![]() Ch 16: Mission Void DriveA Chapter by KeithKVH![]() In the city of Celesits, Alastor delivers his ultimatum to the Head of the Guild Council, while at the same time Rufus and Schmitt work with Douglas to retrieve a device called the Void Drive.![]() Walking down the path towards the gate of the Star Palace, Felix and General West, accompanied by West’s Eighth Division, paused as they saw Alastor coming up the path. Turning to General West, Felix said, “Who is that? I thought the guards were told to turn away any visitors to the palace.” The General simply shrugged and said, “Not one of our guys.” As he approached them, Alastor said, “Felix, Head of the Guild Council.” Unnerved by his empty gaze, Felix simply replied, “Yes? Who are you and what business do you have with me?” Coming to a halt before them, Alastor said, “I am Alastor Bastille, the leader of Altera Veritas. I do hope you have time to chat, I have a very important message for you…” Stepping back, Felix said, “The leader of…?! General, arrest this man!” Stepping in front of Felix, General West said, “Right! Get back to the palace bossman, we got this! Eighth Division, front and center!” As the soldiers of the Eighth Division moved to surround Alastor, Felix quickly rushed back towards the palace. Adjusting his sunglasses momentarily, General West gathered a mass of EDE in both hands, which quickly crystallized into a pair of heavy duty revolver pistols. Taking aim at Alastor, West said, “Now then, I’m sure you already guessed as much, but I’m putting you under arrest buddy. You gonna come quietly or do we gotta get rough?” Resting his eyes, Alastor said, “General Andrew West, Class S Energist number three, the Trueshot Energist. My apologies, but I’m a very busy man these days, so I will have to eliminate you quickly…” Sensing a massive amount of EDE gathering around Alastor, General West leaped back and shouted, “Look out!” The General himself barely escaped, but his division was caught in the cyclone of wind that erupted around Alastor, quickly cut apart by the razor sharp blades of wind that danced within it. Stepping out of the cyclone as the bodies of West’s soldiers fell back to the ground, Alastor channeled Corrupted EDE into his hand and said, “There is no hope for those that oppose me…” Raising his pistols at Alastor, West opened fire as he shouted, “You son of a b***h!” Striking Alastor’s air pressure barrier again and again, West’s rounds simply bounced off, and slowly Alastor moved forward as West backed away and continued to fire. Gritting his teeth in frustration, West took aim again and said, “Try this! Explosive Caliber!” Rapidly firing from his pistols shot red bullets of fire that struck Alastor’s barrier and fiercely exploded, and Alastor disappeared from sight as explosions erupted against his barrier again and again, General West continuing to unload his fire on him. Finally, West stopped firing and waited for the cloud of smoke to disappear as he wondered, “Did I get him?!” Then a blast of pressurized air shot out of the smoke and struck General West as though he’d been hit by a hover truck. As West landed sprawled out on his back, Alastor walked slowly over to him, and stopping to stand next to West he aimed his hand down at him. With a red glow in his eyes, Alastor said, “It appears Felix made a mistake in relying on the number three of the Special Forces to be his bodyguard. This is where we say goodbye, Trueshot Energist.” With that Alastor’s hand crackled with dark energy, and a sword of Corrupted EDE shot from his hand into General West’s chest, who gasped in pain and then went limp. Alastor walked away, heading to the door of the Star Palace. Rushing out the door came more of the palace guards, and as they drew their guns and opened fire, Alastor simply continued towards the door, the bullet’s bouncing off his barrier. Raising a hand, Alastor muttered, “Such an annoyance…” Firing Corrupted EDE spheres at them, the guards were blown away by the powerful explosions, and Alastor continued on through the smoke, stepping over the remains of the guards. Entering the audience hall where Felix and the Emperor were defended by more of the palace guards, as Alastor stood before them, he called out, “As you can see Felix, I am far beyond your precious Special Forces.” With an apprehensive look, Felix said, “What do you want from us?” Staring back with his empty eyes, Alastor replied, “I want this world to know that its liberation is coming. Whether you accept it or not, this existence of discrimination and suffering will soon be swept aside by a new world order. If you still seek to challenge me, by all means come and do so. My forces will soon move to conquer this world.” Taken aback, Felix said, “Why in the world would you warn us before your attack? Liberation? New world order? Is this revenge for the oppression of energists?” Casually putting his hands in his pockets, Alastor said, “Guilty conscience? Your father must be rolling over in his grave…” Gritting