![]() Ch 44: The Depths of Casa De Ala MorteA Chapter by KeithKVH![]() Caught off guard, Grey and the others fall through a trap door and are sealed deep within the ruins of an ancient prison beneath the city. Can they escape these maze-like halls alive?![]() Struggling to pick himself up off the ground, Grey groaned and muttered, “Who the hell has a trap door right inside the entrance to his house?! Mythra and her ‘home security’ sure got nothing on this guy! Crap, I think I smashed my new phone…” Standing at last, Grey called out, “Everyone ok?” Only silence hung in the air as he blindly looked around in the dark. Then someone said, “I’m the only one here. You’re the one from before… Grey, right?” Recognizing the voice, Grey exclaimed, “Dr. Nova?!” Gathering EDE, Grey created a small ball of energy that emitted light, illuminating the dark, stone walled passage. A short ways away from him Dr. Nova sat slumped against the wall, and rushing over to him, Grey exclaimed, “Are you alright?! How the heck did you get here?!” Rubbing his head, Dr. Nova replied, “I… don’t know… It seems to have happened again.” Raising an eyebrow, Grey said, “What’s happened again?” Looking up at him, the Doctor replied, “I certainly haven’t ever found myself lost in a place like this before, but lately there have been a lot of holes in my memory, periods of time where I can’t remember what I was doing. All since I transferred to the Anetian Medical Center…” Offering his hand, Grey said, “Well, let’s get you out of here before we worry about that. Can you stand?” Dr. Nova took his hand and said, “I believe so.” Grey helped the Doctor to his feet, and then looking back and forth, he said, “Only one problem with my plan though. Which way do we go?” Thinking, Dr. Nova said, “I’ve just been wandering around down here. I got so tired I had to sit and rest. It’s like some kind of maze…” Looking down the hall suddenly, the Doctor said, “Hmm? I think I heard some voices from that way just now.” Looking in the direction he was looking, Grey said, “Really? Weird, I didn’t hear anything.” Walking off towards where he heard the voices, Dr. Nova said, “I’m sure I heard someone. Let’s go look.” Following him, Grey said, “I hope it’s the others. I came here with some of my friends, but it’s like they disappeared…” Wandering through the passageways, Grey felt as though they were getting more and more lost, yet the Doctor kept insisting he heard voices from time to time. Wondering aloud, Grey said, “What is this place anyways? It seems kinda unnecessary to have something like this in your basement.” Glancing back at him, Dr. Nova said, “I’ve heard this area was originally the site of a prison city used by humans to keep all manner of criminals locked up. It’s above ground facilities were all demolished and paved over, and Gatria was constructed over it. If you got here from a trap door in Count Ferid’s home like you said, I can only imagine we’re in the remaining underground sectors of the prison city.” Turning another corner, at the end of the hall before them, Grey could see light. Suddenly, the Doctor said, “You can’t tell me you don’t hear that?” Listening hard, Grey said, “I still don’t hear anything Doc. Even so, it looks like you might have found the way out of here.” Clutching his head with a confused look, Dr. Nova said, “Why? Why though?! Why can’t you hear them?! They’re getting louder and louder!” Looking at him with concern, in an apologetic tone Grey said, “I’m sorry, I really don’t hear it. C’mon, just try and calm down, we’re almost out of here.” Taking a deep breath, Dr. Nova said, “Right. Let’s go…” Walking down the hall towards the light, Grey noticed the Doctor’s breathing becoming erratic, and after they were about halfway there he started clutching his head and muttering to himself. Trying to get his mind away from whatever was disturbing him, Grey said, “So Doctor, I’ve been wondering where you got that scar over your eye. You have a lab accident or something?” Feeling at the scar with his hand, Dr. Nova said, “I… well I…” His eyes going wide in fear, Dr. Nova said, “I don’t know… Why?! Why don’t I know?!” The Doctor staggered onward as Grey stared at him, thinking to himself, “I think he’s really lost it…” At last they reached the light. It was coming from an open automated door, and as they stepped through it they found themselves in a huge circular room filled with all sorts of scientific equipment. Papers and books covered with formulas and blueprints scattered across the floor, half open file cabinets against the wall, the biggest eye catcher was the large experiment tank in the middle of the room. Walking past the Professor and looking around, Grey started to say, “What the hell is all-” Then he stopped, certain he must have been mistaken, but as he looked again at the experiment tank, a wave of shock swept over him as he exclaimed, “Scott!” Floating in the liquid within was Scott, not in hospital clothes but in some form of wired jumpsuit, over which he wore his utility belt along with brown armor plated boots, armguards, and shoulder pads. He was seemingly unconscious. Then behind him Dr. Nova burst into mad laughter, and as Grey whirled about in surprise, he watched the Doctor as he stood hunched over with his head in his hand and continued to laugh. Then Dr. Nova looked up, and staring at Grey from between his fingers as he clutched his face with his hand, he