![]() Ch 22: To the Faire!A Chapter by KeithKVH![]() Touring the troupe's pre-show faire alone with Scott through a stroke of blind luck, Saria struggles to build her courage and deepen their relationship. Yet a shadow cloaked in black looms nearby...![]() As night fell, the faire began. As everyone was getting ready to leave the inn, which was south of the plaza on the west side of town, Serius spoke to Scott telepathically as they stepped out, saying, “Scott, I have a request.” Glancing at Serius, unsure if he was supposed to do anything special to respond, Scott said in his mind, “What’s up?” Quickly he heard Serius reply, “I’d like you to keep an eye on Saria. Altera Veritas has tried more than once to obtain her, and we do not know where or when they will strike again. They may attempt to take advantage of the faire for this purpose, hide within the crowds and make their escape in the confusion. With Grey, Richter, and Alexander gone, as well as Mythra being busy with that rather disgraceful task, I think it is best you watch over her.” Looking over at Saria, who was coming out the door behind him, Scott replied to Serius, “Yeah, I guess we can’t let our guard down. What are you and Fox gonna be doing though? Wouldn’t it be safer to all go together?” Having already scrapped this idea, Serius responded, “There is something that worries me about having Fox around. Even if he has willingly switched sides, the fact that he does not have the essence of the Nameless One controlled makes him a liability. Alexander has been working with him to seal it within a vessel, but as of now Alastor’s agents may be tracking our every move through him. I will keep an eye on Fox during the faire. Don’t worry Saria with this, just tell her we’re busy with something.” As Saria and Fox caught up, they all headed up the streets towards the park. Reaching the west bridge leading to the park, as they crossed it, Scott said to Saria, “Hey Saria, Serius told me Fox and him are gonna be doing something on their own. You wanna hang out with me at the faire?” Stopping dead in her tracks, Saria turned red and hesitated momentarily before nodding agreeably, shyly murmuring, “Ok…” Clearly not up to date on the plan, Fox started to say, “Eh? What are you ta-” Quickly interjecting, Serius said, “Yes, I’m afraid some of Gibolu’s hired help cancelled on him. We’ve been asked to lend a hand with a few things.” Shooting Fox a piercing stare, Serius added, “Isn’t that correct, Fox?” Taking the cue with a smirk, Fox said, “Sure, sure. Whatever you say partner…” As Serius motioned him to follow, he and Fox continued on, Fox calling back, “Have fun you two!” As he and Serius made their way through the gates, Fox said, “Well aren’t you a little matchmaker? Setting them up like this!” Looking over at him, Serius said, “What are you talking about?” Putting his hands behind his head as he walked, Fox said, “Oh come on, you can’t tell me you haven’t noticed her looking at him like he’s the only guy she’s ever seen! Why else would you pull something like this to get them alone together?” Looking back out the gates in surprise, Serius thought, “It seems I’ve put more responsibility on Scott’s shoulders than I had first thought…” Walking through the park gates, Scott and Saria were met with the mesmerizing sight of the fairgrounds lit up at night. Strung across the trees, bushes and the booths themselves were strings and strings of festive lights. From the trees and suspended among the wooden pillars they had worked to put up just a short while ago hung ornamental wind chimes of all varieties, as well as glass ornaments, tinsel, and other baubles that glimmered in the lights of the faire. Here and there were carved wooden statues of cute animals or people in dramatic poses. Set up along the sides of the pathways through the park were the numerous booths they had put together, now stocked with food and drink of all sorts or containing some form of game for prizes. Crowds of people bustled about, wandering from booth to booth, sitting at the park benches eating and laughing, and from a speaker system Scott and the others had also played a part in setting up, joyful music could be heard throughout the fairgrounds. As one of the songs ended, Gibolu’s voice rang through the speakers, “Once again, I welcome you all to the Gibolu’s Traveling Circus Faire! Please be reminded that in just two short