Ch 55: Our Short Lived Victory

Ch 55: Our Short Lived Victory

A Chapter by KeithKVH

Dr. Nova has fallen. Trapped upon the Vinculus, Grey and Amy decide to go and find Scott before destroying the air fortress. Just as it seems over, the unthinkable happens...


            Walking over to the edge of the risen isle resting on top of the Vinculus, Grey looked down at the remains of Marsalia Isle below, which was beginning to sink into the sea. Stepping up beside him and looking down as well, Amy said, “I hope everyone’s in one piece down there…” Grinning reassuringly, Grey said, “Alexander and the others won’t let a sinking island stop them!” Turning and starting to walk away from the edge and towards the center of the risen isle, Grey said, “Anyways, we’ve still got a few more things to do! From what Dr. Nova said, we’d better destroy this Vinculus thing.” Turning to follow, Amy said, “Destroy it? We’re kinda riding on it at the moment Grey! Isn’t it a bit reckless to just blow it out of the sky?!” Laughing, Grey rested the blade of Deus Amictus on his shoulder and said, “We’ll be fine! We’ll be looking around for Scott first anyways, I’m sure we’ll figure something out on the way.” 

Pausing in her stride, Amy said, “That’s right, you were fighting with Scott… Grey, what happened to him?” Stopping as well, Grey did not look back as he said, “He… The nano-machines in his body removed whatever was holding him back from expressing how much he hated me…” With a look of shock, Amy said, “Grey, no! Dr. Nova must have been lying! You’ve always been the best of friends! I-” Tightening his grip on Deus Amictus, Grey shouted, “He tried to kill me Amy! I didn’t sense the Nameless One’s presence within him at all! I don’t want to believe it, and it won’t stop me from going in there and trying to bring him back, but…” Clutching his head, a feeling of guilt wracking him, Grey said, “What else am I supposed to believe?!” For a moment they stood there silent. Suddenly, Grey forcefully shoved Amy aside, shouting, “Get down!” Amy heard a distant bang as Grey pushed her aside, and as she struggled to get up, Amy looked over at Grey as she started to say, “What was…” Her voice trailed off and her eyes went wide as she saw Grey. Having lost hold of Deus Amictus, Grey stood there clutching his chest, blood running down his hand and seeping through his clothes.

            Getting to her feet and rushing to his side, Amy screamed, “No!” As she approached, Grey managed to say, “No Amy… get away…” Not listening, Amy gathered EDE and said, “I’ll make a layer of psychic energy over it to stop the bleeding! It’ll only work if I stay in contact with you, so-” Suddenly a voice called out, “He’s been struck by Ghost’s Death Shot. His fate will remain the same no matter what you do, lowly human…” Making their way towards Grey and Amy from the direction they had been heading, as Count Ferid, Rend, and a contingent of Ala Morte assassins walked down the walkway through what remained of the ill-fated amusement park, Ferid raised his cell phone to his ear and said, “Exquisite shooting as always, my dear Ghost.” Then Ferid motioned with his hand, and Rend and the other assassins surrounded Amy and Grey. 

Looking past them to stare at Ferid with rage, ignoring the situation, Amy gathered EDE and said, “You did this! I’ll-” Unconcerned, Ferid said, “You’ll what? Even your inferior human mind should realize I have the upper hand. Make one wrong move, and my sprites will put your beloved out of his misery!” Glancing over at Grey, who seemed to be struggling to breathe, Amy’s shoulders sank and she said, “Please, I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t hurt him…” Running a hand through his hair, Ferid said, “That’s better. If there’s one thing I value in a woman, it is obedience.” Then Ferid glanced at Rend and said, “Bring her here!” Stepping forth and taking hold of Amy’s arm, as Rend led Amy to Count Ferid, Grey struggled to call her back. Looking at Amy with a sinister look in his eye, Ferid said, “Though as much as I value obedience, I’m afraid you’ve made a grave mistake in thinking you can bargain with me!”