his teeth angrily, Felix said, “My father’s legacy is a shadow I’m still struggling to get out of! His deal with the Governors is the only thing keeping the Special Forces funded. If it weren’t for you people, I could have imposed reforms a long time ago! So if this is about revenge, you yourself share some of the blame!” Showing no remorse or regret, Alastor’s face was as expressionless as ever as he said, “I’m afraid I have no interest in something so petty as revenge Felix. I’m merely fulfilling my ideal of a world of equality, and the pieces are already falling into place. My organization now has ties with the Morsus Brotherhood, the result of a recent union between several of the underground criminal organizations amongst the energist population. With their support we easily outnumber you.” Clearly shocked, Felix exclaimed, “What?! That’s absurd! You people are the ones who exterminated Lamis, the hometown of one of the largest underground organizations in today’s society! Why would the others have allied with you?!” Flashing a faint smile, Alastor replied, “The idea of a revolution was already an appealing concept, but until the incident in Lamis the leaders of the various organizations were divided on how to respond to my invitation. The events that day sent a clear message, a message I have personally come to deliver to you today…” Felix could see a red glow in Alastor’s eyes as he heard him say, “Join me or be destroyed.” Arriving in Celestis at last, Schmitt, Rufus, and Douglas flagged down a hover taxi. Struggling to all squeeze themselves into the backseat, Douglas uttered, “D****t, I don’t think it’s supposed to fit three people… Agh! Did that fur ball just bite me?!” Picking Ian up and putting him on his lap, Rufus said, “Well, you did step on his tail.” Putting his seatbelt on, Douglas muttered, “Surprised they even allow cats in a taxi…” Looking back at them curiously, the taxi driver, who was a middle aged, bald man with blue eyes wearing a gray taxi driver’s hat and coat, casually said, “Normally don’t mack, but I’ll make an exception. The name’s Louie. I ain’t too stuffy bout the rules long as I get paid. So, where to?” Fastening his own seatbelt, Schmitt said, “The Royal Laboratory, right Douglas?” Nodding, Douglas said, “Yep.” Starting up the hover engine, Louie said, “Hoo boy, that’s on the other side of town. Don’t get uppity bout the bill, I got mouths to feed too y’know.” Looking hesitant, Douglas said, “For a guy who makes a livin’ off people who don’t wanna walk, you sure know how to motivate em to walk…” Driving the hover taxi off, Louie said, “Mind if I ask whatcha all are doin over at the laboratory? Don’t get too many headed there, and no offense but you guys don’t look like the researcher type.” As they were basically stealing technology from the laboratory that would help them get to Gaia, Douglas thought fast as he said, “Er… Nuthin much, just uh… We’re just pickin’ something up from there, but our hover truck broke down outside the city and we needed a ride.” Looking back at him curiously, Louie raised an eyebrow and said, “But shouldn’t you guys just call a tow truck?” With a frazzled look, Douglas said, “We’ll do that when we get there! Just drive! Ya nosey little…” Returning his gaze to the road, Louie said, “Ok, ok, sorry I asked…” Arriving at the Royal Laboratory, Louie brought the hover taxi to a stop in a handicapped space in front of the gates. Noticing this, Schmitt said, “You handicapped Louie?” Laughing a moment, Louie replied, “Nah. Now about the fee…” Looking at the meter in shock for a moment, Douglas grumbled and opened his door. Struggling out of the hover taxi onto the sidewalk, he took a fat wad of bills out of his pocket and counted out the amount on the meter as he muttered, “Flippin’ extortion…” Taking the money from Douglas, Louie said, “Thanks for the business guys! Have a nice day!” Before he could start up the taxi though, Schmitt quickly said, “Say Louie, don’t spose you could stick around for a bit? Might need ya again.” With a confused look, Louie said, “Well sure, but weren’t you just gonna have them tow your truck up here?” Thinking fast once more, Douglas said, “Yeah, but it might take a while for the truck to get fixed, so we’ll prolly have to stay at a local hotel or somethin.” Nodding understandingly, Louie said, “Gotcha. Well I don’t mind sticking around, but just to warn ya, the meter’s running.” Clutching his head, Douglas muttered, “Ya gotta be kiddin’ me!” Schmitt and Rufus got out as well, and the three walked over to the open gates of the laboratory complex. Made up of several three story buildings surrounding a small plaza, as well as an underground facility, many various technologies were developed and tested here. Scientists could be seen moving about through the large windows of the upper floors. Picking Ian up and placing him on top of his hat, Rufus said, “Uh, how’re we not gonna get busted for wandering around in here? Even the taxi driver could tell we weren’t