Ch 56: What Hope the Sunrise Brings

Ch 56: What Hope the Sunrise Brings

A Chapter by KeithKVH

All seems lost as Grey's demise sinks in. The group barely escapes as the Vinculus razes Gatria to the ground. As morning comes, a small glimmer of hope is seen shining from Deus Amictus.


            At Amy’s words, everyone stared in shock. Dropping to her knees, Saria gasped, “No…” Kneeling beside her, Mana quietly said, “Saria… I… I’m so sorry…” Walking to Saria’s side, seeing she was in complete shock, Gibolu said, “I’m afraid words won’t help here Mana. This is a great wound that only time will heal.” Then Giblolu kneeled down as well and said, “Saria, let’s go back to the transport for now.” Saria just nodded, and taking her by the arm gently, Gibolu helped her up. Watching Gibolu help Saria back to the transport with Mana in tow, Ace turned to Dewie and said, “Ain’t often we see the boss like this. It must’ve hit home to see her like that.” With a sad look on his painted face, Dewie said, “Yep, yep, yep. He was a father once, after all…” 

Continuing with his healing, Alexander said, “Dewie, Ace. Get the transport started. We’ll be done here soon…” As the two of them hurried off back to the transport as well, Alexander glanced at Patch and said, “You have our thanks for saving her.” Staring out at the sea as though hoping to see something, Patch said, “I only regret I did not arrive in time to save the other one. I do not think he could have survived Ghost’s Death Shot…” His voice somber, Alexander said, “You did all you could I’m sure.” Raising a hand to program the teleportation device, Patch said, “I shall take my leave now. I suggest you leave quickly as well, for they will surely come for the sword.” Before she could activate the device, Bella said, “Instructor? Where are you going?” Looking at Bella with a smile, Patch said, “You’ve found your place here among your friends, but I still must find my own place. I have faith you will stop Ferid once and for all, even if it is not here and now. We will meet again, so stay strong until then, Bella of Angelorum Lux.” With that she activated the device and disappeared.

            Done healing at last, Alexander stood and said, “Everyone… Take Deus Amictus and get yourselves out of Gatria. I’m remaining here.” Mythra let out a drawn out sigh and summoned her broom. Taking hold of it, she raised it up and swung the end down at Alexander as she said, “Idiot.” Everyone backed away as she smacked Alexander lightly on the head with the broom again and again, chanting, “Idiot, idiot, idiot.” Grabbing hold of the broom with his hand, Alexander said, “Enough…” Glaring back at him, Mythra said, “No, it’s not enough! It won’t be enough until I get it through that thick head of yours as to how stupid you’re being! Grey disappeared in a flash of light, and that could mean any number of things! I refuse to believe he’s gone, and even if he was, you are sure as hell not going to go avenge him by yourself!” Pumping his fist, Fox said, “Damn straight! No way did hotshot go out that easy, and if anybody’s going up there to serve up some payback, I want in on it!” 

Reassured that Fox’s stupidity knew no bounds, Richter rolled his eyes and said, “Fox’s contradicting statement aside, I understand your feelings Alexander. However, I don’t think revenge is going to give you the closure you seek, if you even manage to obtain it…” Happening to glance up at the Vinculus as Mythra shouted at Alexander more, Rufus thought he saw something moving within it’s structure, and he muttered to himself, “What could that be? Looks like something’s coming out the side of it.” Raising his camera’s view to his eye, Rufus zoomed in to see what appeared to be rows and rows of EDE cannons sliding out of the sides of the fortress and taking aim at the city. Lowering his camera, his face pale, Rufus sputtered, “G-guys, I think we’d better go! It-it’s gonna shoot!”

