![]() Ch 19: Facing RealityA Chapter by KeithKVH![]() An encounter with Gisette forces Alexander to reveal the danger caused by the seals. Still trying to take everything upon himself, can he turn his mood around before losing sight of what's important?![]() Bolseil. Sunday July 1, 520NA. After leaving Halsa, Grey and the others, together with the members of the Gibolu’s Traveling Circus troupe, had hopped a large hover barge at Halsa port and taken it to the port just southwest of Bolseil. From there it had been a short trip in Gibolu’s hover transport to Bolseil itself. The transport itself consisted of three cars connected by very short tunnels made of some sort of strong yet flexible material that allowed both the ability for the transport to turn and the ability of passengers to walk between the separate cars. The small front car contained the main steering mechanisms for the vehicle and seats for the driver and one passenger, along with some standing room. The long middle car was like a passenger car on a hover train, with seats on both sides of the walkway through the middle and racks up on the ceiling for storing personal belongings. Grey and the others spent much of their travel in this car, looking out the window at the countryside as they relaxed upon the comfy cushions of their seats. Lastly, the rear car was the storage car, filled with the supposedly wondrous props and materials used in the traveling circus. On top of the rear car, accessed by a ladder on the side, was a small driver’s seat from which Dewie manned the secondary driving controls that helped the long transport make sharp turns. Parking within the city and taking the small hover car that they kept stored within the rear of the transport, Gibolu disembarked to meet with the city officials in order to discuss a place to set up their show. Having nothing else to do but wait for him to return, while the other troupe members stayed with the transport, Grey and the others set off into the city. Built over a lake surrounded by a lush forest, it was a city unlike any they had seen. The buildings built of wood and stone bricks, from the main road that led them north through the middle of the city they could see various residential districts. A hover vehicle of some variety passed by every now and then, and running through the city in various directions were canals in which sailed various hover boats. Moving further up the main road, they came to the city’s plaza. Many small open air shops within the central area of the plaza, which had two large canals running through it, there was a much larger shopping center across a bridge over the east canal filled with buildings covered in signs bearing all sorts of advertisements. Across the bridge of the west canal was a large park, the green grass and trees able to be seen through the open door of the brick fence around it. Up the path continuing north could be seen a majestic mansion surrounded by an enormous garden, most likely belonging to an important official or noble. Deciding to have lunch at the park, everyone split into two groups. Serius, Alexander, Grey, and Richter headed to the shopping center to get food while the others headed to the park. Rushing into the park with the others trailing behind, as Amy looked around the park she exclaimed, “Wow, it’s almost as big as the one in Celestis!” Looking amused, Scott said, “Yeah, the plants are all really different though. When we first got here I didn’t find the place all that different from home, but look closely and it’s all kinds of different.” Smirking, Mythra reminded them of her vast wisdom as she said, “Well it is a different world. Teramis was modeled after Gaia, but after a thousand years of separate events it’s only natural to find such differences.” Looking up at the sky, Fox said, “Modeled after Gaia? I don’t recall any jumbo sized twin moons back home…” Mythra simply shrugged her shoulders and said, “Don’t look at me.” Shadowing Scott as they moved on towards the center of the park where they could see a fountain, Saria said, “There’s no moon on Teramis?” Looking back at her, Scott said, “Uh, no there is, but there’s just one. It’s much smaller and it’s usually only out at night.” Looking away from him, she blushed and said, “Oh…” Fox watched her continue to shadow him and donned a knowing smile. As they approached the fountain though, Fox’s attention was quickly drawn away. On the edge of the fountain sat Gisette, seeming to be staring at the ground in thought. Yet almost as soon as he’d spotted her, Gisette was brought to her senses by the noise of the others approaching. Seeing them, she quickly stood up and said, “What are you people doing here?!” Rushing past the others, Fox formed his steel gauntlets and charged at her. Ducking aside as Fox launched a punch at her, Gisette formed her staff and with a low, sweeping strike she knocked him off his feet. Before he could recover Gisette leveled the end of her staff at his throat and said, “Come to finish me have you?!” Then as she recognized him, she looked surprised as she said, “Wait, you’re-” Taking advantage of her surprise, Fox kicked the staff from her hands and leaped to his feet. Yet as he did, Scott stepped between him and