![]() Ch 14: RevelationA Chapter by KeithKVH![]() In the Halls of Origin, Fox reveals the Nameless One is a being worthy of the title Dark God. Despite the situation, Alexander suggests a side trip, and the group joins an uncanny caravan.![]() Looking at the pictures, Fox said, “Well, like hotshot over there seems to already know somehow, the Old Gods used their powers to create Origin and recreate their dying existence. Though I guess they kinda missed this room huh? Anyway, after that their powers were fading, and the Old Gods were reborn into a race termed the Observers. While probably intended to serve as some kind of guardians, there was one Observer who didn’t care much for his job.” Pointing to a picture of a white circle raining lightning down on other white circles, Fox continued, “That Observer began to hunt down and consume the power of the other Observers, attempting to become a god again. As he grew stronger and stronger, his desire for power grew more and more.” Pointing to a group of white circles surrounding a black circle, Fox said, “Banding together, all the other Observers battled with the being that would come to be known as the Nameless One, who had become an unspeakable horror unlike anything that existed, and together they defeated him.” Now he pointed to a picture of the white circles seeming to be casting some spell upon the black circle, saying, “However, the Nameless One had become so powerful that he couldn’t be destroyed, so they finally sealed him away in the Halls of Origin.” Turning away from the pictures to face them, Fox said, “The Temple of Umbra wasn’t intended to be a temple at all, just a vault to keep anyone from reaching the place where he was sealed away. But as time passed, the story was forgotten, and after stealing one of the only remaining records of this place from the library of some royal family a thousand years ago, Alexander and Alastor mistook the Nameless One for some deity who could grant them the power they had been looking for.” As they all took this in, Fox said, “You see now? You’re not up against just another energist, some pretender to the phrase ‘Dark God.’ You guys are fighting against something second only to Origin. A real Dark God.” Staring at the wall, Serius muttered, “This changes everything I was taught to believe. Our lore always said he had been an ancestor of the mautauian race.” Clutching his head as he tried to take this in, Richter said, “A being with such power… Is it even possible for mortals to defeat him?” Seeing Grey was looking concerned as well, Mythra quickly said, “Stop it! Of course we can defeat him! Grey is He of the Infinite after all! If Amanus could do it, then so can he!” With a reluctant smile, Fox shrugged and said, “That’s what I’d like to believe, but the fact is that even back then, you never really saw the true power of the Nameless One.” Turning away from the walls to look at Fox disbelievingly, Serius said, “Do you mean Alastor held back against Amanus? I find that hard to believe.” Shaking his head, Fox replied, “It’s not so much as holding back. It’s kinda like when Alastor tried to use the Nameless One to control Grey. Both Alexander and Alastor subconsciously fought against the Nameless One’s control after he took them over. He wasn’t able to control them completely, even though they’d fused with him willingly. Because of that, the power they gained from him was only a fraction of what it could have been. Unfortunately, now that Alastor is in control, things could get a little different…” Crossing his arms with a troubled look, Scott said, “I hear what you’re saying, but we’ve encountered him several times now. I know he’s powerful, but he doesn’t seem THAT powerful. I mean, if he were, wouldn’t it be over for us already?” Walking over to the wall, Fox sat against it and said, “Believe or don’t believe, it’s your choice. Right now, Alastor is channeling most of his power into resurrecting an ancient demonfolk called Shadow. From what I can tell, the fact that the Nameless One is no longer in charge is slowly taking its toll on Alastor. The Corrupted EDE is eating away at him. He needs a counterpart, a vessel like Alexander’s Anima Weapon to keep the Nameless One locked up in while he draws on its powers.” Glancing at Grey briefly, he continued, “His original plan was to use Grey as his counterpart, but he made Shadow his ace in the hole just in case he couldn’t pull it off. I don’t know why he doesn’t use some weapon or object to do it, but he insisted on finding a powerful energist to use.” Watching them all deep in thought, Fox said, “So, you all think you’re really up to this?” Making up his mind, Grey approached Fox and said, “Try and discourage us all you want, but we’re all in this too deep to back out now! Just get to the point and tell us where Alastor is hiding already!” Grinning widely, Fox said, “Well said hotshot! For the record, I brought you here to make sure you all really have the guts to do the job. Alastor’s base is