Ch 15: Back in Action

Ch 15: Back in Action

A Chapter by KeithKVH

Worryied about their friends trapped on Gaia yet unsure how they can aid them, Schmitt and Rufus are mulling over their options at Mythra's house when a ghost of the past makes a shocking return...


            The Conjunctio Vitro shattered, by the second day since they’d lost contact, Rufus and Schmitt were at a loss as of what to do. Ian snoozing happily atop Rufus’ hat as he sat at the table outside eating his lunch, Schmitt seated across from him, only the sounds of the forest animals could be heard as they both were deep in thought. Then slamming a fist on the table, awakening Ian who quickly jumped off onto the table and ran off into the house, Schmitt said, “D****t, I can’t just sit around here and do nuthin! I’m gonna try that damned combination again!” Heaving a sigh, Rufus said, “We tried all yesterday to figure out the stupid combination to the portal. Just our luck it reset itself after Mythra opened it. This is all my fault…” Clutching his head, Schmitt said, “Nah, it ain’t all on you. After all, I was the one dumb enough to leave ya alone with it.” Hanging his head, Rufus said, “Oh I feel SO much better about it now, thanks for that…” Suddenly they both heard what sounded like someone calling out from down by the path to the pond. After a moment they heard it again, and this time they were able to hear it say, “Oy! Anybody home?” Getting up, Schmitt and Rufus looked over to see a man with green hair dressed in black clothes, blue stripes across the top of his vest and green tinted sunglasses on his face. Turning to Schmitt, Rufus said, “Who’s that?” Quickly Schmitt said, “Shut yer yap! That there’s Douglas, a Revenant! I dunno how he ain’t six feet under, but we gotta hide ASAP!” However it was too late. Spotting them standing there, Douglas called out, “Ahah! I remember you from back in Silens! Never forget a face!” With a concerned look, Rufus exclaimed, “What now?!” As Douglas ascended the steps onto the porch and approached them, Schmitt moved between him and Rufus and said with a determined look, “I dunno how you’re still breathin’, but you won’t find what yer after! Grey and the others ain’t here, so just leave me and Rufus be before I knock yer block off!” Laughing in amusement, Douglas said, “You got guts if nothin else! Lucky for you though, I ain’t here to fight. In fact, I was thinking I might lend you guys a hand…”

            With a disbelieving grunt, Schmitt quickly said, “You? Help us? You already forget ya nearly killed Mythra and Richter before? I don’t trust ya as far as I could throw ya!” With a smug look, Douglas shrugged his shoulders and said, “Fine, fine. Nothin’ much I can do if ya won’t hear me out, though it doesn’t seem like ya got much to lose seein’ as your friends are all gonna be stuck in the other world if you don’t do somethin’…” Stepping out from behind Schmitt, Rufus exclaimed, “How do you know about all that?” Grinning as he adjusted his tinted shades, Douglas said, “I been keeping an eye on ya’ll since I went up against the Thunderfury Energist back in Silens. The sensor orbs of my Furtim Bovis have been tracking yer every move.” Gritting his teeth angrily, Schmitt said, “You slimy little…! Just what’s yer angle here Douglas?!” Leaning against the rail of the porch, Douglas crossed his arms and said, “I ain’t here to pretend to be one of you good guys! That ain’t my style, sorry to say. That said, I also ain’t some bad guy devoted to the cause of Altera Veritas and looking to kill ya’ll. I’m on my own side, and like always, I’m in it for the money. Workin’ for Alastor paid good money. Course, soon as he starts puttin’ his plan into action, there won’t be a world left to spend it in. I can’t really have that, so I decided to jump ship.” 

