![]() Chapter 3A Chapter by KathrineChapter 3
Kate flew trough different maps. They all looked so different from each other. She wasn’t in a hurry now even as there had a sudden argument started over her and Mac in a global chat. She was quite annoyed what other players talked about her, but she didn’t want to say anything just encase her voice would be recognized. Well there was only tree players who knew her. Mac, Destroyer and Deadly. And just because of the last, she decided to keep her mouth shut as long as it was possible. Kate knew she was going to meet everybody soon enough anyway. There was no need to rush the future.
“BLUE?” Deadly.
She was going to ignore him. There was so much she wanted to tell him, but the fear of losing the bravery, made Kate’s stomach feel sick. If she was right and Deadly was Simon there was a big problem for her. Simon had embarrassed her. The only time she had tried to let someone else into her life was shattered by Simon and she didn’t want him to see the bitter tears inside her soul.
That’s what I am attending at the moment! Kate told herself and grinned. She prepared her ship to the last jump trough the gate. Now she was closer to the big revile than she had ever been. There was no turning back now. Where would she go anyway? Mac was an enemy and she shouldn’t go to EIC maps without a risk of getting shot down. The only place she was really welcome was the base of VRU.
“Blue, you have a quite interesting company waiting for you.” Destroyer.
Kate smiled. How many people were waiting for her in the hell she was on her way to?
“Is that a hint that I should turn my ship around and run?” Blue.
“No. and where would you run anyway?” Destroyer.
“I would find a place I assume. Its a space.” Blue.
“Ha-ha-ha.” Destroyer.
“Is it that bad there?” Blue.
“Well you have to come and see yourself.” Destroyer.
“You make it sound like I am about to die?” Blue.
“Maybe not you, but for some other people it has meant a broken nose.”Destroyer.
Blue heard him laugh.
“Why is that?” Blue.
“Well, Deadly is not happy about the fact that you fly with enemy’s.” Destroyer.
“This is not his problem.” Blue.
She felt offended. What was his problem? She had given him a very good change, but he had chucked it away like a piece of rubbish. And now he acted like she belonged to him. She missed the virtual relationship the had had before she knew who he was. Now she didn’t know how was she going to face him.
“Well he is very protective when it comes to you.” Destroyer.
“So what.” Blue.
“I would be happy to have a such a strong friend.” Destroyer.
A friend who leaves you waiting when he asks you for a date? Kate thought. The situation was so bitter that she almost felt the horrible taste of disappointment on her thong.
“I will be there in a minute. Keep the crowd down.” Blue.
“As you say, boss!” Destroyer.
Kate smiled to herself. Destroyer was defenetly the right guy to go-lead her clan. RTK was nothing without him. All she could think was the joy of meeting him and finding the peace what she was hoping.
The way across the home map wasn’t very long and soon after jump she found herself parking her ship into the middle of the base station. There was many other ships around- one better than the other. Kate recognized the green design of Destroyers ship, eight enormous drones around it just like a extra guardians. She pulled the side of her ship next to the safe door and waited when it game down. With a shaky legs she climbed out. The space shined around us when she walked trough the tunnel into a main building.
“You have now emerged the VRU main building.” the voice in Kate’s head said. “Be kind to the other VRU players and be aware that if you are non- VRU member you might be in a danger of being destroyed. Thank you for your attention.”
Here we go! Kate thought, standing by the white door what automatically slide open before her. Her eyes looked around the big open room. There was many other players, dressed into the green-silver uniform. Some of them send her a quick smile. But Kate wasn’t looking for any of them. Her eyes wondered around to see if her gut had been right about Deadly. Was he really Simon or did he just sounded very similar to him?
“I can see you have made here alive!” the voice of her biggest horror whispered behind her back.
With a quick move she turned around and faced the deepest darkness she had ever seen. Simon’s eyes were nearly black.
“YOU B*****D!” she managed to push trough her teeth when the death in his eyes turned to a grate surprise.