the kind of people who’d be working here…” Pushing his shades up the bridge of his nose, Douglas said, “Same way we BS’d the taxi driver. Act casual and just stick to the same story, we’re here to pick some stuff up. Now let’s get movin’, we’re headed into the lower levels. This place has multiple underground testin’ facilities and the like, and if I’m rememberin’ it right, the Professor worked on the D-level.” Walking through the automatic doors of the main building, as the three stepped onto the tiled floor, a middle aged female secretary with thick glasses at the counter near the entrance said, “Can I help you gentlemen? I don’t recognize you. Do you have some business here?” With a dramatic look, Rufus exclaimed, “Ack! Busted!” Grabbing Rufus, Douglas muttered, “You moron! How is that actin’ casual?!” As the secretary looked on in confusion, Schmitt stepped up to the counter with a nervous laugh and said, “We got instructions to help move some stuff outta Professor Marcellus’ lab on D-level. Don’t spose you could give us some directions?” Adjusting her thick glasses on the bridge of her nose as she sifted through some papers, the secretary said, “Ah, you must be part of the removal team assigned by the Investigation Department. Take the elevator down the hallway to my right to D-level and proceed right down the hall to room 7D.” With a grin, Schmitt nodded and said, “Thanks.” Schmitt and the others proceeded down the hallway to the right of the counter, and as they reached the elevator, Rufus said, “Wow, nice Schmitt!” With a grin, Douglas chimed in as well, saying, “Ya know, for bein’ an uppity, self-righteous old coot, you can sure lay it on in a pinch.” Pressing the button to call the elevator, Schmitt said, “Who’re you callin’ old? This just better be worth it Douglas.” Filing into the elevator as it arrived, they took it down to the D-level and stepped out into a wide, dimly lit corridor. Walking down it, they came to a door on the left side with a sign next to it that said, “7D”. Quickly, Rufus said, “We found it!” Douglas pressed the door control button below the sign, and as the door slid open, he said, “Now then, we’re lookin’ for somethin’ called a void drive…” After a thorough search of the room, which was large and filled with shelves, file cabinets, and tables covered with laboratory equipment, the three had no success in finding the void drive. Examining the shelves on the right wall again, Rufus said, “Do you know how big it is? I mean, I don’t have a clue what I’m looking for at all…” Looking around the room in frustration, Douglas said, “Well it’s gotta be here somewhere…” Beginning to think they’d come all this way for nothing, Schmitt said, “Well I’m thinkin’ if I were the Professor and workin’ for Altera Veritas and all, I wouldn’t be keepin’ anythin’ secret just sittin’ there in plain sight.” Watching Ian, who was on one of the lab tables examining a glass beaker with seemingly great interest, Rufus said, “Maybe there’s some secret room here?” Mulling this over, Douglas looked at the walls of the room for a moment and said, “Naw… I mean it would make sense if the Professor actually built the place himself, but that ain’t the case.” Suddenly Ian began pawing the beaker, and Rufus quickly dove to catch it as Ian’s actions pushed it off the table. Rising with the beaker, Rufus said, “Phew…” Just as he was about to put it back though, he noticed something strange on the table where the beaker had sat. It was a small square cut into the table which appeared to be a small door of some sort, bearing hinges and a slot where you could insert your finger to pull it open. Staring at it curiously, Rufus said, “Hey guys, there’s something over here.” He pulled open the small door in the table, and beneath it was what appeared to be a button. As he and Schmitt walked over, Douglas said, “A button? Is there some contraption built into this thing?” Scratching his chin in thought, Schmitt said, “Hmm… Well, only one way to find out!” As Schmitt pressed the button, a shelf on the right wall swung inward like a door, and they all turned in surprise. Then with a smug grin, Rufus exclaimed, “Ha! I knew it! No secrets can escape the eyes of Rufus Lenscap, Ace Reporter!” Walking through the door into the dark room beyond, Douglas said, “Well I’ll be…” Picking up Ian in his arms, Rufus followed him, Schmitt close behind. It was just as dark as it had looked from the outside, and Rufus said, “It’s pitch black in here! Isn’t there a light switch or something?” Feeling along the wall near the door, Douglas said, “Workin’ on it.” Finally locating a button on the wall, Douglas pressed it and spotlights suspended from the ceiling came to life and illuminated the room. It was revealed they stood upon a metal catwalk suspended on the wall above an enormous room below. Down below them, lined up in rows through the room, were large cylinders filled with green liquid with something floating within them. Finding a stairway down to the floor of the room, the