![]() Ch 20: Working Together is What It's All AboutA Chapter by KeithKVH![]() It's finally time to set up for the show, but Alexander pulls Richter, Amy, and Grey off on a trip to another city. Pulling the group together in their stead, Scott is quickly gaining an avid admirer.![]() Standing with the others around the transport parked next to the bridge leading to the park, the large transport drawing many curious stares from people walking the streets, Grey was staring at the map of the park Gibolu had given them, marked with all the details of what will be set up where. Looking it over for a moment, he exclaimed, “You’re kidding right?” Quickly, Dewie said, “Nope nope nope!” Looking over Grey’s shoulder, Scott said, “I know you guys are professionals, but this just doesn’t seem possible! The rear of the transport is big, but there’s no way it has that much stuff in it! Back in Halsa you guys just put up a stage and preformed, you didn’t have a giant tent and booths and all that, right?” Grinning widely, Gibolu responded, “You are somewhat correct. However, it’s not that we did not have them. It’s that we did not use them! Regrettably Vizier Rallas, the merchant ruler of Halsa, wanted a large cut of the proceeds in return for a permit to set up our big top and booths and such. Considering our cost of living as well as the fact that we normally hire help to put things together, we simply couldn’t afford it. There was no regulation, however, on small non-profit performances like the show we did in Halsa.” Gesturing dramatically with his floating hands, Gibolu continued, “Yet now that we have a permit to hold our glorious show here in Bolseil, you will have the privilege of not only seeing, but being a part of the legendary Gibolu’s Traveling Circus! Let us waste no time, the show must go on!” Moving away from where he had been leaning against the transport, Ace said, “Yeah, yeah, legendary. If everyone’s done chatting let’s just get this over with…” Holding up a hand and gesturing for him to wait, Gibolu said, “Just a moment Ace, we have yet to assign everyone to the respective tasks they will be responsible for during the faire before the show! Now then, let me see that map again…” Pouring over the map a moment, Gibolu said, “The Fortune Telling booth will, as always, be Mana’s assignment.” Sitting against the wall around the edge of the west canal with Amy and Saria, Mana nodded and smiled as she said, “I’ll do my best!” Running a finger across the map, Gibolu went on to say, “Dewie and Ace, you two will be in charge of the Dunk Tank Attraction. Feel free to sort out amongst yourselves who will be getting dunked.” Dewie saluted comically while Ace simply sighed. Tapping a spot on the map, Gibolu said, “Now we need to pick someone for the Kissing Booth here…” Quickly Amy and Saria both turned red as Gibolu gazed at them. As he turned his gaze to Mythra, she gave him a chilling stare. Crossing his arms and tapping his foot, Gibolu said, “Hmm. Decisions, decisions…” Suddenly, a smirk crossed Mythra’s face as she thought, “Wait! If I can somehow figure out some way to trick Amy into doing it, then change my form with magic and switch with her after convincing Grey to take such an opportunity to move along their relationship… It might work… maybe…” As she was thinking, Gibolu suddenly said, “Saria, was it? Would you be willing to do it?” Grey looked as though he were about to object, but before he could, Mythra nearly fell over in surprise and exclaimed, “W-wait a damn minute here, I was busy planning to… I mean…” Realizing she was about to expose herself, Mythra quickly turned red and went silent. Taking her outburst the wrong way, Gibolu said, “Oh my, such enthusiasm! You need not say another word my dear girl! The Kissing Booth is all yours!” Mythra’s jaw dropped as she turned pale and sputtered, “B-but, but…!” With a snicker, Alexander said to her, “How bold Mythra! And here I thought you only had eyes for Grey.” Shooting him a menacing stare, Mythra thought, “D****t! No wait! I can still make this work! If I just tell Grey I swapped with Amy, and then get him to go for it… Yes! It can still happen!” Clearing his throat, Alexander said, “Ringmaster, is there any chance your circus will perform in Daemonholm before heading north? We have some business there, and if you’re not planning on going there, I was thinking we might as well take care of it as soon as possible. I’d only need a few people to come with me. The rest can stay to help. We could regroup in Gatria once everything is settled.” Looking surprised, Gibolu said, “No, we had not planned on heading into Daemonholm. Lately I hear the demonfolk have become more hostile towards outsiders. However if you truly must go, then by all means go right