“You gotta be kidding me!” Simon said quietly. “What on earth are YOU doing here?”
Kate had so many different answers for that. She wanted to spit them all out. She felt as furious as she never felt before in her life. How dared Simon even ask her a simple question? He had left her waiting and now Kate knew she wasn’t going to let him explain.
“This is none of your business.” She hissed pushed herself past him. She wanted to go back to the space and cool down.
“Hang on for a minute,” Simon pulled her back by her arm.
“Don’t touch me!”
Kate was so ready to rip his head of. There was nobody else in that room she hated the most. She had fallen into Simon’s trap in the real life, but there was no way she was going to fall in again. Not in this virtual world.
“I can see you both have met before?” low voice said.
Kate found herself turning around so she could see the person talking.
“But lets keep our private life separated from the game and concentrate on more important matters.”
“Who are you?” Kate asked.
She looked the man in front of her. He was not much older than Deadly, but the wisdom in his face made him age before her eyes.
“My name is Roman, but space world knows me as Whatever.” he explained.
“You are the leader of VOT?”
“Sure I am, Blue!” he smiled. “But there is no need to discus the clan news now. We have got a bigger problem to teal with.”
“I assume its the fact that we are stuck in our own PCs?” Kate said.
“Yes, infarct we are very stuck and now we need to figure out how we are going to get out.”
“Shouldn’t we first find out HOW did we get stuck fist place?” young voice said behind the people.
Kate recognized the sound of the voice and pushed herself trough the other players, just to find her clan mate sitting in the back corner. He stud when he saw her emerge.
“Destroyer?” Kate smiled when a very tall guy welcomed her.
“Hi Blue!” he grinned. “What’s up?”
Kate couldn’t hold her laugh back. She knew from Destroyer that he was very tall, but now when she really meet her, she couldn’t quite believe it.
“You are very tall!” she grinned back.
“And you are very short!”
With a quick move he crabbed around her waist, making Kate’s feet lift up the ground.
“Its good to see you, pumpkin!” Kate whispered when he had put her down.
“Same here.” Destroyers eyes flicked to her.
She heard a sudden over done coughing sound behind her back.
“Can we please leave the welcome hugs and kisses for later!” Short guy with small beard and ginger hair moved trough the people and stud in front of Kate.
“And you are?” she send him a growl.
What a little annoying thing! She told herself in her mind.
“I am the Capitan Maximums and I hope you are smart enough to obey my orders!”
Kate heard people snorting. It was so clear that nobody liked the little guy.
“I am telling you one thing, Capitan,” she hissed with a sudden bravery.
“I am listening.” The evil look in his eyes made Kate back off a little, but she was full of anger herself.
“Nobody gives me an orders except myself and my friends,” she pushed out. “And you are in no position to do so.”
The little guy laugh just like Kate had said something very funny.
“I am clad that you enjoyed my joke,” she spit out with a anger so grate she could have ran against the small creature with the force ten.
“So you are as wild as I was assuming after reading your little adventure with the enemy boy earlier,” he grinned. “Was he really worth the effort?”
Rage build up in Kate’s body. Her mind was overwhelmed with a thought to kill the annoying bug with now mercy.
“Calm down, Blue!” Destroyer whispered into her ear, holding his arms around her like a chain.
“Let me just show him how much I like him!” she hissed under her breath. “Just a few broken bones will do just fine.”
“As far as we all here are concerned its not a custom to fool around with members in enemy companies,” Capitan Maximums continued. “So I would recommend you, sweetheart, to be loyal to me and other VRU members. After all- we are your family.”
Kate’s body was so tense that all she wanted to do was jump out of the human gage Destroyer had made and rest her wrist in the face of Capitan Maximums. She had never liked the violence, but just that moment she felt so angry that she was ready to go against anyone who dared to judge her relationship with Mac.
“Or perhaps you like to join his company?” he grinned. “Or maybe you will just have to run away with him and leave us- the normal people- find a way out of the game.”