three went down and examined the cylinders, only to find that what floated within them were bodies. Human bodies. Feeling sick, Rufus said, “W-what the hell is this?!” With a grim face, Schmitt shook his head and said, “Sick. This is some real sick stuff. Douglas, don’t spose this is how Alastor makes his anomalies?” Sighing, Douglas said, “Nope. The Professor’s done some work improvin’ Altera Veritas’ anomalies, but this looks more like Project Zero.” Walking over to lean against the railing of the stairway, still feeling ill, Rufus said, “What’s that?” Operating the controls on one of the cylinders, Douglas said, “Project Zero was Alastor’s attempt at creating somethin’ that would solve all his problems at once. Ya see, Alastor’s body ain’t supposed to be handlin’ the Corrupted EDE without the Nameless One keepin’ it under control. He wants a vessel, some powerful energist. He was gonna use your buddy, He of the Infinite, because he had real potential and was able to break the final seal with his powers. When he escaped, Alastor decided to try and create a powerful vessel capable of breakin’ the seal usin’ his own DNA and the DNA of your friend.” Watching him work the controls, Schmitt said, “What’re you doing to it?” Punching one last key, Douglas said, “Shuttin’ it down, permanently. I’m used to doin’ dirty jobs, but knowin’ I was a part of this just leaves a bad taste in my mouth…” Still unable to find the void drive, they turned at last to the large metal door on the other side of the room. As Douglas operated the controls on the door, they heard the mechanisms in the door twisting and turning, and as it opened the lights in the room beyond lit up. It was a circular shaped room with white walls and a powerful looking computer terminal set up on the other side from the door, and in the center of the room upon a pedestal was a strange looking device the size of a squash. Seeing the device as he stepped in, Douglas said, “This is lookin’ more like it!” With an excited look on his face, Rufus exclaimed, “This is it?! We found it?! Huzzah!” As Rufus held Ian before him and started to move as though he were dancing with the cat, Douglas moved to go around the pedestal towards the computer as he said, “Don’t get all excited yet, we’ll just see if this here’s the real deal. My gut’s tellin’ me everythin’ ya’d ever wanna know about the Professor’s work is on this device here.” Sitting down in the chair, Douglas started the computer up. Reaching a screen that told him it required a password, Douglas mumbled to himself, “What would be that egghead’s password…?” Watching over his shoulder, Schmitt said, “He got any relatives? A wife, or maybe a son?” Raising a hand, Douglas snapped his fingers with a grin and said, “You know old man, you’re a genius!” As Douglas typed something in, Schmitt donned an indignant look and said, “Hey! Quit callin’ me old!” Having entered the password, ‘Fox’, the computer screen opened up the desktop and Douglas began his search into the computer’s files. Soon though, Douglas’ face turned sour as he said, “Figures he’d be so cautious…” Raising an eyebrow questioningly, Schmitt said, “What’s wrong now?” Glancing at him, Douglas said, “Take a look. He musta encrypted all his files! Can’t read a bloody word!” Moving to look over Douglas’ shoulder as well, Rufus said, “Really? Let me see!” After a moment’s glance at the encryption, Rufus pulled out his pocket computer and a long cable as he said, “Hah! This Professor guy is nothing but an amateur! He’s using a standard encryption code, nothing I can’t handle!” Plugging one end of the cable into his pocket computer, Rufus handed the other end to Douglas and said, “Plug me in!” Eyeing him skeptically, Douglas said, “Guess we ain’t exactly got alot of options. Just don’t break nothin’…” Once his pocket computer was plugged in, Rufus quickly began to enter commands, and after just a few minutes the encrypted file on the screen turned readable. Pulling his tinted shades down to stare at the screen in disbelief, Douglas said, “Well if that ain’t somethin’…” With a smug grin, Rufus said, “When it comes to computers, just call on Rufus Lenscap, Ace Reporter!” Clapping Rufus on the back, Schmitt said, “Look at that! Great work there Rufus!” Glancing at Rufus with a reluctant grin, Douglas said, “Gotta admit, that was pretty smooth. You oughta be callin’ yourself an Ace Hacker!” Petting Ian atop his hat, Rufus simply grinned from ear to ear. Returning his attention to the screen, Douglas said, “Now, down to business…” After a moment of browsing the various files, Douglas said, “Yep, this device here is the void drive! Hook it up to the repulsion engine’s computer and power systems and we’ll be able to take that airship of yours straight to Gaia!” Letting out his hearty laugh, Schmitt said, “It’s that easy?! Finally, some good news! Let’s go and test her out!” © 2014 KeithKVH |
StatsAuthor![]() KeithKVHPasadena, CAAboutI've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..Writing