Ch 11: A Second Truth, The Hand of Fate

Ch 11: A Second Truth, The Hand of Fate

A Chapter by KeithKVH

After recovering some of his memory, Alastor decides he must find Alexander. Yet before his search can begin, he has his first encounter with Barinus Arcus Matuia of The Hand of Fate.


            Locking the door of the house, Agnes turned to Alastor and said, “Are you sure you don’t want to wait here? I work a full shift today, so I can’t go with you to town hall until late this afternoon.” Walking to the gate, Alastor replied, “I’ll be fine. I want to look around some more.” As they both stepped out the gate, Alastor asked, “By the way, this ‘Guild’ you mentioned, what faction are they allied with? Are they allied with the Pagan Kings like Domus was?” Looking at him strangely, Agnes replied, “Faction? The Guild isn’t allied with anyone, they’re the ones who rule over the entire world. When energists first appeared ten years ago, the Guild and the Special Forces were created to keep them under control. Also, I’ve never heard of Pagan Kings or Domus.” Starting to get a bad feeling, Alastor had to make sure he’d heard her right, quickly asking, “Are you saying there were no energists until ten years ago?” Clutching her head with a sigh, Agnes said, “Of course, that’s common knowledge. If you don’t even remember that much I’m not sure you should be allowed to wander around…” Trying to put aside his confusion, Alastor said, “I’m sure I’ll be fine, you don’t have to worry so much.” Blushing a bit, Agnes turned to go as she said, “Who said I was worried about you?! Idiot!”

            Staring after her blankly as she stormed off, Alastor wondered to himself what she’d gotten upset over. Heading off to start looking around, for a while Alastor explored the streets, looking at the various people and buildings as he thought to himself about what events had brought him here. One moment he and his brother had been on the verge of obtaining the power they had sought for so long, and the next he had awakened alone to encounter Agnes in the ruins of a city that to his knowledge had been a thriving metropolis. Not only that, he felt different, as though he were not truly himself. There was a strange emptiness within him, and he’d noticed that there were many times where he had felt nothing when he logically should have experienced a certain emotion or expressed his feelings in some way. Yet it was not as if he’d become completely apathetic, as he felt sympathy for Agnes and her situation. It was also rather odd that even a child like her had not heard of Domus, the well known city from which he and his brother had stolen the book which would lead them to their destiny. Taking a seat on a stone bench in the town square, Alastor folded his hands in his lap as he puzzled over what he should do. Then his thoughts were interrupted as someone took a seat beside him. A man with short, spiky red hair, he had orange eyes with slit pupils like a snake, and his face had black tattoos on it. He was wearing black clothes, a black and red coat with silver shoulderguards, and black gloves. As the man looked over at Alastor, he smiled and said, “We meet at last, Lord Alastor…”

            More than a little surprised, Alastor turned to the man and said, “Lord…? Do I know you?” Seeming amused by his reaction, the man said, “No, we’ve never met in person. I know all about you though, everything you’ve done, and everything you’ll do in the days to come.” Thinking this strange man was not to be trusted, Alastor said, “That puts me at quite the disadvantage…” Seeming to sense his distrust, the man chuckled and said, “Be at ease my Lord, I am not an enemy. If anything, I’ve come as a guide to lead you to your true destiny.” Getting up and moving to stand before Alastor, the man bowed before him and said, “My name is Barinus Arcus Matuia, and I am a mautauian, one of the gods worshipped by the Church of Light. As you may realize from my distinguished family name, I am from the royal household, and in fact am the younger brother of the current Lord of Mautau. I’ve come at the behest of Ziva Ulvia Ba'alzebul, High Soothsayer of Mautau and leader of the organization known as The Hand of Fate. My purpose is to guide you in your quest to reform this twisted world.”