            Amy’s eyes went wide and she said, “What?!” Rend wrapped her arm around Amy’s neck and pulled her off to the side, saying, “Be quiet!” As Amy continued to beg him to spare Grey’s life, Count Ferid walked forward to stand before Grey. Still standing, Grey only managed to mutter, “You…” Simply chortling, Count Ferid said, “I must admit it’s a surprise you defeated that loudmouthed buffoon. I didn’t care much for him to begin with though. You see, I don’t care much for humans or half breeds, even if they are my allies. But this was an opportunity I could not pass up. After all, for every new order, there must be new rulers. Who better than one with my charm and experience, hmm?” 

Despite the pain he was in, Grey managed to speak quite clearly as he said, “Alastor only cares about everything being equal. You won’t rule anything…” Flashing a sinister grin, Ferid replied, “I am quite aware of Alastor’s intentions. Whether or not his twisted vision ever comes to pass, there is one absolute truth I’ve come to believe in. Can you guess what it is, hmm?” As Grey simply glared at him, Ferid went on to say, “The ultimate truth is that there will always be one with the strength and cunning to rule above all the other weak fools. Survival of the fittest you might say. One example is the way Alastor became the usurper of the Nameless One. Both he and Gabriel were granted such glorious power, but in the end Alastor was the one strong enough to command it. Your father was merely another weakling with delusions of grandeur.”

            At these words, Grey stared wide eyed in disbelief, and after a moment he choked, “My… father…?” Blinking in surprise, as Ferid realized it, he suddenly chuckled and said, “You don’t know? Hoho, how delicious! Well allow me to tell you then!” Amy’s heart stopped as she thought to herself, “No… Not like this!” A grin on his face, Count Ferid said, “Not only are you He of the Infinite, chosen by Origin as the Herald of its Will, but you are also Varias Bastille, the son of Alexander Bastille himself.” Grey finally dropped to his knees, simply staring at the ground in disbelief. With a satisfied look, Ferid said, “Well, now that you know, I think it’s high time you left my fortress. Let’s give him a helping hand everyone!” Two Ala Morte assassins each took one of Grey’s arms and pulled him up, hauling him back to the edge of the risen isle as Ferid followed. Struggling against Rend, Amy shouted, “NO, DON’T!” 

As they reached the edge, Ferid clapped a hand on Grey’s shoulder and concentrated. Magic power swirled around them, and lying on the ground over near Rend and Amy, Deus Amictus glowed for a moment. Then Ferid removed his hand and said, “Allow me to express my deepest gratitude for bringing Deus Amictus to us. Unbinding it from just a soul would require time and a proper facility, but with it already summoned and you yourself on the brink of death, separating it from you here with ease has been made possible.” The assassins released their grip, and Ferid pushed Grey over the edge as he said, “Off you go…” As Grey toppled over the edge and disappeared, Amy struggled desperately against Rend as she screamed, “NOOOOOOOOO!” As Rend kept hold of her, she smirked and said, “Sorry girl, it’s all over. Ghost’s Death Shot kills its target over time, so no matter what you do, he’s already dead. Our Master is simply showing him a bit of mercy…”

            Falling through the clouds towards the sea below, the pain in his chest nothing compared to the pain in his heart, Grey thought to himself, “Why? Why did he lie? It’s just like Alastor said… Alexander was lying from the start… about everything…” Clenching his fists, he thought, “I don’t understand it though! All this time, he’s watched over me, kept it secret. He’s the one who brought me to Mom and Dad, he looked after me as a so called family friend, and then a short while ago, he told me he’d saved me after my real parents were killed. He’s been lying through his teeth just to stay close to me! Is it because I’m He of the Infinite? Is that the only reason he didn’t completely abandon me like he did to Saria?! D****t, I don’t understand anything anymore!” Staring up at the Vinculus, Grey thought, “Amy, I’m so sorry. I couldn’t protect you after all. You knew all along didn’t you? I saw the look on your face when Ferid said that. It must have been the big secret you were keeping for him. Mythra and Serius must have known too. Hell, maybe I’m the only one who didn’t know…” 

As he continued to fall, the red gemmed pendant Grey wore around his neck dangled in the air, and glancing at it he thought, “A long time ago, Alexander told me that I was wearing this when he brought me to Mom and Dad. No doubt that’s not the whole story. It must have belonged to him, or maybe to my real mother…” Suddenly the pendant began to glow, and blinking in surprise, Grey thought, “What is that about?” Reaching out a hand and taking hold of it, as the pendant began to glow brighter, flames burst from the glowing red gem. The flames did not burn, and as they engulfed him, Grey felt at peace. Closing his eyes, he said, “I dunno why, but… I suddenly feel like everything’s gonna be ok…” Grey disappeared into the fire as it took on the shape of an enormous bird and let out a shrill cry before disappearing as well.