Gisette and said, “What the hell are you doing Fox?!” Fire blazing in his hands, Fox said, “That b***h is a member of Altera Veritas dumbass! Move it!” Wrapping her arm around Scott‘s neck and clamping down tightly, Scott struggled to breathe as Gisette drew a golden dagger and raised it to his throat. Holding Scott hostage, Gisette sneered and said, “So it really is you, Fox Marcellus! How interesting! Do you still think you can escape your fate as a Revenant?!” Grinning, Fox defiantly said, “I told you before, I’m done with Alastor! Not quite sure why you let me leave without a fight that day, but don’t think I won’t take you down!” Gripping Scott tighter as he struggled, Gisette replied, “I simply let you go because no matter how far you run, there is no escape for a Revenant! It’s not my job to keep track of Alastor’s servants anyway!” Gathering EDE, Scott quickly pulled out his staff and scraped it against the ground once. Amplifying the static electricity, he electrified his body momentarily and Gisette quickly released him and stumbled back. She fell into the fountain, dropping the dagger and landing on her back in the water with her legs hanging over the edge. Lifting herself up into a sitting position, after a moment she said, “Enough. I give up…” As Gisette struggled out of the fountain, Fox watched her cautiously and said, “You give up? That’s it? Sorry but I don’t buy it.” Sitting down on the edge of the fountain again, Gisette said, “I’m not a fool like you! I know when I have no chance.” Gisette bent over to rest her head in her hands as she continued, “The malfunction of the Gate has drained away most of my remaining power. After losing to that brat, I’ve started to wonder if everything I’ve done has been for nothing…” Staring at Gisette, Amy pitied her somewhat even though she did not understand Gisette’s motivations. Hesitantly, Amy said, “I don’t know why you joined Altera Veritas, but couldn’t there have been some other way? Alastor wants to destroy everything doesn’t he? I don’t understand what helping him would achieve…” Smirking slightly, Gisette cynically said, “He doesn’t want to destroy everything, he wants to control everything. He wants the world to follow his idea of how it should be. His resolve is admirable, but achieving his ideal is all he strives for, and saving lives is of no concern to him. He’ll pave the streets of his ideal kingdom with blood if he has to. That’s the kind of monster he is now…” Surprised to hear her speak of Alastor in such a way, Amy said, “But why help him then?” Glancing at Amy, seeming to be considering if she really wanted to say any more, Gisette finally said, “Why not? It was interesting after all. Besides, I care nothing for the people of this world. Blessed with the gift of life, given to you by the sacrifices we’ve made, you do nothing but defile your world and destroy each other! I care only for myself and my sister…” Shaking her head, Mythra let slip a laugh as she said, “You have some nerve! As someone who’s been a party to Alastor’s schemes, you have no right to speak of the importance of life!” Nodding in agreement, Scott said, “Yeah, and I still don’t get why you back him up. You said you’re doing this for yourself and your sister right? If he’s gonna remake the whole world and everyone in it, won’t you get erased as well?” Gisette closed her eyes and went silent. With a sly look, Fox said, “Don’t want to talk anymore eh? I’ve overheard you talking about these ‘visions’ you’ve had about some end of the world, and if you ask me it‘s a load of BS.” Rising, Gisette glared at him angrily and shouted, “I am the Observer of Time you worm! My future predictions are all but absolute! All those years ago when mortals sealed away the nightmare they themselves set free in the first place, they created a disaster that will cause our entire existence to dissolve! With Origin unable to act, and the other Observers unwilling to listen to reason, I searched on my own for a way, some power that could avert this future!” Turning back to staring at the fountain, Gisette seemed to be caught up in her own train of thoughts, and rambled on saying, “I decided that if the powers of light could not aid me, then my only option was to turn to the powers of darkness. Yet now I wonder… Will it be enough to overturn destiny? It’s not unusual for my predictions to have minor discrepancies, but lately there have been so many unforeseen occurrences. As interesting as it is to see the future become so unpredictable, I can’t afford to take any chances. Yet all I can tell for sure is that it has something to do with that brat…” Just then, they all heard Grey call out, “Hey, there they are! Food’s here guys!” Gisette turned as Grey and his group approached, and as Grey laid eyes on her, he exclaimed, “What the…?! Why is Gisette here?!” Walking towards Grey, Gisette flashed a wicked grin and said, “Speak of the devil! Long time no see, He of the Infinite! The time for us to do battle once more may come someday, but for today I will leave you in peace…” With that she walked past him and headed for the gates of the park. Sitting in a circle on the grass of the park, the group ate the sandwiches Grey’s group had bought while they