![]() Ch 3: Power of the ShardA Chapter by KeithKVH![]() Angelorum Lux's suprise attack leaves Alastor's allies incapacitated. Yet before they can escape, Alexander must face Alastor once again. In her time of need, a voice tells Amy to use his shard.![]() His sword striking the floor, Alexander quickly recovered and rotated his body as he raised his sword to strike out again, which he had enchanted with fire before he and the others had made their surprise attack. Greatly surprised by his brother’s unexpected appearance, Alastor tried to generate his air pressure barrier in time, but in his haste he made it too weak, and the explosive blast of flames that burst from Alexander’s sword sent him flying. As the smoke was clearing from Mythra’s attack on Alastor’s forces, Giselle, blood seeping from a wound on her head, had formed her sword and was about to rush at Alexander when Scott dropped down with Levitas Curator formed and locked blades with her. As she glared at him, he grinned smugly and said, “Denied!” Then he shoved her back and raised a hand, unleashing a blast of lightning that knocked her hard on her back, unconscious. Scathe, looking worse for wear as he struggled up off the ground, raised his arm cannon at Scott. Yet dropping down before him, Richter slammed his foot into Scathe’s face with a spinning kick and raised his pistol. Firing round after round at Scathe, the Revenant of the Black Sun staggered back with his arm cannon up in defense. Then Mythra fired another round of beams at him that blew him sailing into the wall where he collapsed, unconscious as well. As Amy watched Alastor’s forces being defeated, a wave of relief washed over her. Coming down next to Amy on her broom, Mythra grinned and said, “Hop on, we’re outta here!” As Amy got onto Mythra’s broom, Alexander said, “Scott, Richter, time to fall back!” As Richter commanded his three crystal walls, which he’d used to carry them down for the ambush, to float parallel to the floor, he, Scott, and Alexander hopped onto them and rode them up as Richter willed them to fly back up to the reactor room. Riding on Mythra’s broom, Amy said, “Where’s Grey?” With a nervous look, Mythra said, “Long story, let’s hightail it outta here first!” Sailing up on broom and crystals, as the group reached the reactor room they dismounted and made for the door. Yet from the shadow of the doorframe, Alastor stepped out of a dark vortex. Standing before them with a faint smile on his face, he said, “Leaving so soon?” Leveling his fiery blade at Alastor, Alexander thought, “Damn, I thought we’d done it!” Looking at his brother with a blank stare, Alastor said, “I must admit, that was brilliant down to almost every last possible detail. Not only do I wonder how both you and Mr. Matthews survived after what happened in our previous encounters, but how could you have possibly tracked me down so easily?” Gritting his teeth as he mustered his determination, Scott charged at Alastor. Charging up Levitas Curator into a larger, lightning formed halberd, as he was about to swing it with all his might, Alastor raised a hand and a powerful blast of wind instantly sent Scott flying. Landing on his back with the wind knocked out of him, Levitas Curator sliding across the ground behind him, Scott looked down for the count. As everyone rushed to Scott’s side, Alastor said, “Don’t be so hasty Mr. Matthews. Rest assured, this time I’ll make sure you don’t survive…” Glaring at Alastor, Alexander said, “That’s enough! No matter what happened back then, nothing justifies your actions Alastor! You will answer for what you’ve done!” Staring back at him blankly, Alastor gathered EDE and said, “Another lecture brother? I would have thought you’d have learned from the last time…” Quickly, Alexander started chanting, “Veni Lentusque Spiritus Ignis Septem…” Raising a hand at Alexander, as black rune circles appeared along his arm, Alastor said, “Deathsoul Summoning.” Bursting from his hand shot the immense wave of swirling darkness, flickering with blue lights as it flew towards Alexander. Yet Richter quickly willed his crystal walls to form up in front of Alexander as barriers, holding back the attack as Alexander continued to chant, “…Te Accerso Nostro Lateri Ad Combustio Per Caliginem…” As Alastor poured on more power, the barriers shattered and Alexander disappeared in a powerful blast of dark energy. Yet through the aftermath of his attack, Alastor heard Alexander say, “…Saltatio, Angeli Fauillae!” The smoke parted and Alastor saw Amy standing before Alexander, having rushed in at the last second to raise her barrier. Floating around them were seven burning flame swords, and Alexander cast aside his own sword and took hold of two of them. Shooting Amy a grin as she stepped aside, Alexander then faced Alastor and said, “To answer your question before Alastor… That was not a lecture…” Alastor’s eyes narrowed as Alexander continued, “That was a declaration!” Then a faint smile crept onto Alastor’s face once more as he said, “I will make you regret those words, dear brother…” His eyes glowing red, Alastor raised his hand and a mass of EDE quickly formed into his Acerbitas Desiderium. Quickly Alexander glanced at Richter and Mythra, saying, “Get Scott and Amy out of here!” Before they could even argue, Alastor said, “No one is going anywhere…” As Alastor raised his hand, a shadow