![]() Ch 41: To the Beach!A Chapter by KeithKVH![]() Scott still in surgery, a number of the group decides to blow off steam and enjoy the sights at the beach. Along the way though, they encounter a familiar face in need of aid once again.![]() When everyone headed over to visit Scott and see how he was doing, they were turned away saying he wasn’t well enough to have visitors yet. Heading back to the inn after Serius switched waiting room duty with Mythra, they were met by Alexander who wanted to meet and confirm a few things with Bella. As the two talked, Rufus and Richter helped Fox out of one of the hover cars to get him into the in and put him in bed, as he was still quite drunk. As he staggered past the car that Grey, Amy, and Mythra were getting out of, he stopped to look at Grey woozily as he asked, “So what’re you guys thinkin of doing for the day?” Drawing a blank, Grey replied, “Dunno. I was just worrying about Scott and hadn’t really thought about anything else. Not like you can really do much like that though.” With a weak laugh, Fox said, “Yeah, you’re right. Should learn my limits a bit better I guess, but don’t worry about that right now. I may have ruined my day before sundown, but you all should go out and have a blast. This is a seaside paradise after all, you should hit the beach. The sand, the sun, the surf… our female compatriots looking fine in some swimsuits.” Glowering at Fox as he shot Grey a sly grin after finishing the last part of his sentence, Richter began to drag both him and Rufus along, saying, “Enough! Don’t go dragging others into your depraved lifestyle!” Amy standing beside Grey somewhat red at the thought of being seen in a swimsuit, Mythra looking at her in amusement, Grey merely sighed to himself as he said, “Man, that guy really doesn’t know how to tone it down at all.” Then remembering something Amy said in the past, he looked over at her and Mythra suddenly as he said, “Still, it’s not a bad suggestion to go see the beach. What do you two think?” Amy turning somewhat redder, she panciked a bit and stammered, “Uh… I’m n-not really s-sure I can, I…” Mythra grabbing Amy from behind mischievously, Amy let out a slight shriek of surprise, looking back at her as Mythra said, “C’mon Amy, didn’t you want to go swimming at the lake back in Silens? This is the sea we’re talking about now, it’s the perfect chance!” Looking to Grey, she added, “Besides, how can we turn Grey down? His head must be filled of thoughts of us in our swimsuits…” Grey turning just as red as Amy, he looked away from Mythra in both embarrassment and annoyance as he said, “Cut it out, I’m not Fox! I just think it would be a nice change of pace! We could go to the beach and finally relax for once!” Walking over to them with Bella, satisfied that he could trust her words, Alexander overheard Grey and said, “Yes, I was thinking the same thing you and Fox were probably thinking. We’ve hardly had any rest or relaxation since this whole mess started, so if you all want to go tour the beaches here in Gatria, I’ve already reserved a stretch of beach for the rest of the day.” Looking at him with an impressed smile, Mythra released Amy and said, “Well, aren’t we generous?” Flashing a grin, Alexander said, “It will be dark in a few hours, so if we want to enjoy the sun a bit we should probably go out and buy everyone’s swimsuits shortly. We should pick up fireworks as well, we can make more of our time and have some fun even after dark.” Oblivious to the fact that Amy had turned pale, Grey grinned back at Alexander and said, “Alright! Then let’s get together whoever’s going and get this show on the road!” Swooping in and grabbing hold of Grey’s arm, Mythra smugly added, “Yes, it’ll be quite the show…” Adjusting his shades in irritation, Alexander said, “Keep it decent Mythra.” As Mythra simply stuck her tongue out at him, Alexander turned to Bella as he said, “As for who’s going, why don’t we invite our new friend here as well?” Looking at him inquisitively, Bella asked, “Do swimsuits come in black?” Wondering at the simplicity of her question, Alexander simply replied, “I’m quite sure they do.” Seeming to consider it only briefly, Bella said, “Approved.” Nodding, Alexander turned to the others as he said, “Very well. I’ll go check with the rest. I’ve already invited Schmitt and everyone from the troupe aside from Mana, but they were all busy with the repairs or with matters related to the upcoming show. I also think Saria will be in need of rest for awhile.” Alexander hurried off to the inn, and Amy missed her chance to object