![]() Chapter 2A Chapter by KathrineChapter 2
Kate had argued with herself the whole day. Was she really ready to go out with a another alive person? Especially, because the person was Simon- the guy with deadly eyes and a secret perfection. In fact Simon was the complete opposite to her- possessing over everybody and everything. But some crazy reason, Kate found herself amused with him. Maybe because she didn’t know much about the real feelings to another person. As far as she was concerned there was nothing she wanted to feel more than happiness.
Now standing by the ferry slip, Kate had made herself a promise- she was never going to dig too deep into his soul. Simon had something to hide and she didn’t think it was her right to find out. In her mind every person had the right to stay confidential and she wasn’t in any position to get underneath the secrets people hid from the world.
As always, Kate was early, but this time not because she really wanted to be. Curiosity had driven her crazy since the moment she had made a decision to meet Simon.
Its just a innocent date with work mate!
She had told herself when the front door of her apartment had closed behind her back. Al tough even then she still had an option to run back to her rented home and hide like a chicken. But the drive of changing something her life gave Kate a kick in the back side. She knew running away didn’t help to change her life so she took a deep breath and got ready to meet Simon, hoping that she had made a right decision.
Ferry approached the Plymouth side. Kate felt goose pimps all over her body. Was she going to regret or enjoy her time with Simon? It didn’t matter how much she wanted to believe that everything was going to be fine, there was still the silent question in her mind- what was the point of everything? Her life was falling into a pieces and as far as she was concerned nobody wanted to play with broken toys. Especially when the toys were broken inside.
Small wind blew into Kate’s face when she stud by the bus stop. She looked the clock what showed twenty minutes past eight and she frowned. Was Simon just joking with her and she had now made a complete idiot out of herself? Anger overpowered her thoughts. She wanted to hit him straight into his stupid face and brake every single bone. How did he dare to play a such a silly joke on her? There was no way Kate was going to wait any longer. She had waited long enough to make herself look stupid.
“Such a waste of time!” She hissed to herself walked to the first ferry she saw coming in.
Never again was she going to believe Simon. He was just a arrogant a*s hole and Kate wished she could make him disappear. Maybe there was a way to never meet him again? Kate fell on the blue chair and hid her face into her arms. Some things are never meant to be changed! She thought. Her life was falling apart, but she had a way to ignore the cracks in the wall. Just that very moment she banked on the ability of hers to make things look fine to others and believe there is nothing to worry about. All she had to do was hide her own broken soul into the deepest part of her mind so she could only run on the machine like energy. That was all she wished.
*** With a grate disappointment about the earlier failure, Kate escaped into the virtual world. She had never felt more urge to brush the reality out of her life just like a dust on the work surface. She was going to be someone else she had secretly wanted to be since her perfect routine started to fall. She wished she could be Blue forever. Despite the fact that she knew that his dream was more than impossible, she logged into a familiar site. The secret joy took hold of her mind, making her wait the green button so he could fly free. But this time she wished it would not be just her imagination dream when she click START.
The sudden darkness around her made Kate loose he consciousness. She felt how her body drifted between reality and something else- something so light, just like she had been in a space. He mid was as free as she had wished for, but there was some bitter sweet after-taste. Was she really just dreaming?
“All systems ready!”
Kate smiled when she head the familiar sound of the start. She opened her eyes so she could face the old computer screen of hers, but if she could have known what she was facing instead, maybe she could have kept her wishes under the hat.
“BLUE!!!” Mac
“What is going on?” Blue
She found herself sitting inside her created space ship. What was going on? How on earth did he got there?
“I cant believe you are stuck in the game as well???” Mac
“Is that just some kind of sick joke? “ Blue.
She wanted to close her eyes again and hope that she would wake up soon after that. This couldn’t be possible? The ship, the space and the voice of Mac in her head.
“I have tried to figure that out since I got sucked into my PC.” Mac.
“Have you had any success?” Blue.
“No, not really!” Mac.
“This must be just some kind of silly joke and there will be someone jumping out from behind the blind folded wall right now.” Blue.
“I wish.” Mac.
Kate had never imagined Macs voice and now when she had heard it real she found herself thinking how did the guy look like. Well she knew he loved himself a lot, so perhaps he was the most good looking male she had ever seen. Or maybe the most annoying.
“How did you get into here first place?” Blue.
“I don’t know, I think I just logged in and clicked the START button.” Mac.
“Well same here.” Blue.
“Sounds like we have something in comment after all.” Mac.