in the Ruins of Noctivagus. He’s repairing the ancient technology within the citadel. The citadel itself is a giant airship armed with the most advanced weapons humanity ever designed. He’ll conquer Teramis with it easy. Maybe even destroy it like mankind almost did when they brought about the Dark Age…” With a look of horror, Amy gasped, “What?!” Remembering the Ruins of Alcedonia, Richter said, “So that was what all those strange devices were! This is truly dire news…” Banging a fist on the wall, Mythra muttered, “If only I could make a portal! D****t!” Suddenly, Grey said, “Guys!” Turning to him, they watched him raise a hand before him and clench it into a fist for emphasis. Grinning with infectious confidence, Grey said, “We’ll find a way! It’s not over yet!” Nodding in agreement, Serius said, “Indeed.” Slowly, everyone’s spirit seemed to be restored by Grey’s words. Scott walked over to Grey and cued him for a high five, and as Grey high fived him, Scott said, “Listen to you! You’re starting to sound like a real leader!” Chuckling, Fox said, “Does our new leader come with a plan?” Turning to the door leading back to the chamber where Saria was looking after Alexander, Grey said, “I think we need to give Alexander some time to deal with whatever’s going on before we do anything…” Walking through the grand hall of the Citadel of Noctivagus towards the control room, Giselle beside him, Alastor said, “It was about time we got a report from Grave. To think they’ve made it all the way to Gaia, and despite the destruction of the Gate. I don’t suppose you’ve heard any word from your dear sister?” Shaking her head, Giselle said, “No sir.” Arriving at the entrance to the control room, as Giselle began to enter the code into the control panel upon the door, Alastor said, “It seems strange to think that Mr. Greyson escaped the void if Gisette could not, and if we consider that fact, it’s also quite possible she is purposely neglecting to return…” Pausing as she was about to enter the last part of the code, Giselle’s hand trembled for a moment. Watching her with seemingly no interest, Alastor said, “You do realize the possibility, don’t you Giselle?” Entering the last part of the code, Giselle said, “Yes sir.” The door slid open, and as they walked inside, Alastor said, “Good. Then I will trust you to handle the matter should the time arise.” They stepped into an enormous circular room with a grand throne on the far side from the door, and surrounding the throne were control panels of every variety. There were other seats in the room surrounded by control panels as well, and hanging from the ceiling was a gigantic full room holo-projector. Running about the room working on the various wires, computer systems, and anything else in need of repair were some of Alastor’s hired henchmen. Looking around the room, Alastor said, “Good. It’s looking far better than the last time I came to inspect their progress.” As he turned back out the door, Giselle said, “Sir?” Glancing back at her, Alastor said, “I’ve seen enough for now. You know how these inspections bore me. You can give me a full report on it later. I have other matters to attend to…” Driving the hover cycle back to Halsa, Alexander in the sidecar and the others back in the wagon, Grey could not hide his irritation as he said to Alexander, “Just what were you thinking?!” With a quiet laugh, Alexander said, “What indeed? I can’t really explain it. I’ve lived for over one thousand years Grey. After all the pain and suffering my carelessness has caused… Normal people fear death, but I would more than likely welcome it.” His anger starting to subside in the face of pity, Grey said, “Yeah, well… Stop thinking like that already. What happened wasn’t your fault.” Staring out into the desert, Alexander said, “No Grey. It’s all very much my fault…” Shaking his head in frustration, Grey said, “Alright, fine! Believe whatever the hell you want, but you’d better think about what Amy said back there! We’re not gonna give up on you, so don’t go and give up on yourself!” Alexander simply sighed and went silent. Then out of curiosity, Grey said, “Speaking of Amy, just what is going on between you, her, and Mythra? I’ll bet Serius is in on it too, isn’t he?” With a slightly displeased look, Alexander said, “It’s not a matter of being ‘in’ on anything. It’s a matter of my past, and everyone has a right to keep their secrets…” Glaring at him expectantly, Grey said, “Not if they try to commit suicide over them! Spill it already!” Glancing back at the wagon for a moment, Alexander sighed again, and then leaning back in the sidecar, he said, “I suppose I cannot escape it after all. If you truly want to know Grey, then I shall divulge my secret on one condition.” Raising an eyebrow, Grey said, “Alright, what’s this condition?” Staring up at the sky, Alexander said, “Before I tell you, there’s someplace we must go and visit. It will be quite the journey, and while I understand we’re short on time, I cannot say anything