Ch 40: Caged Sprite

Ch 40: Caged Sprite

A Chapter by KeithKVH

Having convinced Bella to sit down with them at the tavern for lunch, the real challenge lies in getting her to confide in them. What is the truth behind her and this Ala Morte?


            Downing his drink, Fox exhaled satisfactorily and waved at the waiter with a grin as he called out, “Another Kapella friend!” Shaking his head in disgust, Richter muttered, “That man must have a cast iron stomach…” All sitting at a large table far in the back, everyone browsed the menu, deciding on what to have for lunch. Grey and the others had invited Bella to join them for lunch, and while she was still unsure about trusting them, she had been quite hungry. Staring at the menu with a frustrated look, Rufus clutched his head and exclaimed, “Gah! I just can’t decide!” Sitting next to him, Grey said, “Neither can I… The pictures look interesting, but I don’t have a clue what the hell any of it is.” Placing his menu on the table, Serius said, “Try the unack steak, it’s a rather safe choice.” 

Looking over at Bella, Amy said, “Do you know anything that’s good Bella? You’ve been here before, right?” Having been silently staring at the menu, Bella looked at Amy for a moment with her deep golden eyes, almost as though staring into her soul, and then turned back to the menu in silence. Downing another drink, Fox said, “She should try one of these! That’ll loosen her up!” Bella simply said, “Boozer.” After the waiter came and took their order, Grey said, “So Bella, why were you locked up at the medical center?” Nodding, Rufus said, “Yeah! I was right about you being in trouble, wasn’t I? There some mad scientist doing testing on the patients there or what?” Quickly Amy said, “Guys, quit pushing her…” Turning to Bella, Amy said, “We only just met, so I understand if you don’t trust us. It’s a little late, but I’m Amy, Amy Grant. It’s nice to meet you!” Silently staring back at Amy again, Bella suddenly closed her eyes and rose from the table to go as she said, “Goodbye.”

            As Bella walked off, Amy looked disappointed as she said to herself, “Was it something I said?” Suddenly, Grey rose as well and went after Bella before the others could say anything. Stepping out the door of the Golden Gullet, Grey called out, “Hey! Hold on a second!” Pausing, Bella turned back to him and said, “What?” Staring back at her, Grey said sternly, “We’re just trying to help you! I can tell it’s something you’re afraid to talk about. I’ve got my fair share of skeletons in my closet, but that’s why I know you can’t deal with it alone!” Turning away, Bella simply said, “Leaving anyways.” Unwilling to give up, Grey said, “If it’s a matter of trust, you can trust Amy! If she wanted to, she could have just read your mind!” After a moment, Bella reluctantly said, “I don’t distrust you.” Surprised and also more confused, Grey exclaimed, “Well then what’s the problem?!” Staring around at the hover cars zooming by, watching as a group of people made their way down the opposite sidewalk, Bella said, “I didn’t ask, but you all helped me and treated me kindly. I can’t get you involved in danger.” Grey noticed Bella’s tone sadden as she added, “Not for a thing like me…” With a look of irritation, Grey shouted, “What the hell are you saying?! No, on second thought I don’t give a damn what you’re saying! You’re a person like anyone else and if you need help then ask for it already!” Slowly turning around to face him again, Bella had a doubtful look in her eyes as she said, “Really?” Flashing a grin, Grey said, “Lay it on me.”

            Having been convinced by Grey to explain what was going on, Bella and Grey returned to the others. Everyone waited anxiously for Bella to speak, and finally she said, “Did you know sprites were created?” With a confused expression, Grey said, “Created?” His face more serious than usual, Serius said, “The creation of sprites… Yes, I’m familiar with the topic. Why?” Staring at her reflection on the tabletop, a serious look in her eyes, after a moment Bella said, “I am one.” For a moment there was silence, and then Rufus said, “Wait, aren’t you an elf?” Glancing at him, Bella said, “No. Everyone thinks that.” As Rufus mulled this over, Serius said, “You do look remarkably similar. While it’s not uncommon for them to have pointed ears, most humanoid sprites have other distinguishing characteristics relative to their respective breed.” Before Bella could say any more, Richter said, “Serius, I’m afraid you’ll have to explain this. What is all this about the ‘creation’ of sprites?” Leaning back in his chair, Fox said, “Ain’t all that complicated, just takes a lotta imagination. Stuff like that is banned now though, least as far as I’ve heard…” 

