Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Sixteen

A Chapter by Rae

Vacation is back on as Gaby, Kyo, and Ali get back to the resort. After a get-together in Kasi's room, Gaby realizes that her and Ryuu are the last single ones in the crew.

   "You guys took the car without even asking!" Kasi scolded the three in front of her. She had made them sit on their knees in front of her as punishment. "You went into my room and took the keys without permission! Then after you guys left, you broke into my house! And Ali! You should not have even ran off! You let your pride get the best of you instead of just telling them how you felt in the first place!"

   The three remained silent, letting Kasi yell at them. The rest of the crew had retreated from Kasi's fury and were now behind the corner, watching in silence.

   "Oi~." Kasi sighed, "I'm glad you're back though, Ali. We were all very worried about you. Even Ryuu was worried."

   "Like hell I was!" Ryuu shouted from around the corner.

   Kasi shot him a glare, making him retreat back, before continuing, "Let's just put the past behind us now, alright? Don't do it again though."

   "Yes, ma'am." the three of them said in unison. They got up off their knees, relieved that the blood was flowing back into their legs.

   Ali and Kyo held hands once again and Kasi took notice.

   "You guys... are dating?!"

   Ali and Kyo nodded and responded with a, "Yes."

   "What about Gaby?" Kasi asked.

   Gaby answered, "We weren't really dating. We only did it so Ali would get jealous and this would happen."

   The rest of the crew came out from hiding and all of them were sitting in their usual circle. Every couple sat next to their partner.

   Kasi and Shimeji made goo-goo eyes at each other, Ken and Dai rested their heads together, Ali reluctantly sat in Kyo's lap, and then there was Gaby and Ryuu sitting awkwardly side by side. The two watched all the couples in partial disgust.

   'This is awkward.' they thought in unison.

   "Hey~." Kasi giggled, "Looks like it's only you two now."

   Everyone smiled at them in a rather creepy fashion.

   Even Ali smirked and said, "Remember, Ryuu, when you told me that you would get a girlfriend when I did? Well I have one. So you have to get one now."

   "Last time I checked, Kyo was a guy." Ryuu growled, "Therefore, he cannot be a girlfriend."

   "Oh, so you checked, eh?" Ali sneered, "It totally counts."

   "Does not!"

   "Does so!"

   "No! It doesn't!"

   "Yes! It f*****g does!"



   "Shut up!" Kasi rubbed her temples.

   Everyone obeyed as they sat in silence for the rest of the day.


   It was turning dark and that meant only one thing.

   "Hot springs time!" Gaby piped. She hadn't been in the Hot Springs yet, even though they had been there for four days. Tomorrow was the last day, so Gaby was determined to have a good time that night.

   "Let's go, shall we?" Kasi asked. She and Gaby would be the only ones in the girl springs, since all the rest of their friends were males.

   Shimeji clung to Kasi's leg, "Baby! I want to go with you!"

   Kasi laughed nervously, "Sorry, honey. Gaby needs some company, so you can't go with us."

   "He'll be safe with us." Ryuu smirked, "Right, 'Shi-Kun'?"

   "Help me..." Shimeji sobbed as Ryuu threw him over his shoulder and walked off to the male side of the springs.

   The only ones who were not going to the springs were Ali and Kyo. Those two told everyone that they would just be taking a walk. After all the wolf-whistles and Ali screaming at Ryuu, the two left.

   "And then there were two." Kasi smiled as she slipped into the springs. "How has your life been, Gaby-tan?"

   "I've been alright." Gaby said, "That trip drained almost all of my energy away. I hadn't expected to find Ali so soon, or that he would be so hostile."

   Kasi nodded and asked, "Why not just get it off your chest and tell me? I've been curious about what went down anyway."

   Gaby recalled how they had found Ali the first day of looking and how the conflict went down. Gaby did not tell Kasi about Ali and Kyo's yakuza past. She didn't feel Kasi was untrustworthy, but felt that it wasn't her story to tell. After Gaby finished, Kasi's eyes went wide.

   "Wow." Kasi breathed out, "That's something alright."

   Gaby sighed, "Yeah. And on another note, I feel like a total loner now that everyone is paired up. This sucks."