            With Grey dealt with, Count Ferid turned away from the edge of the isle and started walking back towards Rend and Amy. Amy ceased to struggle, going limp in Rend’s grasp. With a triumphant air about him, Ferid said, “Now what to do with you? Let’s see…” Quietly, Amy growled, “You…” Suddenly slamming her elbow into Rend’s gut, Amy broke free and quickly rushed over to pick up Deus Amictus. Taking hold of the sword, Amy readied herself for battle as she shouted, “B*****D!” Sensing the EDE charged bullet coming, Amy whirled around and deflected it as from some far off location Ghost fired at her. As the Ala Morte assassins moved in front of him in a defensive formation, Ferid said, “Now now, nothing you do will bring him back. Why don’t you just drop the sword, hmm? If you do, I might just let you live…” 

Despite the hopelessness of the situation, Amy did not lay down her weapon. The air became tense as neither side made a move. Then, appearing in the skies from nowhere, Patch swung her burning polearm and unleashed an explosive wave of fire that decimated the contingent of Ala Morte assassins defending Ferid. Backing away as Patch landed beside Amy, Ferid muttered, “C-curse you Fury!” Turning and deflecting bullets as Ghost opened fire on them, Patch said to Amy, “Take hold of me quickly, we shall escape using the teleportation device I stole from Dr. Nova’s laboratory!”

            With his defenders eliminated, Amy lunged at Ferid, swinging Deus Amictus with a cry of rage. Leaping over Amy and Patch, Rend defended Ferid with her clawed hands, deflecting Amy’s strike and kicking her away. Catching Amy as she fell back, Patch activated the teleportation device and both of them disappeared. Count Ferid released a deep sigh of relief and said, “Good work Rend. They may have gotten away, but at least we have the-” Suddenly realizing Deus Amictus had been in Amy’s hand when she’d disappeared, Ferid shouted, “IMBECILES! YOU LET THEM ESCAPE WITH THE SWORD!” Rushing to the edge of the risen isle, as he looked down on the sinking island below and then turned his gaze to the city, the Count muttered to himself, “They can’t have gotten far! That teleportation device would get them back to the city at best!” 

Turning away from the edge, as Rend was kneeling beside one of the fallen assassins, Ferid shouted at her, “We must get below deck immediately and ready the crew! I’ll raze this entire city to the ground before I let that treacherous little Sage escape with my prize!” Looking up in surprise, Rend said, “But sir, Magus and several of our other operatives are still not onboard the Vinculus!” Walking over the bodies of the assassins who had defended him, Ferid said, “Fool! I cannot be bothered to worry about that right now! If I don’t get that sword back, my head will roll when Alastor finds out!” As he stormed past her, heading back to the hidden entrance into the Vinculus, Rend reluctantly left the side of the fallen assassins and quickly followed after him.

            Standing on the docks of Gatria city, staring up at the Vinculus as it hung there in the night sky, Alexander and the others waited in fearful suspense as they wondered what had happened to Grey and Amy. Turning to Mythra, Alexander said, “Have you sensed anything new Mythra?” Nervously, Mythra said, “It’s kinda hard to tell, that thing’s EDE reactor is causing a bit of interference with my EDE senses. I can’t sense Dr. Nova anymore, that’s for sure. Also, I sense several lesser auras up there along with Amy, but Grey is…” As Mythra went silent, from where he was leaning against a streetlight for support, Fox said, “He’s what? Spit it out already! Ain’t no way he could’ve lost right?!” Looking away from his camera view, Ian pawing at a moth fluttering in the air above his hat, Rufus said, “Yea what’s the story? I can’t really see much even with my camera zoomed all the way in, though there was a strange fiery light in the sky just a second ago…” Nodding, Serius said, “I saw it as well.” Grunting in frustration, Ace said, “Who cares about that, someone just hurry up and tell us if they’re ok or not!” 

