Of all the people they could have roomed me with it had to be him. They probably figured since I couldn't hear him he'd be less annoying but it turns out is even worse. At least out loud he can control his speech. In his head it's just constant singing. And worse yet his species is almost completely inept of keeping secrets, I doubt he could work a mind lock if his life depended on it. We unpack our things in silence, well as silent as it can get without his incessant dribble of mismatched melodies and ideas. I get the feeling the lyrics would rhyme had they been vocalized instead of read directly from his brain. He thinks loudly, obnoxiously, keeping his most current thoughts at the forefront of his mind. I'm getting the message loud and clear. He is nervous, he fears he won't make friends, he'll be ostracized, humiliated, and branded a freak much like others of his species. He becomes increasingly aware of my presents in the room and he considers saying hello. On reflex I push a greeting towards him before I remember he can't read my thoughts and I'll have to talk. Since my species communicates telepathically we had no need for speech or hearing. Of course upon entering the academy I was given a speech box but I know it sounds funny. I myself can't hear it but every time I use it a hearing person will think about how weird it sounds. I press the thick metal stylus to the box attached to my throat. I signal it will my mind to greet him and the word "hello" he looks startled. He moves his lips, whatever his lips are saying his head is alarmed, he didn't think I could talk, he doesn't know I can read minds. "I don't know what you are saying but I know what you are thinking" I say. He wonders very loudly if the kind of "collar" I wear also works on animals. behind locked doors in my mind I insult him, tell him that his form of communications might be 'music' to the inhabitants of this idiotic planet but it is revolting mind vomit to me. I inform him my speech box is a remarkable piece of technology and that it only works with highly intelligent creatures. He is a fool to compare me to the beasts on this planet. Of course he has no way of reading these thoughts I throw at him, it's like as they say here, in one ear and out the out her. I sigh. He looks at me surprised that I'm audible at all. It's breath idiot, it makes noise. He is thinking that its weird I make noise at all. He thinks it's creepy that I don't speak out loud. I am officially angry. I press the stylus to my throat and toss the first thing that came into my mind. Which happened to be a compliment. As the scene played out I stood shaking in a stance meant for battle with the electronic voice overloading the volume circuit with the force I throw my thoughts with and I can hear the vibrations in my chest and I can read the message I hurled at him echo through his brain. My words to be precise "quit your incessant thinking, you thoughts sound like bile, your blond hair is a rare beauty for my species to lay eyes on and I find it quite attractive." It ehcos through his whole brain his thoughts like the specks of snow setting at the bottom of a snow globe and standing tall in the center is a broadcasting tower sending the same message reverberating through his hollowed mind. 'I find it quite attractive' aggravated and hopelessly out of touch with the current emotional state of my mind I run out of the room. I hate this planet.