![]() Ch 25: PotentialA Chapter by KeithKVH![]() Awaiting their day in the Coliseum, Grey and the others are visited by Eazel, who Alexander reveals was instrumental in the Dark God's fall. The time has come for Grey to tap his potential.![]() Walking over to take a seat by Grey, Alexander said, “There. After tomorrow we’ll straighten everything out.” Closing his eyes lazily, Grey replied, “Yeah, yeah… We’re still stuck here doing nothing for awhile.” Suddenly a voice said, “Why not train then?” Opening his eyes quickly, Grey watched Eazel step out of thin air. Pulling his shades down and staring in surprise, Alexander said, “You?!” Flashing a grin, Eazel said, “Hello to you too Gabriel…” From the other cell Richter said, “What’s going on? Did I just hear someone in there with you all?” Walking to the wall between the cells, Eazel said, “Ah, Richter if I’m not mistaken? Well technically that’s your last name, but you’ve become comfortable just going by that amongst your comrades, haven’t you?” Richter replied in a confused tone, “Who…?” As Eazel placed a hand on the wall it evaporated, and having been leaning against it, Richter fell over. Struggling to his hands and feet, Richter groaned and said, “Could someone please tell me what the hell is going on?!” Having gotten to his feet, Grey said, “This is Eazel, one of the Observers. He’s a bit strange, but I’ve gotta admit he’s been a big help. I’d be stuck somewhere between worlds if he hadn’t pulled me out of there after the gate was destroyed.” Quickly getting up as well, Richter stared at Eazel with great interest and said, “One of the Observers?! A being that has existed since creation?!” Clearly amused, Eazel said, “I find age is merely a state of mind.” Still staring at him from his seat against the wall, Alexander said, “You’re far more than just any Observer if you’re who you say you are…” Facing Alexander, seeming to be looking him in the eye despite his belt blindfold, after a moment Eazel grinned and said, “You always have been quite the knowledgeable one, Alexander. I truly wondered whether you’d pick up on my introduction back then. My identity is quite the obscure fact.” Looking back and forth between the two, unsure what to make of their discussion, Grey said, “Identity?” Nodding, Alexander said, “Much of it has faded from my mind, but while under the sway of the Nameless One our minds were one. I had forgotten until I had heard the name again. He’s the one who led the Observers’ against the Nameless One and sealed him away. The Observer of Life, the Plane Stalker, Eazel…” Grey and Richter looked at Eazel in disbelief, while Eazel himself merely grinned from ear to ear. Then Eazel raised a hand and the world around them faded into the white expanses of the virtually timeless plane where Grey had trained before. Looking around in great surprise, his eyes nearly popping out of his head, Richter exclaimed, “What?! It’s as though the world itself fell away!” Leaning on his staff, Eazel said, “I have brought us to the same world in which I helped Grey master his Void Charge. It is a dimension where you can spend a great amount of time training and have almost no time at all pass back in your own world. You may make use of it until you feel ready to face the challenges ahead.” Rising to his feet, Alexander seemed to find this news shocking, and he exclaimed, “You helped him master an Infinite Ability?!” His mind still on the previous unbelievable revelation, Grey motioned for them to slow down as he said, “Hold on, wait just a second! You’re telling me Eazel beat the Nameless One?!” Scratching his head, seeming genuinely confused, Eazel said, “Did I really? I just can’t seem to recall…” As he regained his composure, Alexander said, “He did not do it alone, but his power and leadership were invaluable. Perhaps more so than we know…” His eyes fixed on Eazel, Alexander continued, “The unique powers of He of the Infinite, the Infinite Abilities, were given to Amanus by Origin itself, yet Grey had no knowledge of how to use them. It is a miracle in itself that we were able to awaken some of Grey’s sleeping power, and you mean to say you were able to simply teach him one? How?” Shrugging his shoulders, Eazel quite earnestly said, “How else do you teach someone? I simply gave him an idea of how to do it, and after that he learned it quite quickly. With a little practice…” As Alexander clutched his head in frustration, Richter stepped in and said, “I don’t think that’s what he meant… I am rather curious as well. I have heard much of these ‘Infinite Abilities’ that Grey can wield, and I must admit his EDE Dissipation and Void Energy are incredible assets. Putting aside why you seem to be able to teach them as well, why is it that Origin has not taught them to Grey?” Seeming to fix his belted gaze on Grey, Eazel said, “Would that really be best? Having everything handed to you on a silver platter is no great achievement…” Faced with such an unreasonable answer, Richter could only hope Eazel was joking as he said, “That’s true, but what of the situation we’re in?! The world teeters on the brink of destruction, and you mean to tell me our creator refuses to help simply because it would make things too easy?!” Tilting his head somewhat, Eazel simply said, “Would that be so surprising? Does Origin hold your hand through all the hardships of life?” As Richter fumbled for words, Eazel continued, “However fortunate it was, the fact that Origin indirectly intervened