further, standing there staring after him as she thought, “Nooooo! I’m not ready for this!” Returning with Richter, Rufus, Mana, and surprisingly Saria, Alexander glanced somewhat concernedly at Saria briefly before saying, “Saria says she would like to wait before resting until we visit Scott later. I do worry for her health, but I can understand her concern as well. It may help to keep her spirits up, so I’ll allow her to come along if she takes care of herself.” Feeling this was probably a bad idea, Grey looked at Saria as he said, “Saria, he’s already been patched up. It’s not that big a deal if you wait till tomorrow morning, is it?” Shaking her head, Saria replied, “I want to see that he’s ok as soon as I can…” Heaving a sigh, Mythra reluctantly said, “She’ll probably be relatively ok. Halmans and half halmans can handle things like sleep deprivation a bit better than most other races. We go into a state after awhile that kind of allows us to stay up without too much exhaustion or negative effects. It’s probably how she’s lasted this long, though I can’t advise you do it too often. She’ll pass out eventually, so if she’s not going to sit still, it’s better to keep an eye on her.” As Grey stood there still looking hesitant, Mana crossed her arms in frustration and said, “Honestly Saria, you’re making me worry so much! If I let you go to the beach, you had better sleep immediately after we see Scott tonight!” Saria nodded somewhat listlessly, and Rufus chimed in, “So, about the beach… They allow pets right?” Rufus pointed to his feline companion Ian atop his hat, and looking to him thoughtfully, Richter said, “You really never go anywhere without your friend there, do you Rufus? I suppose normally cats aren’t seen much at the beach, but we’ve reserved our spot, so I’m not sure who would complain…” Driving off in the hover cars, the group found a shop for fireworks rather quickly and loaded up, and then searched around for a clothing store. Spotting a large shop with a sign that read “Paradise Apparel”, Alexander steered into the parking lot, Richter’s hover car following after him. The shop’s air conditioning washing over them all as they filed in the doors, everyone looked around at the stocked shelves and clean, welcoming environment decorated with tropical plants and wallpaper that mimicked a sky full of peaceful clouds. Waiting briefly for a clerk to deal with a few other shoppers, Richter inquired what section they could find swimsuits in and they all moved off a large corner of the store where the shelves were lined with swimwear. Looking around at the selection, Rufus whistled and said, “Jackpot!” Smiling to herself as everyone started off to look for their swimsuit, Mana excitedly said, “Now to find something in pink!” Saria following after her, the two started looking at one pieces on a nearby shelf, and moving too join the males Rufus said to the cat on his hat, “Which do you think I should go with Ian? Trunks or speedo?” As Ian let out an unenthusiastic meow, a passing clerk spotted the cat on his hat and called out, “Hey, you can’t have that guy in here!” Reaching up and procuring Ian from his hat protectively, Rufus looked to the clerk and said, “Uh, can’t we make an exception for an exceptional feline?” Then laying his eyes on the clerk, he did a double take and added, “Aren’t you a little young to be working here?” A child with messy blue hair, blue eyes, and halman ears, the clerk wore a baggy uniform with a name tag that looked like it had another name that was crossed out, instead having the name “Jet Black” scribbled on it with a black marker. Glaring at Rufus indignantly, Jet muttered, “Whatever, just get that…” Trailing off as he suddenly spotted Saria standing over with Mana by the one pieces, Jet’s expression softened as he murmured to himself, “It’s that lady…” Seeing him staring, Rufus looked over at Saria and then back at him. Then donning a sly grin, Rufus asked, “Want an introduction?” Blushing slightly, Jet turned away from Saria to glare at him again as he said, “It’s not like I’m interested in her, now you and your cat get out!” Swooping in closer, Rufus’ sly grin widened as he said, “Oh come on, nothing wrong with letting a silly rule like that slide right? Scratch my back a bit here, and you can leave everything to Ace Reporter Rufus Lenscap!” Backing away from Rufus’ eagerness, Jet nervously asked, “Ace Reporter huh? You sure you’re not a male version of those crazy cat ladies?” Backing off and standing up straight in a rather self important manner, Rufus crossed his arms and said, “No source can escape