Heaving a sigh, Mythra said, “That light might have something to do with Grey’s disappearance. I don’t know what it was, but Grey’s aura completely vanished at the same time it did.” Sitting with her legs dangling over the edge of the dock, her head in her hands, Saria murmured, “Grey…” Sitting next to Saria, Mana put her arm around her shoulder and tried to console her. Standing with arms crossed as she stared up at the air fortress intently, Bella said, “Amy’s fighting alone?” Hanging her head, Mythra said, “Most likely…” Lowering her gaze and clenching her eyes shut, Bella thought, “This was supposed to be my fight…” 

Turning to look at Alexander as he suddenly formed his sword again, Mythra frowned at him and said, “Idiot! Didn’t you see all those automated defense cannons? That thing is almost as powerful as the Cerberus Class flagships we commanded in the war a thousand years ago! You won’t make it through!” Clenching his sword tightly, Alexander shouted, “I know that!” Turning his gaze to the ground, Alexander said, “I know that… but still…” Staring at Alexander, who looked as though he might break down, Richter thought, “Perhaps I judged him too quickly after all. Despite all the lies, all the deception, if he cares for Grey enough to worry this much, perhaps not all hope is lost.” Removing his top hat, Gibolu held it to his chest as he said, “We can only pray for their safe return my friends. Whether you believe in miracles or not, I’m sure that if you pray with all your heart, the feelings within those prayers will reach them and bring them back to us.”

            Stepping away from the streetlight, Fox said, “Heh, faith is it? That’s what we’re counting on? Alright then!” Pumping a fist in the air, Fox stared up at the Vinculus and said, “If there’s anything to have faith in, it’s ourselves right?! So here’s my prayer hotshot, listen up! We all have faith in you, so don’t screw up! I don’t care what happens up there, you’re gonna make whatever you can of it, kick their a*s, and bring everyone home! YA GOT IT?!” Raising his hand in the air, Rufus cheered, “Yea!” Unsure whether he found this outburst encouraging or irritating, Richter said, “People usually recite their prayers in their head, silently…” Laughing his hearty laugh, Schmitt said, “Aww, give him a break! That was one hell of a prayer! Anybody with that much faith in his friends is ok in my book!” Feeling a bit of respect for Fox herself, Bella said, “Not bad for a henchman.” Flashing a grin, Fox said, “Ah, warmin up to me at last huh?” Quickly turning away from him, Bella said, “Drop dead.” Laughing, Fox said, “Oh so cold, so cold!” 

As the others chattered among themselves, Fox looked up at the Vinculus again and thought to himself, “I’ve done everything you told me to. You’d better be right about all of this, Ms. Seeker…” Suddenly, Mythra said, “Ah, guys shush! Lemme concentrate! Amy’s aura moved! It’s…” Blinking in surprise, Mythra turned around to see Amy and Patch standing in the street behind them. Mythra stared a moment, and then she stammered, “A-Amy?!” As she turned around as well, Bella added, “Instructor Patch?!” As everyone started to rush over to them, Amy sank to her knees and started crying. Bursting past the others, Alexander said, “Everyone give her space! I must attend to her injuries!” Kneeling down by Amy, as Alexander started to heal, he said to her, “You’ll be alright now, I’ll heal your wounds. What happened to…?” His voice trailed off as he realized what she was holding. Pulling his shades down to look at Deus Amictus with a disbelieving look in his eyes, Alexander said, “No, it can’t be…” Amy could only sob, “I failed! I couldn’t save him!”

© 2014 KeithKVH

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Added on October 28, 2014
Last Updated on October 28, 2014
Tags: Volume 2, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Romance, Adventure, Original

Legend of Mautau: Reflections of an Ideal World



Pasadena, CA

I've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..
