![]() Ch 12: StrandedA Chapter by KeithKVH![]() Just when things were looking up, the portal home becomes impossible as Mythra finds she left the necessary parts behind. Fox places Alexander in a difficult position, and he storms off before dinner.![]() Guru’s Inn, Halsa. Wednesday, June 27, 520NA. Entering the room that Fox was resting in, Alexander said, “Well then, are we feeling any better?” Lying in bed, his arms folded behind his head, Fox said, “Eh. I could use a drink, but otherwise I’m pretty good.” With a slight laugh, Alexander walked over to him, saying, “Then I suppose my brief visit last night was somewhat effective. I’ll see if I missed anything in a moment, but before I examine your condition further, I think there’s something we need to discuss…” Grinning, certain he knew what was coming, Fox said, “Get to the point Doc.” Removing his shades to look Fox in the eyes, Alexander said, “Grey filled me in about you. I also have heard about your days in the Special Forces. Class S Energist number four, Lieutenant General Fox Marcellus, the Fireflash Energist. While Grey is usually a rather good judge of character, I am not so quick to trust a former enemy. Tell me Fox, just why should we trust one who is bound to our enemy in both body and soul?” Resting his eyes, Fox replied, “I’m no idiot, I know the power Altera Veritas holds over me. Still, it’s just like that guy says… I’m my own person. I’ve always done what I thought was right, and I’m not gonna back down. I’ll find a way and break outta the hold they have on me.” Opening his eyes and turning to look at Alexander, Fox added, “Just like you did, once upon a time…” Donning his shades, Alexander laughed reluctantly and said, “Very well. I suppose everyone deserves a second chance.” Suddenly Alexander whirled around, as from another room he heard someone cry out, “NOOOOOOOOO!” Rushing out of Fox’s room and into the room where the cry had originated, Alexander exclaimed, “What’s going on?!” Sitting by her magic suitcase with her belongings piled up around her, Mythra was trembling as she simply sat and stared at the suitcase. The innkeeper, Guru, called out from the bottom of the stairs, “Keep it down! Somebody get murdered or something? Jeez…” Walking over to Mythra, Alexander said, “Mythra, what is wrong with you?” Turning to look at him with tears in her eyes and a sad look on her face, she squeaked, “They’re… not here…” Unsure what she was talking about, Alexander said, “What’s not here?” Hanging her head in shame, Mythra said, “All the magical items I needed to create the base for the portal back home! I can’t do it without them! I don’t know what I did with them, I thought I’d already packed them in my suitcase, but I’ve taken out everything and they’re not here…” Clutching his head, Alexander sighed and said, “This… is definitely not good…” Walking down the streets towards the exit into the desert, on their way to train since Mythra said it would be awhile before the portal was created, Grey, Scott, Richter, and Serius were talking amongst themselves as they went. Having been listening to Scott and Richter explain the details of what happened in the Ruins of Alcedonia, as they finished, Serius said, “I see. That creature was a formidable opponent in its own right. It’s certain Alastor was merely caught off guard, but it’s still a truly impressive advance in her fighting abilities.” Grey was glad that Amy had managed to get them out of a tight spot, but was unsure he liked the idea of Amy fighting alongside him and the others. As Grey was lost in his thoughts, Richter started raving as he said, “It’s such a unique ability, I had never even thought it possible! I’m fascinated by these ‘Memory Shards’ as well. If I could only examine one somehow, it might just shed some light on the mysteries around them.” Laughing at his enthusiasm, Scott said, “You and your scholarly interests! Hardly ever saw this side of you back in the Special Forces.” Laughing as well, Richter replied, “Yes well, it was my job as a Class S Energist to set an example, as you should well know. I suppose I had been a bit caught up in…” Richter glanced at Grey hesitantly and continued, “Well in some other matters… Yet after you set me straight in Aerennis, I started thinking about things. After we’ve all put the matter of Altera Veritas to rest, I think I might once