ahead. We can manage I’m sure.” Alexander had mentioned something about going to Daemonholm after he’d returned from storming out of the park, and wondering what he was up to now, Amy asked, “Just what is Daemonholm anyway? Why are we going there?” With a sour look, Ace said, “Daemonholm is the main city of demonfolk civilization, everyone should know that. Though I wish I could forget the place…” With an interested look, Richter said, “The demonfolk capital? I would imagine one would find much of their history and culture in such a place!” Shrugging his shoulders, Ace simply muttered, “Yeah, whatever…” Grinning at Richter’s show of enthusiasm, Alexander said, “I guess Richter would like to come. Why don’t you come as well Grey?” Hesitant as to whether the trip was all that necessary, Grey said, “If they’re not friendly to outsiders right now, is it really a good idea to go knocking on their door?” With a mischievous grin, Alexander craftily said, “Don’t tell me you’re scared?” Quickly, Grey exclaimed, “What?! Fine, I’ll go!” Mythra’s jaw dropped again and she once more stammered, “B-but, but…!” Getting up from her seat by the wall, Amy said, “Can I go too? I wouldn’t mind staying for the circus, but then…” Alexander quickly realized that she worried about being separated from Grey because of her mother’s vision. Feeling she was becoming too obsessed over it, Alexander nevertheless simply sighed and said, “Well, that’s fine I suppose. You three will come to Daemonholm with me. Everyone else will remain to help with the circus.” Mythra hung her head in defeat as Gibolu said, “Very well! We shall finish assignments later. Now then, the time has come to breathe life into the body of wonder, art, and culture that is Gibolu’s Traveling Circus!” As the group headed for Daemonholm took off in Gibolu’s hover car, Gibolu and Dewie continued to look over the map as everyone else followed Ace up a gangplank and through the open door in the back of the transport. Entering the storage hold, which he expected would barely have held the hover car along with the pieces of the stage and perhaps a number of props, Scott exclaimed, “Whoa!” The inside of the storage hold of the transport was impossibly, unnaturally large, and filled with parts and pieces of everything one could need to create a spectacular fairground. Looking around for a moment more, Scott said, “How is it this big?!” Shrugging, Ace said, “Dunno. Ask the boss, he’s the one who does the magic around here. He could probably set everything up with magic if he didn’t insist on saying that ‘something of such wonder must be made with hard work and love’ or some s**t like that.” Surprised, Fox muttered, “Here I thought he was just a circus nut…” Scrutinizing the nearest wall of the hold, Mythra said, “It’s definitely magic, something similar to my magic suitcase but on a much greater scale! Not that I’m impressed, I could pull something like this off with just a little time.” Hefting a stack of items, Ace had an annoyed look on his face as he said, “If you’re all done gawking, think you could lend a hand here?” Everyone started to pitch in, quickly moving to grab an item from the cornucopia of circus materials. Picking up what appeared to be a rolled up tarp of some sort, Serius slung it over his shoulder and said, “This could take a few days even with our assistance…” As Saria rummaged through a pile of items, Mana said, “We only need a couple people if you want to take it easy Saria. My friends can help us with the rest.” Putting two fingers in her mouth, Mana whistled loudly. Then after a moment, a flock of butterflies soared into the hold of the transport, gathering around Mana. Giggling, Mana said, “Hello everyone! Think you can give us a hand?” Dispersing from around her, the butterflies moved across the room, and as they glowed, various objects seemed to be drawn to them like a magnet. Saria watched in amazement, and as the butterflies zoomed away with their items in tow, Fox stared after them with a dumbfounded look and said, “So magic’s not ok, but that is?!” Clearly excited, Mana said, “They’re so full of energy today!” Throwing a second rolled up tarp over his shoulder, Serius said, “Those are butterfly pixies, aren’t they?” Nodding, Mana said, “Mmhmm! I’m a half sprite myself. They’ve been my friends since I was very young. They help me out and do tricks in my butterfly tamer’s act.” Stretching dramatically for a moment, Fox headed for the door of the hold as he said, “Ah, well looks like I’m not needed here…” Quickly Ace said, “Hold up you! We’ll still need some more muscle.” As the butterflies returned and began gathering more items, Mythra said, “The bugs seem to have things taken care of, what do you still need us for?” With an indignant look, Mana