![]() Ch 5: We Meet AgainA Chapter by KeithKVH![]() Travelling with Saria, Grey finds his way to Vitaeris, the home of Gaia's elves. There he is greeted by his old friend Serius, who reveals to him that he has been travelling with no mere stranger.![]() Having walked a good ways from the village already, Grey and Saria reached a fork in the road. Looking at the map, Grey suddenly stopped and said, “Huh?” Stopping as well, Saria asked, “What?” Pointing to the map, Grey said, “This map is wrong. It doesn’t show any fork in the road here…” Looking at it, Saria said, “Uh… This map was printed by the Church of Light. Sometimes they leave out non-halman settlements and roads if they aren’t commonly used.” Looking down the unmarked road, which seemed to head off towards the nearby mountains to the south, Grey said, “That’s kind of stupid. So what’s down that road then?” Unsure herself, Saria said, “I’ve heard stories that there’s a forest beyond those mountains where the village of the elves, Vitaeris, is supposed to be… But going there would be-” Grey immediately started down the road towards the mountains, and quickly Saria called after him, “W-wait! Going there would be bad hero, bad! They don’t like outsiders!” Looking back with a grin, Grey said, “It’ll be fine! I happen to know a few elves myself. Besides, from what I’ve seen of them, they could be really helpful in figuring out how I’m gonna get back home.” With that, Grey continued down the path, and Saria followed reluctantly. Reaching the mountains, which were really little more than glorified hills when compared to the tall mountains that Grey and his friends had wondered at on the way to the Gate, after a brisk hike they reached a ledge where they could get a good view of the forest. In the fading sunlight they could see within it a great gnarled tree, and Grey said, “Guess that must be Vitaessil, the tree that grants the elves eternal life.” Suddenly sensing EDE, Grey whirled around, formed his swords, and activated EDE Dissipation as an arrow charged with nature energy sailed at him. As he deflected it, the arrow clattered to the ground, and looking in the direction it was fired from, Grey shouted, “Why in the hell is it always shoot first ask questions later with you people?! Show yourself!” Jumping down from the gnarled trunk of a tree growing out of the steep cliff above them, a male elf with green eyes and short white hair drew a bead on Grey with his bow as he landed and said, “Who or what are you? To dispel my arrow like that…” He was dressed similarly to the rangers Grey saw in Altus. Trying his best to show he had no ill intentions, Grey smiled and said, “Uh, nevermind that… Look, I know it’s your job to tell people to get lost, but if I could just ask a favor?” Staring at Grey suspiciously, the elf finally lowered his bow and said, “What do you want? It’s unusual for outsiders to trespass here…” Gesturing over to the forest below, Grey said, “I need to have a word with your Elder if that’s possible.” Shaking his head, the elf said, “You must be joking. Leave outsider.” Keeping his smile firmly on his face, Grey said, “Did I mention I’m a friend of Elris?” Quickly the elf’s eyes widened in surprise. Walking down the mountain path into the forest, as the elf guided them, he said, “You had better not be lying about knowing Lord Elris outsider. I cannot imagine how you could, yet…” Trailing behind him, Grey said, “It’s a long story. I’d rather wait till I see the Elder to explain. By the way, my name’s Grey and this is Saria.” Glancing back at them a moment, the elf sighed and then smiled reluctantly as he returned Grey’s courtesy, saying, “My name is Tertium.” Amazed that Grey had managed to get them into the village, Saria tagged along quietly as she started to wonder just who Grey was. The sun had all but set when they at last arrived at the ornately crafted crystal gates of Vitaeris Village. Seeing them coming, the guards at the gate quickly rushed up and started talking in elvish with Tertium. Their eyes went wide when Tertium replied to them, and then Tertium turned back to Grey and Saria and said, “Please wait here. I must go and speak with the Elder about you.” Waiting there patiently, Grey looked up at the upper levels of the village he could see from outside the gates. Like in Altus, there were many homes built up in the branches of the great tree Vitaessil. Elevators raised and lowered by EDE powered pulley systems conveyed citizens from the different levels, while many bridges and catwalks made of gold and carved wood stretched between them and formed a system of suspended pathways. All lit up in the fading sunlight, it was like the great tree was dotted with stars. At last, Tertium returned with other rangers and said, “Sorry to keep you waiting. Welcome to Vitaeris Village, both of you. The Elder will speak with you now. Also, it seems there is a friend of yours here as well.” Grey raised an eyebrow and thought to himself, “A friend of mine? Here?” Escorted through the streets, as they passed the many beautifully designed elven homes, Saria looked around in wonder at the sights and sounds. The elves of the village walked from place to place, some carrying goods back and forth using wheelbarrows. Villagers