Lose Yourself in a Melody

Lose Yourself in a Melody

A Poem by Kawaiikitty96

Basically an ode to music and how it grants one the ability to temporarily forget the world

Lose Yourself in a Melody
Forget the blame
Forget the pain
Let the melody pulse through your veins

Tune out the world
Let your feelings unfurl
Dance, sing, jump, and twirl

Let the music enter your soul
Don't be afraid to lose control
Give it the chance to make you feel whole

© 2015 Kawaiikitty96

Author's Note

These past few days have been rather rough on me. Last night, I was listening to Rob Thomas on Spotify while laying in bed. Though I've felt this feeling several times while listening to music, I, once again, for the first time in a while, experienced what it's like to allow music to overtake your mind and soul. It's very therapeutic, and for that, I'm very thankful. It helped me feel a lot better almost instantly, enabling me to momentarily forget my problems. An idea for a poem came to mind, so I grabbed a sticky note (yes, a sticky note) and pencil and jotted this down.

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Music does this to me! You've stated it so well, the enthusiasm & lack of inhibition shine thru strongly! I love the primal aspects of music, how it's understood, no matter the language. Your rhymes are playful, not forced & not boring. Everything sings.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

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Music does this to me! You've stated it so well, the enthusiasm & lack of inhibition shine thru strongly! I love the primal aspects of music, how it's understood, no matter the language. Your rhymes are playful, not forced & not boring. Everything sings.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

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Makes me want to listen to my favorite music. Thanks for sharing. :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thanks for your review :)

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2 Reviews
Added on March 1, 2015
Last Updated on March 1, 2015
Tags: poem, poetry, music, melody, ode




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