Ch 39: Marked for Death

Ch 39: Marked for Death

A Chapter by KeithKVH

Relaxing in a local tavern, Fox and Serius catch sight of the mysterious girl Rufus saved. Fox insists on following her, and together they save her from another mystery woman. What's going on here?


            Finally making it back to the facility’s entrance, Rufus saw Grey and Amy standing there by the door and called out, “Hey! Man, am I glad I finally found you!” As Rufus rushed up to him, Grey said, “Where the hell did you go?” With a sigh, Rufus said, “I just got distracted for a moment and you guys went and abandoned me…” Playing with the options on her new cell phone, Amy said, “Scott hasn’t been let out of treatment yet. Mythra’s going to stay here and call when he’s out.” Looking at her new phone, Rufus said, “Oh, where’d you get that?” Grinning merrily, Amy said, “Serius bought us phones to stay in touch! We’ll have to get extras for you and Schmitt though…” As the hover car pulled up to the front of the building, Grey said, “There’s Richter with the hover car.” Walking out to the hover car with them, Rufus said, “So where to now?” Opening the passenger side door, Grey said, “Serius and Fox are in town somewhere, we’re gonna look for them.” As Rufus and Amy got in the backseat, Richter said, “I see you found Rufus. Just where did you run off to?” Hanging his head, Rufus said, “Why is it always my fault with you people?” 

Then looking up with a serious expression, Rufus said, “Oh yeah! I gotta tell you guys, there’s something seriously wrong with that hospital!” Blinking in surprise, Amy said, “Something wrong with it? Like what?” Rubbing his throat where Bella had grabbed him, Rufus said, “Well, after you guys disappeared on me, I got lost in there and found this door to some off limits room.” Glaring back at him, Richter said, “Please tell me you did not go poking around in places you shouldn’t…” With a nervous laugh, Rufus said, “Well, kinda…” As Richter’s gaze became deadly, Rufus quickly said, “Just hear me out! The room was like some sort of mad scientist chamber where they had this girl strapped to a table! There’s no way that’s normal for a hospital right?!” Raising an eyebrow, Grey said, “That is kinda strange…” Thinking about a possible reason, Amy said, “Well, maybe they treat mental patients there or something. If she was acting violent they might confine her before she hurts someone.” With a look of terrified realization, Rufus said, “Oh no… I didn’t think about that, I thought she was in trouble…” Clutching his head, Richter angrily said, “Are you telling me you set her free?!”

            Sitting at a table in the local tavern, a place known as the Golden Gullet, as Fox downed another drink, he slapped the cup back on the table and said, “Ahh, that’s the stuff! C’mon Serius, quit being such a stick in the mud and have a drink!” Leaning against the table with his arms, Serius said, “For the last time, I have no interest in alcohol. I cannot become intoxicated, nor do I find the taste appealing…” Waving to the waiter, Fox called out, “Another Kapella my good man!” As the waiter took his glass and walked off to refill it, Serius said, “How long are you going to drink? Is this really appropriate behavior? It’s still light out for goodness sake…” Laughing zealously, Fox said, “Aww come off it, ain’t no reason I can’t have a few drinks! One of our buddies is all beat up, I gotta drown my sorrows!” Serius simply sighed and said, “Somehow I doubt that’s your motive for this. Also, for the record you’ve had far more than ‘a few’ drinks…” Staring at Serius with a strange smile, Fox said, “So you just can’t believe I’m worried about him huh? Well, I suppose I haven’t known him for long have I?” 

As Fox just stared at him, Serius thought, “He’s had so many drinks, but he’s still as unreadable as ever. I know we’re trying to keep an eye on him as long as the essence of the Nameless One within him is unchecked, but I’m starting to wonder if keeping someone like him around isn’t dangerous in its own right. He’s been helpful in revealing Altera Veritas’ plans, but still…” Then Fox burst out laughing and said, “Well, even if I haven’t really gotten to know him doesn’t mean I shouldn’t worry about one of my comrades right? I’m one of the team after all, so why don’t you and I have a drink and we’ll get to know each other, eh?” Shaking his head, Serius said, “How many times do I…” Sensing something, Serius turned and looked over at the door as a young woman with black and gold hair walked in.