more pursue my ‘scholarly interests’ as you put it.” Noticing Grey’s prolonged silence, Scott said, “Hey, you still with us Grey? You’ve been pretty quiet for a while.” Snapping to attention, Grey nervously said, “Sorry, I was just thinking about something…” With a grin, Richter said, “Care to share with the rest of the class?” Laughing reluctantly, Grey said, “That was pretty good, you planning to be a teacher as well?” Both Scott and Richter laughed, and Grey thought he even heard Serius snickering. Taking his shift watching the Conjunctio Vitro, which lay on the coffee table in front of the TV in Mythra’s living room, Rufus sat watching the news as he muttered, “If only I could have gone with them…” Lying at Rufus’ feet, Ian purred contentedly. Glancing at the magical mirror, Rufus thought, “I wonder if they’d be mad if I just called to check on what’s happening over there? I know this isn’t some game, what they’re doing is brave. Still…” Reaching out and picking up the mirror, he thought, “The inquiring mind of an Ace Reporter just can’t be satisfied with sitting here waiting!” Looking the mirror over, he muttered to himself, “Just how the heck do you work this thing anyhow?” Suddenly from the mirror came Mythra’s voice, saying, “Hello? Anybody over there?” So surprised that he nearly dropped it, Rufus quickly turned the mirror so that he could see Mythra’s face in it and said, “Ah, I’m sorry I just-” Interrupting him, Mythra said, “Nevermind, just listen! There’s been a huge mishap!” Looking concerned, Rufus started to say, “Oh no, don’t tell me someone-” Clutching her head, Mythra exclaimed, “No, no! It’s not that kind of problem! Look, I seem to have misplaced the items I need to create the base of the portal, and without them we’re absolutely stranded here!” Rufus jumped to his feet as he said, “I-I’ll go find it and bring it to you ASAP!” Having stepped on Ian’s tail as he got up, his feline companion let out a cry of pain and Rufus quickly moved, but in the process he banged his leg on the coffee table and dropped the Conjunctio Vitro as he fell on his behind. Moaning in pain for a moment, Rufus looked over to see the mirror had shattered, and the color drained from his face as he thought in realization, “Oh no! She didn’t get to tell me what they needed or where it was…” Staring at the mirrored surface of her Conjunctio Vitro, Mythra trembled with rage for a moment, and then exclaimed, “THAT IDIOT!” Shaking his head for a moment, Alexander muttered, “You’re the one who used something as simple to break as a mirror…” Alexander ducked as Mythra hurled the Conjunctio Vitro at him and shouted, “SHUT UP!” Down at the bottom of the stairs, Guru shouted, “Hey, what the hell is going on up there?!” Walking to the top of the stairs, Alexander put on a fake smile and said, “Nothing, nothing! We’re just having a little disagreement…” Crossing his arms, Guru replied, “Yeah? Well take your lover’s quarrel outside before you break a window or something…” Rushing to the stairs with fire in her eyes, Mythra bellowed, “LOVER’S QUARREL?! DO YOU WANT TO DIE YOU FRIGGIN MULLET?!” As he struggled to restrain her, Alexander called out, “You’re really not helping Guru!” Shaking his head, Guru returned to his seat behind the counter, muttering, “Here folks wonder why I’m still single…” Stepping out the door of his room, Fox said, “Havin’ a good time out here?” Finally ceasing her attempts to go after Guru, as Alexander released her, Mythra walked back to her room muttering curses. Turning to Fox, Alexander said, “It seems we may be unable to return the way we came.” With a smug look, Fox said, “Like I said to hotshot, if you want a way home, then seek out the Seeker.” Furrowing his brow in thought, Alexander said, “Yes, Serius told me of their search for this Seeker. Just where might we find this individual?” Shrugging his shoulders, Fox said, “Beats me.” Adjusting his shades in irritation, Alexander said, “Just what do you know about them then? What makes you think they can assist us in returning to Teramis?” Leaning against the doorframe, Fox said, “Well, from what I overheard when Alastor was talking about it, the Seeker was an immortal who led an army of demonfolk in some war a long a*s time ago. Apparently the Seeker was a lot like your friend the Spellweaver, a master of portals and all that. Legends say