to you unless we go.” Silently considering this, Grey finally said, “Since we haven’t got any leads, I guess we can search on the way, but you’ll have to ask the others. Just where are you planning on going?” After a moment, Alexander simply said, “Home…” Halsa. Friday June 29, 520NA. Taking back everyone’s room keys, Guru said, “So you folks are finally moving on huh?” Nodding, Alexander said, “I’ve arranged for us to join up with a caravan headed across the sea to Lacra. We’re planning on going to Loralu, a small town in northern region of the continent.” Raising an eyebrow, Guru said, “Loralu? That place is a pretty backwater village compared to the rest of Lacra. Long journey too if you’re headed to the closest port. Gatria has closed its docks to commercial travel for a while due to the construction of some theme park off the coast, so right now the ships in Halsa port all go to Bolseil.” Staring at Grey’s map, Richter said, “That will be quite a trip… Are there no airships that can make the journey?” Looking at him strangely, Guru said, “Sorry friend, but unless you know something I don’t, far as commercial transportation goes there’s never been much in the ways of airships. The Church doesn’t just hand them out to anybody. Perishable goods are transported by government airships every now and then, but it’s only a small number of private owners, basically the wealthy, that travel in airships. They’re highly regulated since the human technology in them is still under research. Right now, your choices are to board a good old hover barge for Bolseil or wait awhile and stow away on the next cargo airship headed for the capital city, Xandaris.” As Scott and Richter were pouring over the map, Guru added, “Even after you get to Bolseil, I doubt any caravan you’ve joined up with will be headed to Loralu. Word is that Loralu is an outta the way place that’s becoming something of a refuge for outcast half-breeds. Round Halsa we don’t mind, but most folks elsewhere… Well I’m sure you all know yourselves…” Nodding again, Alexander said, “We’re going as far as the caravan goes, and after that we’ll be on our own. We can handle ourselves, I’m sure.” Looking as though he were reconsidering, Grey said, “Alexander, do we really have to go there? I mean, what difference does it make on whether you tell me something?” With a slight laugh, Alexander said, “All the difference in the world to me…” Arriving in the square where the caravan awaited them, Grey and the others found a crowd of onlookers gathered around what appeared to be a makeshift stage. Looking around at all the people, who were slowly dispersing, Saria wondered what was going on as she pointed out, “It’s so crowded…” Alexander started to say, “Well, I assume the show just ended. This caravan is-” Before he could finish, a voice called out, “Leave the introductions to the professionals my good fellow!” Walking up to them came a strange looking halman man who looked in his thirties, his black hair combed neatly and his eyes two different colors, one brown and the other gray. He wore a small top hat with a ribbon colored with black and gold stripes, a vest also with stripes of black and gold on it, a white coat with unbuttoned sleeves that were so long that they hung at his sides, long black pants, and a pair of black and white dress shoes. Strangest of all though was the fact that his gloved hands were not connected to his body, his wrists and lower arms either missing or invisible, the sleeves of his coat still moving with them as though they were indeed invisibly connected. A grin on the man’s face, his floating hands made dramatic gestures as he said to them, “Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, you stand in the presence of Gibolu, ringmaster and magician extraordinaire of Gibolu’s Traveling Circus! I welcome you all as temporary members of our troupe, fellow travelers!” After a moment, Scott turned to Alexander and said, “Circus?” As Alexander laughed nervously, Mythra turned to him and said, “Now just one damn minute! You better not have signed us up to be part of some circus!” With a mischievous grin, Alexander said, “Oh I forgot! You’re afraid of clowns aren’t you Mythra?” As the others struggled to stifle their laughter, Mythra turned red with a mixture of embarrassment and rage and exclaimed, “W-why you…! I’m not… ARRRRG!” Just as it looked as though she were about to jump Alexander, Gibolu laughed and said, “My now, such an energetic group! Splendid, just splendid! It was getting rather lonely with just the four of us.” Thinking she hadn’t heard right, Amy said, “Four?” Raising a floating hand before him, Gibolu nodded and extended a finger for each number as he said, “One, two, three, four!” Crossing his arms before him with a skeptical look, Fox said, “Just what kinda circus you running that’s only got four people?” Dramatically gesturing with his floating hands, Gibolu said, “The greatest show on Gaia!” Turning to Alexander, Serius said, “Are you certain