![]() Chapter 2A Chapter by Girlpuppy![]() Second chapter to my novel Aimless![]() Chapter 2 Luis Luis
always loved Halloween, and this one would be no different
then any other. He loved the flamboyant costumes, the raunchy laughter, and the
cackles in the dark. Most of all, Luis loved fear. He loved the clenching of
his arms and legs. The tingle in your stomach. The trembling in your hands as your
blood rushed. The screaming in your brain to run, the pounding of your heart
and the surge of adrenaline begging you to stay. Being terrified was really the
only way to be one hundred percent alive. Another thing Luis loved was the
Halloween party he threw every year. Because both he and Iris had Leukemia, and
had to be careful about going about, his parents offered to throw them a party.
True, the tradition started when the group was nine, and since then it has
dropped from crazy decorations, a haunted house, and a safe trick-or-treat
route to the five of them sitting in the Holley’s expansive living room with
junk food and a collection of terrifying horror films. There was a rapid knocking. Impatient.
An hour early. Definitely Naomi. Luis, tripping over an extremely large bean
bag chair, opened the door to let her in. Naomi smiled and thrust a bag of
candy at Luis, dancing towards the seat furthest from the television. Naomi
hated things jumping out, or loud noises. Luis sighed and tossed the candy
towards a large pile by the windows. “Every year, I tell you not to bring
stuff,” Luis began. Naomi snorted. “Save it Luis. Already bought. And you know
darn well that whatever we don’t devour, your siblings will. Where are Ted and
Serena anyway?” Luis flopped on the couch.
“Trick-or-treating with my parents. Serena’s first year.” Naomi made the
typical girly squeal that any teenage girl makes when a baby does something
cute. To be honest though, Cody and Sam made that noise sometimes too. Luis
smirked. He couldn’t wait to tell everyone…or could he? Did he even want to? “Luis, guess what?” Naomi interrupted
his thoughts. She then moved on to a long talk about her family friend doing
something. Luis listened, but he also let his thoughts wander. His mind jumped,
topic to topic. He finally settled on Naomi. He always thought she was pretty.
She hadn’t had a chemo appointment in a couple of months, so her curly black
hair had begun to grow back. Her large, sea green eyes sparkled as she spoke,
her pale skin flushing as she laughed. Her pixie like body animated as she
spoke, hands flying up and down. Luis smiled as Naomi wrapped up her story. He
got up as the door was pounded upon. Time flew by as Iris, Sam and Cody
appeared. They flashed through the films, starting with classics, “The
Poltergeist”, “The Exorcist”, moving up to newer films. At the end of the last
one, the clock chimed 10, and everyone had to disperse. Luis got up, and held
up his hands. A quell of fear burbled inside of him.
Never, in his life, had he been so scared. Maybe fear wasn’t the greatest thing
ever. But he forced his mouth open, and the rehearsed words began to tumble
out. “So, you guys remember Jay?” General
nodding. A rush of blood in his head. Keep going. “Well, we’ve been
hanging a lot more lately-” “Tell me about it,” Complained Cody.
“I barely get to see you anymore, you jerk.” Sam chuckled and Iris threw a
pillow and Cody’s head, laughing. But Naomi’s face scrunched up, trying to
figure something out. “Luis… are you trying to say…?” Naomi
leaned forward and said it softly, as Iris, Cody and Sam mock-argued. Luis
shook his head and straightened. “Guys. Please. Let me finish.” The group fell
silent. “I had a speech planned out, but to hell with it. I’m gay.”
Iris Iris
groaned in frustration,
erasing the math problem in frustration. She hated math. She hated being bad at
math. She hated her stupid head and her stupid worksheet, and the stupid
teacher that wouldn’t acknowledge her when she raised her hand for her, and she
hated the stupid- “Need some help?” An unfamiliar voice
asked. She looked toward the source to find a boy pulling up his chair towards
her. He had big brown eyes, and curly
brown hair. Iris smiled back reflexively. “I suck at pretty much everything.
So, yeah.” The boy laughed. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. Algebra
is confusing sometimes. I’m John by the way.” Iris shook his hand, and
introduced herself. He took up her pencil and gave her a
simple, easy explanation of her problem. Iris was exasperated. “Why the hell
couldn’t Mr. Daley tell us that?” John laughed and stated, “He’s not the
most…attentive teacher.” They both laughed as they glanced at the said teacher,
who was reading a book. “Well Iris, why haven’t we talked
before? We have nearly every class together.” John tapped her wrist in
disapproval. Iris smiled shyly. “I don’t really talk to people much.”