said, “Please don’t call my friends bugs! Also, even though they’re very energetic today, they’ll get tired. It’s not fair to make them do all the work.” Thinking about this, Scott said, “Yeah, that’d be kind of cruel. Besides, the troupe here has been such a big help letting us go along with them and everything, we gotta do something for them in return! C’mon guys, it won’t be so bad if we just work together!” For a moment Saria stared at Scott, her face slightly red. Then she quickly donned a determined look and said, “I’ll help!” Smirking reluctantly, Mythra said, “Eh, what the heck… I’m in.” Groaning, Fox said, “Alright, alright. If I knew it was gonna be like this I woulda gone with hotshot to Daemonholm…” Beaming at them, Mana said, “Thank you everyone!” Carrying his tarps out, Serius thought to himself, “He’s so much like Grey sometimes. Then again, it’s quite likely both Scott and Grey were influenced by each other growing up. Had it not been for his days in Aerennis, Grey might never have been the man he is today.” Mountain path to Daemonholm. Monday July 2, 520NA. Driving the cramped hover car up the snowy road of the mountain, Alexander lowered his shades as they were becoming fogged up from the cold. Sitting next to him, Richter said, “I take it we must be almost there?” Nodding, Alexander looked behind him into the backseat where Grey and Amy were asleep, Amy’s head resting on Grey’s shoulder. Smiling to himself, Alexander said, “We’ll let them rest just a bit more until we get there.” Wiping off the fogged up passenger side window, Richter said, “I find it strange for anyone to build their capital in such a place. Is it like this all year round?” As they turned at a bend in the road, Alexander said, “I’m sure it probably is. The conditions here are favorable for demonfolk. They prefer cold, dark surroundings, a preference which has played a part in creating their strangely disconnected yet intertwined civilization that is scattered across the world. Not that it would be a serious problem for them to live in what we see as normal conditions. It’s merely more comfortable for them in places like this.” Heading up a steep path, the hover car at last came to a level road, far ahead of which the gates of Daemonholm could be seen. Staring out the window at the massive steel walls adorned with what appeared to be bones, Richter said, “What are those, some sort of enormous monster’s bones? Some manner of trophy?” Driving the hover car onward, Alexander said, “It’s the infamous Bone Wall of Daemonholm. The bones upon it belong to an ancient monster slain by a past Lord of the Demonfolk. They say the skull upon the doors was originally split in half with a single strike from his weapon. It is both a show of power as well as a deterrent for monsters.” Coming to the gates, Alexander stopped the hover car and got out. Stirring in the back seat, Grey said, “What’s going on? Are we there?” Outside, from the top of a guard tower built on the outside of the Bone Wall, an armored guard stared down at Alexander and the hover car as he shouted, “Just who are you? The gates of the Bone Wall open for demonfolk only now! Begone!” Shouting back, Alexander replied, “Forgive the intrusion, but I am afraid we must enter. I am Gabriel the Immortal of Angelorum Lux, and I request to see the Lord of the Demonfolk.” After a moment, the guard shouted, “You dare?! Posing as one of our world’s greatest heroes to force your way into Daemonholm is unforgivable!” The wail of a horn sounded through the snowy mountains, and quickly the hover car was surrounded by a great number of Daemonholm armored guards bearing various bladed weapons. Staring out the backseat window, Grey muttered, “Well, that went well…” In the morning sunlight, everyone stood outside the circus big top, which they had erected on the far side of the park from the gates, admiring their work. Then Gibolu approached from the direction of the fountain and called out, “You’ve done it! Excellent my friends, excellent! In just one night you have brought into existence the magnificent wonder of the world, Gibolu’s-” With a frazzled look, Mythra interrupted him, saying, “Gibolu’s Traveling Circus, we know, we know!” Unfazed, Gibolu smiled and said, “Ah, but of course! How could you not know? Now then, I have some good news for you all! As thanks for our new friend’s efforts, I have managed to get funding from the city to hire some more workers to run our various booths and stalls so that you can enjoy our faire before the big show!” With a look of relief, Mythra exclaimed, “Great, now I don’t have to do the stupid-” Quickly, Gibolu added, “Well, except for the Kissing Booth. I’ve been unable to find anyone more suited for the job. Besides, I shouldn’t replace someone who so