Kate heard him laughing in his head. How did she managed to hear him? She thought and touched her ears and found headset.
“And what is that?” Blue.
“Well we both managed to get here.” Mac.
“Do you think its only two of us?” Blue.
Was she stuck in the game only with Mac or was there somebody else who have known what was going on? Was Destroyer sucked in as well? She couldn’t think of anybody else she was likely to want to meet, but suddenly her mind changed. There was someone else she wanted to meet, but knew it would have been the worse idea she could have ever made.
“BLUE darling, how in earth you got here?” Deadly.
Kate jumped. The second voice in her head made her body shiver. She knew who was the person. His face appeared before her eyes. The dark eyes with the scent of death made her fall into a deep darkness just to meet the person she was facing- SIMON!
“Blue, are you all right? Or are you blanking me?” Deadly.
“Mac, I have got a problem!” Blue.
Regardless how strong she wanted to be, there was the fear inside her what made Kate reach out to his best mate.
“What is it?” Mac.
“I think I have just entered a hell!” Blue.
“That makes two of us!” Mac.
The smiling sound in his voice made Kate understand that whatever situation she was in now, there was always someone who was going to help her to get out.
“BLUE?” Deadly.
The anticipation in his voice made Kate jump again and again. She had already got herself stuck into the relaxing feeling what Mac had given her, but now she was snatched back to the reality. Well Kate wasn’t sure yet was she just dreaming or not. Half of her didn’t want to come around and believe what was going around her. The game couldn’t been real. There was no proper explanation to it. It must have been a dream, regardless how real everything felt.
“Mac!” Blue.
“Yes!” Mac.
“Where are you?” Blue.
“I am nearly where you are!” Mac.
“How do you know where I am?” Blue.
With a scowl she looked around and found a small window open on the screen of her ship showing Macs name. So her computer had added him into the group. She had no idea how to use her ship. It was just like she had made it, but now she could figure out what was she suppose to do. Flying it in her PC was piece of cake, but now she felt so overwhelmed with everything.
“Because you are in my group so don’t even try to shoot me.” Mac.
His happy laugh made Kate’s heart sank.
“Well I don’t think I can manage that before I learn to use my ship.” Blue.
“Its as easy as child splay. Just remember never get killed or you will be out of action for a while.” Mac.
“If we get killed are we going to be out of game?” Blue.
Small hope raised its head when Kate thought about the possibility to escape. She didn’t want to face Deadly as she was pretty sure he was Simon. She felt an urge to vomit when she thought about the embarrassment of being left waiting by him.
“I don’t know, but I am not going to find it out myself.” Mac.
“Are you scared?” Blue.
“No, but what if we will never wake up after being popped?” Mac.
Kate had not thought about that and now she didn’t feel so brave about getting shot down any more. What if that meant real death?
“So now fly yourself to the safe zone and you and me will find a way to make the best of the game!” Mac.
Kate wanted to hit him. Was Mac the only one who could have been so casual about the game? They were stuck in the virtual world and all he could do was making silly jokes what sounded quite dirty way to Kate’s ears.
“You better behave yourself.” Blue.
Mac laugh for an answer. He was deffenetly out of his mind, but Kate knew she was going to enjoy every moment of his company, regardless the fact that Mac was an enemy.
*** She couldn’t believe how easy was to fly her ship. Mac had been right- it was like a child’s play. Her vision was so clear that she could have mistaken herself into the beauty of space.
“Really, Blue! You gotta be a bit faster!” Mac.
She heard him chuckle. “I don’t think I am.” Blue.
She placed her eyes on the ship by the safe zone, assuming its was Macs, and parked hers next to it. Waiting for the safe door to connect her ship, she went trough the log history. It was empty. Just like she hadn’t played the game for days. With a surprise she closed the window and opened the global chat. Sounds of different voices filled her head.
I suppose me and Mac and Deadly are not the only people stuck in here! She smiled to herself. She picked up some familiar names and stopped on the name she was surprised to find.
“Destroyer?” Blue.
“Hi Blue? Why are you in a group?” Destroyer.
“Do you have any idea what is going on?” Blue.
“Not really, but I have some very interesting theories.” Destroyer.
“And they are?” Blue.
“You gotta come to the base and I will tell you.” Destroyer.
“Base?” Blue.
“The home map.” Destroyer.
“Oh, OK. I will be there soon, after I meet Mac.” Blue.
“OK.” Destroyer.
“Stay safe.” Blue.
