four razor sharp gold rings flew out from behind Rhast and intercepted the fiery soldiers, cutting them apart. Arcing through the air and returning from whence they came, the rings disappeared into the shadows, and then the shadows were lit up as Noel formed glowing yellow wings made of crystal and flew up to hover in the air, five of the golden rings orbiting around her. Moving around War, Malum grinned up at her and called out, “A long ways from home, aren’t you?” Smirking maliciously, Noel lined her rings up vertically in front of her, and as energies concentrated within the holes in their centers, she waved a hand down at Malum and said, “Luster Rain!” Bolts of volatile light energy erupted out from the concentrations of power within the five rings, spraying out continuously in cones and raining down at Malum’s general vicinity, who simply stood there and said, “Famine.” Moving into the path of the oncoming bolts, Famine opened his mouth full of razor sharp teeth and began sucking any that came too close into his mouth, a powerful vacuum pulling them in effortlessly. Noel finally let up her attack as she saw it was ineffective, and as the aftermath of all the excess bolts that had landed outside their hitbox smoldered around them, Famine closed his mouth and flashed a toothy grin. Noel merely scowled, and forming Dux Dolos, Malum rested the icy scythe on his shoulder and said, “The Hand of Fate is just as rude as ever…” Staring at an area ahead of him, past both Noel and Rhast, he smiled creepily and added, “Barinus Arcus Matuia, at last we meet in person. You could at least greet me properly.” Dropping Auram Cavea’s stealth field, Barinus revealed himself and said, “If I must.” Quickly Rhast withdrew his whip, and he and Noel moved to position themselves at Barinus’ sides. Famine moved back to Malum’s side as well, and both groups watched each other carefully as Malum said, “What are you here for? Taking the All Heart wasn’t enough for you? I was hoping to take it back at a later date, so I daresay finding you here just asking to be interrogated certainly makes things easy…” Rhast let out a snort of laughter at this, but remained silent as Barinus said, “Are you and Malum Vanitas still thinking that? I’ll have you know it disappeared before I could get my hands on it. I know as much about its whereabouts as you do.” Taking this in, Malum twirled his scythe absentmindedly and said, “Well, I suppose I can believe you for now. After all, I should think I would have known if you’d done anything significant with it since then. Still, your presence here truly makes me wonder if you honestly know nothing at all…” Barinus merely shifted the topic as he said, “Frankly, I wonder what you’re still doing here. Your pitiful plans thwarted, your alliance broken… Is it really the time to be poking around other people’s schemes?” His creepy smile spreading across his face, Malum began laughing quietly. Listening to him stand there chuckling, Noel said in irritation, “Are you about through bothering us? That look on your face is truly disgusting…” Raising his hand and waving a finger scoldingly, Malum said, “You’re really a rude little girl, trying to brush me off like that! I was thinking we might have a pleasant little chat to discuss some mutually beneficial business…” Wary of being used, Barinus was quick to decline, saying, “Sorry, but we have no interest in being your ally on the rebound. The fact that you were not completely suppressed after merging with Alastor and his brother has caused our organization enough trouble on its own, and nothing good ever comes of dealing with the Duke of Lies himself…” Unfazed, Malum simply grinned at him and said, “Truer words have never been spoken, but that’s the wonderful thing about people…” His grin widening wickedly, Malum continued, “Even knowing you’ll pay for it later, there’s always something you want to possess so badly that you’re willing to make a deal with the devil for it…” Thinking the direction this conversation had taken was getting rather strange, Barinus was starting to get curious as to what he was planning on offering them. Crossing her arms as she leered at Malum, Noel haughtily said, “Don’t think to compare us with mortals. Maybe we were your creations once, but WE are the gods of this world now. An outdated relic like you has little to offer beings of our status.” Chuckling a bit again, Malum simply replied, “I see, such a shame…” Seeming as though he’d given up, as he turned to go, Malum suddenly said, “One more thing… Fifteen years ago, you say it disappeared BEFORE you could even obtain it? Meaning it vanished at that particular time and area of the Silver Forest, correct?” Thinking at first he was digging for information, Barinus could not suppress a smirk as he replied, “You’re not going to get anything more out of me than what I told you.” His tendril of Killing Intent shooting out from his tail in an instant, as it stopped right at Barinus’ neck, Malum said, “I’m merely asking you if what you’ve already told me is the truth. I have no qualms about eliminating the competition if I can’t make use of them Barinus, so if you’re not going to make a deal, at