![]() Ch 28: A Date in the Snowy City of Ancient LoreA Chapter by KeithKVH![]() The Coliseum cleared, once the group makes arrangements with Loki, Grey realizes Amy's unsuitable attire for the area. A scheming Alexander convinces them to go buy a coat together.![]() After Mythra had explained everything, Grey and the others followed Loki and his escort out of the Coliseum. Awaiting them at the entrance of the Coliseum, as Ace saw Loki with them, he quickly hid behind a nearby pillar. Walking down the four steps of stairs and heading to where his hover carriage awaited, Loki turned to everyone and said, “I will be sure to have your vehicle returned to you before you leave Daemonholm, but for now I will arrange for a hover carriage to take you to the citadel. Hezz Rozlar, honored guests.” As Loki boarded his hover carriage, Amy said in a confused tone, “Hezz Rozlar…?” Nodding, Alexander said, “It’s ‘take care’ in the demonic language.” Impressed, Richter said, “Knowledgeable as always Alexander. I’m starting to think one could learn more from you than from a library.” As Alexander laughed, Ace tried to sneak out from behind the pillar, but hearing him come out with her sensitive ears, Mythra turned and said, “What are you doing over there?” Ace mumbled as he replied, “I was just, well…” Leaning forward epectantly, pretending not to be able to hear suddenly, Mythra said, “Eh?” With a look of frustration, Ace shouted, “Bah, forget it! I can do what I want! Ain’t none of your business what I do woman!” Mythra, fuming, opened her mouth to retort, but stepping between them Alexander said, “Now, now you two! Just calm down… Everyone’s entitled to their secrets, but keep it civil for the sake of Mythra’s blood pressure…” Mythra’s eye twitched as she said, “You wanna repeat that, mister thousand year old smartass?!” Glancing at Mythra, Alexander flashed a mischievous grin as he said, “Oh come on Mythra, don’t look at me like that. Your face might freeze that way…” Listening to them as they began to trade verbal blows, Ace thought to himself, “These guys are really Angelorum Lux? There’s gotta be some mistake here…” Clutching his head as Alexander and Mythra went at it, Grey said, “Enough already you guys…” Wrapping her arms around her, feeling rather cold wearing just a t-shirt in the falling snow, Amy said, “Yeah, let’s just get out of here.” Seeing her trying to keep warm, Grey felt stupid for not thinking of it earlier and quickly removed his coat. Offering it to her, he said, “Why didn’t you say something?” Staring at the jacket, Amy turned red and stammered, “Oh, b-but I don’t want you to get cold…” Just then a hover carriage pulled up, and the driver called out, “Hello, Angelorum Lux? I’m here by order of our Lord to transport you to the citadel. There’s only room for four in the carriage, one of you will have to sit up here beside me.” Blinking in surprise, Richter said, “That’s just five people, we-” Finishing for him, Alexander said, “We have six people. Lord Loki was not aware of Ace’s presence here, so it seems we don’t have enough seats…” The driver quickly stammered, “I-I’m terribly sorry, we didn’t know…” Looking down the road leading to the sales district, Grey said, “Eh, you guys go on. I’ve been in this city for days now and I haven’t seen much other than that cell. I was thinking of looking around sometime anyways. The citadel is that big building over there right? I’ll just walk there once I’m done exploring.” Brushing snow off the shoulder of his coat, Alexander said, “Alright, if you’re sure…” Once again Grey offered his coat to Amy and said, “Take it. I’ll buy another while I’m out.” An idea popping into his head, Alexander said, “Why don’t you take her with you and buy her one of her own? Touring the town together would be better than going alone, don’t you think?” Moving closer to Amy, Alexander whispered to her, “It’d be just like a date…” Turning red, Amy did not feel so cold anymore, and thought steam surely must have been shooting out her ears. Picking up his whisper with her sensitive ears, Mythra exclaimed, “Now just a minute here you maniacal matchmaker! I-” Speaking over her with a mischievous grin on his face, Alexander said, “Very well then, it’s decided! Let’s go everyone, let’s go! Into the carriage!” As Alexander ushered her into the carriage, Richter and Ace in tow, a struggling Mythra shouted, “Hey! Lemme go! Stop! Are you listening to me?!” Turning to Amy, with a smile Grey said, “Do you want to come see the city with me?” Snapping out of her stupor, Amy replied, “Y-yeah, I’d like that…” As the hover