discussed Gisette’s appearance. Mythra had brought with her the magic suitcase, her tea pot, tea cups, and a small EDE powered stove within it. Taking a sip of tea, Mythra said, “So that was the woman who controls time? She certainly seemed to have a lot on her mind…” Eating his sandwich, Grey nodded, and after a moment of chewing he swallowed and said, “Yeah she’s the one.” Sitting to his left, Amy said, “What did she mean when she said there was a disaster that would dissolve the entire existence?” About to take a bite of his lunch, Alexander paused as she asked this. Scratching his head thoughtfully a moment, Grey said, “I guess it must be what she said about the world heading down the path of destruction. Still, the only thing I can think of that would do something like that is Alastor’s Second Truth, and she’s helping Alastor, so… ” As Grey simply shrugged, Mythra turned to Alexander and said, “Well, I think I might know someone who knows a little about this…” Not meeting her gaze, Alexander said, “Oh really? Who?” With an agitated look, Mythra said, “I’ve waited long enough you stubborn old man! You can’t fool my ears! The others may have only heard the last bit, aside from Saria who likely just didn’t understand what you were talking about, but I know what I heard you babbling to yourself about before we stopped you from killing yourself! I confronted you about it on the boat ride over here, and I’m still waiting for an answer!” Shifting uncomfortably, Alexander said, “Must we do this? It’s really-” Interrupting, Mythra exclaimed, “It’s not nothing! Now explain what’s going on with the lifeforce contamination!” Glancing at Amy with a confused look, Grey said, “Hold on, is this something to do with the big secret you guys are keeping?” Shaking her head, Amy said, “No, I don’t really know what’s happening either…” As Alexander merely sat there looking as though he was in a rather foul mood, Mythra exclaimed, “If you won’t say it I will! He was trying to seal the lifeforce contamination at the cost of his life!” Sitting on Grey’s other side, completely confused at the conversation, Saria said, “Lifeforce contamination?” Thinking back to Elris’ words that day, Amy said, “Something the elves were researching, a potentially dangerous energy similar to Corrupted EDE. But Alexander, Elris said he wasn’t sure it was a problem yet. Why would you do something like that?” Alexander remained silent, and Richter said, “You know something, don’t you? I’d been wondering for a while now if we should not look into the threat it posed. Why keep such secrets? Can’t you tell us what you know?” Nodding, Fox said, “Yeah, spill the beans already!” Heaving a sigh, Alexander begrudgingly said, “The lifeforce contamination is a definite threat. Alastor confirmed it back at the Grand Crags. The contamination was caused by the seals created by Angelorum Lux. The EDE they absorbed built up within them and became tainted by the essence of the Nameless One, and when the seals were unlocked that tainted EDE was released. I’ve been experimenting with a sample Elris gave me, trying to figure out how much time we have, but… Eventually, it will destroy everything.” Rather unnerved, Scott exclaimed, “What?! Is there some way we could reseal it or something?” Clutching his head, Serius said, “If the contaminated EDE built up within the seals, it would gather within it until they broke. Resealing it is not a final solution, and is likely impossible on such a scale. To think I wouldn’t have realized the potential for such a disaster…” Suddenly, Gibolu’s voice called out, “Friends, your assistance is requested! We have been granted permission to set up for our spectacular show!” Walking up to where they sat, Gibolu, accompanied by Dewie, said, “We’ll be performing here in the park! It’s quite handy to find you all already here. Feel free to finish lunch first, Ace is just bringing the transport around.” Everyone started to quickly finish up their lunch. Then as the others started to help Mythra pack up the tea set, Serius said to Alexander telepathically, “I need a word with you…” Turning to him, Alexander replied within his mind, “May I assume you intend to scold me as well?” With a stern tone, Serius responded, “You deserve it. Why have you kept this to yourself? Why do you refuse to trust or rely on us? You’re trying to take everything upon your own shoulders in order to make amends for your past, aren’t you?” Turning away, Alexander replied, “You’re blowing things out of proportion. Everyone has enough to worry about, I’m simply-” Quickly Serius shouted in Alexander’s mind, “I grow tired of your excuses! Since Amelia’s death you’ve slowly regressed back to the way you were before, especially after Grey’s kidnapping. Alexander, you are my closest friend, you are a dear friend to all of us. I cannot imagine what you are going through, but you cannot take blame for everything. Alastor has followed his own path. As did Amelia and my son, and if anyone is to blame for the lifeforce contamination caused by the seals we created together, I am to blame as well. If you regret what has happened with your children, it’s still not too late to start over with them…” Clutching his head, Alexander replied, “Enough