stared curiously at them as they passed, especially the children, who had likely never even seen outsiders. Here and there they passed what they assumed were shops, signs written in elvish hanging from the sides of the buildings, wares such as pottery or clothing visible through windows that were now darkened as they were closing for the day. There were still vendors in the streets though, selling everything from fruit to jewelry. At last they came to a large building made of forest green crystal constructed within the gnarled roots of Vitaessil. Leading them up the steps to the door, Tertium turned to Grey and said, “This is our town hall and the home of Elder Kel Mathos. Please show respect.” Grey and Saria nodded, and Tertium opened the door and led them inside. Entering the building, they found themselves in a large circular area that must have taken up the entire floor. The floor was grass covered soil, giving it a feeling as though they were in a park, and the feeling was emphasized even more by the fountain in the center of the room. Tertium motioned them to a marble staircase that spiraled along the wall of the circular room all the way up to the next floor, and following him up it, they came to a large balcony overlooking the first floor where two people awaited them at a long silver table. One was an elf sitting at the far end of the table, whom Grey figured must be Elder Kel Mathos, a male with long white hair and white eyes who wore no shirt, but a pelt of fur intertwined with moss over one shoulder, leafy arm wraps, and an elegant wreath of leaves on his head. However, Grey was more focused on the other person sitting to his left, a man who looked nowhere near as old as Grey knew him to be. His long gray hair was tied back in a ponytail, his eyes were yellow with slit pupils like those of a snake, and there were strange markings tattooed on his face. Grey could not believe it was him, and in disbelief he exclaimed, “No way! Serius?!” With his usual serious look, Serius said, “You really are here…” Taking a seat at the end of the table opposite Elder Kel Mathos, as Saria took a seat to his right, Grey said, “Serius, what are you doing here?!” Adressing Tertium, Elder Kel Mathos said, “Thank you, you may return to your duties.” Tertium bowed his head and said, “Yes Elder.” As Tertium left, Serius said, “I could ask you the same. Why are you here Grey? Was the Gate not destroyed?” With a nervous laugh, feeling rather certain the Mirror of Souls he’d broken was an irreplaceable artifact, Grey hesitantly said, “Yeah about that… I kinda broke it while fighting…” Saria, feeling shy around these unfamiliar people, shifted in her seat and turned to Grey as she nervously said, “You know each other…?” Seeming to have noticed Saria for the first time, before Grey could answer her, Serius quickly said, “Grey, who is that girl?” Sensing something strange about Serius’ reaction, Grey hesitated for a moment, but he finally replied, “This is Saria. We kinda bumped into each other earlier. Some anomalies attacked her village, and now she’s got nowhere to go.” For a moment, Serius just stared at Saria. Then he said to Grey, “Grey, I need to talk to you alone in a little while…” Looking surprised, Grey simply said, “Ok…” Suddenly Elder Kel Mathos spoke up, saying, “From what you said, I take it there was a battle at the Gate?” Grey nodded and simply said, “Yeah.” Clearly concerned, the Elder asked, “What of Altus? Are my people there under attack as well?” Recalling what Eazel had told him in the boundary, Grey replied, “I’m afraid that’s probably true as well…” Glancing at Serius, the Elder said, “Forgive me, both of you, but I need to see if I cannot contact Elris in a spirit dream. In such a time, he may want my guidance. Besides, as his brother, I fear for what has befallen him.” Serius simply nodded and said, “Of course Elder.” Rising, Elder Kel Mathos looked at Grey and Saria as he said, “I’ll have one of my aids arrange rooms for you all before I begin the ritual. I’ve already told Tertium to spread the word that you and your female companion are our honored guests, so please feel at ease.” Flashing a grin, Grey said, “Thanks!” With that, Elder Kel Mathos took his leave. Noticing Saria staring at him expectantly, Grey said, “What?” Knowing full well what she wanted, as she continued to stare, Grey finally said, “Alright! Umm…” Looking at Serius, as he realized what he would be saying if he explained his identity, Grey said, “I really don’t think you’ll believe me even if I tell you Saria…” She still continued to stare at him expectantly, and Grey sighed and said, “Serius, would you help me out here?” After a moment of consideration, Serius said, “Very well. This may concern her more than either of you know.” Both Grey and Saria were confused by this, but Serius quickly continued, “Saria, just what do you want to know?” Looking embarrassed, Saria said, “Well…” Gathering herself, Saria said, “W-who is Grey? I mean, an energist from Teramis, a friend of the elves… it seems like he must be someone important…” Grey felt embarrassed just thinking of how she’d react when he told her. Serius didn’t waste any time, saying, “He is Grey of the Infinite, the successor of Amanus of the