![]() Ch 1: RegretA Chapter by KeithKVH![]() Alexander is wracked with guilt over the chaos his brother has sown. Returning to Altus too late to be of much help, they meet Schmitt and Rufus, who bring valuable intel on Alastor's plans.![]() Lost Forest. Thursday, June 21, 520NA. Trying to reach Altus Village, Schmitt and Rufus were making their way through the Lost Forest. Having spied smoke rising in the direction the others had headed, and beginning to wonder what had happened to Scott, who had flown to Expeditia on the air cycle, the two had bravely ventured forth despite the dangers lurking within the unknown reaches of the forest. Looking around quite nervously as he trailed behind with his cat Ian atop his hat, Rufus said, “Schmitt, I really think we should have stayed in the airship! I mean, you do realize the kind of monsters that could be lurking in this place don’t you?!” Laughing his hearty laugh, Schmitt looked back and flashed a big grin as he said, “Aww, don’t be such a chicken. I got my taser gun ‘ere, we’re A-OK! ‘Sides, I told ya you could wait in the ship if ya wanted…” Suddenly Ian let out a startled cry, and Rufus stopped dead in his tracks and looked around in panic as he said, “W-what is it Ian?! What do you see?!” Taking a step back, Rufus suddenly noticed something stretched across the path just above his head, and he reached up and took hold of what appeared to be some sort of string. Tugging at it, Rufus laughed a little and started to say, “Just a silly old…” Ian leaped from his hat just as there was a strange noise, and Rufus’ eyes went wide in realization as he exclaimed, “Trip wire?!” Before Rufus could move, a rope constricted itself around his legs and hoisted him upside down into the air as he cried out in terror. Swinging upside down caught in the trap, as Ian and Schmitt looked up at him, Rufus was squealing, “A little help here?!” With a sigh, Schmitt said, “Leave it to you to get yerself into such a mess. Somethin like that’s gotta be a trap intended to catch some kinda big, dumb animal, but ya still managed to get caught in it anyways. Well, at least it weren’t nuthin dangerous…” About to figure out how to get him down, Schmitt suddenly heard someone coming from the direction they had been heading in, and quickly he said to Rufus, “Someone’s comin! Keep your yap shut an’ don’t move!” Scooping up Rufus’ cat and rushing behind a gnarled tree, Schmitt hid himself just as Scathe, the Revenant of the Black Sun, brushed aside a branch and stepped into view.
Staring down at Scathe, Rufus thought, “Holy crap! Who or what is that?!” Standing there a moment, seeming to be looking around for something, Scathe said, “Life signs detected in the area.” Behind the tree, as Schmitt heard this he quietly drew his taser, thinking, “We’re in a bad spot here…” Then there were sounds of someone else coming, and stepping through the foliage came Alastor. Seeing Scathe, he said, “There you are. Seeking survivors I assume?” Turning to face him, Scathe said, “Life signs are still detected. Should I not continue as ordered?” Peeking around the tree, Schmitt quickly hid again upon seeing Alastor, thinking to himself, “He’s gotta be the one! We just got ourselves in a whole heapin load of trouble here!” Looking side to side, Alastor said, “Leave them. We’re done here.” Opening a dark vortex, Alastor said, “Regardless of Gisette’s blunder, now that we have the Sage of Memories, we’re going back to the Ruins of Alcedonia to break the seal. If that… thing is still there, I want you and Giselle present.” As Alastor disappeared into the vortex, Scathe opened one of his own, disappearing into it as well as he said, “Acknowledged.” Breathing a sigh of relief from behind the tree, Schmitt holstered his taser and muttered, “I’m gettin too old for this…” Finding the end of the rope Rufus was hanging from, Schmitt lowered Rufus back onto solid ground, and as he helped him get the rope untied from his legs, Rufus asked, “Who were those guys?! They were seriously giving me the creeps!” Nodding in agreement, Schmitt said, “Fer good reason! I’m guessin the first guy was one of them Revenants, but that other guy… Empty eyes, chilling voice… That had to have been the head honcho of Altera Veritas! Alastor…” Rufus gulped nervously and