they will even have enough transportation for nine more people?” Suddenly, a voice called out, “Yup yup yup! We got plenty of transportation for everyone!” Wandering over to them approached a clown, his hair short and yellow, his ears pointed like an elf’s, and his eyes gray. His face was painted in the traditional white with a red smile, his shoes were large and floppy, his suspender equipped pants were baggy and adorned with colorful stripes, and tied around his neck was a pink spotted yellow tie. He also wore a red rubber nose and a red and white striped hat, and quickly he removed the hat in dramatic fashion and bowed before them as he said, “Hey hey hey! I’m Dewie the clown! So very nice to meetcha!” As he approached, Mythra backed away slightly, and noticing this Alexander thought, “Here I had only been kidding…” Turning to Dewie, Gibolu said, “Ah Dewie! How goes the packing?” Turning to his ringmaster, Dewie said, “Great great great! We’re almost done. We’ve disassembled the stage, so Ace and Mana’s friends are carrying it back to the transport.” Then another voice called out, “Hey boss, there any reason we’re wasting time over here?” Approaching them now was a man who looked barely in his twenties with green eyes and blue scruffy hair tied back in a ponytail. Dressed in black, his pants were ripped and there were metal spikes sown into the bottom of his pant legs. Seeing he carried a knife holstered at his waist, Grey eyed him warily, but Gibolu turned to the man and said, “Ace, I’ve told you before! It’s ‘ringmaster’, not boss!” Rolling his eyes, Ace replied, “Who cares? We’re packing up here you know. Are you gonna help or are you just gonna make me do all the work again?” As Ace talked, Grey noticed his unusual looking teeth, as he had fangs like a vampire. Gesturing for Ace to wait a moment, Gibolu said, “Hold on Ace, I want you to meet the travelers who are coming with us!” Facing Grey and the others, Gibolu raised a hand in Ace’s direction and said, “Friends, this here is Ace, our knife thrower and resident bodyguard. He’s a rather lazy and difficult fellow of a demonfolk, but he has a good heart.” Hanging his head, Ace said, “Thanks boss… I think…” Then looking at Grey and the others, Ace said, “You call these punks travelers? Here I thought we’d finally have some more muscle. Bunch of kids…” Cracking his knuckles, Fox quickly said, “Pretty big mouth you got there pal! You wanna mix it up?” With a sigh, Grey said, “This is gonna be a really long trip…” Yet another voice suddenly called out, “Please don’t fight! Ace sometimes says things without thinking…” Approaching the group was a girl who looked to be around Amy’s age with long curly pink hair, white cat ears, dark cobalt eyes behind pink rimmed glasses, and pink butterfly-like wings. She wore a pink flowery looking dress, and her shoes were adorned with pink artificial flowers. As she came to stand before them, Ace said, “Don’t go giving people the wrong idea Mana! I mean what I say. These guys won’t be any help, whether it’s setting up the stage or going up against bandits. We’re just fine on our own anyways…” Shaking her head, Mana said, “Anyone can help set up the stage! It’s too much work for my little friends, we could use the help!” With a grunt, Ace walked off saying, “Fine, not like I care…” As he left, Richter muttered, “That one has quite the foul temper.” Nodding agreeably, Scott said, “Yeah, is he always like that?” Smiling nervously, Gibolu said, “As I said, he can be rather difficult…” Bowing to Grey and the others, Mana said, “I’m Mana, the Gibolu’s Circus butterfly tamer and fortune teller. Please forgive Ace. Protecting the troupe is more than a job to him. It’s like a family for all of us. I’m sure he’ll get used to you after a while…” Clapping his hands together, Gibolu said, “Yes, I’m sure he’ll come around. Now then, for now why don’t we get you and your luggage settled into the transport’s passenger car? Don’t worry about helping us pack things up, you’ll have your chance to show Ace what you’re made of soon enough!” As he turned to go, everyone followed. Spying Saria, Mana approached her and said, “Oh, I like your hair! I love pink, although I could never pull off short hair…” Caught off guard, Saria stopped and said, “I-It’s not… I just cut it so it’s not in the way…” Smiling suddenly, Mana said, “You have so many friends, yet you’re still so shy around others.” Blushing, Saria murmured, “But, I-I’ve only just…” Realizing she’d said something that had embarrassed her, Mana quickly said, “Oh I’m sorry. People say I have something of an ability to see people’s nature. There are times that I say things I shouldn’t…” Shaking her head, Saria smiled in spite of herself and said, “No, it’s true…” As Saria fidgeted with her hands, Mana suddenly said, “I know! Why don’t we be friends?” Saria simply looked at her in surprise. © 2014 KeithKVH |
StatsAuthor![]() KeithKVHPasadena, CAAboutI've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..Writing