my sharp eye! If you don’t believe me, I’ll prove it!” Wacthing him turn and hurry over to Saria, Jet exclaimed, “Prove what?! Hey, hold on!” Seeing he wasn’t going to stop, Jet looked around in a panic briefly for someplace to hide, thinking to himself, “Damn, why me?!” Turning about as Rufus continued to adamantly explain that there was someone she should meet, as Saria saw no one there, she said, “I don’t see anyone…” Swooping around the corner of one of the aisles, Rufus promptly dragged Jet back out, saying, “Here! Cute kid right?” Struggling in Rufus’ grasp, Jet exclaimed, “Screw sharp, your eyes are x-ray vision!” Blinking somewhat tiredly, Saria pointed at Jet in surprise as he recognized him as the boy she’d protected back in Bolseil and said, “W-what are you doing here?” Hesitant to speak, looking somewhat ashamed, Jet muttered, “Why should I have to explain anything to you? I just work here…” Drawing upon her knowledge of what is was like for half-breeds, it didn’t take long for Saria to figure it out, and she fearfully asked, “Did you… sell yourself?” There was tense silence, broken finally as Mana asked, “You know the kid Saria?” Nodding, Saria said, “He was in trouble back in Bolseil, but this…” His face red in shame, Jet exclaimed, “It’s not like I wanted to! It was this or prison! That’s how the grown ups decided to get rid of me!” Wandering over to see what all the commotion was, Alexander asked, “What’s going on?” Turning away from Saria, Jet started to run off, and as she called after him, Alexander tried to stop him by grabbing him by the arm, but he quickly let go as he noticed Jet’s reaction. Watching him run off, Alexander stared after him a moment and then turned to Saria and said, “That boy, is he a friend of yours?” Her ears having furled down sadly now, Saria shook her head as she said, “An orphan like me. I don’t know what made me think I could do anything for him…” Seeing the sad expression on Saria’s face as Mana tried to console her, Alexander’s countenance seemed to darken as he turned to Rufus and said, “Tell everyone I’m going to go speak with the management.” Unsure why he seemed angry, worried that maybe he’d caused some sort of trouble, Rufus nodded nervously and replied, “Uh, sure…” Heading back through the aisle’s, Alexander approached the halman clerk at the store’s counter and said, “I need to speak with your manager.” Putting on his best customer service smile, the clerk replied, “Is there something wrong sir? I’m the current manager of this store, you can call me Pete!” He pointed briefly to his name tag, much nicer than Jet’s and labeled “Manager”. With stoney expression, Alexander asked, “Then can I assume you’re the one in charge of handling the store’s indentured employees?” His sales smile faltering, the manager donned a sour expression as he asked, “Has that brat been mouthing off to you as well? Damn half-breed doesn’t seem to understand customer service in the slightest! I apologize, I’ll be sure to instruct him on manners further…” His eyes narrowing behind his shades, Alexander said, “That won’t be necessary. Bring him out here, I have some lessons on manners that I would like to give myself…” Somewhat surprised by Alexander’s request, the clerk nevertheless did not object, and it was not long before he brought Jet to stand before him. Holding him by the arm and forcing him to face Alexander, the manager said, “This customer is less than satisfied with your service, and I’ll have you make it up to him however he sees fit!” Jet merely glared at Alexander, and glaring at the clerk from behind his shades, Alexander surprised them both as he sternly said, “Oh, it’s quite the opposite. I’m dissatisfied solely with the way you yourself run your operation here Pete, and it’s you who’s going to be chastised as I see fit. I will kindly ask you to take your hands off that poor boy, as I will not see you put him through any further harm. Slaves may still be legal under the technicality of indentured service, but such horrid treatment of them is most certainly still illegal.” Holding fast to Jet with a confused and rather displeased expression, the manager scoffed, “Horrid treatment? What kind of joke is this? Just what are you implying I’ve done that’s inappropriate? Scolding servants that preform poorly is just common sense!” Stepping forward, Alexander moved in a swift motion, grabbing hold of Jet’s sleeve and tearing it off to reveal his arm beneath, bruised black and blue. Tossing the torn sleeve aside, Alexander said, “Is this common sense? Is this your idea of appropriate? It looks