enthusiastically requested the position, now should I?” Clutching her head as she struggled to contain her outburst, Mythra muttered, “Stupid, floaty handed, air head of a…” As Mythra continued to mutter to herself, Scott yawned and said, “Well, I guess I’d better rest up if we’re gonna tour the faire.” Nodding approvingly, Gibolu said, “Of course. Ace, stay here and watch over the fairgrounds while I show everyone to the inn.” With a sigh, Ace said, “Yeah, yeah. Make me do everything…” Feeling sorry for him, Saria said, “B-but, Ace worked really hard too…” Standing next to her with his arms crossed, Serius said, “Agreed. That seems a bit unfair.” Looking slightly surprised, Ace said, “It’s always like this, don’t worry about it. I don’t need anyone’s sympathy…” With a scolding tone, Mana said, “Ace!” Ace simply grunted and walked off. Blinking in apparent confusion, Gibolu said, “Did I miss something?” Unsure how he could be so oblivious, Fox said, “Quite a bit there chief. Even I feel kinda sorry for him…” Facing Gibolu with a cross look on her face, Mana said, “Ringmaster, I know you’re really focused on the show, but Ace works really hard so that we can perform! It would be nice if you’d stop taking that for granted!” With a sullen look, Gibolu went silent. Then looking after Ace as he went off down the path towards where the fortune teller’s booth was set up, he said, “I see… I guess it always seems like he can handle things. I do hope he’s not upset…” Getting an idea, Scott eagerly said, “Why not make it up to him? Hire someone to run Ace’s job for the faire as well so he can take a break.” Clapping his hands together once, Gibolu nodded and said, “Yes, excellent idea! I’ll get right on it! Dewie is out in the hover transport, we’ve been having engine problems. Nothing serious I hope…” For a moment Gibolu seemed to worry over this, but then he shook it off and said, “Anyways, he knows the way to the inn. I’ll see you all later!” Quickly he rushed off, Mana calling after him, “Yes, but…!” As Gibolu continued on his way before she could say anymore, Mana sighed and muttered, “That isn’t really what I’d intended. Ace doesn’t show it, but he likes his job. I just wanted him to let Ace know we appreciate him. Telling him he doesn’t need to work is more like saying we don’t need him…” With an apologetic look, Scott said, “Oh… Sorry…” Leaving the park, everyone soon found Dewie working at an open panel on the front car of the hover transport. Seeing him there in his floppy shoes and color striped suspenders, fiddling with various mechanisms of the hover engine using a tuning tool, Fox thought, “Yeah… That’s a great idea… Have the clown fix your engine…” Approaching the clown mechanic, Mana said, “How’s the engine doing Dewie?” Facing her, with his free hand Dewie scratched his head and said, “Bad bad bad… I went to the shopping place over there for parts, but they haven’t got any that look right. Guess our transport’s just too old old old…” Walking over to look at the transport’s open panel, Scott said, “Maybe I can figure something out. Not to brag, but I know a few things.” As Dewie handed him the tuning tool, Scott went to work. After a few moments, he said, “Yeah, we need some replacement parts here. It’s not just that it’s old though. From what I can see, this was originally a small hover barge that somebody customized. If we can find a shop that deals in those kind of parts, we might find what we need.” Looking over at a canal running through the plaza where a small hover barge was passing by that very moment, Mythra said, “Somehow I don’t think you’ll have to look too far…” With a wide smile, enhanced by his smiley face paint, Dewie said, “That’s great great great! I didn’t know what we were gonna do!” As everyone was busy complimenting Scott on his expertise, Saria simply stared at him, thinking to herself, “He’s amazing. Kinda like Grey, but different at the same time…” Noticing her staring at Scott, Mana walked over to Saria and whispered, “Thinking of touring the faire with anyone special?” Turning a vivid red, Saria said, “N-no, I don’t really have anyone…” Giggling, Mana said, “I can see how you look at him. He does seem like a really nice person, don’t you think?” Slowly Saria nodded. In an encouraging tone, Mana said, “Why not ask him out? The faire is the perfect chance!” Quickly, Saria shook her head and said, “But, but… I couldn’t…” Sighing, Mana said, “Ok, let’s see… Why don’t you come to my booth during the faire? I promise I’ll help you out. If you really like him, you’ve gotta put in a little effort!” Considering this for a moment, Saria finally said, “Well… ok…” © 2014 KeithKVH |
StatsAuthor![]() KeithKVHPasadena, CAAboutI've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..Writing