            His mind racing, Alastor struggled to make sense of this new development. Ignoring the people staring at Barinus as he bowed before him, Alastor said, “I’m afraid I don’t understand what’s going on. You mean to say the gods have sought out a mere mortal such as myself? What can I accomplish that the gods themselves cannot?” Laughing quietly, Barinus looked up at him and said, “A mere mortal? Forgive me for correcting you my Lord, but you are no mere mortal. You are Alastor Bastille, he who will become the one true god and create the world anew.” Sitting there staring at Barinus, Alastor felt certain he must have heard wrong. His mind buzzing, he thought to himself, “The one true god? Recreate the world? What madness is this? Why me? If anything, it should be Alexander who would achieve such a thing.” The question having slipped his mind until now, as Alastor thought of his brother, he immediately asked, “Where is Alexander? If you know so much about me, you must know what has become of my brother.” Bowing his head, Barinus said, “He still lives my Lord. Celebrated as a hero and a god by the people of Gaia, he has gone into seclusion to avoid bothersome admirers.” A wave of relief flowing over him, Alastor felt as though the emptiness within him was being filled with warmth, and he actually smiled as he asked, “Where is he now? I must see him.” Raising his head again, there was a strange smile on Barinus’ face as he looked at Alastor and said, “You cannot face him yet my Lord. He would only kill you.”

            The warmth he had felt inside himself a moment ago quickly returning to cold emptiness, his smile gone, Alastor stared back at Barinus in shock as he slowly asked, “What did you just say?” Still smiling strangely as he looked up at Alastor, Barinus said, “He would kill you my Lord. The dark being that you have suppressed within you these past thousand years was supposed to have taken you over. Your body is now nothing more than a construct made of Corrupted EDE. Even if you go to see him, he will no longer recognize you as his brother.” Rising to his feet in anger, Alastor said, “Alexander would NEVER say such a thing! Dark being? A thousand years? My body is made of EDE? I can’t believe I’ve been listening to someone who could speak such nonsense!” As Alastor started to walk off, Barinus stood up and followed after him, saying, “Your confusion is understandable my Lord, but I speak only the truth. Surely you’ve noticed this is not the world you remember. You’re currently in a world that was created to seal you away, a world that all humanity was banished to a thousand years ago. You’ve gotten this far with the help of the Embodiment of Emptiness, but he is unable to aid you any further. Please, allow me to aid you in his stead!” Continuing on his way while ignoring Barinus, Alastor felt the emptiness within him being consumed by anger. To even suggest that his brother would have disowned him, it was a thought that had lit a fire within him. He knew no matter what the circumstances, he could trust Alexander to always help him. Deciding to find Agnes and hurry to the town hall so that he could begin his search for Alexander immediately, Alastor picked up the pace. Seeing that he would not listen to anything more, Barinus stopped following him at last, and watching Alastor disappear around a corner, he smiled to himself as he thought, “You will understand soon enough that your time is limited. A lesser being like you cannot run from fate…”

            Searching throughout the town for Agnes’ place of work, Alastor finally had to question the townspeople, and after speaking with several people he learned that she worked as a janitor at an orphanage that happened to be only a few streets away. Rushing over there at once, he arrived at a large, run down two story building that was painted a dull blue color, had a few broken windows, and was surrounded by a yard filled with parched looking grass. As he approached the metal gate around the yard, he noticed several ravens sitting upon the roof of the building. Making sure to close the gate behind him, there were children playing in the yard that turned to stare at Alastor curiously as he entered. Proceeding towards the front door of the building, he stopped as he heard the door creak open. Slowly making her way out the front door, a short old woman with very long gray hair that cast a shadow over her face appeared, dressed in a long, buttoned up black overcoat with sleeves that were too long for her arms. The old woman and Alastor stared at each other for a moment, Alastor feeling a trace of an aura coming from her. Then the old woman suddenly said, “What have you come here for?” Coming back to his senses, Alastor said, “I’m told a friend of mine works here. I’d like to see her.” Unable to see her eyes through the shadows cast by the old woman’s overgrown bangs, Alastor nevertheless felt certain that she was watching him intently. Seeming to consider his request for a moment, the woman finally turned her head and shouted, “Agnes! Get out here, someone’s looking for you!” The old woman moved to the side of the door, and a moment later Agnes appeared in the doorway, wearing a pair of gloves and carrying a mop. Seeing Alastor, she shot him an angry look and turned to the old woman, saying, “Sorry Mrs. Drowe, but can I finish up a bit early?” Letting out a sigh, Mrs. Drowe said, “So you do know him? Alright, go hurry and finish up. I’ll let you off early this time, but don’t make a habit of this.”

