![]() Ch 38: Secrets in a Seaside ParadiseA Chapter by KeithKVH![]() Arriving in Gatria, everyone hurries to visit Scott in the hospital, only to be thwarted as he is still in mid-procedure. Getting lost, Rufus stumbles upon a restricted room, and curiosity takes hold.![]() Gatria. Thursday July 12, 520NA. Passing through the gates of Gatria, the halman seaside paradise, the hover vehicles carrying Grey and his friends turned up one of the northbound streets. The buildings were made of smooth stone bricks but reinforced with various modern materials like plastic and metal, and the architecture was grand and luxurious with an old world flair. Almost all of them included automated doors and windows, and some even had their own dedicated solar panels, powering all the technologies within with the very sunshine the city was known for having all year round. Billboards and ads were everywhere. Citizens could be seen everywhere going about their daily lives, crossing at intersections as the many hover cars traversing the streets stopped at the traffic signals. The streets and sidewalks themselves were paved with gleaming white stone. They passed a large, important looking building with stained glass windows and various statues upon it as they turned a corner, and looking out the window of the hover car, Amy said, “Ooh, what’s that building?” With a sour expression, Alexander said, “The Church of Light…” Noticing his reaction, Grey said, “I’m guessing you don’t like how these people worship you as a god?” Glancing back at him, Alexander said, “You’ll be in the same boat at some point Grey. Just wait till you see a statue of yourself made by some complete stranger sitting in a church with some engraved caption blowing your entire life out of proportion in just eighteen words…” With a look of great interest, Amy said, “They have statues of you and Serius in their church?! I’d love to see those!” Heaving a sigh, Alexander muttered, “Yes, yes, statues of me, Amanus and Serius. It’s really a waste of time though. Trust me. It won’t even look like me…” Arms crossed in irritation, Mythra grumbled, “Stupid Alexander, quit bellyaching! I fought all those battles alongside you guys, but did I get a statue? No. I got nothing. Squat. I don’t want worshipers, but I’d have liked at least some recognition from my own people…” Taking the northbound streets across the city, they at last came to a tall building with a large parking lot and a designated drop off lane in front of the entrance. Comparing the address to the one on the letter Serius had sent, Alexander said, “Here we are. This is the inn the others are staying at. Amy, Grey, while we’re in this city try not to draw attention to yourselves. Serius had to go to a lot of trouble to get Scott into the hospital here because of the fact that he’s a human. Those not of pure halman blood are not considered equal here, and pure-blooded humans aren’t supposed to be here at all. Half-breeds aren’t a common sight in a city like this, but I’m sure there are more than a few living in the slums, so I doubt you’ll be called out as long as you don’t make a scene.” Amy nodded obediently, while Grey merely donned a sour expression. As they pulled into the parking lot, Ace pointed and said, “Yeah, they’re here. That’s definitely our transport.” Parking a short distance from the transport, everyone filed out of the hover vehicles. As Schmitt, Richter, and Rufus got out of the hover carriage, Schmitt was laughing his head off, and Amy said, “What’s so funny Schmitt?” Suddenly Rufus cleared his throat and held up his camera as he posed, and with a serious look on his face, he said, “Rufus Lenscap. Ace Reporter.” As the others stared, Schmitt clutched his sides as he began to laugh even harder. Rufus glanced back at Richter questioningly, and Richter scratched his chin thoughtfully and said, “It just doesn’t fit…” Embarrassed just watching them, Grey said, “C’mon guys. Let it go already…” Starting the hover carriage again, Tobias said, “I do hope it was a comfortable ride for everyone.” Grinning at him, Grey said, “Thanks for the help Tobias!” Speeding off, Tobias called back, “Farewell!” Looking over at the transport, Ace spotted their resident clown fiddling with the transport’s systems again and said, “Look. It’s Dewie. Let’s ask him where the others are.” As Ace started off, Alexander quickly said, “Remember what I said before. Let’s just keep the little matter of our identity between us…” Waving a hand in the air, Ace said, “Yeah I know. What a pain…” Approaching Dewie, Ace said, “Hey Dewie. We’re finally back. Is there something wrong with the transport again?” Turning to him with a grin, Dewie said, “Hey, hey, hey! Welcome back all!” Quietly, Rufus whispered to Schmitt, “Am I losing it or is that a clown working on a hover transport?!” Schmitt simply shrugged and quietly said, “This is another world. We already seen some weird stuff, and I think we should