like child abuse to me. If you don’t want me to exercise my full authority as Gabriel the Immortal to have you put away for good, you’ll turn him over to me here and now.” Releasing hold of Jet due to pure shock, the manager sputtered, “G-Gabriel the Immortal?! Just what proof do you have to such a-” The manager went silent as he found Alexander’s sword pointed at his face, and Alexander held it there menacingly as he said, “I may not carry a signet ring, but if you want a taste of my Rune Swordsmanship, I have no problems with giving you all the proof you require.” Standing in a nearby aisle with Alexander, who was on his cell phone, the manager having promptly given in and turned him over, Jet lingered there still in slight disbelief at everything that just happened. Staring at Alexander, he watched him finish up his phone call as he thought to himself, “Why would a god help me now?” Turning to Jet as he put his phone away, Alexander said, “It was a bit of a struggle to reach them, but I’ve made arrangements with a certain taxi service to take you to Xandaris tonight. I have connections there with Count Bloodrayne, a noble who holds an influential position in the capital. When you arrive, have his attendants inform him of your situation and that I sent you. He’s a good man, he won’t treat you the same way they did here. He’ll give you employment and a safe place to live.” Clenching his fists, Jet indignantly muttered, “Am I that pitful now?” Quietly, Alexander replied, “Nothing of the sort. You’ve persevered through more than anyone should have to. I would be the pitiful one if I stood by in inaction despite being able to make a difference in your life.” Glaring up at Alexander, Jet angrily shouted, “Then where were you back then?! Where were you when mom and dad got sick?! Why do the gods only help me now?! What do I have to live for now?! No matter where I go, a half breed like me is always alone!” A tense silence hanging between them a moment, it was finally broken as Alexander let slip a slight laugh, and Jet angrily exclaimed, “You think this is funny?!” A sad smile on his face, Alexander responded, “Not really. It’s just a strange feeling. Even with all the ridiculous nonsense the mautauians came up with about us being gods, I guess I’ve never realized how much people could expect from us. I learned something a long time ago from my own struggles though…” Pointing at Jet, Alexander continued, “If we didn’t have to rely on ourselves, we could never gain strength or pride of our own. That said though, you aren’t alone. There are still those out there who will stand by your side, who will fight for you. Why don’t you come with us for the day?” Joining Angelorum Lux for a day at the beach, Jet went back to the others with Alexander and picked out a swimsuit just like everyone else. It was a tight squeeze in the hover cars with another passenger, but the beach was not that long of a drive away and soon they had arrived. They parked near a washroom built on the dock near their reserved stretch of beach and everyone unloaded from the cars and proceeded to suit up. Switching into their trunks fast, Grey, Richter, Rufus, and Jet were the first to head out to the beach, Grey grabbing the surfboard they had picked up along with the fireworks and Rufus donning a pair of flippers and yellow water wings, his hat and cat still seated upon his head. Using his free hand as a visor, Grey stared out at the water with a grin as he hefted his surfboard and said, “The waves here aren’t bad at all!” Looking over at Grey curiously, Richter said, “It surprises me you’re a surfer Grey. Aerennis was more than a little inland. Did you really get to travel that much in the past?” Looking over at him eagerly, Grey replied, “No actually. I only ever got to do this once, that’s why I’m so excited!” Showing a concerned expression, Rufus said, “Maybe you should borrow my water wings then…” As Richter stifled a laugh, Grey just puffed up his chest and said, “Oh come on, I wasn’t that bad back then. I’ve always been kinda sporty…” Glancing back at the washrooms, Rufus said, “Just as long as we aren’t peeling you off the ocean floor. So what’s taking the girls and Alexander?” Sagely, Richter said, “They do say to give a woman adequate time to prepare. As for Alexander, I wouldn’t put it past him to make a fashionably late entrance.” Standing off from the others somewhat cautiously, Jet watched their antics as he wondered if these people were really who they said they were. Suddenly ringing out as the guys were busy surveying the beach, Mythra’s voice