            Staring at the girl who had just walked in, Serius thought, “A sprite? Here? And she's almost like an elf, it's rare to see one who can't be easily categorized these days...” With a grin on his face, to Serius’ bewilderment, Fox said, “Things just got interesting…” The girl walked up to the bar, and as the bartender turned from the drink machine with drinks in hand, he dropped them with a crash and said, “Bella? What’s going on, I heard…” Quickly and discretely, Bella shook her head, signaling him to stop. Looking around nervously, then speaking in a hushed voice, the bartender said, “Sorry, but I just can’t afford to help you! I don’t know how you got away, but just get out of town while you can!” While the bartender continued looking around nervously, Bella calmly said, “Can’t.” Hesitantly, Franz looked at her and said, “Look, you didn’t hear it from me, but the word is that THE Angelorum Lux has shown up right here in Gatria. I don’t know whether they would help you or not, but it’s probably your last hope. Nobody else wants anything to do with this Ala Morte business…” Turning her gaze downward as though she were disappointed, Bella said, “I see…” 

Turning back to the door, as Bella walked out, Fox said to Serius, “Well, let’s go.” Surprised, Serius said, “What, are you finally done drinking?” Grinning widely and placing his hands on his hips, Fox said, “Yep. It’s time to go to work!” Stepping out of the doors of the Golden Gullet, which was square in the middle of the city, Bella walked slowly down the street. Looking around at the people walking the streets, the hover cars going back and forth, Bella wore a downhearted expression as she muttered, “Not fair…” Passing a local park, as a ball bounced out of the park and came to rest at her feet, Bella stopped and looked over as a young boy called out, “Hey lady! Can you throw the ball back?” Picking the ball up, Bella nodded and said, “Sure.” Tossing the ball at him, she overshot him by a bit. Watching him go after it, she simply sighed in embarrassment and said, “Failure…” Looking at her hands for a moment, Bella thought to herself, “That was the first time I’ve ever held a ball…” 

Bella continued on her way, and coming to a crosswalk, she stopped and pressed the button on the signal to cross. Standing there waiting for the light to change, Bella suddenly sensed something and her eyes went wide as she quickly scanned the surroundings, thinking, “That’s…!” Looking up to see it coming, Bella dove aside as a ball of arcane magic struck where she’d been standing and exploded in an powerful blast, the force of the explosion sending her sailing over to the other side of the street. As citizens fled in terror, Bella struggled up and watched a familiar figure leap down from the top of the building next to where she had stood moments before. A woman with long blue hair and long ears like hers, the attacker wore a mask that was gray on one side and black on the other. Behind the mask, multi colored pupils made of red, gold, and blue looked out at Bella. She wore a blue, skin-tight one piece bodysuit that left her legs exposed, an armored shoulder pad over the right shoulder, blue gloves that looked like claws, and long blue boots with silver buckles on them. She also wore a long blue scarf, the two tails of which reached all the way to the ground and seemed to move slightly as though they were alive. Glaring at the familiar assailant, Bella muttered, “Magus…”

            Staring back at Bella, Magus said, “You’ve pushed your luck too far Belladonna. You’ve become a liability, and the master has marked you for elimination…” Glancing side to side, thinking about trying to escape, Bella at last decided to stand her ground. Defiance in her eyes, Bella said, “I don’t need a master. I’m not a tool.” Shaking her head in disgust, Magus said, “You really are wayward. To carry out his will is our reason for being! If you think fulfilling the purpose of your life is beneath you, then you can DIE!” The tails of Magus’ scarf suddenly shot out at Bella, extending themselves greatly, and as Bella leaped over them, they smashed into the side of the building behind her. Landing in between the outstretched scarf tails, Bella formed a mass of EDE and created a spear with a golden handle and a silver and red spear tip. Rushing at Magus, Bella said, “I don’t want to hurt you Magus!” Yet the ends of Magus’ scarf quickly circled around and got in front of Bella, and the scarf tails constricted around her in no time, binding her tightly. As her scarf lifted Bella into the air, Magus called out, “You don’t want to hurt me? I don’t think our little failure has to worry about that…” 

Suddenly, a sonic wave cut through the scarf and Bella fell back to the ground. Then the remains of one of the scarf tails folded into a hand like shape and raised itself on Magus’ left side, blocking Fox’s explosive punch with ease as he took a swing at her. Turning her head to look at him, Magus said, “Weaklings should mind their own business…” Grinning, Fox said, “Guess that means I’m pretty damn strong then! Even if it’s over something that doesn’t involve me at all, I’ll always be the first one to pick a fight if someone’s going around acting like a badass! Just ask my partner here!” Walking down the street towards them, resting Aer Dominus’ blade on his shoulder, Serius said, “Since when did I become your ‘partner’ Fox?” Laughing cheerily, Fox said, “Just go with the flow bud!” Raising her hand at Fox, Magus gathered EDE and said, “I have no time for you… Radium Eversio!” A rune circle formed in her palm and a beam of arcane magic enhanced with EDE shot out at Fox, who quickly raised a hand to block. The beam exploded powerfully, but as the dust settled, Fox stood with his white hot steel gauntlet outstretched. Smirking smugly, he said, “It’ll take more than that! I ain’t a member of Angelorum Lux for nothing!”