and made Amanus its champion, even armed him with power that in the wrong hands could bring about great disaster, is nothing short of mind boggling. Origin’s purpose is unknown even to the Observers. We were astonished that Origin intervened, seeing as it did not lift a finger when we originally faced the Nameless One.” Though he found all this interesting, it was still not a very satisfying answer to his question, and Richter insisted, “But it still doesn’t make sense. Why make Grey the new He of the Infinite without giving him his full abilities? It’s like making your breakfast and not eating it!” Glancing at Alexander while considering his answer, Eazel finally said, “In relinquishing Deus Amictus, Origin paved the way for an unforeseen event to cripple its strength…” With a look of terrible realization, Alexander said, “Do you mean the seal?!” With a grave expression, Eazel confirmed Alexander’s fears as he said, “Yes. When Angelorum Lux sealed Deus Amictus, which is its core existence, much of Origin’s power was sealed as well. For it to even be capable of empowering a new He of the Infinite should have been impossible…” Alexander simply stared at Eazel in shock. Then as an idea popped into his head, Grey said, “Well if you sealed it, then can’t you just unseal it?” Managing to regain his composure again, Alexander replied, “It is possible, but quite unlikely. Not only was it a complex seal requiring all the combined power of the remaining members of Angelorum Lux and the Sages of Light, but we decided to return it to Origin as well. The fact that you summoned it during your battle with Conwell puzzles me. It was obtained by Amanus through a sort of trial, but you took it up almost like it was your own Grand Anima Weapon...” Out of curiosity, Grey asked, “Why’d you seal it in the first place?” Crossing his arms with a sour face, Alexander said, “The fact that it somehow remained in this world even though Amanus’ life had already faded meant that anyone would be able to wield it. We feared the mautauians would abuse its power. Even after the seal was placed, Deus Amictus still retained great power, so we returned it to Origin by traveling to a temple in Mautau and offering it. It disappeared, reabsorbed into Origin. If we had only known it was the source of Origin’s power… Why does it seem like everything I do has to blow up in my face?!” The wheels turning in his head, Richter started to pace as he thought, “So with Origin’s strength gone, it would probably be correct to assume it was simply too weak to arm Grey with his Infinite Abilities…” Pausing in his stride, Richter said, “If that’s the case, Grey can only attain his abilities through blind luck just as he’s been doing…” Shaking his head in disagreement, Grey turned to Eazel as he said, “I’ve only learned EDE Dissipation on my own. If it weren’t for Eazel’s help, I might not be able to use Void Energy or Void Charge. What I’d like to know is just why do you know so much about these special powers I’m supposed to have?” Staring back at Grey appraisingly, Eazel said, “You are a very unique individual Grey. You overcome every obstacle with your courage and ingenuity. Look at how you defeated Fox, how you used your Void Charge in ways Amanus never dreamed of! Not only that, but the strength of your heart won him over as an ally, just as it has drawn many comrades to your side.” Approaching Grey, Eazel seemed to be looking him in the eye as he said, “Origin has been sending me faint messages in my dreams about the power within you Grey, those that Amanus had and those unique only to you! I’ve only recently been able to discern some of their meaning, but since you were born I’ve known that you not only possess great potential, but also the courage to live up to that potential. Neither I nor Origin can simply give you the power that was handed to Amanus the day he was born. However there is more than one path, a path all your own. If you are willing to put in the hard work and dedication, there is a unique Rune Swordsmanship spell that I believe you may be ready to wield. With it, you will be on your way to unlocking even more of your exceptional potential. Are you up to the task?” Smirking, Grey raised a hand before him and clenched his fist for emphasis as he said, “Bring it on! I’ve come this far, you think I’m backing down now?!” Seeing Grey’s determination, Alexander smiled as he thought, “As if he had to ask. Some things never change…” Crossing his arms, Alexander turned to Richter and said, “Very well. While Grey trains, I believe this is the perfect opportunity for us to improve as well.” Nodding in agreement, Richter replied, “I was thinking the same thing! In fact, why don’t we get Amy in here? We all can’t get left behind now can we?” Beaming at them all, Eazel said, “That’s the spirit I’ve come to expect from the new Angelorum Lux! We’ll begin right away! While it is a virtually timeless dimension, staying here longer than a single period of two weeks is ill advised for mortals, so we must get done what we can!” Walking through a dark hallway, Amy found herself drawn deeper and deeper into the darkness. A voice called out to her repeatedly, “Turn back… Only pain awaits you…” Uncharacteristically, Amy felt no fear as she continued through the darkness. She could sense the power calling her, the power to save Grey. Arriving at last in a dark chamber where a single shaft of light cast itself upon a strange looking glove that floated there