called, “You’ll need to look this way for the real show boys!” Grey and the others turned to see her and the other girls making their way down to the beach, Amy hiding in the back. Saria and Mana had chosen one pieces and sandals with matching colors on the straps. Saria’s one piece was green with leaf designs and had material sown on at the hips like a half skirt, and Mana’s was striped vertically with different shades of pink and had pink frills at the bust and pink ribbons on the sides of her hips. Drawing attention away from the others, Mythra said, “So, how is it Grey?” She struck a pose, now wearing a black and red bikini and red strapped sandals, a cross necklace hanging around her neck and the red frame of her top shaped like a bat. Looking at her critically, Grey responded, “Why do you look like you picked the vampire piece for Hallow Day?” Scowling in disappointment, Mythra muttered, “Well I wanted black too, but I thought it was best to do something with a theme so I’d stand out from that over there.” Mythra motioned over at Bella, who stood there staring out at the beach blankly. As the attention focused on her and her black bikini with black strapped sandals, Bella looked to Grey and said, “Wrong.” Raising an eyebrow questioningly, Grey said, “Huh?” Pointing at Grey and the other males, Bella said, “Your clothes are wrong. Attire for beach is bikinis and one pieces.” Laughing nervously, Mana correctingly said, “No, that’s for girls… I’d be a bit concerned if any of the boys wore them…” Bella merely looked over at Mana as though she were confused, but suddenly looking back behind her at Amy with a mischievous grin, Mythra said, “Now, time for the final participant!” Dragging her out by the arm before she could escape, Mythra brought Amy to the forefront as she wined, “Noooo! Mythra you traitor!” Waving away her complaints with a sigh, Mythra said, “Honestly, you’ve got nothing to be so ashamed about. If you don’t believe me, just ask Grey. Even I didn’t think you’d be this well endowed…” Wearing a striped blue and white bikini tied on wth strings and blue strapped sandals, Amy stood there trying to cover herself, red with embarrassment as she exclaimed, “That doesn’t mean you had to force me into this! I just wanted a simple one piece!” Shooting her a sly grin, Mythra pushed her chest out slightly and said, “If you’ve got it, strut it my dear.” Glancing in Grey’s direction, she added, “Right Grey?” Noticing Grey rushing off towards the waves, Mythra did a double take and exclaimed, “HEY!” Suppressing his laughter, Richter said, “He turned red at the sight of her, and slipped off during the confusion.” Clutching her head as Amy started to cover her face and whimper, Mythra muttered, “Damn these pure hearted little…” His hand falling on her shoulder suddenly, Alexander’s voice said, “Now, now, we may be eternally young, but they’re the ones still in the prime of their youth. Let’s just let them handle it their way.” Glancing over at him, ready to fire a witty retort, as Mythra saw him she instead exclaimed, “WHAT THE…?!” Standing there in red speedo trunks, Alexander had on a red diving mask with a snorkel attached, a striped yellow beach towel around his neck like a cape, sandals with the front designed to look like red and blue sneakers on his feet, and a coconut shell drink in his other hand with a straw and drink umbrella in it. Taking a sip of his drink, Alexander said, “Now that our preparations are complete, shall we enjoy the beach?” A fun day at the beach ensued. Grey surfed to the cheers of his onlooking comrades. Richter teamed up with Bella, and after giving her a little instruction, they championed a beach volleyball tournament together. Amy, Mana and Saria built sandcastles across the beachside, and Rufus got buried in sand, his faithful feline companion napping atop the muscular body of sand that was sculpted up around him, Mythra drawing a mustache on him as he dozed off. After a swim and participating in various activities with the others, Alexander pulled up a folding recliner and set up a beach umbrella, taking a well deserved rest as he watched his friends enjoy themselves, making sure to do their best to include Jet in as much as possible. Night fell, and as the sunlight faded the guys headed back to the hover cars to unload the fireworks. Everyone snatching up sparklers and spinners, they lit up the beach with sparkling lights. Holding his sparkler and watching everyone goof around, Jet could not deny he was having fun. But even so, he could not relax, could not help but feel out of place. Finally he managed