Blood Secrets: Children of The Moon Chapter One: Being Watched

Blood Secrets: Children of The Moon Chapter One: Being Watched

A Story by Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr)

the summary I made was way too long to put in here so I placed it in the actual text. This is a Fanfiction I created nothing is real just my imagination at work

Story Summary:
Years ago Vixen Sola was given up for adoption by her mother. Her father had no idea of exsistance. She moved from family to family until she turned eighteen, when she met a girl named Faith Wilson. She learned all about what Faith was and what she did. Vixen joined Faith on her mission, and in time found her birth parents, only to find that they had been murdered. Murdered because of an item they had been charged with by the werewolf high council to protect.    Now Vixen is on a mission of her own. To avenge her parents deaths, and to find her older brother and baby sister. But someone is following Vixen. And she wants to know why. Is this man apart of the pack who killed her parents? Or is he an ally that Vixen will need in her quest for revenge? Find out the truth in "Blood Secrets: Tales of the children of the moon". A spin off story of the original series "Blood Secrets" by Kyrie Kerr and Blackrosekitten Sorry I'm totally s**t at writing summaries >.< just...try it. please?
**Authors Note: this story can also be found on and I made this story as a bit of a spin-off story from the one my friend Kat (BlackRoseKitten) and I created. I havent gotten a chance to put up the original story "Blood Secrets" up on Wattpad or BlackVeilBridesFanfiction yet cause Kat and I are still working out some of the kinks in it before we post it. if we ever get it finished I'll post it on here as well. Until then enjoy the story and leave me a comment telling me what you think. i always appriciate the criticism and it helps me to learn and grow in my writing. now, enjoy the first chapter of Blood Secrets: Children of the Moon**

Chapter one:

In the twilight hour, a young girl walked into the forest, her posture predatory. She was searching for something. Something hiding within the trees, dead leaves and brush that she stood in.

Suddenly the young woman whipped around, her red and black hair swishing and covering her face, momentarily blinding her. And that's when it struck.

Out of the shadows a beast charged forth, it's fangs bared and an animalistic screech coming from deep inside its body. It tackled the woman to the ground, where they fought. Punches were thrown, kicks were aimed and fangs tried to sink deep into the pale flesh of the young woman's neck.

The young woman growled in frustration at the beast on top of her. "Oh bugger, GET THE F**K OFF ME ALREADY!" She growled, a thick British accent coming through and layering each word. She aimed a strong shot to the beasts groin area , effectively making the beast whimper in pain and fall beside her on the ground cupping itself. The young woman took the chance and quickly straddled the beast, a silver dagger quickly aimed at its heart.

"No, no, please! Don't kill me!" The beast pleaded. "And why should I spare a disgusting blood sucker like you? Hmm? All you'll do is continue to rape and pillage and make more of your filthy kind!" She growled. "B-because, I-I have information! Information you want!" The vampire continued to plead, it's dark eyes full of fear. The young woman looked at the vampire beneath her, cocking her head to the side. "And what would you know about me? Or what I want?" The vampire stuttered slightly before finally answering.

"Every supernatural being in the world knows of you. And why you hunt our kind. You wish to find the beings who murdered your mother and father, the most well known werewolves in our lands. And I can tell you! Or what I know of it at least."

The young woman sat back on her heels, silver blade still pointed at the vampires heart as she contemplated what the creature said. Finally she looked at the creature underneath her once more. "What do you know? And don't think you can lie to me you filthy piece of s**t. Because I'll know," she tapped her finger against her temple with her free hand. The vampire nodded and began his tale.

"They say there is a pack of werewolves, in London, in the underground. They say that the pack brags about how they destroyed Raven and Marax Sola, and how they plan to do the same to their daughters Vixen and Kitty, as well as their son, Devin. They wish to take what they believe is theirs."

"And what is it they believe is theirs?" The young woman hissed. The vampire gulped. "The ring the Sola family was charged to protect by the werewolf high council. The one that can make them invincible..."

The young woman's blue-grey eyes narrowed and she looked around her as she let the information sink in. "Morgana's ring...DAMNIT!" She looked down at the vampire, whose eyes widened at the grim smirk that played upon her lips. "Thanks for the info Tony Abbott," she said happily. The vampire looked at her confused. "How did you know my-"

The young woman tapped her temple again. "Telepath buddy. Now..." She leaned in close, her lips almost touching his ear. "I'll see you in Hell." The vampires eyes widened in fear and He began to protest, begging for his life. But the woman didn't listen and in the blink of an eye the silver blade was plunged into the vampires chest, effectively killing it.

