The Dream

The Dream

A Chapter by Katyria

Disclaimer: From this chapter on, I own everything except for any songs, videos, etc. Unless I say so~! Just to let you know~!

        I looked down at the notebook in front of me that contained everything that I wouldn't let anyone see. This very notebook held all the creativity that I had inside my head that I didn't know - but I wanted to - how I could let it all out. It was either tell someone, or be maked fun of because I actually believed and made up characters in my head. Where I lived, Crutenburg (made up), was a very rough place, people made fun of other people almost everyday. Even those who were picked on, make fun of the pickers.

That is the most important reason why I am a so called "loner." You couldn't trust anyone here. 

On the front page of the notebook held a drawn picture of a teenage boy. With brown hair and bangs swepted to the side, blue eyes, pale skin, wearing a band shirt and just plain skinny jeans. When I draw, I make sure to add special features and color what needs to be colored. 

This boy on the page was one who I had a dream about before. 

I sat on a grassy hill, staring at the sun set as I breathed in and out, it was cold out so every time I saw my breath, made me giggle a little in my head. I brought my knees up to my chest and rested my arms on them. "Excuse me?" it was a deep voice, one that you wouldn't get tired of hearing. I turned my head to look over my shoulder and saw a boy, he had brown hair with bangs swept to the side, pale skin, beautiful blue eyes, pale skin and I did notice very well that he was wearing a "Escape the fate" band shirt that was a tini bit big on him and wearing also just plain skinny jeans. "Yes?" I asked him. "Are you Aimee Donnke?" he asked. I nodded, slightly confused on why he was asking for me and who he was. He automatically sat down next to me after I answered. I looked at him with an eyebrow raised, "so...who are you?" I said. He looked at me and gave me a small smile, "my name is Derek Ware." I grinned at him, "Nice to meet ya' Derek. So may I ask why you were looking for me?" He reached into his pocket and took out what looked like a letter and handed it to me before standing up and walking away. I took the letter and stood up, "hey wait!" He turned around, his hands in his pocket, looking lazy, "yeah?" "Well..I..will I see you again?" I asked him looking down at the letter and then at my feet. I felt him walking towards me and grabbing onto my chin lifting my head up, before smiling down at me, "you can count on it." When he has left, I opened up the letter. But there was just a poem. Instead of reading it, I shoved it in my pocket.

I had that dream about 2 weeks ago. Not once, having it again. The other dreams I had were just normal characters that I still drew once I found out and made up their background story. The weird thing though was that when I woke up, I was holding a letter in my hand with the same exact looking poem written on it. But again without reading it I put it in my drawer.  I sighed and closed the notebook. I stood up from my bed and walked out of my room and into the kitchen. I saw my mom sitting down at the table, writing something down. "Hey mom?" "Yes?" she answered, not looking up from what she was doing. "What's for dinner?" "I dont know." I gave her an annoyed look, which made her look up at me before sighing, "Rice and chicken." Her answer made me grin, "OK." 

I suddenly felt a force press against my back from behind causing me to fall forward, I grunted as I made contact with the ground. "Jonathon get off your sister!" "Yeah idiot get off." I muttered. 

"Mom! she called me an idiot!" 

"Well that's cause you are one!"




"Ow! What the f**k Jonathon!"


"But mom!"

"Enough you two! Go up to your rooms and I'll call you both down when dinner is finished!"

Jonathon got off my back and ran up the stairs, while I took my time getting off the ground and going back to my room as well. I grabbed my phone that was on the table and checked my messages. 

1 new message

Cindy: Hey what's up?

Me: I'm just sitting around I guess, you?

Cindy: Not much, eating dinner.

Me: My mom said she's gonna call me down when dinner is finished. Got in trouble by the bro.

Cindy: That sucks

Me: Tell me about it

Cindy: So how are your drawings going?

I hesitated before anwsering.

Me: Going good, just drawing random shizz

I sighed, and sent another message to Cindy before she got to answer.

Me: Gtg eat dinner, ttyl

After eating dinner, I sat on my chair and began to remember the dream..and Derek Ware. Then the letter. I reached into the drawer and pulled out the letter, opening it and reading it.

Not the place you want to be
So lets see where your supposed to be
A place of mystery
A place of creativity
Lets now go
Where? You ask.
Well, you'll see.

(Sucky poem I know lol, I made it up)

© 2011 Katyria

Author's Note

I hope you enjoyed this chapter please rate and comment (: Also if you want to see a picture of Derek then just message me or comment me and i'll send it to you.

My Review

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I WOULD LOVE to see Derek. Its very good, though you have to agree with Special Agent Fafa, there are few gammar and writers errors and i would suggest editing it, so you won't get tons of reviews commenting your errors.

I really enjoyed reading it and I love to see what happens next:)

Posted 13 Years Ago

be maked fun
-be made fun of

Crutenburg (made up)
-We don't need to hear that it's made up. We'll assume.

(P)"Excuse me?" (I)t was a deep voice, one that you wouldn't get tired of hearing. I turned my head to look over my shoulder and saw a boy(.) (H)e had brown hair with bangs swept to the side, pale skin, beautiful blue eyes, pale skin(repeated phrase)(,) and I did notice very well that he was wearing a "Escape the fate" band shirt that was a tin(y) bit big on him and wearing (also-- unnecessary) just plain skinny jeans.
(P)"Yes?" I asked him.
(P)"Are you Aimee Donnke?" he asked. I nodded, slightly confused on why he was asking for me and who he was. He automatically sat down next to me after I answered.
(P)I looked at him with an eyebrow raised, "(S)o...who are you?" I (said-- it's a question).
He looked at me and gave me a small smile, "(M)y name is Derek Ware."
(P)I grinned at him, "Nice to meet ya'(,) Derek. So may I ask why you were looking for me?" He reached into his pocket and took out what looked like a letter and handed it to me before standing up and walking away. I took the letter and stood up, "(H)ey(,) wait!"
(P)He turned around, his hands in his pocket, looking lazy, "(Y)eah?"
(P)"Well..I..will I see you again?" I asked him(,) looking down at the letter and then at my feet.
(P)I felt him walking towards me and grabbing onto my chin lifting my head up, before smiling down at me, "(Y)ou can count on it." When he has left, I opened up the letter. But there was just a poem. Instead of reading it, I shoved it in my pocket.

"Hey mom?"
(P)"Yes?" she answered, not looking up from what she was doing.
(P)"What's for dinner?" "I dont know." I gave her an annoyed look, which made her look up at me before sighing, "Rice and chicken."
(P)Her answer made me grin, "OK."


So lets see where your supposed to be
-let's, you're

(Sucky poem I know lol, I made it up)
-Put it in the author's note. We don't need your narration throughout the chapter.

Overall, my thoughts?
I like the concept. The idea was brilliant. A girl with a huge imagination. Meeting up with all her creations, I like it a lot♥ I hope you continue it. Now, about my edits, when you start a new line of dialogue, you always start a new line (P).

Nicely written, however. ♥

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on September 10, 2011
Last Updated on September 10, 2011



Orlando, FL

I'm awesome :) And if you're awesome, i'll tell youu~! more..

Created Created

A Book by Katyria