stammered, “Y-you don’t think by ‘done here’ he means the others are…?” Taking in this grave possibility, Schmitt said, “He said they’ve got the Sage of Memories. That means Amy…” A concerned look on his face, Schmitt started off through the forest again, saying, “All we can do is cross our fingers an’ go see what the hell’s going on up there! I ain’t leavin my friends behind!” Struggling along using his sword like a walking stick, Alexander muttered to himself, “I have to hurry! If the others have realized we’re gone, they should look for us for a while, but sooner or later they’ll head back to Altus! If Scathe and his forces are still there, they’ll be walking right into a bloodbath!” Stopping as pain shot through his body, Alexander leaned on his sword a moment, struggling to breathe as he thought, “D****t! Even if I go, I’ll be useless! Why am I such a fool?! If only I had not been so blind, if I hadn’t tried one last time to reach Alastor!” Dropping to his knees, he thought, “This is all… my fault…” Slumping over to the side, Alexander quickly lost consciousness, slipping into a dream of his past. Within the depths of an ancient ruin, Alexander knelt down on the ground carving runes into the stone floor of a dark room, Alastor standing behind him. In front of them was an enormous stone door covered with runes and locked tightly with metal chains and stone bindings all over it. As Alexander continued to carve runes into the floor, Alastor said, “Alex, I’m not so sure about this. This ‘great power’ the tome speaks of, surely it’s been locked away like this for good reason! I mean what if…” Interrupting him, as he looked back at his brother, Alexander had a big grin on his face as he said, “Come on Al, there’s nothing to worry about! We’ve come this far. As long as we don’t let it get to our heads, with this power just think of all the good we could do!” Still looking worried, Alastor said, “But how do we know there’s not some curse, some sort of danger? Alexander it doesn’t mean anything if we’re-” With a sigh, Alexander stood and said, “We’ve done our research Al. This is what we’ve been seeking for so many years now! Breaking into the Royal Library, exploring countless ruins, after defying all the odds we’ve made it here! If we back out now, it really won’t mean anything!” Approaching his doubtful brother, Alexander clapped his hands on Alastor’s shoulders and said, “We’re going to take the fate of the world into our hands and change it no matter what the cost, right?” Gathering his courage, Alastor looked his brother in the eyes as he said, “Right! I can’t give up! After all, we made a promise! We’re in this together!” Flashing a grin, Alexander said, “Right! That’s more like the brother I know!” Together, Alexander and Alastor began walking towards the rune circle upon the floor, and stepping into it they began to gather EDE. Just then a strange sound seemed to call out to Alexander, and as he listened carefully, he heard someone saying, “Wake up…wake up…” Shaking Alexander awake, a greatly distressed Mythra shouted, “Wake up, don’t you dare leave us like this!” Relief washed over Mythra as Alexander’s eyes slowly opened. Remembering his dream, Alexander could only say, “I’m sorry…” Walking back through the forest towards Altus Village, as Richter helped him walk, Alexander brought him and Mythra up to speed on what had happened. Mythra clenched her teeth for a moment after he had finished, and then said, “Well now what?!” Having been curious as he had been explaining, Alexander asked, “Where has Stella gone?” With a grim look, Richter said, “When you three just disappeared, we searched all over for you, but then as we saw the smoke rising from the direction of the village we quickly went back. We got there just in time to douse the fires, but that’s about all we could do. Stella stayed there to help the survivors, what few there were anyways…” Pausing in his stride, Alexander said, “Elris?” Kicking a stone on the ground, Mythra said, “He survived, somehow. I healed his wounds and the wounds of some of the other survivors as best I could. We searched the village for you, and when we couldn’t find you, I started searching by air while Richter took the ground. It’s a damn good thing for you that I have good eyes as well!” With a strained