grinned madly and said, “Home at last… Let the experiments begin!” Wandering the dark passageways, Fox and Mythra were lost. Illuminated by the orb of light emitting EDE she created at the end of her finger, the paths all looked the same, and Mythra muttered, “This is the worst.” Heaving a sigh of disappointment, Fox said, “Yeah… I was finally gonna kick some butt and show off my moves. Not to mention that butler dude never even came back with some drinks.” Whirling about with a look of rage, Mythra exclaimed, “Grrrrrrrah! Do you ever take anything seriously?! We’re hopelessly lost in this godforsaken place and we have no idea where the others are or whether they’re alright! For once try to focus on something important!” Shrugging, Fox nonchalantly said, “Why get so bent out of shape about it? No sense in worrying about those guys, they can take care of themselves. I’m more worried about what the Count and his sprites are up to, they’ve just been watching us for awhile now.” Doing a double take, Mythra said, “What? They’re watching?” Gathering fire into his hand, Fox flung it at a high point of one of the walls, and with an eerie cry of pain, a squirrel sized creature dropped from the wall to land on the ground with a sickening thud. Jumping away from it with a shriek, Mythra stared at the dead creature apprehensively as she shouted, “W-w-w-what the freaking hell is that thing?!” In a matter of fact tone, Fox replied, “A spider. My guess is they’re using it to keep an eye on us somehow.” Glaring at him in great irritation, Mythra said, “You couldn’t have done something about it earlier?!” Motioning back in the direction they came, Fox simply said, “That ain’t gonna help, there’s a heap of them following us.” Turning pale, Mythra said, “You… You’re kidding, right?!” Flashing a grin, Fox said, “What, you scared of spiders?” Turning red and grinding her teeth a moment, Mythra said, “Just shut up!” Continuing onward, Fox said, “Until they finally decide to spring whatever trap they’ve got set up, all we can do is keep on movin.” Following after him, Mythra puzzled over what had just happened, thinking, “What is it with this guy?! Normally he seems like a total airhead, but he noticed those things following us when I didn’t so much as have a clue! I didn’t sense a thing, I didn’t even hear them! I had yet to consider this, but could he secretly have the same ability as Amy, or at least some form of sixth sense?!” Standing at the bottom of the circular elevator shaft back up to the first floor of Ferid’s manor, Magus muttered, “That one is craftier than he looks, he noticed my Hadrox Spiders immediately.” Standing beside her, a masked woman with long ears and long black hair tied back into a ponytail said, “Should I deal with them myself Magus? You can handle this without me, right?” Her mask was different from Magus’ mask, a pure silver color, but with no eyeholes, just a thin zigzag crack straight down the middle. She wore a black, skin-tight one piece bodysuit that left her legs exposed, long black gauntlets, and long black boots with silver buckles on them. Without looking at her, her mind seeming slightly preoccupied, Magus said, “No, remain here Rend. As long as they’re guided to the Matriarch by my hypnotic waves, it doesn’t matter. We have our orders. All we need to do is defeat Gabriel the Immortal.” Raising a hand and flexing her fingers, Rend replied, “Wish he’d hurry up and get here…” Meanwhile, Alexander and Richter wandered through the halls as well. However, they were far from lost. With his Fragminis Caelum formed, Richter led the way, divining their surroundings through the powers of his Eyes of Heaven, his crystal glasses. With a light emitting ball of energy at his fingertip and sword in hand, a strange glow coming from it as well, Alexander walked behind him, saying, “I had forgotten this place still existed. It was a daring move, building a so called seaside paradise over a prison. It’s rather impressive your crystal glasses allow you to view a mental map of the entire structure, it’s quite large. Anyways, what’s the update on the situation? Are we almost there?” Nodding, Richter said, “Yes, not far now. The elevator back up is just ahead, as well as the bulk of their forces. I still think we should have gone and gotten the others though Alexander. Fox and Mythra are walking into some form of creature’s lair, and Grey has disappeared from the map entirely after being alone with an entity I could not recognize.” Shaking his head, Alexander said, “We can only have confidence in them for now. If we turn away, the enemy will realize something is wrong and likely take countermeasures. The strange wavelength you alerted me to is some form of hypnotic ability, a very dangerous one. Not only does it influence your ability to decide which path to take, it convinces you that you do not sense any of the EDE or magical power being used in order to sustain it. Whoever is using it is channeling it through the spiders following us, which at the same time are likely watching us to ensure nothing goes amiss.” Glancing at his sword, which still glowed, Alexander continued, “Fortunately I have a spell that creates a sort of ‘cone of silence’ effect, so we can communicate without their knowledge. From what we said before I chanted the spell, it’s certain they know we are aware of the wavelength and the spiders. However as long as we make it seem we