Time Waits For No One

Time Waits For No One

A Poem by Kat Collins

Death is knocking at her door, my dear friend greets him warmly. Come in, come in...it's time to go home.


She’s wasting away to nothing,

A shell of skin, bones, and air.

Cancer eats her from the inside out

Consuming every last drop.

Brave whispers and pats on the back,

She comforts those around her.

It should be the other way around,

In her last days, moments,



I breathe in full of sorrow

As she breathes out her life.

She calls me her angel,

As I sit by her side.

Holding her hand desperately

Wanting selfishly to keep her bound.

Tethered to this earthly dirt,

There’s never enough time.



Her father sobs his heart,

Pleading and questioning God.

He’s losing his wife, too,

While his daughter lays wasting.

Dementia or alzheimer’s,

Who’s to say what’s what.

All he knows is she doesn’t remember,

Can’t see, can’t read, can’t comfort,

As her daughter lays dying,

While her husband is weeping.


So the sand runs through

The hourglass so fragile.

Time continuously ticks,

It’s ever-present sounding gong.

I watch the scene before me,

A broken family with no hope.

It’s moments like this I ask,

I weep and gnash and plead,



Silence of a benevolent hand,

Brushing my shoulder soft.

A tendril slip of breeze,

Caressing softly round my cheek.

Embraced by His love so profound,

I know the answers well.

Time waits for no one,

Urging us to heed its call,


© 2011 Kat Collins

Author's Note

Kat Collins
My friend is moments away from passing to the next life from cancer. Her mother is fading fast into dementia. Her father is bearing the cross of it all. My heart is weeping, my sorrow is full. ***UPDATE-PAM PASSED AWAY TODAY 10/1/11

Written for Pam McLaughlin, Len McLaughlin, and Peg McLaughlin

Happy Birthday, Pam....I love you.

My Review

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Heartfelt and painful. A grounding of emotionas and yes, an inevitable tear. You have done your friend a great service and justice here my friend. And it's not a question of poetry or prose, but my thoughts are with you. Thank you for sharing what must have been a difficult piece to write.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


A very moving and powerful utpouring of the feelings... such situations are a reminder of life's realities... salved only by the embrace of Love that sooths and heals...

Posted 13 Years Ago

As a ten year old boy I watched as my grandfather was eaten by the big c whilst my great grandmother in the adjacent room also dying was slowly losing her mind and her memories so this piece truely tugs at my heartstrings rending my cheeks wet with tears. No man should lose both his daughter and his wife in so short a time. Your love and tender heart clearly makes the poignant point that you are also hurting. My prayers and well wishes go out to you both, keep em' coming

Posted 13 Years Ago

Oh my goodness this is SO sad and yet so powerful to. The first stanza of this poem it hits the reader hard, and that's what it did for me as the reader . Great job

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Forgive my clumsy words. This is a powerful piece, pain and sorrow, a perfect expression of what we all have experienced, or one day must. The specifics may be different, but the feelings are shared. The end of the poem tells us not to allow grief to consume us totally, we must honour our loved ones who have travelled ahead of us with memory and filling our lives with all that they wished for us, so in the end there is always hope. As I say, the specifics may be different but I know from where you speak. This piece is a gift to us all, and honours the friends you named beautifully. Thank you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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My thoughts and prayers will be sent to you and your friends and family.. My friend is dying of cancer and it's amazing how they embrace the journey.. xo

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

And all in all I have a poem called "Time is Whatever YOU make it" think it goes well with your concept.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Everything I keep trying to put in this box "sounds" pompous - but its not meant like that. The story is real and told with feeling. Putting "meaning" to their life is the best conscious action we can do... Kat you reached and held another in their need. And they held you as well in yours - even now. "Blessed Be..."


Posted 13 Years Ago

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There is a better place awaiting for your friend Pam right now. Let me direct you to the poem One Step of Foot Prints In The Sand. I have loss so many of the men I have loved and I have questioned the Lord to as to why he did it. However, read some of my poems of reconciliation. Perhaps they will reconcile you to the Lord and The Lord to you. Lucie

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

yes there is no answer for how and when...it never seems right...In my heart now as well..safe Huggs..Laury

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Heartfelt and painful. A grounding of emotionas and yes, an inevitable tear. You have done your friend a great service and justice here my friend. And it's not a question of poetry or prose, but my thoughts are with you. Thank you for sharing what must have been a difficult piece to write.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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20 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on September 30, 2011
Last Updated on October 1, 2011


Kat Collins
Kat Collins

Allentown, PA

I'm a writer, freelance web designer, and voracious reader. I'm a collector of words, experiences, and emotions. I've been writing since I was "knee-high to a grasshopper" and feel lost without it. Wr.. more..


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