laugh, Alexander simply said, “Indeed.” Remembering something, Mythra said, “Something else we noticed, they stole the Gift of Altu. I honestly can’t imagine why they would have wanted it. Do you have any idea Alexander?” Furrowing his brow as he thought, Alexander said, “I wonder… I’ll need to chat with Elris. We have to hurry though. It’s imperative we regroup with the others back at the Audentia and devise a plan to rescue Amy. As for Grey, I don’t quite know what we’re going to do…” Arriving in Altus, as Alexander saw the destruction that had befallen the once beautiful village, it was all he could do to keep from dropping to his knees and begging for forgiveness. The square empty of the grand crystal, most of the ground level buildings reduced to charred ruins, the streets lined with rubble, it was nothing like its former self. Shaking his head, Alexander pulled away from Richter’s support and muttered, “Excuse me. I have much to answer for…” Richter looked confused by his words, but Mythra donned a solemn countenance as she understood. They followed him as he made his way slowly through the streets until he came upon the few surviving elves gathered in front of one of the homes that still stood. As Alexander reached it, the elves muttered among themselves, but did nothing to obstruct him as he moved to open the door. The three stepped in, and Alexander laid eyes on Stella tending to some of the less fortunate survivors laid out on blankets upon the floor. She looked up at them as they came in, and with an unpleasant expression, she said, “You people again? As you can see, we have no time to tend to whatever it is you need. Just leave, we have enough trouble…” Alexander raised his hand as Mythra was about to respond, and then he quietly said, “I cannot apologize enough, but please… I need to speak with Elris before we leave.” Stella simply muttered, “Humph. He’s upstairs resting. Keep it brief, he’s not doing well.” Alexander bowed his head and said, “Thank you Stella.” Looking away, Stella said, “Consider us even. Your friends saved the lives of many of the injured.” Alexander turned to Richter and Mythra and said, “Wait outside for this, I won’t be long…” Reaching the top of the stairs, Alexander stepped into a small bedroom where Elris lay in bed, a female elf dabbing his forehead with a cloth. Alexander could see severe, unhealable burns upon his face, and was quite able to hear his rasping breaths. Guilt racking him, Alexander decided it was better he did not disturb him in such a condition. However as he turned to go, Elris’ voice rasped, “Alexander…” Walking slowly over to his bedside, as Alexander approached him, Elris said to the female elf, “Give us a moment Cetha…” Cetha bowed her head and left them alone. Staring down at Elris, who looked even worse up close, Alexander said, “I beg your forgiveness Elris. I never imagined it would turn out like this…” Elris managed a smile as he said, “I knew you would say something like that. I want to hate him Alexander. I would curse his name even now if not for one thing…” Elris looked Alexander in the eyes and said, “The fact that he is your brother.” Alexander remained silent as Elris continued, “The tragedy of Alastor Bastille, a tragedy born from the pain of discrimination and well intentioned idealism… Even in comparison to what has happened here, I’m sure I cannot imagine the suffering it has brought the both of you.” Alexander could feel himself welling up, and quickly trying to change the subject, he said, “Elris, they’ve taken the Gift of Altu. Do you have any idea what he could intend to use it for?” Thinking a moment, Elris replied, “The Gift of Altu siphons Elder Magic not just from the air, but from anything comes in contact with the surface of the crystal. Since he needs the Elder Magic of the sage and the new He of the Infinite in order to break the remaining seals, I can only imagine he will use it to draw out their power against their will.” Suddenly coughing violently, Elris’ expression became one of pain, and quickly Alexander said, “Hold on Elris! I’ll go get help!” Reaching out and grabbing his arm, Elris said, “Even in the blackest of darkness, there is always a glimmer of hope! Don’t give up my old friend!” Fetching Cetha to care for Elris again, as she moved