Infinite and a member of the new Angelorum Lux.” Saria’s jaw dropped. Looking back and forth from Serius to Grey, she said, “But… that means that I… I’m so sorry, I had no idea! I…” Unsure what to do to calm her down, Grey said, “You don’t have to apologize for anything! It’s fine, don’t worry!” Then in realization, Saria exclaimed, “Th-then when you say Serius, you mean he’s…?” Serius simply said, “Yes. I am Serius the Unbound. Serius Decus Matuia, the Lord of Mautau.” As he raised the hand upon which he wore a ring engraved with the crest of Mautau, Saria slumped in her seat, a dazed look in her eyes as though her brain had fizzled out from shock. As Grey tried his best to calm her down, Serius said, “Grey, I feel it is urgent that I talk to you in private now.” Rising from his chair, Serius walked to the stairs leading back to the first floor, and standing as well, Grey followed. Once they were both on the first floor, Serius said, “I know not what threads of fate brought you and Saria together, but you have narrowly saved the day yet again.” Unsure what this was about, Grey said, “I don’t know what you mean by that, but ok…” With an even more serious look than usual, Serius said, “Grey… Saria is your twin sister.” Grey’s eyes went wide, and he remembered what Alexander had said on the deck of the Audentia. “Her name is Saria. Unlike you, her appearance would not pass for human I’m afraid. She had rather cute cat ears like your mother. We decided it was best she be raised in the world of Gaia.” At a loss for words, Grey simply looked up at the balcony above in disbelief. Not waiting for him to grasp the reality before him, Serius said, “Grey, the fact that Altera Veritas is after your sister is troubling. If my guess is correct, they will not give up until they have captured her.” Quickly coming to his senses, Grey shouted, “This is ridiculous! First Amy, now Saria?! Does that b*****d have nothing better to do than piss me off?!” Gritting his teeth in anger for a moment, Grey looked to Serius with determination said, “I won’t let him get away with this! Serius, take me back! I’m gonna kick Alastor’s a*s once and for all!” Having been waiting for him to finish his rant, Serius said, “Calm down. Even I don’t know how you can get back to Teramis now. Unlike me, you cannot take ethereal form and pass through the void between worlds. Considering current events, you no longer stand a chance against Alastor regardless.” Concerned about the current events he spoke of, Grey quickly asked, “Why? What’s going on back in Teramis?” Serius did not meet his gaze, trying to hide his own concern as he said, “I have not gone to investigate myself, but it appears the Seal of Memories has been broken…” Grey thought he felt his heart stop. After a moment, he choked, “So then, Amy…” Closing his eyes solemnly, Serius said, “Yes. Amy must have fallen into Alastor’s hands. With the Seal of Memories broken, he will be far more powerful than before.” A sense of hopelessness fell over Grey. Back on Teramis his friends were in dire trouble, all because he hadn’t been there, and yet here he was trapped in the world of Gaia, unable to do anything for them. With a frustrated cry, Grey exclaimed, “Damn!” Once more, Serius said, “Calm down.” Glaring at him in irritation, Grey shouted, “How can I possibly calm down?!” Turning away from Serius, Grey walked over to the fountain and kneeled down at the edge of the water to look at his reflection in it as he added, “I mean, how can you be so calm?” Walking up beside him, Serius said, “Because not remaining calm will accomplish nothing.” Restraining himself from making another outburst, Grey simply muttered, “So then what should we do?” Eyeing him appraisingly, after a moment Serius said, “I think it’s high time you harness some of the power within you.” Field east of Vitaessil Forest. Saturday, June 23, 520NA. As Saria watched from the shade of a far off tree, Grey and Serius prepared for their training session. Stretching, Grey said, “So I take it you’ve fully recovered Serius?” Simply waiting patiently as Grey did his stretches, Serius replied, “Enough that I can walk around in physical form. My return to Mautau was rejuvenating, but still unpleasant…” With a slight laugh, Grey said, “That bad huh? I heard from Alexander things were rough for you there…” Looking as though he disliked the topic, Serius said, “Yes, quite…” Finished stretching, Grey faced Serius and said, “Sorry…” Seeing Grey was done warming up, Serius said, “Let’s begin. Our goal is to unlock the power of Void Energy. You have used it before, and as I know nothing of its secrets, you must remember how you called it forth on your own.” With that, Serius began to gather EDE, and in surprise Grey exclaimed, “Whoa, hold on! That’s the best advice you can give me?!” A powerful aura erupted around Serius, and quickly EDE crystallized over both his arms in the form of his Basilisk Armor. Taking a battle stance, Serius said, “No more talk. Find the power within you. There is no time to waste.” Forming his swords quickly, Grey muttered, “Looks like he’s giving me a real crash course…” © 2014 KeithKVH |
StatsAuthor![]() KeithKVHPasadena, CAAboutI've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..Writing