            Everyone hurried onto the transport as the sound of cannon fire filled the air. The Vinculus’ fire rained down on the docks several blocks down, slowly moving closer and closer to the transport. With everyone onboard, Ace punched the accelerator and the transport took off just as EDE shells exploded where it had been. Hanging his head out the window and looking back, Alexander muttered, “Too close. Fortunately they’ll have trouble striking such a small target from that great a distance. Still, to think Ferid would go so far as to fire on his own city just to stop us from escaping…” The transport blazed down the streets with explosions continuously erupting behind it, and as he clung to his seat, Schmitt said, “Damn monsters, they gonna blow this whole city to bits?!” Lying across two seats with an uncharacteristically serious look on his face, Fox said, “Probably. You saw firsthand what happened in my hometown, Lamis. Altera Veritas and their allies don’t have any reason to care what happens to innocent people. Whoever they destroy, they’ll just use em as fodder for anomalies.” 

Staring out the window as shells began raining down all over the nearby areas of the city, Serius said, “I think they’ve lost sight of us, their fire is becoming random.” Coming out of shock as she realized something, Saria said, “W-wait! The hospital is that way! We can’t leave Scott behind!” For a moment, everyone went silent. Then, unable to bear it anymore, Mana said, “This has gone far enough! She deserves to know!” Pulling his head back in and sitting back in his chair, Alexander said, “I don’t think that this is really the time.” Clenching Deus Amictus’ hilt, Amy wiped her eyes and said, “Mana’s right. Saria… Scott was manipulated by Dr. Nova. He tried to kill Grey and he’s still onboard the Vinculus. I’m sorry we didn’t say something, we just didn’t know how to tell you…” Crestfallen, Saria turned her eyes to stare at her shaking hands as she said, “Why did this all have to happen…? Why does everyone and everything I care about have to disappear?! I should never have left the village after all!” Saria covered her face and sobbed mournfully, and no one could find the words to lift her spirits. The mood was somber as the transport made its escape from Gatria.

            The Citadel of Noctivagus. Sunday July 15, 520NA. Walking through the grand hall of the citadel, Alastor, Gisette, and Giselle were talking, unaware they were being followed. Under the cover of the stealth field generators of Douglas’ Furtim Bovis, he and Claus warily slipped between the pillars spread along the sides of the hall, listening in on their discussion. Alastor was currently answering Giselle, saying, “I assure you I’m in more than good enough health for this Giselle.” With a wicked grin, Gisette said, “Are you certain dear Alastor? Giselle told me it was quite a serious injury you received. You stayed shut away in your personal chambers for so long that I was starting to wonder if you would recover at all.” Quickly Giselle looked at her and said, “Sister! Must you be so blunt?!” Looking unfazed by her comment, Alastor said, “Once again, you underestimate me Gisette. While Mr. Greyson’s attack temporarily weakened by ability to regenerate, after enough time, I was able to reform my arms again. I’m more interested in the properties of the energy he used. He’s opened a dangerous door in using darkness while the Nameless One lurks unrestrained within him, but the readings Dr. Nova forwarded to the Vinculus’ database before his demise perplex me. Just what is this True EDE?” 

With a thoughtful look, Giselle said, “I would doubt anyone knows for sure if you yourself were unaware of its existence. At least that wretched child is finally dead.” Quickly Alastor said, “I’m not so easily convinced. Not only has some strange disturbance begun spreading throughout the Nameless One’s essence ever since Mr. Greyson’s so called demise, but I have yet to sense that the fragment of the Nameless One within him has been freed. Even if I had…” Reaching the door to the control room, Alastor said, “I think this discussion is better left for another time. We may not be ready to begin the Merge, but the citadel’s revival is almost complete at last. All that remains is the final stages of the reactivation process, which I must oversee personally for the next few days.”

