its about how we should show no fear to open our hearts to people
Do we hide; for the sake of our emotions?Does another's vain beauty shy us away from showing our true colors?Do we not deserve the chance to let the world see who we really are. . .?Scared? I think notAnxious to be set free; well I'd say so.Open our hearts, lets fly awayCarefree and fearless that's what we'll be.Sharing love?No? Why not?Thats what God wants.Feared to be stomped on?Don't be.Let our hearts be pryed open,to be vulnerable,let everything in us pour outand be a blessingto others.For in God we can be open and safefrom any harm that tries tocrumble ourPrecious Hearts.
Great piece with an even greater message. The words flow together perfectly. I like the line:
"Open our hearts, lets fly away
Carefree and fearless
that's what we'll be."
Nicely done. Thanks for sharing.
my name is Kayla and i like to play the guitar and piano. i love going to church and i am chrisitian. My best friends are Shelby and Morgan if you want to know more about me just ask! more..