hours the main event will begin within the Big Top located on the far side of the park! Make sure to sample the unique cuisine brought to you under special order from the Bolseil Catering Service! Fortunes and general advice are available for free at the Fortune Teller’s Booth in the northern reaches of the park, and you can test your aim at the Dunk Tank Attraction down by the fountain! Also, don’t miss your chance with a lovely lady down at our Kissing Booth south of the fountain! Whatever you decide to do everyone, allow me to wish you the merriest time here at Gibolu’s Traveling Circus!” Grinning, Scott said to Saria, “Shall we go?” Turning red, but smiling as well, Saria simply nodded. Just as they both moved on into the crowds, a cloaked figure stepped through the park gates. Looking around, the figure muttered, “I know you’re in here somewhere brats…” Walking along with Scott, Saria was frantically thinking, “Can I really do this?! I mean I have no idea what to say, we’ve only known each other for a few days! We already get along pretty well, but I can’t just ask if he likes me or anything like that, he’ll think I’m weird!” Suddenly bumping into someone, Saria quickly said, “S-sorry…” The male halman she had bumped into quickly said, “Ya better be! Watch where you’re going kid!” Saria’s ears drooped as she fumbled for words, but then Scott grabbed the man’s shoulder and said, “Leave her alone. It was just an accident.” Pulling away from Scott, the man, obviously drunk, shouted at him, “You wanna take it outside punk?!” Just then, riding up on a unicycle with juggling pins flying in circles from his hands, Gibolu said, “Good sir, I will ask you to leave my friends here in peace! Tonight is not to be sullied with rude behavior, and if you cannot respect others I will have you removed from my faire!” Quickly the drunk grunted and moved on, muttering, “Stinking halfbreeds…” Turning his attention to Saria, Scott said, “You alright?” With a flushed look, Saria heaved a sigh of relief and said, “Y-yes…” Parked on his unicycle, continuing to juggle, Gibolu said, “I’m dreadfully sorry you two. As unfortunate as it is, there’s always one bad egg that causes trouble even at a joyous occasion like this. Do not let it ruin your night! There is still much merriment to be had!” Grinning at him, Scott said, “Thanks Gibolu. Anyplace you recommend we hit first?” Still juggling as he thought for a moment, Gibolu said, “Why not visit Mana at the Fortune Teller’s Booth? I’m sure she’ll have some wonderful fortunes for a lovely couple like you two!” Both Scott and Saria turned red, and Scott said, “H-huh?!” Chuckling to himself, Gibolu said, “Oh, have I said too much? Very well, my lips are sealed! Well I’m afraid I must depart! Enjoy yourselves!” As he rode off on his unicycle, Scott turned to Saria and nervously said, “I guess he got the wrong impression.” Having been reminded of her discussion with Mana, Saria said, “I think I would actually like to go to Mana’s booth… If that’s ok with you…” Wading through the crowds, they arrived in the center of the fairgrounds south of the Fortune Teller’s Booth. Gathered around the fountain where the Dunk Tank Attraction was set up, people watched as, one after another, players attempted to throw a ball into the target and dunk Dewie into the fountain. Seeing the attraction, Scott said, “You mind if we check that out while we’re here? I’m pretty good at these, and I could probably get you a stuffed animal or something if you want one.” Turning red once again, Saria fidgeted with her hands as she said, “You really don’t have to worry about getting me anything…” As they approached the attraction, Dewie spotted them from his rickety looking perch and called out, “Hey hey hey! Wanna play?” Scott grinned as he called back, “Sure! You’re gonna get wet though!” Laughing, Dewie said, “We’ll see see see!” The hired assistant handed Scott three rubber balls. Taking aim, careful not to use too much strength, Scott hurled the rubber ball at the target. Striking the target hard, the seat beneath Dewie swung down and he was dumped into the water of the fountain. The crowd cheered Scott, and getting out of the fountain, Dewie said, “Nice nice nice! You win!” With a nervous laugh, Scott said, “You really look soaked Dewie. You sure you’re gonna be ok?” Waving away his question with a smile, Dewie motioned to the hired assistant, who