Unable to make sense of what was being discussed, Grey said, “Uh, I’m totally lost over here. What does imagination have to do with this?” Closing his eyes as though the subject was troubling him, Serius said, “Sprites are a race of beings originally created through the imagination of humans.” Staring at him as though he were crazy, Amy said, “How can you create an entire race of people with your imagination?!” There was disbelieving silence as Serius explained, “It was long ago, before humanity had fully begun to develop their advanced technology, a time when humans still possessed knowledge of magic and sorcery. Sprites were not created through imagination alone. It required the creator to have great magical power as well. The only being I know of with that level of magical power is Mythra.” Nodding, Fox said, “Yep, but if my information’s right, sprites that were created by magical means had no souls. They were used like tools or guard dogs. Still, someone eventually decided they wanted one with a mind of its own, a friend or a companion. So somehow or another they bred a sprite through more natural means, if you catch my drift. The result was the first of the sprites that exist here today.” 

Looking over at Bella, Fox added, “I gotta say though, even if you are a bit strange, you certainly don’t strike me as a soulless doll. Not to mention you summoned an Anima Weapon, which kinda happens to require having one.” Shooting Fox a glare, Bella said, “My weapon is fake. Binding, special process using magic and science.” As he waved his spoon in front of Ian’s face, the cat sitting atop his hat with a bored look, Rufus said, “I still agree with Fox, you don’t seem soulless to me.” Clearly pessimistic about the subject, Bella simply turned her gaze downward and said, “I’m just a creation…” Then Grey suddenly said, “I’m sure you have one!” Looking over at him in surprise, as Bella stared at him, Grey grinned and said, “You were worried about what would happen if we got involved with you, remember? You really think anyone with a good heart like that doesn’t have a soul to match?”

            A bit of redness appearing on her cheeks, Bella looked away from Grey and uttered, “Humph…” Bursting into laughter, Fox said, “Don’t go fallin for hotshot over there now! You’ll have plenty of competition!” Turning even redder, Bella looked at Fox with a piercing gaze as she said, “Deluded pervert…” Suppressing his laughter, Fox said, “Relax, I’m just kidding! You don’t have to act like it’s actually true…” As Bella continued to stare daggers at him, Amy said, “Ignore him Bella. Fox is a good guy…in small doses…” Trying to get back on track, Richter said, “Yes, let’s stop goofing around and get to the real question here. What is going on around here? Who created you, and why were you being held at the medical center?” Quickly Serius added, “Also, who is the woman who attacked you? What is her objective?” Ceasing to glare at Fox at last, Bella faced them and said, “Magus, one of our strongest. Master created us so he could use us as assassins. Ala Morte, the most feared assassins in halman society. It’s what we’re raised for, but… I wanted something else…” 

Taking up the glass of water before her and taking a drink, once she had sated her thirst, Bella set the glass down and continued, “I ran away. I lived alone in the slums, learned about the lives of people. How they talked, what they ate.” Everyone was surprised to see Bella’s countenance brightening somewhat as she spoke about her life of freedom, almost smiling as she said, “It was hard, but for the first time… I felt happy. If the others could feel what I felt…” Yet just as quickly as it had appeared, Bella’s brightened look faded away again as she said, “Master sent the others to catch me. I tried to make them understand, but none of them would listen. I went to Franz, who let me hide in his cellar. Magus caught me, and all I remember is Cat Reporter trying to untie me.” Laughing nervously, Rufus said, “Ah, it’s nothing! An ACE Reporter like myself could never abandon someone in need!” Disturbed by Bella’s story, Amy said, “This master is a despicable person. Raising people to be murderers, it’s like brainwashing them from the moment they’re born!” Rising from his chair, unable to contain himself, Grey said, “Yeah! Just who is this guy?! I won’t let something like this slide!” With a nod, Serius said, “Indeed, this cannot be ignored. Who is this ‘master’?” Quietly, Bella said, “Dagmon Ferid, the Count of Gatria…”