            As Giselle punched in the code to open the door, hiding over by a pillar with Douglas, Claus whispered, “Angelorum Lux has yet to return, and they’re already about to revive this monstrosity! We may have no choice but to inform The Guild…” With a sneer, Douglas whispered, “They wouldn’t make it through the veil of darkness around this place. It’s made of the Nameless One’s Corrupted EDE, only those under Alastor’s protection won’t get hopelessly lost in it. Even if we told em bout the secret underground entrance we used, The Guild ain’t gonna be able to launch a successful attack on Alastor with just their ground forces.” Gisette suddenly glanced in their direction, and they quickly went silent. The door slid open, and noticing her looking over at the pillar, Alastor said, “Is something over there Gisette?” Turning to him with a smile, Gisette said, “No, I was just interested in this True EDE you mentioned, and my mind wandered. I know this is an important step in achieving our goal Alastor, but I don’t suppose I could skip out to look at that information the Doctor left us? You know how I get when something interests me…” 

Clutching her head in frustration, Giselle said, “Now of all times sister?!” With an empty look, Alastor withdrew a data disk from his pocket and said, “Her attendance is not mandatory. In fact, I am the only one who needs to be present if you wish to join her Giselle. Learning what you can about one of your enemies’ abilities could prove beneficial.” Bowing her head, Giselle said, “Sir, please allow me to remain by your side! I still hold concern for your health.” Taking the data disk as Alastor offered it, Gisette said, “Yes, I think it’s best Giselle accompanies you to ensure nothing goes wrong.” Walking through the door to the control room, Alastor said, “Very well, but I assure you I’d be fine on my own. Hand the disk over to Scathe for analysis when you’re finished with it Gisette.” 

Giselle hurried after him, and as the door closed, Gisette turned and glanced over at Douglas and Claus once more. Flashing her wicked grin, Gisette said, “You’re rather bold Douglas, returning here thinking no one would see through that flimsy camouflage of yours! If Alastor had noticed, I would have had no choice but to kill you…” Claus moved to draw one of his sickle blades, but Douglas stopped him. A bead of sweat rolling down his face, Douglas said, “Not to sound ungrateful, but bein part of Alastor’s little inner circle, I woulda expected ya to finish us off either way. Just what’s your angle here?” With a chuckle, Gisette said, “Let’s just say I’ve taken an interest in a certain band of fools…”

            Once they were a safe distance from Gatria, Ace pulled the transport to the side of the road. Everyone was exhausted from the ordeal, and got some well deserved sleep in the comfortable chairs of the passenger car. As the morning came, the others still asleep, Alexander and Serius quietly slipped out of the transport and went outside. Staring out at the smoldering city of ruins that was once a seaside paradise, Serius said, “Things have taken a turn for the worse. At least we can search for survivors, now that the Vinculus has taken its leave.” Adjusting his shades, Alexander muttered, “What do I do Serius? One by one, those I care about are lost to the nightmare I myself released. My brother, my beloved wife, and now my only son. I don’t know if I have it in me to go on anymore…” 

Glancing at him, Serius replied, “All you can do is to go on. Those who leave us, we will see them again someday. Until that day, we can only live our own lives until we meet our end as well.” With a quiet laugh, Alexander said, “I’ve waited for the end for quite some time. I’m beginning to wonder if it will ever come.” Shaking his head, Serius said, “There will always be an ending. Even for you, Gabriel the Immortal…” Suddenly the door of the transport burst open, and jumping out with Deus Amictus in hand, Amy shouted, “Alexander! He’s alive! Grey’s alive!” Turning to her, Serius said, “Amy… I wish it were so, but you must have just been dreaming.” Seeing the glow around Deus Amictus, a spark of hope ignited in Alexander’s heart, and he said, “Perhaps… or perhaps not…”

            Awakening Mythra, Bella, and Gibolu, as they all gathered outside the transport, Alexander said, “Sorry to disturb you all, but there’s a chance Grey may still be alive, and I need your specific talents in order to determine if it is so.” With a wide smile, Gibolu said, “Wonderful! Even I had begun to give up hope on that young man! He reminds me so much of Ace you know, so rough and tumble, but kind hearted and dependable at the same time. Well, Ace is somewhat dependable at times, but you get my point…” Back in the transport, Ace muttered in his sleep, “I heard that boss…” Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Mythra said, “I’m all for it, but what’s all this about needing our talents? What crazy plan have you got up your sleeve this time?” Turning to Amy, Alexander said, “Amy, we’ll be needing Deus Amictus for this. Place it on the ground before me.” Amy placed the sword on the ground and said, “Here?” Nodding, Alexander formed his own sword and said, “Yes, that’s fine. Now, give me just a moment.” 