Kate didn’t notice the exact moment when Deadly flew over the other people. He threw himself against the little ginger head as hard as he had been able to.
“I AM GOING TO RIP YOUR F*****G HEAD OFF!” he shouted and planted his wrist into Capitan Maximums face. The ginger haired guy flew against the floor and stayed there.
“You are going to regret that,” he hissed, but didn’t make a try to fight back.
“As long as it keeps you arrogant a*s on the ground I have nothing to regret,” Deadly hissed. “You have no right to talk to anyone like that. Especially with Blue!” his face was furious. Anger was the only emotion Kate could see that very moment when Deadly kept his eyes on the ginger head.
“Destroyer?” Deadly turned his chase to the young guy who chained Blue against his chest.
“Yes?” he answered quietly. Blue felt his heart bound with fear.
“Can you please take Blue to her living department.” Deadly commanded. “I will join her in a minute. There is some mess to be cleaned up first!”
Deadly shoot Blue a look she didn’t want to remember. The dark grey eyes of his sank her heart into the deepest part of her body. There was no mercy in his look, yet she managed to catch a look of hurt and disappointment.
“Blue?” Destroyer whispered to her. “Can you please come with me!”
Kate knew Destroyer didn’t want to make her suffer, but she also knew sometimes it was wise to listen the orders of someone else.
“Fine,” she took a deep breath and started to walk, Destroyer just behind her.
“This ain’t over yet,” the ginger head hissed when she walked past him. The guy was still sitting on the floor, holding a wet cotton wool on his broken nose. “No VRU runs with enemy’s.”
“If you are not happy with that then change a company, ginger face!” Kate said with a laugh. “I am sure MMO is better place for an a*s holes like you!”
She heard laughing over the whole room. Something inside her melted. Kate knew nobody in VRU liked war and regardless what was going on between her and Mac- she wasn’t been judged by real members.
“You know that Capitan Maximums is the leader of the company?” Destroyer announced when they had exited the main room.
“I don’t really care,” Kate smiled. “Didn’t I make it clear enough?”
“You sure did.” Destroyer chuckled. “But you have made a serious enemy.”
“One more enemy is not a problem. Even if he is in the same company.”
“You are brave!” Destroyer grinned.
“No, you are!” Kate stopped and faced him.
“How is that?” his stern face turned into a soft smile.
“You found the courage to hold me back,” she said seriously. “That is what I call brave.”
Destroyers laugh filled the tunnel they walked in. It was plain and white so Kate felt sudden claustrophobia coming up. Was everything so minimalistic and plain?
“Can I ask you something?” Destroyer turned to the left tunnel.
“Ask what?” Blue scowled. She didn’t like the tone in his voice.
“What is really the reason you hate Deadly so much? I mean, I thought you two were friends?”
“Its a long story!” Kate didn’t want to think about Simon-Deadly.
“Well I have no hurry to anywhere,” Destroyer grinned. “And you might need some help with the features you have in your room.”
“Do I have to spill the beans?” her face was annoyed just as she was forced to eat mushy peas what she hated so much more than anything else in the world.
“No, but I really want to know!”
They stopped by the white door and Kate pushed her hand on the door- nob.
“ACCES GRAUNTED! WELCOME BLUE!” computerised voice said and the door slide open.
“You might want to name your personal computer,” Destroyer smiled when they entered her room.
Welcome to hell! Kate told herself and fell back first into the white bed.
“So tell me about you and Deadly!” Destroyer launched himself next to her.
“Fine,” Kate hissed. “Where should I start!”
“From the beginning.”
© 2013 Kathrine |
Added on November 17, 2013 Last Updated on November 17, 2013 Author![]() KathrineTorpoint, Cornwall, United KingdomAboutThere are a lot of things I could tell about myself, but before you actually know me, you will never understand who I am. My mind is just like a puzzle with different pieces what doesn’t always .. more..Writing