            As Agnes hurried back inside, Mrs. Drowe called out to the children in the yard, “Everyone back inside for a bit. Stay in your rooms for a while.” As the kids let out groans, she sternly added, “Move it!” Once the children had all gone inside, Mrs. Drowe walked over to stand before Alastor and said, “How do you know Agnes?” Remembering his promise to Agnes, Alastor thought quickly and replied, “I was lost out in the wastes. I didn’t remember much of anything, so she led me to this town and told me she’d take me to town hall today after work.” Able to see her blue eyes looking up at him now that she was so close, Alastor saw them narrow in suspicion as she asked, “The wastes, huh? What would she be doing out in the wastes?” Seeing no harm in being honest, Alastor said, “She seemed to be upset. I’ve asked her why, but she avoids the subject.” Turning away from him, Mrs. Drowe grumbled, “She’s probably being harassed again by the townsfolk…” Walking through the yard, Mrs. Drowe started picking up toys left behind by the children, and having noticed how she limped as she walked, Alastor decided to help. Seeing him start picking up as well, Mrs. Drowe merely smiled to herself.

            Once they’d gathered all the toys, Mrs. Drowe led Alastor to a basket by the side of the building and they both dumped their load of toys into it. Walking together with Alastor back to the front door of the orphanage, Mrs. Drowe said, “Young man, you’ve shown rare kindness to an old woman, but that doesn’t change the fact that I can sense something dark within you. Forgive me, but I must have you tell me the truth.” Touching her hand against his for a moment, she asked, “Are you lying to that girl?” Feeling compelled to answer immediately, Alastor said, “No. I have not lied to her.” Stopping as he realized he had been forced to tell the truth, Alastor was now certain that Mrs. Drowe was an energist. Flashing a toothy grin as he simply stared at her in surprise, Mrs. Drowe said, “That’s good to hear. Again, forgive my methods. You see, I’m about the only ally that girl has in this town. I’m just a poor old woman though, so all I can really do to help her is give her a place to work and watch over her.” Still staring at her, Alastor remembered his discussion with Barinus and the dark being he had mentioned, and he asked, “You say you sense something dark within me?” Her face serious, Mrs. Drowe nodded and said, “I can look into a person’s heart, and I could tell straight away. Yours is hidden, in fact it’s almost as if your heart is missing, a great emptiness left behind. Something dark is lurking in that emptiness, but whether or not it’s an actual part of you, I’m afraid I cannot say.” As they headed back to wait for Agnes, she added, “I don’t know what it all means, but you’ve shown a capacity for kindness. Don’t lose that. It may just be the key to restoring that heart of yours someday.” Slightly reassured by her words, Alastor still could not shake the feeling that there might be something to Barinus’ story after all. Now more than ever, he needed to see Alexander.

            Once Agnes had finally finished what she’d been working on, she and Alastor bid Mrs. Drowe farewell and started off for town hall. Not in the best mood as they headed down the street, Agnes turned to Alastor and said, “Why did you come looking for me?! We were supposed to meet up after I was done with work! Are you trying to get me fired?!” Considering whether he could actually tell her, after a moment Alastor asked, “Do you trust me Agnes?” Coming to a halt and giving him a strange look, Agnes merely uttered, “Huh?!” Stopping as well, Alastor simply repeated, “Do you trust me?” Crossing her arms and giving him a contemptful look, Agnes said, “In case you forgot, we didn’t even know each other until yesterday. I still don’t know anything about you, and quite frankly you don’t know me at all. If you did, you’d know I don’t trust anyone.” Actually looking slightly disappointed, Alastor headed off on his own as he said, “I see. In that case, you have my thanks for helping me this far. I’ll manage on my own from here.” Moving to go after him, Agnes exclaimed, “Hey, wait! Where the hell’s all this coming from?! You don’t know left from right here, I don’t need this on my conscience!” Glancing back, Alastor said, “I’m only a stranger, correct? Even if something happens to me when we part, it wouldn’t be your responsibility. I won’t cause you any further trouble.”