Scratching his head in confusion, Rufus asked, “Why’d you help him in the first place then? I dunno much about Revenants and all that, but isn’t becoming one a pretty binding deal for someone who prefers to do things his own way?” Somewhat impressed, Douglas laughed and said, “Sharp, sharp… Ya see, there’s always a catch or two in my line of work. I’ve learned to work around em. Just like yer pal Alexander, I’ve managed to seal the essence of the Nameless One within an external shell, my shades here.” Reaching up, he tapped his green tinted shades with his finger and added, “If I’d used em in the battle against Thunderfury, you can bet I wouldn’t have lost! But like I said, I’m not interested in goin’ outta my way to harm ya’ll. I used a decoy and made my exit real quick, and now Alastor thinks I’ve bit the dust just like you all did.” Kneeling down, Douglas petted Ian as the cat wandered out of the house and over to him. Standing back up after a moment, Douglas pulled his shades down to fix his green eyes on Schmitt as he said, “So what’s it gonna be Mr. Ex-Warden? Ya gonna turn down a potential ally with more inside information on Altera Veritas than you all could hope to dig up on your own?” Looking at Schmitt, Rufus said, “I dunno what happened before with this guy, but this sounds like a pretty good deal Schmitt! Ian wouldn’t let anyone dangerous near him either…” Not looking all that pleased, Schmitt sighed and said, “I’ll think about trustin’ ya Douglas, but only on one condition.” Smirking, Douglas pulled his shades back up said, “Alrighty then. Just what kinda test you got in mind?” Turning away from him, Schmitt headed over to start clearing the table as he said, “For one, help us pack up here. We’re goin’ on a little road trip…”

            Moving through the streets of Aerennis, the village bustling as always with people going about their business, as the three reached the square, Schmitt led the way to Bert’s stall. As they approached, Bert called out to them, “Oy! How’s it goin’? There’s so few of ya this time, new faces too. Somethin’ happen?”  Grinning, Schmitt said, “Naw, naw, everything’s fine Bert. This here’s Douglas and this is-” Stepping out from behind Schmitt, Rufus grinned and, with a sparkle in his eye, said, “Rufus Lenscap, Ace Reporter!” As Bert blinked in surprise at the flamboyant introduction, Schmitt simply laughed and said, “We’re just here to see the Governor. Don’t spose ya know where we’d find her?” Scratching his head in thought, Bert said, “Yeah, dunno if it’s the best time though. Ya see, there was some mysterious disaster or something back at the old graveyard outside town, and now that it’s been cleaned up they’re gonna hold a remembrance ceremony pretty soon here.” Curious, Rufus said, “Remembrance ceremony?” Nodding, Bert’s face became grave as he said, “Yep. The attack on Aerennis when Jonathan and Samantha Greyson were killed also resulted in the deaths of several others. The Special Forces moved in and took out Altera Veritas’ anomalies, and we managed to clean up the mess and get on with our lives, but we haven’t forgotten about those who didn’t make it.” Grabbing some produce from behind him to fill up some empty slots in his stall, after a moment Bert continued, “After the announcement by the Head of the Guild Council, we finally know a bit more about why it all happened, y’know? So with it weighin’ on everybody’s mind, the Governor pulled some strings to get the graveyard back into shape, and pretty soon here there’ll be a remembrance ceremony for those who died. Right now she’s prolly pretty busy getting things ready and stuff, but ya can see if she can spare some time.” Shrugging his shoulders, Douglas said, “Ah well, sounds like we’re wastin’ our time. Let’s just cut to the chase and-” Interrupting him, Schmitt said, “Not so fast Douglas, ya ain’t gettin’ outta this that easy! We’ll just have ourselves a lil looksee…”

            Entering the town hall, Schmitt approached the secretary at the desk and said, “Howdy! Don’t spose the Governor is in at the moment?” Shaking her head, the secretary replied, “Currently the Governor is at her residence gathering some things together for the upcoming remembrance ceremony. You might be able to speak with her if you go there.” Nodding, Schmitt said, “Much obliged.” As they exited the town hall and headed down the west street towards the Governor’s residence, Douglas said, “Ya mind tellin’ me just what this here is all about?” Wondering as well, Rufus said, “Yeah Schmitt, why are we here? Shouldn’t we be figuring out how to help the others?” Pausing in his stride, Schmitt said, “If there’s one thing that’s important to a guy like me, it’s friends and family. Frankly, that’s why I can’t stand ya Douglas! You owe some folks an apology, and I ain’t gonna let that slide.” Crossing his arms, Douglas said, “I dunno where this is goin’, but get one thing straight. I don’t owe nobody nuthin. I’m my own man and I do things my way…” Then a voice called out from ahead of them, “Douglas… You never change…” Walking down the street towards them was Tabatha Matthews, carrying a small cardboard box. As she approached them, Douglas sighed and said, “It figures. After all the trouble I went through to get away, I just get dragged back in.” Smirking, Tabatha said, “Is that really any way to greet your mother after all this time?” Scratching his head, Douglas muttered, “Yeah, yeah… Hi Ma…”