fell over the doorframe behind him as if it were covered in solid darkness. With a look of frustration, Alexander said, “Leave them out of this!” Alastor simply replied, “Make me.” Quickly, Alexander gathered EDE and said, “Have it your way…” Turning briefly to the others, Alexander said, “Everyone stay back.” Defiantly, Mythra gathered her Elementum Orbis around her and said, “Fat chance!” Commandingly, Alexander said, “For once just do as I say! You’ll only get in the way Mythra! I know you can sense what you’re up against!” Mythra simply grit her teeth and thought, “Of course I can. That’s why I know you can’t hope to do this alone…” Channeling EDE into his fire swords, Alexander swung them in an arc before them and twin waves of burning energy shot at Alastor. Yet as Alastor vanished into the shadows of a dark vortex, the waves exploded harmlessly on the wall. Then reappearing out of a dark vortex in the air above, Alastor came down on Alexander with a powerful swing of his scythe. Blocking with his burning swords, Alexander could tell Alastor was even more powerful than before. With all his might, Alexander shoved him away, but as Alastor landed he quickly closed in and struck again, this time with such force that cracks began running through the fiery energies that made up his swords as he used them to block again. Holding the scythe with only one hand as he continued to strike, Alastor channeled EDE into his other hand as he said, “Are you so sure you want to try this without the help of your dear friends Alexander? In your condition I’m afraid even your greatest spells cannot match the darkness I wield now…” Blocking another blow, as the cracks on his blades stretched further, Alexander muttered, “Maybe not by themselves…” Jumping out of the way of another of his brother’s powerful blows, Alexander rolled across the floor to land by his discarded sword. Raising his hand at Alexander, Alastor said, “Running away?” His hand crackling with Corrupted EDE for a moment, Alastor let loose a barrage of dark energy spheres at Alexander, but remaining calm Alexander hurled his damaged flame swords into the path of the spheres. They exploded in the air in blasts of fire, detonating the spheres of Corrupted EDE as well and obstructing Alastor’s view. Scooping up his own sword, Alexander unleashed the power of the Nameless One and opened a dark vortex of his own, passing through it to come out behind Alastor. Drawing another burning sword from his back, he lashed out with both blades, but turning quickly, Alastor blocked them and said, “Too predictable…” Clashing again and again, now that Alexander was empowered by Corrupted EDE, they seemed almost equally matched. Yet Mythra looked on in concern, muttering, “This isn’t good…” Worried by this comment, Amy asked, “What? Is he not going to be able to beat him alone?” With a sour look, Mythra said, “Of course not! Alexander’s Anima Weapon gives him the power to use Corrupted EDE, remember? It gives him great strength, but the use of Corrupted EDE has negative effects. In the past, Revenants used it with the Nameless One’s protection to make it less dangerous, and while I’m sure Alastor is doing something to empower his goons the same way, it doesn’t help Alexander. He’s using it without anything to soften the blow. At this rate he’ll kill himself!” With a horrified look, as Amy continued to watch the two fighting, she thought, “No, this has to stop! But what do we do? Without that power, not even Alexander stands a chance against Alastor!” Clenching her fists, Amy thought, “I feel so powerless! Grey, where are you?! What can we do without you?!” Louder and more commanding than ever before, the voice from before suddenly called out, “USE MY SHARD, AND UNLEASH THE POWER OF THE SAGE OF MEMORIES!” Feeling something hot within her fist, Amy raised that fist before her and opened her hand to see what it was. In her hand was the small crystalline object that had disappeared when she touched it, having appeared to her the day after the fight with Reaper, back when they were in these ruins the first time. Staring at it, Amy thought about the words the voice had spoken. Grasping it, she gathered EDE into her hand, and from the crystal a violet colored light radiated forth. Mythra turned to stare at the light shooting out from between Amy’s fingers, and as she sensed power radiating from Amy, she exclaimed, “What the hell?!” Alexander and Alastor paused in their battle as well, Alastor staring at Amy as he said, “Now what?” Standing over by Scott, protecting him with his crystal barriers, Richter said to himself, “What sort of ability is she using?!” Alexander knew exactly what it was, and simply grinned. The light became blinding and filled the room. As it finally faded, floating in the air before Amy was the wild anomaly, Reaper. Looking rather different, its long hair was black and the colors of its faceplate had inverted. It’s previously grey and black chest piece was now gold and black, and its bladed arms now gleamed gold as well. Staring at it with an actual look of great surprise, Alastor said, “It’s that blasted wild anomaly!” Stepping back as she stared at Reaper in horror, Amy thought to herself, “Oh no… What did I do?!” Turning its head to look back at her with glowing yellow eyes, Reaper called out to Amy, “At last, you have summoned me master! Now, give me an