to slip off unnoticed, and moved off down the beach to take a seat by himself against a rocky outcropping. Sitting there lost in thought for awhile, he did not notice Saria make her way over to him, looking up in surprise as she sat down next to him and said, “Um, sorry… I saw the sparkler…” Looking away from her, Jet simply said, “I just wanted some peace and quiet.” A downhearted look on her face, Saria asked, “You’re not having fun?” Panicking, Jet quickly sputtered, “N-no, it’s not like… I just… It’s weird isn’t it?” As she looked at him in confusion, Jet sighed and turned back to staring at his sparkler as he said, “That life can be like this for me, that there are so many people who can act normal towards a half breed like me… I don’t hate it, but it scares me. It’s like this is a dream that’ll just disappear in the morning.” Suddenly shooting into the air as Grey and the others across the way started setting them off, the big fireworks began booming in the skies, sparks of light radiating out in clouds throughout the starry heavens. Staring up at the fireworks with Jet, Saria said, “I… feel that way a lot lately too. It’s scary that things are going so well for me. I keep wondering if it will really last, if the next thing that goes wrong will shatter everything…” Looking over at Jet as he ignored the fireworks and stared back at her, Saria smiled sadly and said, “I’m scared too, but I can’t go back. That life, it can’t be what’s meant for us. Not when there’s something so much more wonderful out there. I don’t have the strength my brother has, I don’t know what I can do to make this last forever, but right now I have to believe this dream will never end.” Jet sat there in silence with Saria watching the fireworks, and made his resolve. The fireworks exhausted, the night half of everyone’s beach day was at an end, and everyone packed up all the various things they had brought and prepared to head out. Everyone gathered around the hover cars, the girls already having changed back, as the guys finished putting everything in the car and were about to head to the washroom to change as well, a hover carriage came streaking down the nearby street and turned to zoom up to them there on the beach. Manning the wheel, Tobias called out, “Hello friends! I have come as requested to provide transportation to Xandaris!” Glancing at Jet momentarily, Alexander said, “Thank you. I’m sorry for troubling you again Tobias, especially at such short notice.” Waving away his concerns, Tobias replied, “Think nothing of it good sir. It was already on my list of stops, a little delay like this is nothing. That said though, I can’t stretch my schedule too far, so if the passenger in question is ready, I too am ready to depart.” Nodding, Alexander turned to Jet and said, “I’m rather confident he should be, but it’s still up to him. Your ride to Xandaris awaits, Mr. Jet Black. If you’re ready to start your new life, change out of your trunks and get onboard.” Staring back at Alexander only briefly, Jet nodded and hurried to the washroom to change. Coming back out, dressed in his blue sleeveless coat with white designs, faded blue t-shirt, blue shorts, and black armwraps and sandals, Jet approached the hover carriage without delay. He paused as he reached the door though, and looking back at Saria, he called out, “Hey!” Her halman ears perking up despite how tired she was by now, Saria looked at him questioningly, and she turned slightly red as he shouted, “I’ll become a man with the strength you need, and protect our dream for both of us! Just you wait and see!” Rushing onto the hover carriage and closing the door, Jet left Saria standing there fumbling for words. As the hover carriage started up again and Tobias took off, Mythra let out a whistle and grinned slyly as she said, “Boy, looks like Scott just gained a rival.” Laughing halfheartedly, Grey said, “Quite the kid.” Eyeing Saria suspiciously, Mana asked, “Just what dream are you two sharing?” Looking ready to cry in frustration, Saria exclaimed, “He’s just a kid!” Starting off to get changed in the washroom as well, Alexander said, “Age is not an all defining factor in relationships. What’s important is one’s feelings and resolve. I’d say that boy has resolved to make something of himself, and while you don’t have to return his feelings, don’t disservice him by writing him off as a child the moment he shows signs of becoming a man.” © 2014 KeithKVHAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() KeithKVHPasadena, CAAboutI've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..Writing