be expectin to see a lot weirder things than this…” The two went rigid as Alexander said, “Enough you two.” Ignoring them, Ace continued, “So where’s the Boss and all the others Dewie?” Starting to put away tools, Dewie said, “Well, let’s see, see, see… The Ringmaster’s resting in the inn. Fox and Serius went into town for parts to fix the transport. We fixed it before, but the parts were cheap, cheap, cheap, and they broke. Really wish Scott were here, here, here. He’d know what to do with it…” Rufus raised an eyebrow as he thought to himself, “This guy has one mother of a speech impediment…” Upon Dewie’s mention of Scott, Grey quickly felt a desperate need for good news and promptly asked, “How is Scott doing Dewie? Has he gotten any better at all?” With a downhearted look unbefitting of a clown, Dewie said, “Mana and Saria should be check, check, checking on him right now. Doctors say they’re gonna try a new treatment today. If that doesn’t work, work, work…” Mythra grit her teeth and thought, “Damn! If I’d just found Scott a little bit sooner…” Adjusting his shades, Alexander said, “Well, I was thinking we all might go see Scott, but now that Tobias left we have only enough transportation for five. I’m going to work out rooms for all of us in the inn. Why don’t you all work out who should go to visit him?” Alexander headed into the inn, and after a moment of discussion, Schmitt and Ace opted to stay behind and help with repairs. The rest piled into the hover car once more, Richter taking the driver’s seat, Grey in the passenger’s seat. While Amy, Mythra, and Rufus piled into the backseat, Grey looked at Richter and said, “Where is this medical facility anyways?” Taking the envelope containing Serius’ letter off the dashboard, Richter opened it and pulled out a folded up piece of paper as he said, “As expected, Serius thinks of everything. I have no idea where we’re going, but this map certainly does.” In the back seat, Mythra leaned forward and said, “Grey, come switch places with Rufus! I don’t wanna sit next to the cat-hatter here!” With an indignant look Rufus exclaimed, “Hey!” Looking back, in a fit of pent up frustration, Grey shouted, “Can you guys cool it?! I’m already on edge enough!” Everyone went quiet. Slowly, Amy said, “We’re worried too Grey…” Regretting how he’d taken it out on them, Grey said, “Yeah… Sorry, I just snapped but… I should have been there! We made a promise to always have each other’s back…” Smiling warmly, Richter said, “It may be unspoken, but that’s something I think all of us are committed to do, just by being friends. We all wish that we could have been there to help him, but the world doesn’t always work the way we want it to.” Nodding, Amy said, “He knows we all would have done anything we could if we’d been there. No one’s at fault, so don’t go beating yourself up like this…” Clearly depressed, Mythra’s ears drooped sadly as she said, “At least you know there was nothing you could have done Grey. If I had just gotten there a little sooner…” Surprised, Grey quickly said, “Don’t talk like that! He’d be dead if you hadn’t healed him right?” Mythra remained silent. Starting the hover car, Richter said, “Well, let’s get going. Who knows? Maybe he’ll be awake to greet us by the time we arrive…” As they pulled out of the parking lot, in an attempt to lighten the mood, Rufus said, “Hey, anybody wanna hear some jokes? My pocket computer’s got a million of em!” After a moment with no response, he said, “No? Maybe a game of ‘I Spy’?” Looking over at him, Amy said, “Rufus…” Glancing back, Grey managed a smile as he said, “Thanks for trying Rufus…” Leaning against the hover transport with a dull look on his face while Schmitt and Dewie fiddled with the transport’s systems, Ace thought, “Man, he had to go and stick me with something like this. How am I supposed to even talk to some high and mighty guy like Ferid? I wouldn’t make it through the gates.” Then he turned his head as he caught sight of Gibolu and Alexander walking towards them from the direction of the inn. As they drew near, Ace heard Gibolu saying, “I was very surprised at the way he dealt with that ruffian who interrupted our show. If only I’d brought my card deck, perhaps I could have helped. Well, I do hope he will be alright. Though I still can’t help but wonder why that hooded man caused such a scene in the first place…” In an attempt to shift the conversation, Alexander turned his attention to the others and said, “Any luck with the repairs?” Shaking his head, Schmitt said, “Naw, some parts are really busted up. Back when we were hangin out at Mythra’s place, I watched Scott fiddling with the newly replaced parts those guys from the Navis Cartel put in. He said when it comes to things like hover engines and repulsion engines, the replacement parts need to be calibrated properly or they might wear down real quick. That might’ve been the problem here since Dewie says Scott never got