            Walking through the graveyard outside town, Douglas and Tabatha made their way to a small grave in the center of the graveyard. On it was written, “Janet Matthews, 476-505NA.” Staring at it, Douglas said, “I see, so you had her buried here…” Sadness in her eyes, Tabatha said, “Originally we could not afford a burial, but when we arrived in Aerennis, the Greyson family gave us the money to have her ashes buried here. To be honest, I was rather disappointed that you did not come to pay your respects at the very least. Others may have said you’d passed away, but I knew better…” Avoiding her gaze as she shot him a stern look, Douglas replied, “You know I ain’t interested in bein’ all sentimental. I changed my name and cut all ties so I could live the life I wanted. I got no regrets.” Tabatha let out a sigh and shook her head sadly as she said, “I cannot apologize enough for having raised you in such poverty. It was the best we could do. Things were already bad enough, and then the cataclysm took away any remaining chance for me to give you a normal childhood. Sadly, Janet’s marriage was shattered by its effects as well. EDE technology was not strong enough to detect Janet, but it only took two years after Scott was born for him to be identified as an energist. Once it was revealed, Janet’s husband abandoned them. Janet seemed to fall ill almost immediately after, and when she died, I took Scott in despite having no way to support him. There was no one else, and I would not see my grandson grow up an orphan.” Glancing over at Jonathan and Samantha’s graves with a look of gratitude, Tabatha quietly said, “Thankfully, the Sanctuary we came to was governed by the Greyson family. Were it not for their kindness, Scott would have most likely have been raised in poverty as well…” Laughing quietly to himself, Douglas said, “So that kid really is my nephew. The Thunderfury Energist, go figure…” Raising her hand to her mouth to muffle a chortle, Tabatha exclaimed, “You honestly didn’t know?” Turning to go, Douglas said, “I don’t really pay attention to these things. You did a good job with him, I’ll give ya that. Anyway, I got better things to do than stand around here. A graveyard’s a place for people who have trouble sayin’ their goodbyes.” Tabatha donned a sad smile as she said, “I don’t want anything more than your happiness Douglas. I know you take pride in being free, owing nothing to no one. Still, you won’t ever truly be happy if you continue to shut others out and only focus on yourself! For once in your life, before it’s too late, find it in your heart to do something for others without seeking something in return! I know you could be an uncle Scott could be proud of!” Waving a hand in the air as he walked off, Douglas simply replied, “Sorry, I do things my way. Later Ma…”

            The Audentia. Saturday June 30, 520NA. Aboard the bridge of the Audentia, Schmitt exclaimed, “He’s gonna WHAT?!” Leaning against the closed door of the bridge, Douglas said, “Yep. If he revives the technology in the citadel, he’ll have a weapon nuthin we have today can equal. That’s why we gotta get your friends back here ASAP.” Grinding his teeth a moment, Schmitt said, “If you’ve been plannin’ on defectin’ since Silens, then why the hell didn’t ya tell us about this sooner?! How close is he to finishin’?!” With a sigh, Douglas clutched his head and said, “How should I know? I ain’t been to the citadel since my disappearance. Plus, I had to lay low for a while. When we Revenants die, Alastor’s supposed to get the essence of the Nameless One he gave us back. I had to make it seem like you guys destroyed it somehow, and lemme tell ya, it ain’t easy to fool Alastor.” Starting the ship’s onboard holo-screen and communications system, Schmitt said, “Damn! We need to get ahold of Felix! Without the others, the only folks who can put a stop to this are the Special Forces!” Shaking his head, Douglas said, “The Special Forces ain’t gonna be able to storm the citadel. Even if the Generals themselves lead the charge, they’ll be sent into disarray by the spell Alastor has over the place. After that the anomalies’ll pick em off one by one.” Sitting in the co-pilots seat, which he had managed to operate in Scott’s absence, Rufus said, “Then what do we do? I’m all for big news, but this is some pretty bad news!” Shutting off the communications system, Schmitt said, “Bah, he ain’t answerin’…” Douglas moved to sit in one of the passenger seats, but quickly moved to a different seat as the one he had in mind was occupied by Ian, who looked as though he would not have been happy to be disturbed. Sitting down in a cat-free passenger seat, Douglas said, “Vincent, the Professor as we called him, designed a little bit of technology that might just help us get to Gaia. Alastor’s already been usin’ a portal system based off of it to transfer some of his agents over there to do who knows what, but the original’s still sittin’ in his lab in Celestis, just lyin’ there waitin’ fer us to put it to better use. That’s where we’re headin’! To Celestis folks! Full speed ahead!”

