![]() Chapter 6A Chapter by KathrineChapter 6
Kate flew to the base, followed by Deadly. He kept close to her and she felt an urge to run, but there was no point to play any tricks. She needed to stay focused from now on, because there had to be a way out of the game.
“Blue?” Deadly.
“Yes?” Blue.
“We should meet somewhere where we can talk without others having a opportunity to spy on us!” Deadly.
“I need to see Destroyer first.” Blue.
“He is fine.” Deadly.
His voice sounded annoyed, just like he wasn’t happy that she was going to meet someone else before him.
“You really got some issues!” Blue.
“Not more than you.” Deadly.
“At least I didn’t leave you waiting on our date.” Blue.
“You actually showed up?” Deadly.
Kate heard grate surprise in his voice.
“But you didn’t.” Blue.
“I am sorry, but I got stuck in the game.” Deadly.
“Is that the best excuse you can come out with?” Blue.
“Its the only excuse I have.” Deadly.
“You are lame.” Blue.
“Why is that?” Deadly.
“Because you logged on just before our date, like you couldn’t wait.” Blue.
“So? Is that the only reason you are so angry with me?” Deadly.
Kate wanted to kick him in his face. Was he really so dumb that she had to explain him everything.
“I am going back to base, you like it or not, and after I have seen Destroyer, I will wait you in my room. Don t make me wait this time.” Blue.
“Sounds like we have a re-date.” Deadly.
His voice was happier, but Kate could notice the bitter after taste he seemed to want to hide from her.
“Don t be so sure about that.” Blue.
“I will see you in a base, Blue! Don t even think about running.” Deadly.
Kate grinned. There was no reason for her to run. He was the one who was in the trouble.
She flew past some other players, giving no further notice to them. How was she going to face Deadly? And why did she even bothered with him? Million questions filled her head while she parked her ship into her space and waited the door coming down.
“Kyle?” she asked.
“Yes, Blue?” her sweet computerised voice answered straight away.
“Is my ship fully recovered the attack?”
“Yes, all shields are full again and health repaired.”
“Bid on some speed generators and cloaks, please!”
“As you wish, Blue!”
The safe door sucked itself on her ship and she stepped out. From the left side she saw Deadly emerging the base and cold feeling run down her back. She was going to meet him very soon. What was she going to tell him?
“Blue!” Kyle interrupted her toughs.
“Yes, Kyle?” she turned her eyes to the tunnel ahead.
“They are all waiting for you inside!”
“What you mean?” She didn’t understand.
“The whole VRU is amazed that you went to save Destroyer, putting your own life in a risk.” Kyle explained. “You are a hero.”
“Destroyer is part of my team or even my space family and I as I said once- I would go to war for him. I just did what I promised.”
Kate felt scared. Why was she now a hero? Anyone would have done the same if they cared about their team. That’s why clans were made for- helping and saving other members. Destroyer was part of her team and she needed to help him, even if it meant a battle. Mac was part of the team and Kate knew he was always ready to play hero and save her and she was ready to follow him to hell. But Kate couldn’t believe that she had taken Deadly as a part of her space family once as well as others. Yes he was there when she needed, but now, when Kate knew who Deadly really was, she couldn’t forget the reality. He had hurt her the worse way she could think- rejected her. “Blue!” Kyle started just after she had stepped out off her ship.
“You might want to prepare your speech before you enter the base or would you like me to make something up?”
“I don’t need a speech as I am not going to give one.” she answered with annoyance. “I am no hero. There is more hero’s around and they don’t get noticed.”
“There is nobody else who has flew into a war just to save a clan mate, Blue!” Kyle argued. “You could have been killed. Other players think its something so big and cool what you did so they want to give you some respect.”
Kate stopped just before she faced the white door what lead into the base.
“I really want to vanish now!” she whispered and reached for a door.
“Blue!” Destroyer.
His voice stopped her.
“Yes?” Blue.
“You wont believe this, but RTK has a lot of new member request lately.” Destroyer.
I wonder why! She told herself.
“Well accept the ones you think are worth accepting!” Blue.
“But you are the boss?” Destroyer.
Kate felt like she wanted to laugh.