least humor me a bit…” Able to feel his Killing Intent in the air, Barinus frowned and reluctantly replied, “It’s true. I was just reaching down to pick his heart up after removing it from his body, but a flash of light blinded me for a few seconds, and it was gone. I don’t see why it matters, but I’ve answered. Now get that thing away from me…” Satisfied, Malum pulled back his tail tendril and began walking away as he said, “Gladly! Though I must say, as such superior beings, I can’t imagine you’re really that clueless about what happened to Alastor’s heart. After all, even I can figure out what became of it with the information you just gave me.” At these words, Barinus hurriedly called him back, saying, “Wait! What in blazes do you mean by that?!” Looking back at him with a triumphant expression, Malum said, “Want to know, do you? Shall we make ourselves a deal?” Rushing through the door and into the landing bay along with Patch and the others, Alexander could see that the battle had begun between Grey and Alastor, and laying eyes on Amy still standing by Scott’s unconscious body, he hurried over to her as he called out, “Glad to see you’re alright Amy.” Everyone following him over to her, as Amy turned to them all, she showed an ashamed look as she faced Alexander and said, “You too…” Able to tell she was feeling more than a little guilty for running off on her own, Alexander smiled at her reassuringly and said, “It’s alright Amy, we understand. You were worried about Grey, and I myself told you to help him and Saria rather than bothering with me.” Turning away from him, seeming to become even more downhearted, Amy simply said, “I was just being selfish…” Still a bit upset with her, Mythra stepped forward and said, “I can’t argue with that, but right now there’s more important things to talk about. How’s Grey doing?” Looking over at the two locked in combat, Mythra formed her Elementum Orbis and added, “Now that we’re all here, I say we team up and take that monster down once and for all!” Quickly shaking her head, Amy pleaded, “No Mythra, wait! We shouldn’t get in their way. They’re fighting seriously, but… I don’t know what exactly is going on, but they’re talking…” Looking at her as though she were crazy, Mythra exclaimed, “Talking?! About what, where they’re gonna put the tombstone?!” Her gaze fixed on Alastor, her feelings of anger and betrayal bubbling to the surface, Giselle said, “Busy or not, I have things to say as well! You all just stay out of my way…” As she moved to enter the fray though, Patch blocked her path with her polearm and said, “Calm yourself. It’s more than obvious that whatever healing you received was insufficient, your body and composure are both in no shape for battle.” Her face twisting in anger, Giselle was about to grab her weapon and force it aside when Saria, kneeling at Scott’s side as he remained there motionless, suddenly said to her, “Giselle, don’t push yourself. My brother won’t lose! He’ll end this nightmare for everyone’s sake!” Glancing at her in irritation, Giselle gave in to her exhaustion and simply muttered, “As if that’s of any consequence to me, you little fool…” Busy watching the battle as the wheels turned in his head, Alexander thought, “Opening discussions with Alastor? Despite knowing our tragic history and the fact that he is indeed a blood relative, I never would have expected Grey to even consider such a strategy. Something must have happened…” Knocking Grey’s blades away with a one handed strike from his scythe and lunging forward with a powerful jab, Alastor said, “It seems we’re out of time.” Grey was knocked away as he was struck in the chest by Alastor’s fist, but he quickly recovered and landed back on his feet, skidding backwards on them briefly. Then both of them turned their gaze to see dark hooded humanoids warp in all around them, appearing from thin air to surround them completely. Wearing black and red light leather armor, they all had red eye patches with a black gear-like symbol on them over their right eyes, which were tied around their heads with steel plated bands that had fang-like decorative pieces of metal along them. Grey also noticed their mautauian eyes and the tattoos upon all their faces, and watching them draw out black bladed daggers, he thought, “Hope the others can deal with this…” Alexander and the others were indeed caught by surprise by the arrival of these new adversaries, and in confusion Alexander wondered aloud, “What’s going on now? Who are these people? Aren’t they mautauians?” Almost certain of her conclusion, Amy stared at the hooded mob surrounding Alastor and Grey in concern as she said, “They must be agents of the Hand of Fate!” Appearing atop the deck of the small airship that still sat there on its landing gear nearby, Noel and Rhast at his side, Barinus called out, “Well, aren’t you perceptive…?” Everyone looking in his direction, Alastor rested his scythe on his shoulder and said, “So it was you. I believe I warned you Barinus, if you bothered me again I would see you dead.” Narrowing his eyes in annoyance, Barinus replied, “How intimidating, I’m shaking in my boots ‘Lord’ Alastor…” Then turning his gaze to