the Seeker was sealed in some tower, but a rumor going around is that the Seeker uses portals to wander about the world causing mischief. I figured with the gate down, the only chance of getting back is to find this character.” Starting to pace back and forth through the hall, after a moment Alexander said, “That’s an interesting tale… Still, there are quite a few ifs in pursuing such an option. For one thing, we do not know how to find this person, and even if we did, how could we possibly get someone like that to aid us?” Turning to pace in the other direction, Alexander continued, “Not only is this tower’s location most likely something of a well guarded secret among those that imprisoned the Seeker in the first place, but if the Seeker has indeed reentered the world using a portal… The individual in question could be anywhere…” Wiping the sweat off her forehead, Amy said, “I really don’t like this heat…” Carrying bags of groceries for the celebration dinner Amy had suggested that morning, Amy and Saria were on their way back to Guru’s Inn, Saria trailing behind. Glancing back at Saria, Amy thought, “Grey’s sister seems really shy. Before I met Grey in Celestis, I tried not to get involved with people and didn’t talk much, and it made me feel awkward after a while. Being around Grey and the others made me feel comfortable with myself again, so maybe it’ll just take some time for her to get used to us.” Staring at the ground as she walked, Saria thought, “This is so awkward… I want to make a good impression on Grey’s girlfriend, but I don’t really have anything to talk about…” Suddenly Saria looked up as she heard the sound of something falling. Having bumped into someone while looking back at Saria, Amy had fallen on her behind and dropped her groceries. As Amy moaned slightly, Saria rushed over to help pick up the groceries as she said, “A-are you alright?” Managing a smile, Amy replied, “Yeah, I’m used to it…” The person who she’d bumped into knelt down to help pick up the groceries as well, saying, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” A woman with long brown hair and golden eyes, she wore a frilly brown shirt, a long brown skirt, and a brown beret. A red gem hung from a gold chain at her waist, and she held a small stack of books as she struggled to pick up the fallen groceries. With a look of gratitude, Amy replied, “No, it’s not your fault. I just wasn’t looking. I’m a bit of a clutz sometimes…” Smiling warmly, the woman said, “I have days like that.” Standing up as they finished putting the groceries back in the bags, Amy picked it up and said, “Thank you ma’am.” Shaking her head, the woman said, “No need to thank me, and please, call me Claire. ‘Ma’am’ makes me feel a bit old, hehe.” Laughing a bit at her sense of humor, Amy said, “Alright. My name’s Amy, and this is Saria. It’s nice to meet you Claire.” Trying to be polite, Saria quickly bowed her head. Still smiling quite warmly, Claire replied, “Yes, nice to meet both of you. Well, I’m afraid I’d better get going.” Walking off, Claire turned down an alleyway and out of sight. Turning to Saria with a smile, Amy said, “Well, she seemed rather nice.” Seeing Saria quietly staring in the direction of the alleyway, Amy added, “Something wrong Saria?” Turning back to Amy, Saria shook her head and slowly followed after her, convincing herself that she’d been thinking too many people seemed familiar lately. Arriving back at Guru’s Inn, Amy said, “Hah, finally… Guru said we could use his kitchen, so we’d better get to work.” As Amy walked up the stairs leading to the door to the inn, Saria nervously said, “Um, Amy…” Turning around, Amy said, “Hmm?” Bowing her head, Saria said, “I-I haven’t introduced myself properly. I’m Saria, it’s nice to meet you.” Taken aback, Amy said, “T-thank you, but where’s all this coming from?” Fidgeting nervously, Saria said, “Well, it’s just… You’re my brother’s girlfriend so…” Feeling her face turn red, Amy exclaimed, “W-wha?! Wh-who told you that?!” Panicking, Saria stammered, “I-I’m sorry?! I just, it’s… It’s kind of obvious that he, you, and well…” Starting to realize why Saria seemed even shyer around her than anyone else, Amy said, “W-well, you see… It’s not like it’s something official or anything! I mean we… We’ve kind of gotten like that, but then again it’s not really yet…” Getting confused, Saria