            Standing there watching his back grow further and further away, Agnes clenched her fists and angrily muttered, “What the hell?!” After he’d disappeared from sight, Agnes stood there a moment longer, and then slowly moving step by step, she turned down a different street to head home. Before she’d even made it halfway down the street, she started talking to herself, saying out loud, “Fine! Who cares right?! It’s not like I had anything to do with him in the first place, so why should I worry about what happens to him?! Going on about trust, what does he know? Nothing!” Slowing to a stop as a thought crossed her mind, Agnes turned around and said, “It’s not like I care! After all the trouble I went through because of him and that empty head of his, I at least deserve to know what he finds out in the end!” Turning the corner back onto the previous road, she paused in her pursuit of Alastor as an unknown man with red hair and tattoos on his face leaning against the wall around the lot of the corner building stepped out in front of her and said, “Are you interested in him, Agnes Eremit? I’d be happy to tell you the truth…”

            Backing away from the unknown man, Agnes said, “Who are you? What truth?” Giving a brief bow, the man said, “Barinus Arcus Matuia, at your service. The truth I speak of is, of course, the truth behind the identity of your acquaintance, Alastor.” Still wary of him, Agnes was nevertheless curious, and she could not help but ask, “What, you know him or something?” Smiling strangely, Barinus replied, “Of course, he is the chosen one after all.” Certain this man was a lunatic, Agnes tried to walk around him as she said, “Ah, silly me. Look, I think I’m just gonna leave now, nice talking to you…” Moving into her path once more, Barinus raised a hand at his side and said, “It’s true! He is Alastor Bastille, the Usurper of the Nameless One and the one who will claim the Throne of the Inanimate Dream! Born in the world of Gaia, an energist who grew up on the streets with his brother after his parents’ tragic deaths, he set out on a quest to change the world! Gaining the power of the Nameless One, he at first was unable to control it, but after a number of events he used his very will to dominate it, only to be sealed away by his own brother and forced to reject his own heart in order to maintain his free will and preserve his soul! Now, one thousand years later, he has awakened, unaware of the great destiny that lies before him!” Backing away nervously, Agnes said, “You’re really crazy, you know that?” Snapping the fingers of his raised hand, as a mass of EDE formed behind him, Barinus said, “Right now he needs a push down the right path Agnes. With the help of the Hand of Fate, he will surely fulfill your desire…” Watching the mass of EDE form into a strange orb of floating energy with two silver rings floating around it impaled upon a silver spike, Agnes said, “My desire?” Suddenly the orb glowed with blinding light, and as Agnes shielded her eyes, she heard Barinus say, “A world where everyone is the same. A perfect world where all is equal. That is your desire isn’t it, Sage of Negations?”

            After leaving Agnes behind, Alastor had gotten some directions and was on his way to town hall once again. Sensing several strange spikes of EDE activity, he was beginning to grow curious as to whether there was another energist in town, but it did not occur to him that he should investigate. That, however, began to change as he started hearing distant sounds of an uproar. Shouting voices and sounds like explosions could be heard in the direction he had just come from, and worried that Agnes might have been caught up in something, Alastor turned about and headed back. On his way though, he stopped as he found the street closed off by a group of soldiers in blue military uniforms. Seeing Alastor coming their way, one of the soldiers said, “Stay back citizen! Entry beyond this point has been deemed dangerous!” Alastor was certain they weren’t regular law enforcement, but deciding to worry about that later, he quickly asked, “What’s dangerous? What’s going on?” A nearby building suddenly exploding in a blast of dark energy, the soldiers did not have the chance to answer as they were blown off their feet. Raising his arms in defense as debris rained down around him, Alastor found himself feeling weak, as though the EDE in the entire area had been sucked out. Struggling to see what was going on through the dust and smoke, Alastor suddenly caught sight of something that made his blood turn cold. Staggering around the corner of the street, surrounded by a massive field of dark energy that seemed to be out of control, a terrified and crying Agnes was leaving a trail of destruction in her wake.

© 2015 KeithKVH

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Added on February 13, 2015
Last Updated on February 13, 2015
Tags: Volume 4, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Romance, Adventure, Original



Pasadena, CA

I've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..