order!” Feeling like she might faint from shock, Amy exclaimed, “What?!” Quickly, Alexander shouted, “Amy, command it to attack Alastor!” Realizing what was going on, Alastor quickly rushed at Amy, saying, “I’m afraid I can’t allow that Ms. Grant!” Panicking, Amy exclaimed, “Help!” Heeding its master’s call for aid, Reaper quickly dove into Alastor’s path, and blocking his scythe with one bladed arm, it drove the other one into Alastor’s chest. Alastor’s eyes went wide as he gagged on his own blood, and Amy, Mythra, and Richter all looked on in disbelief. The shadowy barrier around the door disappeared, and seeing this, Alexander broke the others out of their stupor, shouting, “The door is open! Leave this to Reaper! We’re getting out of here!” Richter hoisted Scott onto his back and rushed after the others as everyone quickly made their way out of the reactor room. As they all escaped him, his rage building, Alastor said, “I will not be… MADE A FOOL OF!” With a look of fury, Alastor created a great tornado of wind around himself, wind blades dancing within it, quickly cutting Reaper to pieces. Staggering as his tornado faded away, Alastor clutched his gaping chest wound and muttered, “It seems I’ve once again underestimated you, Ms. Grant…” Rushing up through the citadel, Amy exclaimed, “What just happened?! Did I just make Reaper appear out of thin air?!” Grinning in great amusement, Alexander said, “You remember the small crystal object you found the last time we were here? That was something called a memory shard. They are an invaluable source of power for the Sage of Memories.” Remembering what he was talking about, Mythra said, “You mean the ability that allows the Sage of Memories to summon monsters to fight by their side?!” Carrying Scott on his back, Richter looked amazed as he said, “Incredible! Can she do this for any monster in existence?!” Shaking his head, Alexander said, “Not without first obtaining their memory shard. Something of a remnant left behind by many monsters or anomalies, the origin of memory shards is something of a mystery, as they do not become visible until approached by one with the power of the Sage of Memories. She can only use a memory shard in a summoning one at a time, but there are other ways in which to use them. At any rate, we had best talk once we’re out of here!” Hearing the sounds of scurrying anomalies behind them, they quickened their pace as they rushed up step after step of the staircases leading up through the citadel. Reaching the terrace at last, they shielded their eyes from the bright sunlight as Alexander gave the signal to Budd, creating a concentration of EDE and tossing it up into the air where it burst into flame like a flare. Forming her Elementum Orbis, Mythra fired again and again at the horde of anomalies chasing after them. As Budd’s airship arrived, Mythra waited for the others to get onboard, scooting back bit by bit as she continued to fire, until finally jumping aboard herself. Quickly the airship sailed off, leaving the anomalies standing there glaring after them. Grinning ear to ear, Budd exclaimed, “Well done friends, well done! Really showed Altera Veritas what for I see!” Standing with the others on the deck of Budd’s airship, after she’d caught her breath, Amy quietly asked, “Who’s he?” With a drawn out sigh, Mythra muttered, “Don’t ask…” Touching down back at the Great Lake, as everyone made their way down the gangplank of Budd’s ship, Rufus and Schmitt were rushing out of the Audentia to greet them, Rufus shouting, “You did it! You really did it! Woohoo!” Amy waved at them, shouting, “Schmitt! Rufus!” Waving back at her, Schmitt beamed as he said, “Great to see you’re back with us Amy! Hope ya’ll paid Altera Veritas back twofold for kidnappin’ our good friend here!” Laughing, Richter said, “Amy certainly gave Alastor something he won’t soon forget!” With a look of surprise, Rufus said, “Wow! That guy didn’t look like a pushover either!” Laughing heartily, Schmitt said, “Aww c’mon Richter, don’t go pullin’ the new guy’s leg like that! We all know Amy here wouldn’t harm a fly!” Amy donned an indignant look, but quickly turned to look at Alexander as he placed a hand on her shoulder and said, “It’s quite true Schmitt. We should all be quite proud, you especially Amy. Alastor made a grave mistake in underestimating the power of your heart.” Amy simply turned red, still unsure as to how she of all people had managed to save the day. Staggering down the gangplank, Scott said, “Well anyways, now that we’ve managed to get Amy back in one piece, just what are we gonna do about Grey?” Adjusting his shades, Alexander sighed and said, “Yes, what indeed? With the Gate destroyed, the most expedient path between worlds has been severed…” With a smug grin, Mythra said, “Did you forget about my portal to the Timeless Caverns? That’s a cave in Gaia I’ll have you know! Hopefully it hasn’t caved in from all our training though…” As no one had yet brought her up to speed, Amy could not help but wonder what all this was about. Looking at everyone expectantly, she said, “Excuse me, guys? Since we’re safe for now, can you please tell me what’s happened to Grey?” Scratching his head nervously, Scott muttered, “Well, apparently Grey is…” © 2014 KeithKVH |
StatsAuthor![]() KeithKVHPasadena, CAAboutI've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..Writing