brought Scott a large stuffed mouse. As Saria and Scott left the attraction, Saria carrying her new stuffed mouse, Saria smiled as she thought, “So strange… Just a short while ago I never would have imagined a human could be such a nice person…” Glancing over at Saria, Scott thought, “She’s really a quiet one. She’s older than Amy too, but you really wouldn’t know it. She’s smiling for once, so maybe she’s having a good time.” Glancing over at her again he thought, “She’s got a cute smile…” Quickly shaking the thought from his head, he thought, “Ack, what am I thinking?! I’m supposed to be protecting my best friend’s sister here, not thinking about her like that!” Looking over at him questioningly, Saria said, “Um… Something wrong?” Looking away quickly, Scott said, “Nah, nothing…” Arriving at the Fortune Teller’s Booth, a medium sized purple tent with a sign out in front advertising fortunes and advice, Mana exited the tent just as Scott and Saria got there. Seeing them, she exclaimed, “Oh, good for you Saria! I was wondering if you would show up, but it looks like you didn’t need help after all huh?” Panicking, Saria raised her free hand gesturing for her to stop talking and said, “No, it’s… They just…” Confused, Scott said, “Help with what?” Getting the picture, Mana quickly said, “Umm, help with… Ah, yes! Saria was going to help me with something real quick! So if you’ll just excuse us a moment.” Before Saria could protest, Mana dragged her into the tent. Taking a seat behind the small table where fortune cards and a large crystal orb sat, Mana said, “You’re really in a spot aren’t you? How did you wind up coming here alone with him and not be on a date?” With a sigh, Saria replied, “Everyone else was busy with the faire…” Raising an eyebrow questioningly, Mana said, “I thought Serius and Fox were covered. Well, even so, I have to say this is still quite a big opportunity for you! You need to show him you’re interested! I’m sure he wouldn’t turn down a pretty girl like you!” Taking the seat in front of her, Saria said, “I don’t know. I mean, I’m a half-breed…” Playing around with the fortune cards, Mana said, “Wasn’t he a half halman too? He doesn’t look like a demonfolk or a sprite.” Quickly changing the subject, Saria said, “H-He’s my brother’s friend as well, it would be awkward. I’m sure he’d just think I’m weird…” Sighing, frustrated by her lack of confidence, Mana gathered her cards and said, “You really think about things too much. Would it give you some confidence if I gave you a good fortune?” Thinking it over, Saria said, “Maybe, but is that stuff really real?” Nodding, Mana quickly said, “Of course, of course! Now let’s see…” Shuffling up the fortune cards, Mana said, “This is my own special technique for telling fortunes, it never fails! Now, pick three cards at random and place them on the table in front of me.” Taking three of the cards and putting them on the table, Saria said, “Ok.” Putting away the other cards, Mana said, “Let’s see what we have.” Turning over one card, a picture of a horseshoe was revealed, and excitedly Mana said, “Well, well, it seems you have luck on your side! Let’s see the next!” Turning over the second card, a picture of a set of measuring scales was shown, and Mana said, “Ah, and you will have a fateful occurrence tonight! I think we both see where this is going!” Turning red, Saria said, “This is silly…” Giggling, Mana said, “Oh come on, let’s at least see what the final card holds!” Flipping over the final card, the image of a heart was on it, and Mana exclaimed, “You see?! Tonight is your chance at love! All three cards point to one thing! You can make it happen!” Suddenly they heard Scott’s voice from outside the tent as he asked, “What are you guys doing in there?” Saria panicked, keeping her voice down as she said, “The cards!” Hiding the three cards in her sleeve, Mana called out to Scott, “Sorry, it took longer than I thought, but we’re finished!” Entering the tent, Scott looked around and said, “If you need more time that’s fine. I was just thinking of grabbing something to eat.” Getting up, Mana said, “No, we’re done, so you and Saria go do that. I’d better get back to work anyways.” Following them out of the tent, as they left, Saria looked back at Mana, who smiled at her encouragingly. At last they left Mana’s sight, and taking the cards out of her sleeve and looking at them, Mana thought, “I’m