The young woman got up slowly, wiping the blood of the dead vampire on a bandana tied to her skin tight black leather pants. "Well, that was helpful," she said to the night sky.

A chuckle sounded behind her and the woman whipped around, weapon drawn. When the pure black wolf stepped out of the shadows and walked towards her, she lowered her weapon and stared into its silver eyes. The wolf looked at the body of the vampire before her, then back at the woman. "Remind me never to piss you off Vixen," the wolf said, it's deep voice rumbling like thunder through the still night around them. The woman, Vixen, just rolled her eyes and smirked. "Shut up Midnight. You know I'd never hurt my partner in crime," she said, chuckling.

Vixen walked over to the wolf and scratched his ears comfortingly. "C'mon, we gotta find Faith and then get our asses back home. I have planning to do." The wolf nodded and suddenly turned into a cloud of black smoke. That black smoke then trailed up Vixen's right arm, and onto the back of her shoulders, finally resting in the tattoo upon them.

Vixen shivered at the icy feeling that swept through her body as Midnight settled back into the tattoo that he resided in, before beginning to make the trek through the forest, towards the streets that made up her hometown. She looked over her shoulder at the corpseof the dead vampire, which still lay upon the dead leaves that covered the forest grounds, before shrugging and walking once more.

Little did Vixen know, there had been someone other than her shadow wolf companion watching her as she killed the vampire that night...

In the shadows of the forest, a black wolf with ocean blue eyes sat and watched Vixen take down her prey. But this was no ordinary wolf. This wolf was a man. A werewolf. And as he watched the woman he now knew was named Vixen walk through the forest towards the busy city streets, he shifted and returned to his human form.

A smirk formed upon his pale face, his long raven black hair swaying slightly with the sudden soft breeze that whispered through the trees.

"Well, well, well. It seems that I have a starting point," the man spoke, his deep voice like a crack of lighting striking the night. He watched Vixen disappear through the trees before he started walking back to his own home, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it as he walked.

The man took one last look himself at the vampires corpse that still lay on the ground. He shook his head and chuckled, blowing out the smoke from his cigarette as he did. "This is going to get very interesting," He whispered as he continued his way home. "I'll see you soon Vixen Sola. Very very soon."


Ending Author's Note:

Hey guys, Kyrie Kerr here! So this is my first Fanfiction that I've ever actually posted like anywhere and I'm really...what's the word I'm looking for?...excited would be one word to describe how I'm feeling right now haha. Anyway, I'm kinda like freaking out as well because I don't know really how good this is going to turn out. I wrote this at like three in the morning and it just popped into my head out of nowhere! Literally. I mean one minute I'm reading a Fanfiction on, and the next thing I know this pops into my head and I just have to write it down! So...yeah. I know theirs probably a lot of grammar and punctuation mistakes but I tried to fix what I could.

Don't know when I'll update with a new chapter (or if I will seeing as I don't know how good it is, can you guys tell me if you want another chapter?) So...yeah. updates will be slow, cause I have to get the inspiration for it but I will update with a new chapter when I get to it.

As for the original Fanfiction this idea came from, it has yet to be posted cause me and the co-author of that story, my friend Kat (Blackrosekitten) have yet to put it together and post it. But when we do you'll either be able to find it here (on my profile) or on Kat's (just look up Blackrosekitten and you'll find it...soon I hope haha).

Okay, time for me to stop rambling and finish this! But first I do want to say that you should check out Kat's other stories cause honestly they're really awesome and really good! :) so yeah. Shutting up now! Haha

Thanks for reading guys!

- Kyrie Kerr =^.^=

© 2015 Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr)

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Added on October 18, 2015
Last Updated on October 24, 2015
Tags: Vampires, Werewolf, werewolves, Vampire Hunter, Werewolf Hunter, Black Veil Brides, Marilyn Manson, Motionless In White, Fan Fiction, Alternate Universe


Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr)
Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr)

Modesto (Hell's Wasteland), CA, United States Minor Outlying Islands

Hiya! My name is Kayla Gentry, but I go by "The Vicious Vixen" (or just "Vicious Vixen"...or you know what? Let's just go with "Vixen". Make It easier on everyone haha).   Anyways! Moving On! (S.. more..