carriage zoomed off, Mythra’s voice could be heard shouting, “LET ME OUTTA HEEEEERE!” It was not long after reaching the sales district that Grey and Amy found a clothing store called Tobias’ Garments and Accessories. It was fortunate there was a readable sign, almost all signs in the city were written in the demonic language. As Amy walked through the door, the warmth of the store washed over her. Looking around, Grey pointed over at a section of the store where he could see rack upon rack of coats and said, “There we go, over there!” They quickly made their way over and Amy began sifting through the many coats available. Just when she thought she’d found one she liked, she noticed something strange about it and said, “Wait, why are there holes in the back?” A rather sophisticated voice called out, “It’s for those who have wings of course.” Turning their attention in the direction of the voice, they saw a rather old looking demonfolk with white hair, eyes, mustache, and goatee. He also had white horns that curled back around themselves like a ram’s. Though almost all his features were white, he wore a black tuxedo. Approaching them, the demonfolk said, “My name is Tobias, and I am the owner of this establishment. Forgive me if I’m intruding, but perhaps I can be of assistance?” Grey could not help but stare at the man’s horns. Prodding him with her elbow, in a tone that indicated he was being rude, Amy quietly said, “Grey!” Quickly regaining himself, Grey said, “Ah, sorry…” Then with a grin, Grey extended his hand and said, “Nice to meet you, I’m Grey. We’re looking for some coats, regular ones if you have any.” Shaking Grey’s hand, Tobias said, “Ah I was wondering who you could be, you’re clearly not a fellow demonfolk after all. To think the new He of the Infinite, whose triumph in the Coliseum is spreading like wildfire through the city, would visit my humble shop! It’s truly an honor!” Turning to look at Amy, Tobias added, “Then you must be the young sage, Amy Grant. Everyone’s been talking about how fetching you are! It’s an honor to meet you as well young lady!” As he offered his hand Amy slowly shook it, her face red from embarrassment. Turning back to Grey, Tobias said, “We certainly can’t have her running around in weather like this without the proper essentials! Please follow me, I’ll show you to our finest coats!” With a little help from Tobias, Amy at last picked a white, warm looking coat along with a set of light blue mittens. Grey started to withdraw some gold that Serius had given him for such emergencies, but quickly Tobias said, “Please sir, put away your money. I could not bring myself to charge He of the Infinite for my wares, no matter how bad business has been lately.” Looking hesitant, Grey said, “You sure? I’m still a customer after all, so I feel like I should pay like anyone else.” Nodding in agreement, Amy said, “You’ve been so helpful too. We couldn’t just take this from you for nothing, especially if business has been bad.” Smiling at them, Tobias nodded reluctantly and said, “Very well. Thank you very much, both of you… With no tourists coming into the city now that they’ve closed down the Bone Wall, almost all of the shops here in Daemonholm are having far less customers than we would usually have during this season.” Separating the proper amount for the clothes, Grey asked, “You know, I still don’t know what happened. I mean, I thought the demonfolk and halmans got along with each other…” As Grey paid him, Tobias said with a troubled look, “Well, some unpleasant incidents have occurred. I don’t know all of the details, but apparently there have been many unexplained deaths among the halman tourists who have come to Daemonholm recently. A respected halman nobleman, Count Ferid, met with our Lord and quite unreasonably demanded retribution on behalf of the halman people. No one wants a conflict, but tensions are rising to the point where there might be a war. In order to protect Daemonholm, the Captain of the Guard has advised our Lord to have the city sealed off from outsiders.” Slightly worried by this grave bit of news, Amy said, “It sounds like things are getting dangerous. They still have no idea how the tourists were getting killed?” Shaking his head, Tobias replied, “Nothing certain. There’s a rumor going around that all the bodies were actually found outside Daemonholm in Shadow’s Reach, an area on the mountain only accessible through a tunnel in the side of the mountain a short ways away from the city. Outsiders are not supposed to go there, as it is where the entrance to the catacombs is