in the air, a metal socket attached to the back of the hand, Amy thought to herself, “With this, I can fight by his side! With this, I can protect him!” The voice cried out, “Stop, it is not yet time.” Stepping towards the glove, Amy said, “I can’t risk waiting! I don’t know when the prophecy might happen! With this, I won’t be a burden anymore!” Reaching a hand out to the glove, as she reached for it her hand was forced back as energy crackled in the air and sent pain through her hand and down her arm. The voice cried out, “Even if you take it now, this is not the power you desire. As long as you seek to sacrifice yourself, you can protect no one…” Forcing herself to try again, Amy struggled against the pain as she tried to take the glove, shouting, “I will save Grey! No matter what happens to me, I will!” Struggling against the invisible force, Amy was at last blown away by the unseen power. Slumped against the wall of the room in agony, Amy sobbed, “No, I have to…” Suddenly she felt a hand upon her cheek, and heard a familiar woman’s voice say, “I’m sorry Amy, but you’re not ready yet. You still have time, but must you resign yourself to this fate? Isn’t he trying his best to save you from it?” Looking up to see no one there, Amy muttered, “I know, but I’d give anything to be able to help him, even my life…” Tossing fitfully in her sleep, Amy awoke as Grey shook her and said, “Hey, are you alright?!” Looking up at him in confusion for a moment as she laid there in bed, as Amy sat up and looked around at the world of pure white, she muttered, “Oh, I’m still dreaming…?” Daemonholm. Friday July 6, 520NA. Walking through an alleyway between two tall buildings in the Daemonholm sales district, Mythra adjusted her hat and said, “I don’t think I’ll ever get the stink of that sewer off me! Why’d we have to sneak in anyways? Wasn’t there some sort of understanding between the halmans and demonfolk these days?” Following behind her, Ace simply said, “We’re in aren’t we? I’m doing you a big favor coming back here…” Stepping out onto the sidewalk, Ace looked out in the direction of the Daemonholm prison, visible far off in the distance, and said, “Word on the street is something happened between the two recently, and the Bone Wall gate was closed. Something big must be up, and your friends might have been arrested.” Hover carriages moved through the streets as Daemonholm citizens moved from building to building. Throughout the sales district tall, spike adorned skyscrapers stood against the snowy skies, casting their shadows on the smaller buildings and shops spread around them. Banners bearing the colors of Daemonholm hung proudly from poles placed along the streets. Just north of the sales district stood the Obsidian Citadel, a castle of black stone where the Lord of the Demonfolk rules over Daemonholm. Walking along the sidewalk, Mythra angrily shouted, “What do you mean arrested?! Just what do you think is going on?!” Quickly, Ace said in a low voice, “Shut up! Shut up! Are you trying to draw attention?!” Whirling around, Mythra started to say, “Don’t tell me to shut up you-” Noticing several citizens starting to stare at them, a bead of sweat rolled down Mythra’s face as she laughed nervously. Quickly moving on, Mythra muttered, “Well what do we do now? We’re hardly equipped to pull a jailbreak here! We only came here to let Grey and the others know that Scott’s been hospitalized!” Shrugging, Ace replied, “Don’t look at me. I’m just supposed to be your guide.” Glaring back at him, Mythra stubbornly said, “Well then GUIDE me to a way out of this mess!” In irritation, Ace exclaimed, “That’s not how it works d****t!” Then he suddenly remembered something. Taking a moment to think, Ace said, “If your friends were put in the prison, they might get thrown into the Coliseum. I dunno who you people are, but it seems like you aren’t the wimps I thought you were. If they win, they’ll probably be allowed to leave Daemonholm.” Laughing quietly, a smirk on her face, Mythra said, “That’s perfect! So just where is this Coliseum place?” On the west side of the city, just north of the storage district, stood Daemonholm’s famous Coliseum. It was a large open air structure. Circular in shape, it stood at least five stories tall. Lining the inside of its gray stone walls were rows and rows of stands raised above the ground overlooking the snow covered dirt field where the gladiators were to do battle. Banners hung from the walls and noisy spectators filled the stands as the day’s matches were about to begin. Blended in with the crowds, Ace and Mythra made their way through the entrance and into the stands. Knowing they’d be discovered if it came off, Mythra held her hat tightly on her head as they pushed through the sea of spectators. Finding their seats, as they sat down, Ace quietly said, “This really ok? Just watching while your friends duke it out with Daemonholm’s finest?” Smirking, Mythra replied, “Just sit back and enjoy the show! You’ll see just who you’re dealing with soon enough…” Just then a voice boomed throughout the Coliseum, magically enhanced through some means, saying, “Azcar! Welcome brothers and sisters! The Coliseum is about to begin!” At the top row of the northern stands were the noble’s viewing seats, and standing speaking into a horn was a demonfolk with a head of short silver hair. From his head also sprouted a pair of black wings, and a pair of dark horns that stuck out as though they were wings as well. His