Grey, he added, “As much as I’d like to trouble you, I have a more important reason for visiting today.” Grey glared back as Barinus smiled at him and said, “Grey of the Infinite, The Unforeseen Salvation… Your very existence has shaken the world and caused even the greatest of Mautau’s High Soothsayers to doubt their abilities. We, The Hand of Fate, seek to guide those who can change fate itself. You have the potential to become the One True God, and if you would ally yourself with us, both the Throne of the Inanimate Dream and existence itself could be yours…” Dropping into a battle stance, Grey defiantly replied to Barinus, “Sorry, but I already have better friends than you!” Shrugging his shoulders, Barinus merely said, “As I thought.” Then he waved a hand to the side and Auram Cavea appeared, a Sorrow Spike shooting out from it, aimed down at Grey. Quickly Alastor moved in front of Grey and deflected it from its path with the handle of Acerbitas Desiderium, sparks flying as it slid past and stabbed into the floor. All of The Hand of Fate’s agents quickly moved in to attack, but a powerful hurricane of wind erupted around Grey and Alastor, blowing them back and cutting down many as wind blades danced within it. Turning to Grey as the wall of wind faded, Alastor said, “No time for hesitation Mr. Greyson. If we’re going to continue our discussion, you’ll have to come with me.” Forming her five golden rings, Noel sent them after Grey and Alastor as Auram Cavea retracted its spike. Both deflecting the rings with their weapons, Alastor and Grey watched them arc in the air and position themselves all around them, beginning to charge up energy within. Then Barinus held up a hand and said, “Divine Hyperion!” Anchoring itself in the walls and the floor of the landing bay with spikes, Auram Cavea fired a mighty laser down at Grey and Alastor, but raising a sword towards it, Grey chanted, “Rutilus Astrum Contego!” A six pointed star shaped shield of light energy forming from the sword’s tip, it protected them both from the laser, but then the golden rings in the air unleashed their barrage of light energy bolts as Noel called out, “Luster Rain!” Not fazed in the least, Grey simply added to his chant, “Additio Glacies!” A dome of blue energy forming up all around them as a blue rune circle appeared upon the floor, it instantly became a shell of thick ice around Grey and Alastor that stopped the light energy bolts dead in their tracks. The aftermath of the explosions and the walls of ice momentarily obscured all view of the two, and getting a strange feeling, Amy suddenly bolted for the shell of ice, Alexander calling after her in surprise, “Amy?!” Hurrying through the broken ranks of Hand of Fate agents, Amy utilized her Ice Lord’s shard and ran straight into the side of the ice shell, passing through it like a veil of water to reach the inside. Looking around, she saw the open dark vortex there where Grey and Alastor had been, and quickly she leaped through it just before it closed. Blowing apart the ice shell with another shot of his Divine Hyperion, as Barinus saw they had vanished, he clenched his teeth in anger a moment and then addressed Noel and Rhast as he said, “Alastor won’t leave Vas Initio behind, I’m sure that’s where he’s going! Remain here and round up the rest of these fools, I won’t be long…” With that Barinus vanished using some form of teleportation device, Noel staring after him as he disappeared. Then looking over at Rhast, she sighed in irritation and said, “Now he’s left us to clean up for him?! Who does he think I am?! You handle this, I’m done with this ridiculous assignment for now!” As she teleported out as well, Rhast leaped off the deck of the airship, landing next to one of their agents who was slumped against the side of it, having been blown back into it hard. Kicking him over onto his side, Rhast shouted, “Get up!” Looking around at all the other agents as the one he kicked started to struggle up, Rhast formed his whip and raised a hand to point at Alexander and the others as he called out, “Alright wormssss, new orderssss! We’re takin’ ssssome hostagessss…” Quickly Alexander and the others readied themselves for battle, Alexander, Mythra, Giselle, and Patch all readying their weapons and positioning themselves to shield Saria and Scott. Grinning evilly as they stood ready to oppose him and his men, Rhast laughed and said, “Gonna be like that huh? No need to be gentle then, am I right?” His aura flaring briefly, a single black feathered wing suddenly sprouted from his back on the left side, the feathers near its wingtip turning a light blue color. Brandishing his whip menacingly, Rhast rose into the air and called out, “I’ll dominate you all with my Osssscula Viperae!” Swinging his whip out, globs of some form of chemical spewed out from the whip’s tip and rained down at Alexander and the others, who all managed to avoid them only to be blown sailing as the chemicals went volatile and exploded the moment they struck the ground. © 2015 KeithKVHAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() KeithKVHPasadena, CAAboutI've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..Writing