John shook his head. “Then who is that tall guy you talk to
everyday?” Iris laughed nervously. “Are you spying on me?” John rolled his
eyes. “He walks you from last period to home
all the time. I would know…I have that class with you.” Iris flushed. “Sam is different.” “How? Are you guys dating?” You’re
really invasive. Leave me alone. Iris
thought about saying that. But she didn’t want to. She liked talking to John.
He helped her….open up. “No…we’re in a support group together.
I have Leukemia, he has Endocarditis.” John went pale. “Oh shoot. I’m so sorry, I’m getting way
to obnoxious. I’m sorry-” Iris smiled and tapped his hand. “It’s fine. It really is. I like
talking to you anyway.” The next 20 minutes Iris talked on and on about her
family, her disease, and her friends. John was surprisingly interested,
interjecting with questions, smiling and looking sad at the right moments. She
paused when she came to Luis being gay. “How do you feel about that?” John
inquired, leaning closer. Iris shrugged. “Happy for him I guess. Kind of
surprised. But really happy for him.” John
smiled as the bell rang. “May I walk you to Biology?” He asked,
walking out with her. Iris gave him a look. “How do you-” “Same class Iris.” John and Iris laughed. Iris glowed,
excited to be with someone she can talk to so easily. Naomi The two young people
smiled as they leaned their heads forward for a kiss… “And
have no noses,” Naomi gasped, annoyed. She ripped the page out of her book, and
tossed it aside. All day, all week her art has been screwed up. She blamed
Cody, one hundred percent. After the party, Cody disappeared. No one had seen
or heard from him all week. Naomi has sent him around 50 texts, and nearly went
over her limit. He didn’t respond. Sam called up Ruth, who cryptically said
“I’ve talked to Cody recently. He’s fine. He’s just fairly wrapped up with
something right now.” “Jerk.” Naomi muttered. She stood up,
and stretched. Her mom was at work, and the apartment was clean, for once. She
sat down and grappled with paper and pencil for about twenty minutes,
struggling to draw something… attractive. She pulled back, and smiled. A fairy
sat on a rock, one leg stretched out, one bent. Her arms wrapped around the
shin of her bent leg. Her pale pink hair fell in waves down her back, dainty
blue butterfly wings sprouting from her back. Her blue eyes were down cast, her
green skin pale. Raspberry petals sprouted from a wreath of little purple
flowers outlining her chest. One strap slid down her slim arm. A dark forest
surrounded her, and she was illuminated by fireflies, which buzzed about. Naomi
grinned. Maybe her best work yet. She closed up her sketch book, grabbed her
phone, and called Cody. She usually called him 5 times a day. She was used to
hearing two rings then being dumped into voice mail. On the third ring, someone
answered. “Jesus woman. Calm down with the
calls.” Cody sounded annoyed, but he was laughing a little. “Cody!” Naomi squealed, jumping up and
down with delight. “You actually answered!” Cody laughed. “I guess I did.” Naomi stopped jumping. “You jerk!
Where have you been?” Cody
sighed on the other end. “It’s actually good news. I was staying with my mom,
and she’s getting remarried. I’m glad; dad was a jerk to her.” Naomi yelped with delight. She loved
Amelia. “That’s
great!” “Yeah, it is,” agreed Cody. “She wants to spend a week with my
soon-to-be-step-dad’s family, and they live in the middle of freaking no where.
I had no service until now.” “Oh. Makes sense.” Naomi sighed with
relief. “Well, -g-to-leaving-no-ser-bye!” Cody
fizzled out. Naomi smiled, sat down, and retried the sketch of the kissing
couple. They looked early familiar. Cody Cody despised the country.
He hated the emptiness. The bugs. The cold. And the people. They were nice
enough, but they were…off. As Cody, his Mom and Jaime left the restaurant that
was actually near cell service and drove back in the car Cody leaned forward. “They’re all serial killers, aren’t
they?” He glanced at Jaime, his soon to be step dad. “Cody!” His mother admonished, staring
at him widened in the rear view mirror. She tightened her grip on the wheel.
Jaime laughed loudly, and grinned at turned around. “Yeah, my family is a little…I come
from a weird family.” Cody smirked. That’s part of the reason he liked Jaime.
