Blood & Tears

Blood & Tears

A Story by XxLovexLuckyxX




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Anna sat behind her ex boyfriend, Aaron, at Rosa's Bakery.


"We always faught. You all saw her changing her attitude! I don't know what got into her to act that way." Aaron said.


Anna winced as she heard her ex talk about her to his friends like she wasn't even there.


"Anna... Are you okay?" her friend Cameron asked. Anna shook her head indicating a "no".


Anna got up and walked to the table infront of her.


"You don't know what got me into acting like what?!" She screamed. "It was you! You think you're so big and tough. Tough enough to hit me and tell me you love me! But oh! You don't know why I left! You're a coward!" She added. Anna was crying now, but she didn't care who saw.


Cameron rushed toward her when he saw Anna start to cry. He held her after she stopped yelling and told her it was going to be okay.


"I feel like such a fool" she whispered as she wiped the last bit of tears from her face. "Don't worry" he said. "Do you want me to take you home?" Anna nodded.


On their way out of the bakery, Annna saw Shawn, a boy from their schools swim team, walk past and give a sympathetic look.




Shawn walked past Anna Sanders, a girl in his grade, walking into Rosa's Bakery. He could tell she'd been crying. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy. Her  make up was smeared and her face was red.


He wanted to say something to her, but her friend gave him a warning glare as they walked out. Instead, Shawn gave her a look he hoped would convey his apology for whatever had happened.


Before Shawn sat down with his friends he could tell what they were talking about. What had happened with Anna.


"What'd I miss?" He said flashing a smile and giving his friends hand shakes. When he sat down he friend Jon nudged him under the table. Jon said loud enough only for Shawn to hear. "I saw the way you looked at Anna. Man she's bad news, get over her."


Get over her? Shawn though. Was that even possible? Shawn had liked Anna since the seventh grade when he would tease her about having braces. He didn't know why he liked her though...


Maybe it was her eyes. They were a mixture of light blue and grey. Or her hair. Her honey brown hair that hung to the middle of her back always in curls. Maybe it was because she was so carefree.


Carefree until she started dating that Aaron kid.


He was snapped out of his thinking when his friend, Will, clapped his hands infront of his face.


"So are you coming to the party or not?" He asked getting irritated. Shawn had totally forgotten about Will's Fourth of July party.


"Nah" he shook his head. "I'v got stuff to do" he said quickly, hoping no one would notice his lame excuse.




When Anna got to her house and convinced Cameron she was okay and that she'd call if she got upset again she checked her phone.


One Text. Aaron.


"Baby Anna. i'm sorry about pissing you off at Rosa's today. I saw the way that kid looked at you. I can't stand it. I need you. Come back. Please. xx Aaron"


"His name is Shawn" she replied "and don't try to fool me with all that "baby" crap. We've changed Aar and I think it'd be good if you and I kept our distance."


She ignored the rest of his texts.


It was around 11 p.m. when she decided to sit out on her balcony. Anna gazed up at the stars & smiled.


"It's beautiful isn't it?" Anna jumped slightly at the voice. She knew who it was though.


"I though you were going to be at Will's?" She said as Shawn climbed over his balcony and onto hers.


"Nope" He said and smiled. "I hoped you'd be out here tonight. I wanted to ask what happened at Rosa's today."


"What's there to talk about?" she said frowning that the thought of Aaron.


"Obviously a lot" he gave a slight smile.




Shawn walked out from behind her in the shadows and sat beside her.


"What are you thinking?" He asked softly, but didn't look at her.


Anna shrugged and didn't answer right away.


"I yelled at Aaron today in the middle of Rosa's. I screamed and cried and everyong was looking at me and whispering. When I got home, I got a text from Aaron"


"What'd it say?" he looked at her now, concerned.


Anna walked into her room and came  back out with her phone. "Read the first text from him" she said as she tossed Shawn her phone.


After reading the text, Shawn was quiet for a minute. Unsure of what to say...


"Shawn?" Anna whispered, reaching for his hand, but right when their hands touched she pulled away. He looked at her.


"I don't know what to do. I know he loves me, but I'm really scared."


Scared thought Shawn. That'd be an understatement.


He stoof swiftly. "You mean you're actually thinking about going out with him again?!" He grabbed her wrists. "look at what he's done to you! You can't be touched by a guy without flinching because you think they're gonna hurt you!"


"Shawn let go of me" she pleaded.


"I love you Anna" he said and it was like his eyes looked through her soul.


"Leave." she dropped her head and twisted her wrists out of his grip. "Now."





"I was just trying to help" Shawn looked down


"How? By telling me how stupid I am. I know Shawn! I don't need anyone to tell me!"