   "There's always Ryuu, right? He isn't paired up. And didn't you say you liked him?"

   "Yeah, but we barely talk, so why would he be interested in me for?"

   Kasi shrugged. "There is only one way to solve your problem and that is to flirt it up with him."

   "I doubt he would even look at me if I tried to flirt now. I mean, now that everyone is paired up, won't he just think we have to get together because everyone else is? I don't want to be together because we have to. I want to be together because we want to."

   "Pretty deep thinking there."

   "Thanks. Besides, I never even had a normal conversation with him. How am I suppose to get to know him if I can't talk to him normally?"

   "Just be yourself, Gaby! You'll do fine! Why not start tomorrow? Just ask him casual things like why he and Ali always fight, or if he has any siblings. Ryuu can be a pretty likeable guy when he wants to be."

   "You're right. I'll try my best!"

   Kasi smiled and said, "Good girl. Now let's get out and get some rest. Tomorrow will be our last day here."

   "Right." Gaby followed after the older girl.

The Boys' Springs

   Ken, Dai, Shimeji, and Ryuu were all relaxing in the springs when Shimeji splashed Ryuu.

   "The hell, man?!" Ryuu growled and went to dunk the other.

   "Are you gonna ask Gaby-tan out or what?!" Shimeji shouted, "This is getting ridiculous!"

   Ryuu sank into the water. "What do you even mean?! Why do I have to ask her out?!"

   Ken tried to calm the other. "He's saying that since you two are the only ones left now."

   Ryuu scoffed and said, "Just because we are the last single ones in the group doesn't mean we HAVE to f*****g date! What if I don't even like her?!"

   The other three boys gasped and gave Ryuu and appalled look.

   "What?" Ryuu asked.

   Daisuke started, "Just watch talk to her at least. Maybe you two can get to know each other better. Isn't it worth a shot?"

   "You are just trying to get us together!" Ryuu yelled.

   "Look at it this way then." Ken smiled and continued, "Since the rest of us are with our lovers most of the time, Gaby is going to be all alone with no one to hang out with. Be a friend to her, Ryuu."

   Ryuu thought for a moment. "I guess you are right there... but doesn't she have that Yuka-b***h?"

   Shimeji splashed Ryuu again. "Dude! Just be her friend! Don't make me tell Ali on you!"

   Ryuu sneered. "Don't bring that dickwad into this. That f****t can--" Ryuu stopped after he realized what he had said. He looked at Ken and Dai and noticed Dai's seething glare.

   "Dai... I didn't--" Ryuu began, but he was interrupted by Daisuke getting out of the springs and walking off.

   Ken had a hurt look on him as well, and when Ryuu tried to apologize, Ken replied, "I know you didn't mean anything by it..." Ken left right after Dai, trying to catch up with his boyfriend.

   "You are such a f*****g a*****e." Shimeji said and followed after Ken.

   Ryuu sighed and dunked his head under the water, hoping the water would just kill him quickly.

© 2012 Rae

Author's Note

I'm currently taking ideas for the next few chapters! If there is anything you would like to put in here, you can put it in your review and I'll try to fit it in. I've only a few chapters until the final TS and ideas are running dry. That means the next few chapters might be shorter than the rest. ^^"

My Review

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Wow Ryuu. That was awful.

Yknow one thing that I never praised you for was having all these relationships go on at once without it being confusing. I can remember who is with who and why, which is pretty amazing. People dont usually write a book with so many characters because it's a huge burden to tackle, but you've done an excellent job.

Now I want to know what happens. God awful Ryuu. God awful. >:(

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you so much! I was originally scared to write so many people into a story. And as I was writin.. read more
Ryuu's a*s-ness is over 9,000. I don't like how he said such a mean word in front of them like that. You know how I am about gay-pride, Kasi-Chan. Ryuu has moved down my list of favorites. >:(

Posted 12 Years Ago

Great chapter. I really enjoyed it. It was certainly worth the wait. ^^

Posted 12 Years Ago

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ryuu deserves to be alone.thats whats up.DAMNIT why cant everyone kick his a*s

Posted 12 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on June 30, 2012
Last Updated on July 21, 2012



Some interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..

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A Book by Rae

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A Chapter by Rae