past him back up the stairs, Alexander heard Stella call out to him, “Some more of your friends have arrived. They’re outside with the other two. I can’t imagine the dumb luck they must have to reach the village on their own.” Surprised, Alexander made his way out of the house. As he stepped out and looked around, he saw Richter and Mythra in conversation with Schmitt and Rufus. Approaching them, he heard Schmitt laugh his hearty laugh and say, “Yep! I’d say we’re lucky to have survived!” Raising an eyebrow, Alexander said, “Survived? What happened?” Turning to face him, Richter said, “It seems the two of them encountered Alastor and Scathe in the forest.” Desperate for even the slightest of good news, Alexander immediately asked, “Was Amy with them?! Is she alright?!” Shaking her head with a sigh, Mythra said, “Amy wasn’t with them, but the good news is that we know where they will be taking her.” Ian asleep upon his hat, Rufus had a big grin on his face as he proudly said, “Yep, we heard it straight from the source! They’re headed over to the Ruins of Alcedonia!” Taking this in, Alexander thought back to their previous side trip to those very ruins and muttered to himself, “I see, so the seal within the Ruins of Alcedonia was the Seal of Memories…” A grin creeping onto his face, Alexander said, “Good work you two. We have much to do, but if we hurry, we’ll save Amy yet!” Not looking quite as cheerful, Richter said, “Hold on Alexander. It’s true this information could not have come at a better time, but I’m afraid there is some bad news as well…” Pulling down his shades to look at him with a serious gaze, Alexander asked, “What’s wrong?” With a calming gesture, Rufus laughed nervously and said, “Well, we don’t know for sure if anything’s wrong but… Scott hasn’t come back yet. We’re worried something happened to him.” Crossing his arms before him, Schmitt frowned and said, “Yep, and the problem is we can’t even go lookin for him. Without the parts he was goin to get at Expeditia, the Audentia’s still grounded.” Hanging his head to stare at the ground with a sigh, Alexander muttered, “One step forward, two steps back…” On their way to the Audentia in the hopes that Scott would have returned by now, as they approached the lake where they had crash landed, Alexander and the others could hear voices coming from the direction of the Audentia. Stepping out from the tree line to lay eyes upon an unexpected scene, they saw another, smaller airship parked beside the Audentia. Not only that, but running back and forth around their ship were unfamiliar people, seeming to be working on the Audentia. Staring in surprise for a moment, Richter exclaimed, “What in the world?!” As Richter was about to demand what they were doing, a voice called out, “Ahoy!” Standing atop the other airship waving at them, dressed in a black and brown outfit that looked like a high ranking airship officer’s uniform, a cutlass sheathed at his waist, was a man who looked in his thirties with long blonde hair and blue eyes. Seeming to be beckoning them over to the ship he stood upon, as they all moved closer, he slid down the side of the airship and jumped down to land beside them. With a big grin, he said, “Welcome back friends! We’ve finished with the repairs while you were away! Once my mates here are done tuning up your ship, she’ll be good as new!” Certain he must have missed something, Alexander said, “Forgive me, but just who might you be?” Laughing, the man said, “Ah but of course!” Extending his hand, the man said, “I’m Budd! Captain Budd of the Navis Cartel! It’s a great honor to meet all of you!” Shaking his hand, Alexander asked, “You say your friends here are fixing up the Audentia?” With a look of realization, Rufus exclaimed, “Ah! So Scott made it to Expeditia?!” With his hands on his hips, Budd laughed and said, “Aye matie! Your friend Brigadier General Matthews is quite alright!” Just then, Scott’s voice called out, “I wouldn’t go that far. I’m alive at least…” Coming down the gangplank of the other airship in a hover wheelchair, Scott had a grin on his face as he said, “We’ll just see how I am in a couple of days. Hi guys, miss me?” © 2014 KeithKVH |
StatsAuthor![]() KeithKVHPasadena, CAAboutI've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..Writing