            Narrowing her eyes, Magus said, “You’re with Angelorum Lux?” Her attention now completely Fox’s, Bella stared at him silently as she remembered Franz’s advice to seek out Angelorum Lux. Magus glanced at Bella, thinking about going for the kill, but quickly Serius walked between the two and said, “I am Serius the Unbound. I do not know what this is about, but it ends here.” Looking back and forth between Serius and Fox, Magus said, “I am not going to battle with Angelorum Lux. I will withdraw for now.” Shooting a glare at Bella, Magus added, “Just remember, you’re marked for death. You’ve not seen the last of me…” Leaping up suddenly, as Magus’ scarf tails grabbed hold of the side of a nearby building, they tossed her up the building’s side and she landed on the roof, disappearing from view. Cracking his knuckles, Fox said, “Let’s hurry up and go after her!” Staring up at the roof, Serius said, “No, there’s no chance of catching her. I can sense she has already put great distance between us. She didn’t have much of an aura, but considering I could actually sense her magical power, she’s likely a talented magic user…” 

Walking over to Bella and extending his hand to help her up, Fox said, “Need a hand up miss?” Staring at him for a moment, Bella quickly turned her gaze away and got up on her own. Once on her feet, she muttered, “Nuisance…” Grinning, Fox said, “Heh, so you think you’re some badass chick too huh? Did someone’s pride get hurt just cause they got their butt kicked?” A look of annoyance in her eyes, Bella said, “Loudmouthed carrot top…” Jumping back and going into a battle stance, Fox said, “Wanna make something of it?! I’ve only ever lost to one man, and he’s the baddest of the bad I ever faced!” Letting Aer Dominus evaporate, Serius said, “Enough. For the record though, you also lost to Grave back in Bolseil.” Standing up straight and crossing his arms, Fox muttered, “Oh, like you didn’t? Whatever, that was just one of his substitutions! It doesn’t count!” Suddenly they all heard sirens as the local police were coming to investigate the disturbance. Quickly Fox said, “That’s not good, let’s split!” Raising an eyebrow in confusion, Serius said, “Why? The local police should be informed of that woman.” Rushing over to Bella and grabbing her by the arm, as Fox pulled her along, he said, “Trust me, it’s a bad idea to get the cops involved. Right miss?” Struggling against him as he dragged her off, Bella said, “W-wait, slow down…”

            Heading back to the Golden Gullet, as they arrived in front of the tavern, Fox released Bella and she bent over as she struggled to catch her breath. Smirking as he watched her panting, Fox said, “All tired out eh? Some badass chick you are.” Looking up at him in irritation, Bella wheezed, “Sexist kidnapper…” Donning an indignant look, Fox quickly exclaimed, “Oi now, that’s just slander!” Ignoring him, Bella finally stood up straight, turning her attention to Serius as he said, “This may be none of our business, but would you mind explaining your situation? We may be able to help you.” Still feeling cautious of these strangers and how they had just suddenly appeared to help her, Bella thought about whether she would listen to Franz’s advice after all. She stood there silently debating a moment, but drawing her attention back with a whistle, Fox said, “Hellooo?” Glaring at Fox a moment, Bella glanced at Serius and said, “Top secret.” With a slight nod, Serius said, “Very well.” As Bella turned to go, Fox said, “C’mon, you may not wanna admit it but we really pulled your butt outta the fire back there. I can already tell you’re in way over your head, just give us a chance here!” 

Bella began to wonder if she should reconsider just as a hover car came down the street and pulled up at the curb in front of them. The passenger side window rolled down and Grey said, “Serius, Fox! You guys really need to learn to answer the phone once in a while!” Then the rear door on the passenger side burst open and Rufus scrambled to get out as he exclaimed, “You! You’re the-” His foot getting caught on the doorframe, Rufus fell flat on his face as Ian gracefully leaped off his hat and landed beside him. Straining to look up at Bella, Rufus continued, “You’re the girl from the hospital!” Looking down at Rufus, Bella said in confusion, “Trespassing Cat Reporter…?” Jumping to his feet, Rufus exclaimed, “Rufus Lenscap, Ace Reporter!” Ignoring his antics, Serius said, “You know our new friend Rufus?” Rufus started to say, “Yeah, there was this mad scientist place in a secret room and-” Turning to Serius in surprise, Bella said, “You know Cat Reporter?” Sobbing slightly, Rufus whined, “Ace Reporter…” Sticking her head out the open door, Amy said, “We all know each other. Fox and Serius are our friends, we’re all traveling together.” Closing the driver’s side door and leaning against the hover car, Richter said, “You’re the girl Rufus freed back at the hospital, aren’t you? Serius, what’s going on here?” Serius simply said, “Good question…”

© 2014 KeithKVH

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Added on October 27, 2014
Last Updated on November 5, 2014
Tags: Volume 2, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Romance, Adventure, Original

Legend of Mautau: Reflections of an Ideal World



Pasadena, CA

I've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..