Shawn decided that he couldn't say anything without her getting more upset so he just climbed over her balcony and onto his. "I'm sorry" he said and opened the door to his room. "Just knock if you need anything."


Shawn called his friend Jon.


"Dude, I can't get over her. She told me she was thinking about getting together with Aaron again. I can't let her do that!" he said running his hands through his hair.


"Shawn you're out of your f*****g mind. Get. Over. Her" Jon said.


Shawn was getting upset and hung up on Jon.


How was he supposed to get over her? She was his neighbor. A friend. The girl he's practically been in love with since the seventh grade. He wasn't just going to get over her over night.


I'm so stupid, he thought.




Anna was shaking. She reached for her phone and dialed the first number on her recent calls list.


"Anna!" the guy on the other line said.


"Can you come over?" Anna asked.


"Sure. Is everything okay?" he asked.


"I'll tell you when you get here" and she hung up.


Anna threw her phone on her bed, stood up and walked over to her dresser.


'what to wear...what to wear...' Anna thought


Anna pulled out a black corset and her tightest pair of jeans. She wasn't going to let Shawn get to her. She didn't care if she was being stupid.


A few minutes later Anna heard a knock at the front door. She suddenly gor nervous and thanked the angels that no one was home. She peeked out of her bedroom curtains and smiled when she saw the familiar green Jeep.


Anna raced down the steps, checked the mirror one last time and opened the door.


Aaron looked at her, jaw to the floor.


"A-Anna. You look... Wow.."


"Shut up and come in" she said seductively.


"What did you want to t-talk about?" He asked, trying not to drool.


"Us." She said and walked up the stairs. "Why don't we go up to my room?"


"Yeah! Uh I m-mean s-s-sure" Aaron said nervously.


Anna was getting nervous herself. Her palms were sweating and her heart racing. She knew what she was going to do. Get Aaron up to her room. Change her clothes and then hop over onto Shawn's balcony and tell him Aaron was trying to hurt her. She knew it'd work.




Shawn opened his front door deciding to go for a late night walk to think about some things. He looked over into Anna's driveway and noticed a car he'd seen plenty of times. Aarons.


Shawn decided to skip his late night walk and stay in his room in case he heard anything that showed Anna was in trouble. He wondered if she even noticed he was there. She must have, why would he park his car in her driveway?


Shawn walked back up to his room and unlocked the door leading out to his balcony...


Shawn started thinking about what Jon said. Maybe it was the best thing for him to do. He had to figure out a way to get over her.


Shawn was just getting lost in his thoughts when there was a knock on the door leading out to the balcony...




Anna told Aaron to wait in the hall until she was ready. Anna locked her bedroom door and walked into her bathroom.


She changed quickly. She put her hair that been down in a messy bun and changed into sweat pants and a t-shirt.


She walked out onto her balcony and left the door ajar. She carefully made her way onto Shawn's balcony and knocked on the door.


"Shawn?" she whispered.


She knocked on the door again softly.


"Shawn I need your help."


Anna was surprised that Shawn didn't open the door so she checked if the door, by any chance, would be open.


It was & Anna walked into Shawn's room.


"Have fun with Aaron?" he said cooly, making Anna shiver.


Anna began crying and Shawn knew something was wrong.


Shawn quickly hopped off his bed and stood infront of Anna.


"What's wrong?" he asked, careful not to touch her.


"A-Aaron. He t-tried to get into my room. I locked the door but he keeps trying to get in. P-please help" she stammered.


Shawn couldn't believe it! Shawn gently pushed Anna aside and hopped over the two balconies. When he walked into Anna's room he heard Aaron's voice and noticed the doorknob turning left and right.


Anna knew the game she was playing, but she didn't care.




Shawn heard a knock on his door, but he was contemplating if he should open it.


He didn't.


He heard Anna call his name, but he was too upset to answer.


It didn't take Anna long to figure out that the door was unlocked and soon Shawn noticed Anna standing in his room before him.


"Having fun with Aaron?" he asked. His tone was flat and cold. He showed no emotion until he heard Anna crying.


After Anna told Shawn what was going on he had jumped from his balcony onto hers.


He was going to kick Aaron's a*s if he layed a finger on her.


When Shawn walked into Anna's room he saw the door knob shaking.


He knew it was Aaron. Anna's parents weren't home and her brother had left the day before to go back to UCLA.


"Anna?" Shawn heard Aaron say.


Shawn opened the door and punched Aaron in the jaw.


"Dude! What the f**k was that for?!" Aaron shouted while he rubbed his jaw.


"Why the hell are you here?! Anna came over to my house pouring tears about how you're trying to hurt her" he said and then punched Aaron again.