mouth and the left upper half of his face were covered by a black mask, hiding one of his green eyes. He wore regal black armor that looked mostly for decorative purposes, royal purple designs etched upon it, complete with a black tailcoat that fluttered in the breeze. Mythra whispered to Ace, “Who’s that guy?” There was a nostalgic look on Ace’s face as he replied, “Loki… Lord of the Demonfolk…” As the crowd cheered, Loki continued, “In the past you have watched both beast and man compete in thrilling combat, and today shall be no different!” Loki turned to return to his seat as an announcer stepped up, took the horn, and said, “The rules are self explanatory. Each set of competitors will be faced with three challenges, each more harrowing than the next. We are not so barbaric as to force our competitors to fight to the death, but a battle will not be stopped until the conditions for defeat are met. Defeat is decided if the competitors concede defeat or are no longer able to fight.” Unfolding a parchment he had been holding, the announcer said, “Today our competitors will be outsiders straight from the cells of the Daemonholm Prison. Should victory be theirs, they shall be cleared of their minor crimes. The charges against them are…” The announcer suddenly fell strangely silent as he stared at the parchment intently for a moment. Then he regained his composure and quickly said, “The charges they face are the impersonation of one of the members of Angelorum Lux in an attempt to gain entry to Daemonholm…” A great uproar slowly spread through the crowd at this revelation, and Loki could be seen turning to whoever was in the chair next to him with a surprised look. Ace found the announcement rather humorous, and as he was laughing to himself, he said, “Seriously? Who would be stupid enough to try that?” Mythra merely smirked. Motioning for the spectators to quiet down, the announcer said, “Now that the formalities are over, let’s bring out our competitors!” On the north side of the Coliseum directly below the nobles viewing seats, the large gate through which competitors were brought from the prison opened. Led by a contingent of prison guards, Grey, Alexander, Richter, and Amy proceeded onto the field of the Coliseum. Ace’s eyes went wide in realization, and as he stared down at Grey and the others on the field, he muttered, “You gotta be kidding…” Normally Mythra would have just grinned smugly at Ace’s disbelief, but instead she stared down at Grey intently as she thought to herself, “Something’s different… Grey has always exuded an aura of hidden strength, of great underlying potential. It’s still there, but now it feels as though he’s taken his first steps towards unlocking his true power…” Struggling to keep his voice down as he shouted at Xanth, who was sitting next to him, Loki asked, “Why was I not informed?!” Leaning back with arms crossed and eyes closed, Xanth said, “I was going to deal with it myself. I didn’t deem an imposter and his accomplices to be worth troubling you over, but you suddenly had to go and make a public appearance to boost morale…” Shaking his head, Loki muttered, “And if you’re wrong?! Our crumbling relationship with the halmans is already a crisis, it could be the reason they’re here!” With a sigh, Xanth muttered, “You never change Loki. You worry too much…” Shifting his gaze to Grey and the others down on the field, Loki replied, “Only because you always act without thinking…” Down on the field, as one of the guards used a remote to deactivate the collars Grey and the others wore, he said to them, “Those collars stay on the whole time, so try anything and we’ll reactivate them and throw you back in your cells…” As the guards walked off, Amy glanced at the booing crowd nervously and said, “I don’t think they like us…” Adjusting his signature shades, Alexander said, “Try not to let them distract you.” Staring at the gate across from the one they entered through, Richter thought he could see movement within it. Out of curiousity, he asked, “What do you believe our challenges will be?” Flashing a confident grin, Grey said, “After all that training, we’re not gonna lose no matter what it is!” Chuckling, Richter confidently said, “Yes, we’ve all worked hard.” Hanging her head, Amy said, “Yeah, after I stopped throwing up. I really hope we win. If I have to eat that prison food again I’ll die…” Suddenly, the voice of the announcer called out, “Greetings challengers. Before you begin your battle, you are allowed to introduce yourselves to the audience should you wish.” From the stands, a guard tossed a horn like the one that amplified the voice of the announcer to them. As it sailed towards him, Richter caught hold of it. He glanced at Alexander, who just shrugged. Speaking into the horn, Richter said, “Former Colonel Jack Richter, the Energist of Prisms.” As the crowd booed, Alexander took the horn and spoke into it, saying, “Gabriel the Immortal.” The crowd roared with discontent as Alexander grinned mischievously and handed the horn to Amy. Nervously, Amy followed suit and spoke into the horn, saying, “Amy Grant, the Sage of Memories…” A piece of fruit flew from the stands at Amy, but quickly Grey stepped in front of her and knocked it away. Taking the horn from her, with a smug grin Grey raised the horn to his mouth and said, “Grey… of the Infinite!” © 2014 KeithKVH |
StatsAuthor![]() KeithKVHPasadena, CAAboutI've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..Writing