![]() LucyA Chapter by Keanna Daniels
The summer was winding down, and so far Lucy's summer had been very boring and uneventful. The trip they took to Greenland for skiing was ruined due to rain all that week, and their trip to Florida was just as boring when Disney Land was shut down due to a fire. Now that she's been at home with her friends, she's at least looking forward to school and getting to see the rest of her close friends. She had planned for the third-to-last Monday of summer to be a relaxing day, when a few things popped up instead. The first 'spoiler' of the day was the unknown doctors appointment. She rode quietly in the car, afraid she'd have to get a shot today; She'd always feared needles, and being the '14-year-old-check-up', she had feared the legendary booster shot.
The check-up went as usual, and the doctor was convinced that Lucy was fine, until she saw a bad bruise on Lucy's upper back. When the doctor asked Lucy about it, she shrugged as her mother explained it had been there for quite some time, and had not gotten better. This concerned the doctor considering the condition of the bruise, and how bad it was. She decided to make another appointment at the end of the week to see Lucy again. Lucy's mother knew what the doctor feared. Lucy shrugged it off, too anxious for the date she had planned with her beau, Eric tonight. As she walked through the door to the house, she was hit with the blast of cinnamon. Ever since she had moved, her mother had every room filled with a warming smell, and the one in the kitchen, just so happened to capture Lucy's attention, and calm her down. She said hello to her father and headed up stairs to get ready. She was already half way to her room when she heard him ask how her appointment went, and she called down 'Fine', and continued to pick out an outfit "Should I go elegant and confident, or stylish and relaxed?" She asked her cat, Pudding. The cat looked up at Lucy, and put her head back down on the bed. "Ugh, I'll just wear something plain. After all, Eric does hate it when I try to be something I'm not." So she picked her favorite light pink top and matching heels, and laid them on her blue satin duvet and collected some makeup and hair supplies that were scattered on her futon. As she walked past the stairway with her arms full of Loreal and Bed Head products, she overheard her parents talking and paused. "Jim, I'm concerned, what if it's serious?" Lucy's mother said in a hushed tone " Marti, if it were something serious, than the doctor would have explained her reason to make another check-up with Lucy." her father tried to explain. She shrugged and continued walking to her over-sized bathroom. She set her stuff down in front of the huge mirrors and flipped on the lights. Her iPod dock automatically turned on to the song 'Sarah Beth' by Rascal Flatts. She changed it to an upbeat playlist so she wouldn't be bummed out by sad songs. She turned on the shower and waited for it to warm up by stripping her clothes and putting on her satin robe and applied a face mask. When the water started to fog up the bathroom she turned the ceiling vent on and slipped out of the robe and into the shower. The hot water immediately relaxed her anxious muscles and she visited the positive and calm part in her mind that she always loved to go to. When the playlist started from the beginning she couldn't believe that she'd already gone through almost ten songs. She glanced at the clock and gasped at how long she had stayed in the shower. She leaped out and whipped a towel of the heater and wrapped herself in it as she hurriedly combed through her gold locks with her fingers. She dried off and dried her hair quickly so she'd still have time to put on her makeup (a must-have). After her hair was dried straight, she went to work on her face. She went through her routine in record time and realized there was really no need to hurry, she was still an hour early. So she turned everything off in the bathroom, took her iPod off the bathroom dock, and walked off to her bedroom. When she looked at the outfit she had picked before she showered, she had second thoughts about it. The pants she had on looked like there was a grass stain on it, and the pink shade totally didn't match her skin tone; she remembered why she didn't wear her favorite shirt more often. She replaced her iPod on her bedroom dock, and searched for the perfect song. She came across the very old song 'MMMBop' by Hanson and decided to listen to it. She walked happily over to her closet and went on the journey to find the best outfit. After about ten minutes, and twenty possibilities later, she came across what she knew was best. She got dressed and looked at the clock, she still had about a half hour before she even needed to leave the house. She flopped onto her bed when she heard her iMac make the 'ding' noise it always did when she got a message. She sauntered over to realize it was Eric. eMaN572<3'z Lucy Lui says:She always loved hearing from him, and seeing his goofy repetitive charm gave her butterflies ~*LucyLui*~ says: She logged off with a smile. Everything was perfect. Nothing could change that.
Her date went fabulous, and they shared a great time. When she got home she checked her computer and realized that she had unread messages from some friends BeNnYtHeLaDiEsMaN says:'Well so much for a relaxing TUESDAY!' she thought as she giggled to herself. She didn't mind giving up a relaxing day to her friends, especially to Becky, she always had something fun planned. She Decided to called Emma to see if she had gotten Becky's message. "hello?" "um, hey Ems, is it an okay time to talk" she asked, because there was never a good time to talk it seems "yep, just as long as you talk fast" "Oh, okay. Iwasjustwonderingifyougotbeckysmessageandwasgoingtoherplacetomorrow*gasp* becauseireallydontwanttogoalonewithherandsammibecuase*gasp* imalwaysalonewhentheirtogether" she said rather quickly "yeah, I got the message, but I-D-K if Imma go." "uggghh" "Well sorry, but Becky's a freak. So Is Sammie. And Benny... you know, if he goes to the Rave and all..." "I thought you.." Lucy was cut off. "Gotta go love, sushi's here" Lucy fell back on her bed in a huff. She hated going to Becky's along when Sammie was there. She loved them both to death, but she was always left out. After laying there for a second she realized she didn't feel very good. So she got up to get a drink of water, and when she did she fell. Her mother rushed up hearing the crash, and gasped when she saw Lucy laying on the floor. She helped her up and Noticed that she had bruised immediately. Lucy's mother had a concerned look on her face as she examined the brown and blue section of Lucy's shin. Lucy decided that she was going to go to bed early, so she went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. As she walked into the bathroom she looked into the mirror and noticed that the red splotches under her skin have gotten worse and worse. She saw them last week, but thought nothing of it. She reached for her toothbrush when she felt a jolt of pain shoot up her arm from the joint in her elbow. She recoiled her arm and reached more slowly this time, thinking nothing of it. After she brushed her teeth she noticed that her gums had been bleeding so bad she had to spit it out three times. She felt weak as she slid into bed and fell asleep immediately. © 2010 Keanna DanielsAuthor's Note
Added on February 1, 2010 Last Updated on February 3, 2010 Author![]() Keanna DanielsPresque Isle, MEAboutI would be Keanna [key-yah-nuh] ;) I'm random, loyal, and curious; determined, friendly, and unique. I'm a lover, not a fighter. I have a passion for writing and photography. I'm quite an intel.. more..Writing