Serius, please… leave me alone.” Shaking his head, Serius responded, “I have kept silent far too long. You must remember what Amelia gave you Alexander! I had thought it was a mistake for an immortal like you to get attached to a mortal, but now I believe she gave you something important, something you must find again before you drown yourself in memories of the past!” Unable to bear it any longer, Alexander shouted out loud, “I SAID ENOUGH!” As the others looked at him in bewilderment, Alexander stormed off towards the park gates. As Alexander walked out into the central plaza, from where she leaned against the wall to the side of the gates waiting, Gisette called out to him, “Do I sense a troubled conscience?” Facing her, Alexander said, “I thought you left already…” Flashing her wicked grin, Gisette said, “I know all about you, Gabriel the Immortal. The founder of the original Altera Veritas. Alexander of the Dark Crusade…” Alexander’s eyes narrowed behind his shades as he said, “I am in no mood to reminisce. What about you, Observer of Time? You’re one of the surviving Observers who originally sealed the Nameless One within that accursed place, yet you now fight alongside that which killed so many of your kind?” Gisette simply shrugged and said, “Whatever it takes to get what you want. That’s the kind of path you sent your dear brother down all those years ago.” Clenching a fist, Alexander said, “Leave before I lose my patience…” Laughing at him mockingly, Gisette said, “I truly pity that brat of yours! Perhaps I should tell him the truth about his family. I’m sure he and his dear sister will surely understand why you abandoned them just because you couldn’t handle being a father…” Forming his sword, Alexander lunged at her, but blocking his blade with her staff, she quickly chanted, “Maledictio Temporis, Obsideo Monumentum!” Dropping to his knees as the memories of his past tormented him, Alexander couldn’t move. Staring down at him, Gisette muttered, “How uninteresting you are. The first one to ever overcome the grasp of the Nameless One, and you can’t even overcome your own past.” Walking in a half circle around him, Gisette said, “You hide behind your lies and secrets, trying to avoid the consequences of your actions. You only fight in the hopes that it will mean you’ll be forgiven, you couldn’t care less if you actually defeat your brother. You probably still hold on to the ridiculous idea of ‘saving’ him, don’t you?” Gisette raised her staff to strike, and Alexander thought, “Forgiven…? After all the terrible mistakes I’ve made, do I really have any hope of being forgiven?” An image of Amelia flashed through his mind, and words she spoke to him long ago rang out, saying, “We all make mistakes, that’s how we grow and learn. Sitting around dreaming about the past won’t accomplish anything. There comes a time when you have to get up and face reality.” A smile creeping onto his face, Alexander thought, “You make it sound so easy. I still don’t know if I’ll ever be able to let go, but for now…” As Gisette brought down her staff, Alexander swung his sword around his back and blocked it. Looking back at Gisette’s surprised face, Alexander said, “There are still people who have yet to forgive me, so I am afraid I cannot die just yet!” Backing away from Alexander, Gisette burst out laughing. Finally, her laughter died out and she said, “How ridiculously absurd a reason to cling to one’s life! Even more interesting since your son has chosen quite a similar path! This seals it! Let’s see what your band of fools can do…” Rising, Alexander faced her and said, “What we can do? Don’t tell me you plan to switch sides as well?” Wagging a finger in the air, Gisette said, “Uh uh, not yet. I simply want to test the waters here. Now then, if you’re all searching for your way home, you may have already heard of the Seeker.” Adjusting his shades, Alexander said, “Yes. Do you know of their location?” Twirling her staff in her hand, Gisette replied, “There’s someone who most certainly should know. The Seeker had strong ties to the demonfolk. As I’m sure you know, to the southeast of here upon the side of a snowy mountain rests the city of Daemonholm, where the Lord of the Demonfolk resides. The old lord who sided with Altera Veritas back in the day has long passed away, and a half-demonfolk descendant of his now sits on the throne. I suggest you start your search with him.” Turning and opening a spatial rift, Gisette said, “Well I’m afraid my time has run out. I’m more than a little late getting back.” As she moved to go, Alexander said, “You can pass between worlds? Couldn’t you simply take us back yourself then?” Laughing, Gisette glanced back and said, “I could, but then it wouldn’t be much of a test, now would it?” Smiling reluctantly, Alexander said, “I suppose not. Well then, give Alastor a message for me…” Considering it a moment, Gisette said, “Very well, I suppose I can make up some less suspicious reason we met. What is it?” Taking a deep breath, Alexander looked up at the sky and said, “Tell him the dream is over. It’s time to face reality.” © 2014 KeithKVH |
StatsAuthor![]() KeithKVHPasadena, CAAboutI've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..Writing