Using the tip of his own sword, Alexander began to draw a circle in the dirt around the sacred blade as he said, “You see, even though it has been unbound from Grey through magic, this sword was brought back into this world and given form through the burning desire of Grey’s heart and soul. It will always have some degree of connection with him. What we want to do here is use that connection.” Interested, Bella commented, “So Mythra and Gibolu can use this to find Grey?” Grinning, Alexander said, “Don’t forget you’re here Bella. You are a key participant in this little plan of mine. I heard a little about what happened back in the inn’s parking lot, and while I do not know how you could as a sprite of Ala Morte, I believe you not only have a soul, but the talent to use spirit energy as well.” 

Staring at Alexander in confusion as the circle he was drawing grew ever more complex, Bella suddenly donned a look of realization and said, “The infamous sense of comedy I’ve heard about? Alexander Comedy?” Done creating the rune circle, Alexander rested his blade against his shoulder and said, “I do kid around from time to time, but as for right now I’m dead serious.” Staring at him disbelievingly a moment longer, Bella realized everyone was looking at her, and fearing being unable to meet their expectations she quickly shyed away from their gaze and sank into denial, saying, “No… Not true… Nothing but Alexander Comedy …” With an encouraging tone, Amy said, “Don’t worry, I know you can do it Bella! Please, it’s our only chance!” With a nod, Gibolu said, “You shall never know unless you try!” Even Serius chimed in, “Please Bella, lend us your aid.” Looking back and forth between them all in nervousness, Bella quickly gave in.

            As Alexander stabbed his sword into the ground beside the circle, he chanted, “Concordiam Animas.” The rune circle started to glow, and Alexander said, “There, this will help Bella strengthen the connection. Mythra will cast a similar spell and Gibolu will lend her his power as well. The connection probably won’t last for long since Deus Amictus was unbound from him. During that brief period, Amy will take hold of the sword and hopefully Grey will recognize her essence and give us some sign that he’s alive.” Flipping through the pages of the Grimoire of the Spellweaver, Mythra’s violet eye glowed and she raised her hand before her. As a white rune circle formed before her hand, the glow of the circle on the ground intensified, and as Gibolu raised his own hand as well, it shined even brighter. Nodding approvingly, Alexander said, “Good, good. Let’s begin Bella.” Forming her spear, Bella held it before her and said, “Like this?” As Bella gathered EDE, Alexander coached her, saying, “Yes, that’s it Bella. Seek out the flow of Grey’s essence, harmonize your own essence with it, and establish a stronger connection between his soul and the sword.” As Deus Amictus began to glow like before, Alexander said, “Amy, now!” Quickly Amy knelt and placed her hand on the sword, saying, “Grey, where are you?!”

            Awakening in the circular white room with tall glass windows and a black throne in the center, Grey felt as though he had just heard Amy’s voice. Lying sprawled out before the throne on the floor, Grey slowly sat up, feeling weak and disoriented. Clutching his head with his hand, he muttered to himself, “What’s going on? Where am I?” Then his eyes going wide in realization, he brought his hand before him to look at it more closely, having caught a glimpse of something unnerving. Surely enough, it was not his imagination, his hand looking somewhat transparent and becoming even more so little by little as small particles of silver light seemed to be dissolving from it into the air. Taking a fearful look at the rest of himself, he quickly noticed it was not just his hand, but his entire body. Remembering everything that had happened at last, for a moment he sat there staring at his hand in silent disbelief, and then he clenched his fist and closed his eyes with a sad smile as he said, “Ahh… That’s right, I went and died…” His eyes quickly opened in surprise as someone’s voice called out from the throne, “I can’t allow that…”