sure you can do it!” Then noticing a card stuck to the back of the card bearing the image of a heart, Mana pulled it off, and as she looked at it she quickly dropped it in shock. Fluttering to the ground, it landed face up, a picture of a skull upon it. Staring down at it, Mana said, “Danger?! But then, was the skull considered the third card?! Oh no, I have to warn Saria!” Sitting at her place at the Kissing Booth, Mythra was resting her head in her hands with a sour look on her face. Having glared menacingly at anyone who dared to approach her booth, she had effectively scared off any would be kissers. Sighing to herself as she rested her eyes a moment, Mythra muttered, “This sucks…” Then a voice called out, “Wow, you sure know how to draw a crowd don’t you?” Opening her eyes to see Fox and Serius coming up to her booth, Mythra glared at them and said, “Shut up and go enjoy your damned faire Fox…” As Fox snickered, Serius said, “I know you aren’t having much fun Mythra, but have you been keeping your senses peeled for any traces of enemies?” Sitting up properly, Mythra replied, “I haven’t sensed much. There have been a few unusual traces, but it could really be anyone. There’re just so many people here, and any of them could be energists.” Grinning, Fox seemed somewhat eager as he said, “Oh, they’re here alright! We just gotta wait em out. I’m willing to bet it’ll be old Grave again. Once that guy get’s his target in his sights, he just won’t stop till he get’s what he’s after.” Looking somewhat skeptical, Mythra said, “I still think there’s probably nothing to worry about. If they knew we were here, they would have come in with guns blazing by now, seeing as they haven’t had much of an opening to lay down any complex traps. Under these crowded conditions they could technically try to sneak in a few troops and spirit her away unnoticed, but I’d think Alastor would realize we wouldn’t make it that easy for him. If he knows it’ll cause a scene, he might as well go with the big guns.” With a shrug of his shoulders, Fox said, “I wouldn’t be so sure personally. Also, just because it’s Altera Veritas doesn’t mean Alastor’s the only one we have to worry about. Grave is a former member of a ninja clan that exists here on Gaia. I don’t really know all that much about him, but I do know he seems to prefer to strike right when your back is turned. He also prefers to avoid showing up personally. Usually he’ll send in substitutions, copies of himself created through ancient ninja secrets and EDE. The scary thing is… he’s so good at making them that they’re almost as strong as he is…” Sitting at a park bench near a stall selling delicious looking pastries, Saria stared after Scott as he stood in line to buy them some treats, thinking to herself about the fortune she had received at Mana’s booth. Trying to convince herself it was wrong or fixed somehow, she thought, “It’s silly, the whole idea is silly. For someone like me to have a crush on a hero like Scott, it’s really just hopeless…” Returning with the pastries, as Scott saw her troubled face, he asked, “Something wrong?” Startled, Saria looked up and said, “Ah, no…” Looking away and heaving a sigh, Saria muttered, “I was just thinking about going back early…” Surprised, as he set down the food he’d bought, Scott said, “Oh? It looked like you were having fun when we left the dunk tank. We can go back if you want, but if I said anything to…” Quickly, Saria stood and said, “It’s not that!” Taken aback, Scott said, “Um, ok… Sorry…” Saria’s ears drooped as she turned away and said, “It’s not your fault, I’m just… being weird aren’t I?” Wondering where this was coming from, Scott said, “I don’t think you’re weird, I just don’t really understand what’s going on…” Gathering her courage, Saria took a deep breath and said, “I… Scott, I… really…” The words caught in her throat, for a moment Saria struggled to say it, but then she turned away and started running as she thought, “I can’t!” Dumbfounded, Scott shouted, “Hey, wait!” For a moment he stared after her, watching her disappear from sight as he thought, “What’s gotten into her?!” Then remembering the fact that Altera Veritas could be lurking among the fair this very moment, he rushed after her, thinking, “Damn, I gotta find her!” © 2014 KeithKVH |
StatsAuthor![]() KeithKVHPasadena, CAAboutI've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..Writing