An interesting 'shape' poem that feels infected with a little optimism as the protagonist sets their sights upon a goal to do something significant. An easy flowing read Kay.
I hope you do my friend.
"preparing for that day
when all these will be over,
so that I can become a story
in the grand diary of history"
Need people to create history. The old men fail and the young. Must change our world. Hello Kay, I hope you are doing well and thank you for sharing the amazing poetry.
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Thank you for your wonderful review, Friend.
I'm doing well. I hope you are doing well too.
4 Years Ago
You are welcome my friend. Have some fun and be safe.
i like how this is shaped like an evergreen, tall, strong, withstanding all seasons, as the speaker seems to withstand all the seasons of life...all the weather of life.
and yet, the poem also has a similar shape to a if at the end of the poem, it is his time, he will be leaving this existence, and a lonely bell will ring out his passing...and serenade him as he moves on.
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Thank you so much, Sir Jacob.
That's a wonderful insight.
This reminds me of what I was going for when I wrote the poem "Getting My Feet Wet" recently . . . the sensations of being afraid to take the plunge, but then slowly working thru all these internal barriers, & getting ready to leap . . . your poem expresses this very differently, but it's almost identical to how I was thinking about laying this out. I don't mean this as an accusation, I only mean that every poet can write about the very same thing, but we all do it differently. The only thing I don't like very much about this message is the end . . . I think it's a fool's errand to attempt ANYTHING in life just becuz we want to be remembered in the grand diary of history. People with such a single-minded, self-serving goal often end up becoming the laughing stock of history, like our current prez in the USA. I see life as being lived for others. What we are is nothing, totally unimportant. It's all about what can we contribute to making this world a better place? That's why I don't like the self-serving ending of this poem very much. But many people feel exactly as you do & people get famous & rich all the time when they have such a single-minded self-serving goal. So your poem definitely captures the mindset of many people . . . just not me! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Thank you so much for that powerful review, Margie.
What I'm trying to say here is that we sh.. read moreThank you so much for that powerful review, Margie.
What I'm trying to say here is that we should lay a good path that the generation after us will be able to benefit from.
Doing this kind of a thing, we'll remains in memories.
Just trying to reveal to the world about my point of view about life. What I think life is and How I think we can overcome. Through my experience and challenges in life, I've been able to figure ou.. more..