know nothing about how they are using them, I doubt they will change their plans. Once we defeat them, we can go save the others.” Glancing back at where he could see the spiders with his crystal glasses, Richter said, “They could get suspicious of our prolonged silence as well you know…” With a nod, Alexander said, “I will drop the spell after I prepare a suitable gift for our welcoming party. Make sure you hold your breath when I say the word ‘Iacio’.” Then as they drew near the elevator room ahead, Alexander quickly chanted, “Cesso, Incantavit Quieta Noctis Caliginem Somnus, Reliquit Omnia Donec Cras.” Walking casually into the dark elevator room, a large room supported by four large support pillars with an elevator shaft in the center, Alexander said, “Oh look Richter, I think we’ve found the exit!” Looking embarrassed at Alexander’s acting, Richter replied, “I… I suppose so…” Alexander looked at him in disappointment, and with a sigh, Richter faked being excited and said, “I mean, yes! Yes, it must be the exit! Doesn’t it just seem too good to be true?” Then the door closed behind them, and one after another masked figures dropped down from above and encircled them. Hearing quiet laughter, Alexander peered through the dimly lit room toward its source. Stepping out from behind a pillar, Magus said, “So easy. Here I’d heard such words of caution when told I would be going up against you, Gabriel the Immortal…” Resting the tip of his sword against the floor, Alexander said, “I can see you’re nothing like the legendary sprite assassins of Ala Morte. You actually felt the need to bring this many just to handle us? If I were up against the real Ala Morte, a single soldier would have sufficed, and I would have been dead before I’d even had the chance to mock you.” Narrowing her eyes, Magus said, “I’ll have you know, you would be dead where you stand if the Master had not explicitly instructed us that he wanted you alive. However, we’ll be more than happy to rough you up until you’re convinced we are Ala Morte reborn…” His mind racing at this new development, Alexander said, “Just why would he want us alive? Wasn’t the whole purpose of this to silence us? What game is he playing at?” From behind another pillar, Rend called out, “Why should the Master worry at all what you say to others? He holds power over this entire city, and before long his reach will only grow. He only bothers with you because you will make a fine offering to our new allies.” With a look of surprise, Richter said, “New allies?” A grim look crossed Alexander’s face as he said, “There’s only one person I can think of who would be pleased by our capture…” Stepping out from behind the pillar, Rend said, “Hey Magus, we only need the guy in the sunglasses, right? What do you say we just get rid of the other one?” Suddenly cutting their conversation short, Alexander said, “It’s been enlightening ladies, but I’m afraid we have no more time to humor you.” Staring back at him, clearly unconcerned, Magus said, “You think you stand a chance against all of us?” Looking at the group of assassins surrounding him, Alexander said, “Yes actually. All it will take is one little word…” With a grin, Alexander said, “Iacio!” As a blue rune circle quickly formed on the floor, a cloud of thick mist burst forth from it and almost instantly filled the room. Acting just as quickly, Magus used one of her scarf tails to grab hold of Rend, while she wrapped the other around a support beam and used it to pull both herself and Rend out of the mist’s path. As the other assassins of Ala Morte coughed and wheezed and at last collapsed unconscious on the floor, Alexander used the breath he was holding to chant, “Ego Voco Vos, Ventus Acies!” Light green runes covered his blade and a powerful wind surrounded it. Channeling EDE into the wind blade, he used it to blow away the mist. Staring up at Magus and Rend, Alexander said, “It seems as though the tables have turned. Perhaps you should have listened to those words of caution about facing me…” Glaring down at him with fury in her multi colored eyes, Magus said, “Fool! It’s obvious you know nothing of who you’re dealing with!” Her scarf suddenly flung Rend high into the air as Magus chanted, “Tela Torquere Inferiorem Viduam!” Rune circles formed in her palms and arcane magic quickly poured out as lines of thread composed of arcane magic that began wrapping themselves around all the support beams in the room. Patterns of interlocking thread formed and soon the magic had formed a tangled network of spider-like webs formed of the arcane thread, and grasping onto the strands of the web with her scarf tails, Magus channeled more arcane magic into her hands and said, “We are two of the three remaining members of the original Ala Morte!” Staring up at Magus, Alexander said, “What?!” Landing gracefully on Magus’ arcane web, Rend said, “That’s right. Magus, Fury, and I were held here in the depths of this forgotten prison for countless years until our Master saved us. We may have served another long ago, but now we shall devote ourselves to his cause.” Bursting through her gauntlets, long black claws grew from Rend’s fingertips as she said, “If you want to escape from this room, Magus is the only one who knows the code to the door and elevator controls!” © 2014 KeithKVH |
StatsAuthor![]() KeithKVHPasadena, CAAboutI've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..Writing