round to it after everythin that happened.” Staring at Alexander, Ace thought, “I know he doesn’t want to get them wrapped up in it, but it might be the only way I can do it…” Hearing footsteps approaching, Ace looked over and saw a halman man in a black suit approaching them, and quickly he thought, “Oh great. I get a real bad feeling we’re about to get dragged into something…” Coming to a halt, the man in the suit called out, “Angelorum Lux?” Blinking as he stared at the man, Gibolu said, “I beg your pardon sir?” Hiding his frustration, Alexander said, “There must be some mistake, I’ll straighten this out.” Walking over to the man, Alexander said to him quietly, “I am Gabriel the Immortal. For reasons I’m not at liberty to discuss, I’d rather we talk out of earshot of the others.” After they had walked far enough away from the others, Alexander said, “I assume you’re one of Count Ferid’s men?” Bowing his head, the man said, “Yes sir. It is an honor to be in your presence, Lord Gabriel. I come with a humble invitation from Count Ferid, who caught word of your arrival in our fair city. Sometime while you are here in Gatria, he would like to invite all members of Angelorum Lux to dinner at his manor, if you are available of course…” Alexander’s eyes narrowed behind his shades and he thought, “It’s unusually bold for even a noble like Ferid to be inviting people of our status to dinner. Is he just trying to gain repute through us or is it a simple gesture of good will?” For a moment Alexander considered the invitation. Then, lifting his shades and rubbing his eyes, Alexander said, “We have business here in Gatria that may very well take a good while. I see no reason to turn down the Count’s offer. Please let him know we’re looking forward to it.” Bowing his head again, the man in the black suit said, “Thank you, Lord Gabriel. We will contact you again and work the schedule to your convenience. If you need any transportation, we will arrange it as well.” Nodding, Alexander said, “Thank you.” Returning to the others gathered around the transport, as Alexander approached, Ace said, “More trouble?” Glancing at him in frustration a moment, Alexander said, “Why would you think that? It was simply a slight misunderstanding.” Then turning to Gibolu, Alexander said, “By the way Ringmaster, while in Daemonholm we were fortunate enough to speak to the Lord of the Demonfolk. I know it’s rather short notice, but he’s put in a good word for us with Count Ferid, and we’ll be attending a dinner with him at his home sometime during our stay here.” Clapping his floating hands together, Gibolu exclaimed, “Why that’s rather exciting! Worry not! We’ll simply hire some help to put on the show. We’ll perform for several nights, so you won’t miss your chance to finally see Gibolu’s Traveling Circus in all its glory!” Unable to believe his luck, Ace smiled to himself as he thought, “A dinner with the Count?! How lucky can you get?! My problem is solved!” Sitting next to Mana on a couch in the second floor waiting room, just down the hall from the room the doctors had wheeled Scott to for his treatment, Saria looked weary and downhearted. Looking at her in great concern, Mana said, “Saria, please! You’ve been up for days sitting by Scott’s bedside or in waiting rooms! You have to go and rest!” Saria remained silent, clearly intent on remaining where she was. Just then, Grey rushed into the waiting room, Richter, Amy, and Mythra coming up the hall behind him. As Grey saw Saria and Mana, he exclaimed, “Hey! We’re back! How’s Scott?!” Looking up at him, surprise in her tired eyes, Saria said, “Grey…?” With a look of relief, Mana said, “Thank goodness! You’re her brother, talk some sense into her! She’s been up all day for three days, with hardly any sleep to speak of ever since Scott was hospitalized! She’s making herself sick!” With a surprised look, Richter said, “I did not know they were such close friends, she must be extremely worried about him.” Bonking him on the head, Mythra said, “You really are dense about these things, aren’t you?!” Already aware of the growing relationship between Scott and Saria thanks to a private discussion with Mythra earlier on, Grey put aside his concerns and said, “Saria, you won’t do any good wearing yourself down like this. Get some rest, we’ll take it from here. Scott’s gonna be just fine, ok?” Hanging her head, Saria looked as though she couldn’t bring herself to oppose him. Helping Saria up, Mana said to Grey, “I’m tired too. I couldn’t just leave her here alone…” Bowing his head, Grey said, “Thank you Mana.” Looking up, he added, “You need a ride back?” Pulling out an object that Grey assumed was a halman cell phone, the earpiece able to be pulled out so that it reached up to her half-halman cat ears, Mana punched some numbers in and listened for a moment as it rang. Then folding it back up with a sigh, Mana said, “I tried to call Fox and Serius and have them take