“Always will.” Destroyer.
Kate knew she was going to be happy to see her clan mate, but she wasn’t happy that he was going to have to be there. He was just too young to be stuck in a space. Destroyer was her best friend and the only clan member she could have trusted. There had to be a way she could have saved him from whatever the game was going to put them trough.
“Blue!” Destroyer.
“Yes.” Blue.
“You should probably know that there is someone here stressing about you. And he is really mad. Few guys had to hold him down before he calmed down enough so he would not fly trough the whole space to find you.” Destroyer.
Kate knew who Destroyer was talking about. She also knew that she had to face every single player she had ever talked to. Half of her was exited to meet them, but the other half wanted to hide.
“Well I will be there as soon as I have done what I need to do.” Blue.
“You gotta hurry up or you will have a army after you.” Destroyer.
Kate had never thought someone might really care about him. But now she realized there was more in the voice of her clan member than she had ever known.
“As far as I am concerned I have no hurry to anywhere.” Blue.
“Just make sure Mac will behave or I will come and pop him.” Destroyer.
Kate heard herself laughing. She had always thought Destroyer was brave, but never really believed he could put his own life in risk for her.
“Thank you Destroyer, but I think that is not necessary. I fight my own war and Mac has no power to fight me. “ Blue.
“His shields will crumble under your touch.” Destroyer.
“I will hope so.” Blue.
“Just please keep yourself safe, Blue. I would really like to meet you :)” Destroyer.
“I will see you in a base soon enough.” Blue.
The safety door had come down and sucked itself on Kate’s ship. She opened it and stepped out into the see-trough tunnel. Kate felt the urge to lie down and stare the amazing space underneath her, but she knew Mac was waiting and it wasn’t nice to waste his time.
The quest port was full of light and different windows. She saw the pictures of aliens flickering before her eyes. With a urge to touch the lights in the air she lifted her left hand. The first window opened and gave her a specific quest description. The amusement in her mind took her breath away. It was like she had dreamed things were, but now she actually saw the world she had urged to meet.
“Blue?” Macs voice came behind her when she emerged to the quest station.
With a slow move she turned around and faced a tall guy with the deepest blue eyes she had ever seen.
“Mac?” she whispered.
“You have no idea how much I wished to see you, Blue!” Mac smiled and pulled her into his chest. He felt warm and Kate closed her eyes so she could inhale his scent.
“Most people would shake their hands,” Kate smiled when she pulled away from him to have a good look.
“I am not most people,” Mac grinned and copied her action.
“Well you are not, but have you ever heard that some people have a personal space?” Kate frowned.
Mac was defenetly not some average teenager, nor was he looking like a nerd adult. He was quite tall with fair hair and eyes she could have drowned into. His smile was warm, calling her to trust him.
“I am sorry, but seeing you made me feel a special need to cuddle the f**k out of you!”
Kate wanted to throw something to him, but instead she burst to laugh.
“You are kind of cute when you go crazy,” Mac teased and pulled her into his hug again. “But you might have to fly back to VRU base before your cute boyfriend to be will come and rip me into small pieces.”
Kate pulled away from Mac with a sudden surprise.
“I DONT have a boyfriend!” she almost shouted.
“Well according to global you are in a serious trouble if you wont leave now!” Mac couldn’t hold his grin back and Kate realized he was up to something naughty.
“What have you done?” she narrowed her eyes.
“Nothing much!” he looked like a innocent dear. “I just got too exited and global chatted to my friend that I am in a party with Blue.”
“And?” Kate feared the worst.
“Some guy called Deadly asked me to 1v1 him as he thinks he has a right over you,” he explained casually.
“Not good,” Kate moaned. “I gotta go now or I have put you against a death itself.”
Mac smiled and stopped her running, pulling her back against him.
“You should give yourself some credits,” he whispered into her ear. “You are worth fighting for.”
“And you need to run before I make a hat out of you,” Kate warned and pulled herself free.
“Only you could say that,” Mac caught her up before she left the quest port back to her ship. “Fly safe bubble.” and he hugged her quick.
“Stay away from VRU Mac. “ Kate send him a smile and entered her ship.
It was time to face the demon.
© 2013 Kathrine |
Added on November 17, 2013 Last Updated on November 17, 2013 Author![]() KathrineTorpoint, Cornwall, United KingdomAboutThere are a lot of things I could tell about myself, but before you actually know me, you will never understand who I am. My mind is just like a puzzle with different pieces what doesn’t always .. more..Writing