Looking up at the black throne, Grey laid eyes upon a figure wearing a long white coat and a white hood sitting upon it, seemingly staring down at him. Skull shaped designs etched into the tops of his long white boots and the white shoulderpads affixed to his coat, a skull shaped brooch with red ruby eyes fastened to the white scarf wrapped around his neck, the figure’s face was all but obscured by the shadows cast by his hood, only his smug smile visible. Staring back at the figure curiously, Grey was about to ask him a question, but strangely enough it was almost as though everything he wanted to ask suddenly slipped his mind before he could find his voice. An air of amusement about him, the figure chuckled and said, “So many questions… It’s only natural though, kept in the dark as you were. Not you, Fox, nor even Eazel the Plane Stalker, her most trusted ally, have been allowed to know the full roles you have been playing all this time. A wise decision on her part, given what’s at stake.” 

Raising a white gloved hand, the figure seemed to be beckoning Grey to him. Feeling somehow unable to refuse his call, Grey rose to his feet and slowly approached the figure, who continued, “Your problems would normally matter little to me, but at the same time you are a rather unique individual, and considering how that man wanted to protect you that day… I suppose I can test you. Besides, however unwittingly, you’ve rendered me a great service. It’s only natural that such a debt be properly repaid…” As Grey came to stand before him, the figure lowered his beckoning hand and slowly rose from the black throne. Grey felt compelled to kneel before him, and he was now very aware that it was not merely his questions that he found himself unable to speak, but any words at all. 

Seeming to wave his worries away despite the fact Grey had said nothing to him yet, the figure said, “Just relax. I can’t answer all your questions right now. There’s a certain timing to these things, and having just revived, I must reserve what strength I have for the enstatement of our contract. Once it is complete, you will be faced with a set of trials. Overcome them, and I will seek you out again. When I’m ready, of course…” The figure reached out and placed his hand upon Grey’s forehead, and as he felt himself slowly slipping from consciousness, Grey barely heard the figure say, “Regain your full power, and prove to me once and for all that my eternal opposite was right to think you were worthy of taking up his mantle as the Lord of the Seventh Spirits. Only then will we rally to your side…”

To be continued in "A Dream Reborn"...

© 2014 KeithKVH

Author's Note

The end of volume 2. The third volume, Legend of Mautau: A Dream Reborn, is a recently finished project and still in need of editing. Hopefully you can look forward to it soon.

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Well done. I can't wait to read volume 3! I truely just can't stop reading your work. Amy was amazing. I knew she had somethign powerful deep within her, and now you have finally shown us what she is capable and at this point she's barley trianed in what she can do. Such potential! I can't wait to see what happens with Scott as well as everyone else.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thank you! I had the next part more or less ready, but there are a number of things I want to change.. read more

10 Years Ago

Take your time. You should never rush perfection after all.

10 Years Ago

Yeah, I know. I'm currently looking it over, I might have some trouble. If I want an epic fight at t.. read more


Well done. I can't wait to read volume 3! I truely just can't stop reading your work. Amy was amazing. I knew she had somethign powerful deep within her, and now you have finally shown us what she is capable and at this point she's barley trianed in what she can do. Such potential! I can't wait to see what happens with Scott as well as everyone else.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thank you! I had the next part more or less ready, but there are a number of things I want to change.. read more

10 Years Ago

Take your time. You should never rush perfection after all.

10 Years Ago

Yeah, I know. I'm currently looking it over, I might have some trouble. If I want an epic fight at t.. read more

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1 Review
Added on October 28, 2014
Last Updated on October 28, 2014
Tags: Volume 2, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Romance, Adventure, Original

Legend of Mautau: Reflections of an Ideal World



Pasadena, CA

I've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..