He understood Cody. “Jaime, don’t encourage him,” Amelia
budded in, laughing herself. Her eyes sparkled when she laughed. “Come on. They drink the syrup!” Cody
said, shaking his head. Putting waffles in your mouth, and then drinking syrup?
Off. “Thank God I escaped to “They’re nice,” comforted Cody,
cocking his head to the side and smiling helpfully. “Enough,” allowed Jaime. But his
expression darkened. “But don’t do anything wrong. My parents like to raise
children the old fashioned way, and aren’t afraid to cut a switch.” Amelia frowned. “They touch my son, I
dump you.” Jaime mock gasped, “No!” He dragged
out the ‘O’, then banged his head mournfully on the dashboard and made odd
wailing sounds. Cody roared with laughter, and Amelia smiled. “Seriously though Jaime. Help Cody out
a little.” “Of course,” Jaime smiled. “I’ll look out for my
buddy.” Cody smiled. Actually happy. The only
other time he was this happy was when he was with Naomi. Naomi. She texted and called Cody way
more then the others. Did that mean-? No. Don’t think it. Don’t start.
Thinking and wishing would get him exactly no where. He sighed, and wondered if Jaime would give him any girl
advice. Sam Did Sam always suspect Luis was gay?
Well, no. But his curiosity began about the time school started, and the talk
of Jay began. When ever it was the two of them, Luis would talk on and on about
Jay. Sam glanced across the table at Luis.
He sat chattering about Jay again, every now and then sipping his coffee. “Is he gay?” Sam interrupted, sipping
his own drink. Luis choked a little. “What?” He spluttered, wiping
up the mess he made as best he could. “Is he,” Sam repeated, “gay?” “I-I don’t kno-wha-you’re-if…”Luis
faltered, fumbling with his cup. “So you don’t know then,” Sam concluded,
smirking. “I…you can’t just ask…why does it
matter?” Luis finished with a look of disdain. Sam rolled his eyes. “It’s
obvious you like him. You talk about him almost nonstop.” Luis frowned. “Maybe. But I don’t know if
he’s…well…if he’s…” “Gay? Playing for the right team?
There are others, but they’re rude,” Sam remarked with a grin. Luis grimaced.
“It’s not something you can randomly ask, Sam. What if he’s…well…” “Straight? Playing for the wrong team?
Luis, there is a plethora of usable terms!” “Whatever; I don’t know if he’s on my
team, but I suspect so. At least I hope so.” Sam smiled. “Well, the only thing you
talk more about is-” Sam broke off, wheels in his head turning. No way.
He thought. There’s no way that- “Same?”
Luis interrupted his thoughts. Sam leaned forward. “The only thing you talk
more about is Cody.” Luis’ eyes popped. He stood up
quickly, grabbed Sam’s arm, then dragged him out of the café. “Don’t you dare tell a soul,”
hissed Luis. “EVER.” “You
love Cody.” Sam stated, staring at Luis. This is one screwed up soap opera
crap fest. Luis likes Cody, Cody likes Naomi, Naomi likes Cody, I like Iris and
she loves… Sam had no idea who Iris liked. “It’s not love!” Luis snapped. Sam
gave him a look. “Really? How long have you felt like
this?” Luis hesitated. “Long enough he said bitterly. “A day? A week? A month?” “Four years. Happy?” Luis threw his
hands up in the air, exasperated. The two glared at one another, then Sam
sighed. “I won’t tell.” “Luis,” Ruth began, “How does coming
out feel?” Everyone groaned and Luis shook his head. “Ruth, have you been
watching Maury?” Sam, Iris and Naomi laughed. “Maybe,” Ruth admitted.
“But this needs to be discussed!” No one volunteered information. “I’ll get everyone pizza,” She
offered. “I feel freer!” Cried Luis, laughing.
The collection joined in. “Okay. Good enough.” As Ruth scurried
off to call for pizza, the doorbell went off. Naomi opened it. The others heard
a loud shout of delight. Cody strolled in, with an eager Naomi clinging to him.
“Sorry I’m late guys. Just got back
from the freaking country.” There was a general welcoming, then everyone fell
into their usual seats. Cody regaled them with tales about his extremely weird
soon to be family, and jokes Jamie had made. Ruth watched the group laugh and joke.
She decided to wait in the kitchen until the pizza came. She decided that the
kids deserved a little bit of time to be carefree. © 2011 GirlpuppyAuthor's Note
Added on December 23, 2011 Last Updated on December 23, 2011 Author |