            Sitting upon the throne of the Star Palace within the audience hall, a large spacious room with red and black carpeting and walls, light shining through the stained glass windows over the roof, Emperor Alcott Fanetsa Magni stared down at the Head of the Guild Council, Felix. Standing beside Felix was General Andrew West, who was saying, “Expeditia was completely wiped out your majesty. I know we’re already at high alert, but Altera Veritas’ increasing activity means we probably ought to raise security on the cities and towns even more. We have yet to even determine their objective. We originally assumed they could only be an energist rights terrorist group, but the fact is they’ve attacked both Aerennis and Lamis in the past, both of which are Sanctuaries, not to mention the Greyson family was strongly in favor of energist rights. Now that they’ve attacked Expeditia unprovoked, and once again without making either demands or threats, it’s clear to us there must be more to this.” With a serious look, Felix said, “I’m sure you remember Alcott, but what that man, Alexander, said back at the end of Matthew Greyson’s appeal is something we may have to take into account…” With a disapproving grunt, Emperor Alcott said, “What? That we’re dealing with some fanatics bent on destroying the world? We may not know their objective, but really Felix, don’t jump to conclusions…” Clutching his head, Felix said, “True, but things are getting more and more out of hand Alcott. The rest of The Council already agrees with me. Our current efforts to defend the cities and towns have failed. Completely. We’re officially going into wartime status. I want strict curfews implemented, regular inspections of every city every day. The Registration Act will be enforced even more strictly, and anyone caught in violation will be detained and interrogated. We have to find where they’re hiding, where their leaders are, and shut them down!”

            Arriving in a black hover car at the gates of the Star Palace, located on the west side of Celestis, Alastor turned to Giselle sitting next to him in the back seat and said, “Go to the lab and retrieve all the remaining research documents our dear Professor left behind. I will handle this myself.” Nodding, Giselle said, “Yes sir.” Alastor got out, and as he shut the door, the hover car drove off down the street. Looking through the gates at the tall building, home of the Adali Empire’s royal family, Alastor stared blankly for a moment. Then he moved on towards the gate, where a guard in the red uniform of the royal guard with a gun holstered at his waist stood watching him. As he approached, the guard said, “I’m sorry sir, but entry to the palace is currently closed. An important guest is currently visiting, and all appointments have been canceled.” Looking at the guard with his empty gaze, Alastor said, “I see. It would be quite a shame if I had an appointment to begin with. However, I do not need permission to enter, so I suggest you stand aside.” Looking rather angry, the guard gripped his gun and said, “I will have to ask you to leave sir…” Alastor raised a hand, and pointing a finger at the guard, he said, “Pity.” The guard fell as a beam of dark energy shot through his chest from Alastor’s finger. Alastor looked down at his body a moment, and then looking at the gate he muttered, “Now that that’s done…” As he simply glanced at the gate, blades of wind shot out from around him and sliced through it, clearing the way. Slowly, Alastor began up the path through the royal garden towards the palace itself.

© 2014 KeithKVH

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Added on October 26, 2014
Last Updated on October 26, 2014
Tags: Volume 2, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Romance, Adventure, Original

Legend of Mautau: Reflections of an Ideal World



Pasadena, CA

I've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..