us back, but Serius forgot his cell here, and I think Fox turned his off. I can call the Ringmaster and have him pick us up in a taxi, but… Could you find those two and tell them what’s going on? I know you came to see Scott, but he might still be in there awhile. Oh right, I have these for you.” Picking up the purse she had brought with her, Mana brought out more cell phones and said, “Serius bought you all cell phones too. They’re designed for use by halmans, demonfolk, etc. Use them to keep in touch.” Excited, Amy exclaimed, “Cool! I never did replace my old one after I lost it back in Celestis!” After distributing them, Mana helped Saria out of the waiting room. Scratching his head thoughtfully, Grey said, “Well, what now?” Then in a slightly worried tone, Amy said, “Uh… What happened to Rufus?” Wandering the first floor halls of the medical center, Rufus muttered, “I turn my back for one moment to look at something and they leave me behind!” Heaving a sigh, Rufus said, “I don’t even remember what floor we were supposed to be on…” Leaping from Rufus’ hat suddenly, as Ian ran off, Rufus exclaimed, “Hey, Ian?! Where are you going?! They probably wouldn’t allow cats in here in the first place! You cause any trouble and they might kick us outta here!” Rushing after the wayward cat, Rufus said, “Hey! Are you listening?!” Stopping by a door marked Authorized Personnel Only, Ian pawed at the door. Walking up to the door and picking up Ian, Rufus said, “What? You find something? The door says we shouldn’t go in there…” Looking around cautiously, Rufus muttered, “Well, we have nothing better to do…” Looking around once more, confirming that no one was around, there were stars in Rufus’ eyes as he said, “Inquiring minds must know!” Pressing the open button on the door control, as the door slid open Rufus stepped into the dark room beyond. Feeling for the light switch, Rufus found and pressed it, and as the lights came on he gasped at what he saw. The white walled, circular room was void of anything but a table in the center where a young woman was strapped down to it, seemingly unconscious. Looking maybe seventeen years old, she had long hair tied into twin pony tails that was black except for the front bangs, which were gold. She had long ears like an elf, and her clothes consisted of a black one piece skirt, over which she wore a sleeveless zippered vest, a pair of long black high heeled boots with gold designs on them, and a pair of long black gloves, also with gold designs. Looking at her a moment, Rufus thought, “Wow, she’s pretty! Why is she tied up here? Something isn’t right about this!” Looking around a moment, Rufus said, “Umm, excuse me… Miss? Are you ok?” She was unresponsive. Tilting his hat slightly, to Ian’s discontent, Rufus donned a determined look as he said, “Something’s definitely not right about this! I’m getting her outta here!” He started to remove the bindings on her. As he’d freed her arm, the woman suddenly opened her golden eyes and grabbed Rufus by the neck. As Rufus struggled to pull her hand off his neck, he choked, “I… was just… trying to… help…” Ian jumped off Rufus’ hat onto the woman’s face, and she quickly released Rufus, trying to pry Ian off of her. Coughing, Rufus said, “Thanks Ian, I’m ok now…” Jumping off the woman’s face onto the floor, Ian returned to Rufus’ side. Catching his breath as the woman started removing the rest of her bindings, Rufus said, “What was all that for?! I was just trying to help you!” The woman’s expression was calm yet somewhat unpleasant, and the air about her was withdrawn and antisocial. Rufus was surprised at the beauty of her somewhat soft voice, as she calmly said, “Why?” While her eyes were deep and beautiful, almost like those of a doll, Rufus could see the look of distrust in them. Thinking she must have reason to be cautious of others, Rufus thought about how to ease her fears as he said, “Well, for one thing I am an Ace Reporter…” Then with a wink and a thumbs up, Rufus simply said, “Rufus Lenscap, Ace Reporter! Informing the people of the truth and helping them is my job!” Apparently still suspicious, the woman said, “Tresspassing Reporter?” A bead of sweat rolled down Rufus’ face as he nervously muttered, “Yeah, well… You see, we got lost… and…” Then Rufus changed the subject quickly and said, “What I really want to know is what you’re doing here! Who are you, and why are you all tied up in a medical center? You sick?” Removing the last of her restraints, the woman said, “I’m Bella. You should leave. Or stay, if you like jail.” Before Rufus could say anything, she’d bolted out the door. Rushing out the door and closing it behind him, Rufus looked down the hall for her, but she was gone. Picking Ian up and placing him back on his hat, Rufus thought, “Well what was all of that about?” © 2014 KeithKVH |
StatsAuthor![]() KeithKVHPasadena, CAAboutI've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..Writing