located. It’s within the catacombs that we lay to rest our former lords who pass on, and many foolishly believe these deaths were the vengeance of our fallen lords upon trespassers…” Done shopping, as they started to leave Tobias followed after them, saying, “Do you know your way around the city? I have an errand to run, but if you come with me I’ll be glad to show you around once I’m done.” Amy looked hesitant, as she had come to spend time alone with Grey. It was mutual for Grey, who said, “We’ll be alright on our own, but if you could give us directions to a restaurant or something that would be great.” Quickly Tobias grinned and said, “There’s a very nice outdoor restaurant on the way to my errand! I know it’s rather cold out, but now that you have the proper attire it should be fine. I dine there often, it‘s rarely crowded.” Walking out the door of the shop, Tobias said, “As I said it’s right on my way, so I may as well show you there.” Grey and Amy followed behind, both taking in the sights as Tobias led the way through the streets. The buildings of Daemonholm were all made of various modern materials, yet their design radiated a sense of their culture and heritage. Grey was fascinated by the statues and engraved designs on many of them. While naturally dark and demonic, if you merely looked closely they gave a sense of honor and pride as well. Rounding the corner of a block, they proceeded for awhile until at last Tobias stopped at the next corner where there was a gate surrounding a large lot in which were many tables outside a small building with gargoyle statues on either side of the entrance and a sign on the roof written in demonic. Looking through the gate, Grey could see Tobias was right about it not being crowded, as only a few tables were taken. Standing at the open door of the gate around the outdoor restaurant, Tobias said, “Here we are, Kazadel Lac Derx! Quite a humorous name, don’t you think?” With a nervous look, Grey said, “I wouldn’t get it, I don’t know demonic…” Laughing in embarassment, Tobias said, “My apologies. The name translates in your language as ‘With Honor and Food’ I believe.” Amy suppressed a laugh as Grey looked over at the sign strangely and said, “What kind of name is that?!” Grey and Amy bid farewell to Tobias and walked through the gate. Taking seats at an available table, they waited for a waiter or waitress to come take their order, looking over the menu only for a moment as it became clear it was written entirely in demonic. As Grey looked around at some of his fellow diners, he noticed a demonfolk woman staring over in their direction. She had brown hair tied back into a bun, red eyes, and large black feathered wings. She wore a red and gold gown with red gems stitched into it that was beautifully designed and obviously expensive, and Grey felt certain she must be a noble or some upper class person of some sort. He was rather unnerved as she continued to stare, and he looked away quickly. As he started to think of a topic for conversation, Amy beat him to it as she said, “I hope Scott and Serius will be ok…” It had been on his mind since they’d left the Coliseum, and Grey sighed as he said, “Yeah. When Mythra told us, I was just about ready to rush over there on foot if I had to. Still, they’re both tough so I think they’ll be alright. Serius is Serius, and Scott’s always been tough as well. Back when I was barely a teenager, there was this group of bullies at school you wouldn’t believe. When they decided to pick a fight with us, Scott and me took down all of them! We got a real scolding for fighting and getting all those bruises, but it was worth it. Those guys never messed with anybody again!” A bit surprised, Amy said, “Really? I never would have thought you’d have gotten into any sort of fight when you were young, especially in Aerennis. Everyone loved your family didn’t they?” Nodding, Grey said, “Yeah, mom and dad were well liked by almost everyone, but it was just some stupid kids doing stupid stuff. I bet their parents probably scolded them more just for picking on me.” As they continued to talk amongst themselves, the demonfolk woman who’d been staring at them rose from her chair and slowly strode over to them. Interrupting their conversation, she said, “Grey of the Infinite if I’m not mistaken?” Looking up in surprise, Grey said, “Yeah, that’s me…” Smiling slyly, the woman said, “I thought so. After all, how could one forget a handsome face like yours?” Grey, unsure what she was after, just said, “Did you need something? I’m kinda busy here…” With a slight laugh, the woman said, “It