“And you are the brain.” Blue.
She heard Destroyer chuckle.
“Well you will like the audience when you get here. They all love you for what you did for me.” Destroyer.
“Yes, I have heard. Really cant wait that.” Blue.
“Its not that bad, Blue!” Destroyer.
Kate smiled and pushed the door open. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, before entering into the main room. The sound of clapping and cheering took his breath away. Nearly all VRU was there.
Destroyer appeared from behind other people and hugged Kate. He was so tall that Kate felt how her feet lifted up to the air when his long arms closed around her. She never liked hugging, but knowing that Destroyer was the safe person made her feel comfortable.
“You can put me down now!” she whispered with half smile.
“Sorry,” he mumbled and put her down. “I got carried away.”
“I am happy you survived the attack,” Kate smiled.
“So am I.”
She hugged him again. Now, being near her team mate, she felt better than ever.
Maybe I will be happy here! She thought.
“Blue?” someone interrupted her thought.
Kate turned around and faced a tall dark skinned guy with nearly black eyes.
“Yes?” she send him a questioning look.
“I am a Knight,” he said, offering her hand.
“Nice to meet you, Knight!” She smiled politely, but she didn’t really want to meet anyone this moment.
“Are you interested off alliance?” dark skinned guy asked with a small grin.
“You need to talk to my assistant about that,” Kate send him a smile back. “He is dealing with the diplomacy.”
“You have build an powerful army, Blue!” Knight said, kissing her hand. “I would like to be a part of that.”
Kate felt a little sick and she pulled her hand away as politely as she could have.
“Well I am clad you think positive about RTK.” She smiled. “If you excuse me now, I have to go and sort out some important matters.”
She walked past Knight, stopping just to send others a smile.
“You cant leave yet!” someone said sternly and Kate stopped.
“Why not?” she faced older guy with grey eyes.
“Because you have to give us a speech!” he smiled.
“I am not very good with speeches,” Kate pulled away. “And I haven’t really done anything special.”
“You went to war for your clan mate. We call it a hero in VRU.”
Kate felt like she was going to blush property. She watched how two guys, dressed into VRU green-silver suit, pushed few tables together.
“So are you ready, Blue!” older guy said with a smile.
“Do I have a choice?” she frowned.
“Not really,” he grinned and stepped closer to her, just to grab around her waist, lifting Kate to the air.
She gasped, but didn’t complain as the guy lifted her on the table. She looked around. There was so many happy faces waiting for her to speak.
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes just to get some ideas.
“I am not sure what you want me to say,” she started, opening her eyes again. “I am just as normal as all of you. Yes, I went to war for my clan mate, but that what family’s do. RTK is my family and I am ready to go to hell for my friends.” she said quietly. “We cant make any simple mistakes. Every minute we waste will cost us time and maybe even someone’s life. We gotta be strong and fight as long as we still breadth!” Kate smiled and looked over faces, fixed to her. Deadly stud by the back wall, kneeling casually back against it. His face was dark with a questions. Kate knew it was time to face him. “But now I need to go an deal with other problems.” She jumped off the table and walked trough the people who were clapping.
Kate walked trough white corridor. She knew Deadly was following her and it disturbed her. Al tough she had invited her to talk. She stopped by her door and scanned her hand. With a second the door opened and she stepped in, Deadly following like a ghost. It took her a few minutes to turn around and face him. They eyes- full of darkness- sucked her in, throwing her out of balance. She opened her mouth to say something, but Deadly`s reaction took her by surprise. He stepped closer with a fast move, sliding his arm around her waist, filling the space between them.
“What are you...” Kate started, but Deadly pushed his finger on her lips.
His eyes burned hers with a flame hotter than she had ever felt. Suddenly he smiled and knelt down. Kate closed her eyes when his lips touched hers, falling into a million sparkling pieces inside.
© 2013 Kathrine |
Added on December 8, 2013 Last Updated on December 8, 2013 Author![]() KathrineTorpoint, Cornwall, United KingdomAboutThere are a lot of things I could tell about myself, but before you actually know me, you will never understand who I am. My mind is just like a puzzle with different pieces what doesn’t always .. more..Writing