            Lying in the sun on a comfortable patio chair in just a pair of swim trunks, a halman man in his forties with neatly combed blonde hair and golden eyes was tanning as he watched the sea from his mansion’s patio. Sitting on a glass table beside him, his cell phone began ringing, and he reached over and picked it up. Answering it, he said in his strange, somewhat nasally voice, “Hellooo?” Magus’ voice came across saying, “We have a problem Master.” His eyes narrowing, the man said, “You let her escape again Magus? I do say, I expected better from you.” Magus replied, “It’s no simple matter getting to her now. I had her within my grasp, but she was rescued by Angelorum Lux.” His eyes going wide, the man said, “Whaaat?! You’re certain of this?” Magus quickly said, “Yes sir. After my encounter, I double checked with our various sources. There is no mistake.” Clenching his fists, the man said, “That ungrateful little… Has she told them everything?!” Magus replied, “I do not know, but they invited her to the local tavern. I would assume she has enlisted their aid.” Glaring at the sea, the man muttered, “Keep them under surveillance. I will have to alter my plans significantly now. We’ll discuss your punishment when you return Magus…” Magus simply said, “Yes Master.” Turning the phone off angrily, he returned to tanning as he watched the sea, muttering to himself, “Oh what a bother, I’ll have no choice but to use a more direct approach now. I’d better make sure he doesn’t find out about this…” 

Then a voice called out, “Oh, does Ferid have a secret? Do tell…” Bolting up, Ferid turned as a human man, looking as though he were in his mid thirties, with messy white hair wearing a lab coat walked up from behind him. His eyes were different colors, the left one green and the right one yellow. There was a vertical scar stretched over his right eye. Startled by his sudden appearance, Ferid shouted, “H-how long have you been standing there?! Don’t I get any privacy in my own home?!” With a mad grin, the man in the lab coat said, “I am a man of science you know. Observing subjects is part of what I do, though I will admit it really is the most boring part of the job. I was waiting for you to fall asleep so I could do some experimentation…” Seeing Ferid’s face, the man let out a strange laugh and said, “Come on now, at least I’m honest right? You on the other hand were thinking about keeping quiet about such a problematic development in our plan, weren’t you?” With a look of both fear and anger, Ferid replied, “It’s nothing Dr. Nova, a mere trifle at best. All it means is that we’ll have to take a more direct approach. You should have more faith in me, or have you forgotten that I am offering all of Ala Morte’s strength to your cause, hmmm?” Turning his gaze to the sea, Dr. Nova said, “You talk as though you’ve proven such an invaluable asset to us. Remember this…” Fixing his eyes on Feri with a mad grin, Dr. Nova said, “Slip up, and I just might have to dissect you!”

            Quickly answering his phone as it rang during their lunch, with a mouth full of food Grey said, “Hullu?” On the other end, Alexander said, “I’m interrupting a meal I take it? You always did have poor table manners…” Swallowing his food, Grey replied, “You have to be a smartass about everything? What is it?” Chuckling to himself, Alexander said, “I just got off the phone with Mythra. I’d called to inform her about a dinner date we’ll be going to in a couple of days. She was apparently just about to call you. It seems Scott’s treatment is finished.” Quickly rising to his feet, Grey exclaimed, “What?! How did it go?! Is he alright, did it work?!” The moment it took him to answer seeming like an eternity, Alexander replied, “Everything went far smoother than expected. He’ll make a full recovery.” Sinking back into his chair and letting his arms dangle, Grey let out a sigh of relief and muttered, “Man, now I can finally relax a bit…” Looking at Grey anxiously, Amy said, “What did he say about Scott?” Grinning, Grey said, “It worked, he’ll be ok!” 