seems you’re unaware of just who I am. I am known far and wide as Lady Darkwing, a very wealthy noble in demonfolk society and the sponsor of many of the Coliseum’s greatest fighters.” Getting irritated, Amy said, “Not to be rude but can you leave us alone? We were talking and-” Acting as though she couldn’t have cared less, Lady Darkwing said, “Is that so? Anyways, Grey you have great potential as a gladiator, among other features… Would you care to discuss becoming one of my sponsored fighters? I’m sure your ‘friend’ here can finish speaking with you later.” A shadow fell over Grey’s face, and just then a waiter arrived and said, “May I take your order?” Rising, Grey muttered, “Amy, let’s get out of here. I’ve suddenly lost my appetite…” Amy rose and they both walked away from the table and Lady Darkwing. Then Grey stopped as Lady Darkwing said, “Oh come now Grey! I can offer you far more than some common girl like her…” His temper flaring, Grey turned and said, “Shut up! I’d choose Amy over a snob like you any day!” Leaving Lady Darkwing with a sour look on her face, Grey and Amy made their exit. It was getting darker and colder, so the two headed towards the Obsidian Citadel where the others awaited them. Amy held onto Grey’s hand as they walked through the streets. Letting out a sigh as he walked, Grey said, “Sorry that things turned out like this. It’s already getting dark and we hardly got to do much of anything together…” Smiling, Amy said, “N-no, don’t worry about it. I’m fine with how it went today. We got to see some of the city, and it was nice to meet Tobias and all. I should be thanking you really, with the way you stood up for me…” Grey looked surprised for a moment, but then he smiled as well and said, “Well, if you’re happy, I’m happy.” Continuing on in silence for awhile, as a cold wind blew through the street, Grey said, “It’s a nice place to visit, but I don’t think I’ll live here anytime soon. How’s that coat, you warm enough?” Nodding silently, Amy thought to herself, “Not even a blizzard could take away the warm feeling in my heart right now…” Sitting in a cell in Daemonholm’s prison, Xanth muttered to himself, “Cool off he says. How could I lose to that inferior being? I’m a disgrace to my family’s name…” Staring at the floor in silence for a moment, he looked up quickly as he heard one of the guards cry out. A loud snap echoed through the halls as he stood and moved to the bars of the cell to see what was going on. He backed away as the guard’s body was hurled in front of the cell, landing there lifeless. Then a woman with dark skin and dark clothes who had silver hair that was braided on one side and draped over the front of her shoulder stepped into view. Staring at her, Xanth said, “A fellow demonfolk? No, you’re a half breed…” As she glared at him, a cold, empty voice echoed through the hall, saying, “Let it go Giselle. He’ll come to respect your power soon enough…” Turning away from Xanth, Giselle bowed her head and said, “Yes, Lord Alastor.” Xanth’s eyes went wide as he gasped, “Alastor?!” Stepping into Xanth’s view, Alastor fixed his empty eyes on Xanth and said, “It’s been a long time hasn’t it, Son of Theraph?” As Xanth stared back at him in disbelief, Alastor said, “Should it really be such a surprise? You already know Angelorum Lux is on the move, that there is a new He of the Infinite. Does it not stand to reason the Nameless One’s power has risen again?” Gathering his composure, Xanth said, “What do you want with me?” Drawing closer to the bars of the cell, Alastor said, “I came to your fair city to renew my bonds with the demonfolk and check the progress of a little project of mine. Yet I arrive only to find your lord has welcomed my enemies with open arms. So I have come to the one person I believe will see reason. Don’t you seek to honor your family name? To take vengeance against my brother, who slew your father? If so, you have an ally in me Xanth…” Xanth watched cautiously as Alastor stuck his arm through the bars to offer his hand and said, “Your lord has chosen a path your people were not meant to follow Xanth. Seeking peace with those that fear and envy your kind’s superior strength and longevity is a foolish dream. Join me as one of my Revenants and become a member of Altera Veritas, a new organization dedicated to creating a new world. Do this, and I will give you the power to lead your people to the Second Truth, as well as the chance to take your revenge…” © 2014 KeithKVH |
StatsAuthor![]() KeithKVHPasadena, CAAboutI've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..Writing