said, “Official…? When is it official, like kissing or-” Turning an even deeper shade of red, Amy fell into a state of panic herself, and she exclaimed, “N-n-n-no! No, no, no, no, no! We’re not doing anything like that, it’s… I’m not… I’M NOT READY!” As Saria panicked once more, the door to the inn suddenly opened and Alexander said, “What is going on out here?” Turning to him, Amy and Saria both exclaimed, “NOTHING!” Raising an eyebrow curiously, Alexander said, “Ok… Well, disregarding this, I may as well tell you that we have a bit of a problem. It seems we may be stuck here for a while…” After Alexander explained the situation, he went back to talk with Fox and Mythra. Heading to Guru’s kitchen through the door behind the counter, as Amy and Saria started cooking, Amy thought, “Well that puts a wet blanket on my celebration party idea… We finally found Grey, but now we’re trapped in another world!” After a few hours passed, Amy thought she heard the door of the inn. Curious, she walked over to the doorway to see Grey and the others returning. With dinner nowhere near ready, Amy said to Saria, “They’re back already! Ugh, we still have a lot of work to do…” Putting a roast in the oven, Saria nodded and said, “Cooking for this many people…” Overhearing them, Guru got up and peeked through the door with a grin as he said, “Sounds like you could use a hand from old Guru!” Surprised, Amy said, “You cook Guru?” Laughing smugly, Guru replied, “Do I cook?! What do you think I’ve got a kitchen this nice in the back of my inn for? After ten years of cookin’ for myself, I’d bet not a chef in Halsa knows the tricks I know!” Standing in the hall of the second floor of the inn, Grey exclaimed, “You’ve gotta be kidding! We’re stuck?!” As Mythra merely hung her head in shame again, Alexander said, “That’s the gist of it.” Quickly Richter said, “What about the mirror, the Conjunctio Vitro? If we can-” Richter stopped as Alexander withdrew the shattered mirror from his coat pocket and said, “I’m afraid both sides of the Conjunctio Vitro are out of order.” Scott clutched his head and muttered, “Oh boy…” Stepping out from behind Alexander with a grin, Fox said, “Well, since you ain’t going anywhere for a while, why don’t I make a suggestion?” Meeting him for the first time, Richter gave him a sour look and said, “I take it you would be the defector? I’ve heard of you, Fireflash Energist. You disappeared shortly before I was sent to Lamis. I never imagined you would have been a spy…” Shrugging his shoulders casually, Fox said, “Well, I’m on your side now bud! Now that we all have nowhere to go, maybe I should help you all realize exactly what you’re up against.” Turning to him, Alexander said, “We’re quite aware of what we face, though if you could shed some light on any of Altera Veritas’ plans-” Raising a hand to stop him, Fox said, “Hold your horses boss! I’ll fill you in on everything you want to know soon enough. But for the record here, you all ain’t got no clue about what you’re facing.” Alexander looked slightly irritated but did not try to argue. Instead, he merely said, “Very well, enlighten us…” Grinning strangely, Fox said, “Rather than talk here, I think you’d learn a lot more if we take the class on a little field trip. How’s the Lost Temple of Umbra sound boss? You ready for a little trip down memory lane?” Turning, Alexander started to walk to his room. Serius called out, “Alexander…” Pausing, Alexander glanced back and said, “If you all decide to go there, I’ll sit this one out…” With that he continued to his room, and as they all heard his door shut behind him, Grey said, “Ok. Just what the hell’s up with Alexander?” Confused as well, Scott said, “Yeah… I don’t know if I’ve ever seen him act like that.” Staring after him, Mythra quietly said, “The Lost Temple of Umbra is where Alexander and Alastor broke the seal upon The Nameless One…” Approaching Fox, Serius looked slightly angry as he said, “What purpose will it serve to go to that place? There is nothing left there but memories of a tragic past…” Folding his hands behind his head as he leaned against the wall, Fox said, “You’ll see…” Suddenly Amy called out to them from the bottom of the stairs, saying, “Food’s ready!” © 2014 KeithKVH |
StatsAuthor![]() KeithKVHPasadena, CAAboutI've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..Writing