As everyone celebrated, Grey heard Alexander saying, “Grey? Are you still there?” Raising the phone back to his ear, Grey said, “Yeah, sorry.” Alexander said, “Now, as I was saying, we’re going to dinner at Count Ferid’s mansion this Saturday. We’d better-” Rising again, Grey shouted, “ARE YOU INSANE?!” Quickly, Amy said, “Grey! Inside voice, inside voice!” Glancing at some staring customers nervously, Grey said, “Ah, sorry…” Wondering why he was shouting, Alexander said, “The question of my sanity is a delicate subject. Why do you ask, is there something wrong?” Sitting back down, Grey quietly said, “Yeah actually! It’s a long story, but this guy you want to go to dinner with is an evil b*****d! He runs a group of sprites he’s trained to be assassins, they’re called Ali Mort or something…” Correcting him, Bella said, “Ala Morte.” Quickly Grey said, “Right, that’s it, Ala Morte.” Alexander said in a grave voice, “Ala Morte? Sprites? This is rather disturbing…” Finding his reaction strange, Grey said, “What, you know something about them?” After a moment, Alexander said, “Not really. It’s simply an old urban legend, probably where he got the idea. The story of the sprite assassins, Ala Morte, was around long before Ferid was alive. If they are anything like the legend behind that name, they’ll be a dangerous bunch…” As Grey dwelled on this, Alexander asked, “Just how is it you’ve learned about all this Grey?” Glancing over at Bella, Grey said, “Well…”

            As Richter and Serius walked off to get the hover cars from the parking lot, the others stood and chatted as they waited. Grey was saying to Bella, “Apparently Ferid asked us to dinner. Alexander, another friend of ours, thinks we should go along with it and take the whole organization down once we’re in. Until then just stick with us and we’ll keep an eye out for this Magus person.” Looking over at Fox, Bella immediately said, “Pass.” Swaying slightly as he stood there, drunk as can be, Fox laughed and said, “Acting like a badass again are we? Hic!” Looking at Fox, somewhat embarrassed for him, Rufus said, “If we go back in the same car, you’d better not throw up on me…” Trying to reason with Bella, Grey said, “C’mon, you know you’ll just get caught just like before. Can’t you accept a little help without all this run around?” Nodding, Amy said, “It’s not like we’ll bite.” Turning her gaze away evasively, Bella finally said, “Slack off and you're fired.” Donning a knowing smile, Grey said, “Deal!” Bella simply closed her eyes and crossed her arms stubbornly. 

As Fox started laughing smugly, Bella looked over at him and said, “Problem, hired henchman?” With a big grin, Fox said, “Nothin really, it’s just that this whole thing’s reminding me why I joined up with these guys in the first place.” Giving Fox a sly look, Grey said, “Something we said reminded you of how I kicked your a*s?” Quickly donning a heated look, Fox pointed at Grey and exclaimed, “Hey now! You don’t gotta rub it in you know! And no, I’m talking about what happened after!” Interested, Rufus said, “What happened after? All I heard on the way here was that you swapped sides after Grey beat the crap out of you.” Fox’s jaw dropped, and looking at Grey in shock, he quickly exclaimed, “WHAT THE HELL MAN?!” Just then Richter and Serius showed up with the hover cars, and Grey said, “Uh, yeah… Time to go guys!” As Amy and Rufus moved to follow Grey, Fox called out, “Is this how you introduce me to people?!” Meanwhile, Bella stood there looking at Grey in surprise, having remembered what Fox said before. Turning to Fox, she said, “Hey henchman… Didn’t you say only one man ever beat you?” Turning to her with a surprised look on his face, after a moment Fox grinned and said, “Yep! Our bud over there may not look like much, but he’s Grey of the Infinite! The number one member of Angelorum Lux and the only man who’s ever beat me in a fair fight!” Continuing to stare at Grey, Bella thought, “Fox’s punch… Magus used her scarf instead of her own hand to block it. If Grey beat Fox… how strong is he?”

© 2014 KeithKVH

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Added on October 27, 2014
Last Updated on October 27, 2014
Tags: Volume 2, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Romance, Adventure, Original

Legend of Mautau: Reflections of an Ideal World



Pasadena, CA

I've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..