"Kid you really think I'd be here if she didn't want to see me? She called me and asked me to come over!"


"Get out of her house and leave her the hell alone Aaron." Shawn grabbed Aaron by the collar, "and if you ever pull some stupid s**t like this again I'll kick your a*s" Shawn let go of Aaron's shirt.


Aaron wanted to fight back, but he knew he shouldn't. Oh, what the hell he thought.


Aaron turned around and punched Shawn in the face.


While Shawn was holding his face Aaron smiled. "How about that Swimmer Boy?" and left.




Anna knew she was going to be the ring master of the circus. A twisted one that is.


Anna stayed in Shawn's bedroom. She could hear the two boys yelling, but couldn't make out exactly what they said.


She heard Aaron's car pull out of her drive way. She thought it'd be okay to go back over to her room.


When Anna got back into her room she didn't see Shawn.


"Shawn?" she whispered.


"Auh" Shawn groaned. He was holding his jaw, the spot where Aaron punched him.


Anna ran over to the side of her bed and held Shawn when she saw him on the floor.


"What'd he do to you?!" she asked. Shawn could tell she was concerned.


Anna didn't expect anything would get physical, even though Aaron got physical a lot.


Anna had been with Aaron for 2 years and after his mom left last year he had been angrier than ever.


She knew Aaron's father beat him. She saw the bruises. After a while Aaron started hitting Anna.


She figured it was him just getting his anger out, so she dealt with it for a while and soon he was hitting her everytime he saw her.


They always faught, but he never hit her infront of anyone. The one thing Anna never understood was how they'd both cry and then he'd hold her and tell her he loved her.


"Shawn! Oh! I'm so sorry!"


"He said you called and asked him to come over. Why would you do that?" Shawn asked.


"You got me so upset I didn't know what to do!" Anna started crying "I wanted to make you jealous! I didn't mean for you to get hurt!"


Shawn got up and walked away from her. He couldn't believe her.




 Shawn was too upset to say anything to her.


Shawn avoided Anna as much as he could. When he was sitting on his balcony and she would come out, Shawn would just walk into his room and lock the door.


At school, when they had english together, he would sit as far away from her as he could. He wouldn't even look at her.


Aaron kept his distance from Shawn as well. Luckily they didn't have any classes together.


Shawn knew he should apologize, but he decided against it. Shawn had wanted to punch Aaron for a long time.




Anna had been very sluggish. At home atleast.


At school Anna acted like nothing happened. She laughed and hung out with her friends. She kept her distance from Aaron, but all of her friends could tell something was strange by the way she looked at Shawn.


About two weeks after the incident, Anna wrote a note to Shawn and slipped it into his locker.


She knew he'd read it during class with her. She had mixed emotions and she was scared of the outcome...



if only you knew...



That was all Anna wrote, but she was hoping Shawn would pass a note back to her.


He did.




I think I know enough




No. I don't think you do




then tell me. right now. honestly, if you're capable of that.




can we talk at home???




nope. Now or never




You're right Shawn. It is now or never isn't it?




Yep. && if you don't bother explaining soon (as in before this period ends) don't waste your breath. Oh Anna. If only you knew.




Fine. I called Aar after I told you to leave. That's right. To piss you off. You don't know why he hit me and you don't know what I still have feelings for him. Oh that's right Shawn. if only YOU knew. I didn't think things would get phyiscal. I really need to talk to you. face to face.




Be on your balcony at 11



Anna didn't reply. She folded the note and put it in her bag.


How was she going to tell him?





© 2010 XxLovexLuckyxX

Author's Note

Sorry for the mistakes. Please tell me what you think. Feedback is greatly appreciated! :)

My Review

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Although this story is suppose to add in a field of mystery, I can't stop thinking that you left out too much. For example, Aaron and Anna are in love and we know that she gets beaten by Aaron, but why is she still in love with him? Also, when you switch narrators, it kinda gets confusing, but not enough where we can't tell who is speaking. I think this story has potiential, but it's still lacking some vital elements. Maybe try playing around with only keeping it in one point of view. I think that would help with the devolpment of chacters.

Posted 14 Years Ago

sorry been in school 6-11pm so i sleep most of the day but i'll try my best to keep up :)
it's still kept my attention even after a realllly long night so i look forward to the next part.

Posted 14 Years Ago

love the anticipation :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

great start, kept me interested the whole way through i hope you keep going :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on June 28, 2010
Last Updated on July 6, 2010




I love writing poems and listening to music. Yup. Music and writing are my drugs. New story up "Blood & Tears" please read :). I love feedback so I know what I can do to make my writing better .. more..
