![]() Kyo and Ali's Story: Part Three(Final)A Chapter by Rae![]() The thrilling conclusion! Will Kyo and Ali get together? Will Ali kill Gaby for stealing Kyo...? ^^" Read to find out.![]()
"After we parted from our families, we changed our hair and clothes. And then our names. Ali took the name 'Ali' because it was his own alias that he came up with. I kept the name 'Kyo' because there were a lot of Kyos in Tokyo. Our last names changed as well. I became 'Kyo Takashi' and Ali became 'Ali Kurokawa'." Kyo explained, "We enrolled into a school in a nearby town and graduated there. Because we tried to avoid being delinquents in school, we had high grades and we got scholarships to go to college Tokyo. It was very tough work. We had to live together in an apartment for students, so night jobs were a must. We didn't really get to see each other outside of school due to our jobs; maybe that's why we hadn't grown closer during those times."
Gaby smiled, "I admire hard work." Kyo smiled back, "As do I." Kyo sighed, "I wish Ali would just look inside himself. Maybe he will see how he truly feels for me. Or maybe I'm just getting my hopes up for nothing and he really doesn't like me." Gaby felt sorry for Kyo and was going to give him a sympathy pat on the back when an idea hit her. She smiled wickedly, "Hey, Kyo. I've got an idea." "Really?" Kyo raised a brow, "What is it?" ... Gaby and Kyo watched as Ali gave the two searing glares. Everyone else was slightly shocked, but also very happy, that the two of them were together. After all the hype had faded, everyone would be going back to their rooms and getting ready to go into the hot springs. However, Kyo and Gaby told the gang that they would be going for a walk instead. Wolf-whistles and howls later, the two had walked down one of the paths that went around the resort. Little did they know, purple eyes decided to follow them. ... "Whoa." Gaby kept her fingers intertwined with Kyo's, just in case someone was to see them, "I didn't think Ali would be so pissed." "At least I know that he likes me to some extent." Kyo smiled, "I could see the jealousy burning in his eyes." "It was a good idea to go out then." Gaby said, "Maybe if we kissed, you know, on the cheek more often, he would get even more angry." Kyo shrugged, "I don't mind if we do. I'd be happy to have such a small and cute girlfriend like you, Gaby-Tan." Kyo ruffled her hair, which made her giggle. Ali, who had been stalking for a while, growled silently and whispered to himself, "They just went out to make me angry?! Do they think they can play me for a fool?! I'll show them!" He ran off in a huff back to his room. "Anyway." Kyo began, "How long do we have to keep this thing a secret?" "Until Ali does something." Gaby explained, "He needs to confront us. That's when we will corner him and get a confession out of him. Then you two can be together and it's all uphill from there." "There's just one problem." Kyo sighed, "Ali has a TON of pride. It won't be easy for him to confront us." Gaby nodded, "Then we just need to REALLY flirt it up when he's around. Okay with you?" Kyo smiled, "As long as Ali realizes and we are together, yes." "Right." Gaby tugged on Kyo's hand, "Let's go back now. The others are probably wondering where we are." ... Ali sat in his room, anger pulsing through his veins. However, he felt strangely calm. He breathed and got back up. He grabbed his bag and began stuffing things back into it. 'Coward.' his brain told him, 'You are running away from your feelings.' "Shut up." he told himself, "I am running away because Kyo wants me to." 'You're a filthy liar.' "SHUT UP!" Ali punched the wall nearest to him. A huge hole was there as he withdrew. Paying it no mind, Ali kept packing until he was finished. He needed to hurry before Kyo and Gaby got back from their walk. If either one found him, they would surely never let him leave. Ali took a piece of paper and a pencil. However, he held the pencil too tightly and it snapped in half. "D****t!" Ali retrieved another pencil and wrote his short letter to Kyo. He grabbed his pack, opened the door, and looked out. No one was in the hall, so Ali walked out and slid over to Kyo's door. He went in and placed his letter on Kyo's bed. And pulling his hat over his eyes, he walked out of the room and began his trek back to Tokyo, alone. ... Gaby and Kyo arrived back from their walk to discover everyone in the hot springs. They decided to join the rest of the crew. Gaby was in her room changing when she heard a knock at her door. She opened it to reveal Kyo with a solemn expression. "What's wrong?" Gaby asked. Kyo said nothing, but he did thrust a paper in her direction. Gaby took the paper and read the three words on the paper. 'F**k you, Kyo!' the paper read. "This was definitely Ali's doing." Kyo said, "And I looked in his room. All his things are gone and so is he." "What?!" Gaby gaped, "Seriously?!" Kyo nodded, "Maybe... maybe we went too far." "No way!" Gaby smiled, "This is perfect!" "Eh?" Kyo raised a brow, "How so?" Gaby explained, "I didn't think we would have a break-through so quickly! Ali must really have a lower pride then we thought OR he must REALLY like you, Kyo. It had only been three hours since we announced our 'relationship' and he has already left due to not wanting to be around us. If he had a higher pride, he would have stayed around for longer. Then again, maybe it was his love for you that made him set aside his pride just to leave." "I see." Kyo said, "Then what should we do?" "Go after him." Gaby said simply, "That's where we will corner him. If we don't do this right now, then it'll just be harder the more we wait." "Right." Kyo nodded and walked out to get his stuff. Gaby began packing her stuff as well. ... When they were both all done, Gaby suggested that they tell the rest of the crew where they would be heading. Gaby ventured to the female side of the hot springs and found Kasi all alone. It made her feel a bit guilty. "Hey, Kasi." Gaby greeted the girl sheepishly, "Sorry, but Kyo and I have to leave for a bit." "Gaby-Tan?" Kasi looked up when she heard her friend's voice, "Where will you guys be going?" "Ali ran off." Gaby explained, "We are going to find him and bring him back." Kasi squealed, "Oh my gosh! It's a love triangle! Sure, go ahead! We'll wait here for you guys! Well, not wait HERE in the hot springs, but here at the resort." "Thanks." Gaby bowed, "We'll be back soon... hopefully." "Good luck!" Kasi waved her off. ... Kyo met Gaby at the entrance, "I've told the guys and they all agreed for us to go look for him, while Ryuu said, 'Ali is such a puss'." Gaby cracked a smile, "Of course he would comment. Anyway, Ali probably had a good head start of about thirty or so minutes. If he hopped on the bus..." "Bus. Right." Kyo pointed to Kasi's car, "I say we take this." "Kasi's car?!" Gaby gasped, "No way! We would get in trouble!" "Really?" Kyo smirked uncharacteristically and showed her some keys, "Oh well. Let's go." Gaby hesitated while Kyo jumped into the front seat. Gaby sighed and jumped into the passenger seat; she had forgotten that he used to be a yakuza and would get into trouble frequently. Kyo started the car up and they drove off. ... Ali sat in his seat on the bus. He played with his backpack strap and contemplated his thoughts. It was still a few hours until he reached Tokyo again. He might as well sleep. Ali closed his eyes and drifted into oblivion. ... When Ali woke next, the driver was calling to the passengers. "We are reaching Tokyo soon, folks." the driver said. Ali sat up and waited patiently until the bus pulled to a stop. "Here we are." the driver called, "Tokyo." Ali got up and put on his backpack. As he was going to leave, he noticed an old lady struggling to get her bag from the top compartments. Ali sighed, reached up, and grabbed the bag. He put it in the old woman's hands and turned to leave. "Thank you, boy." the lady smiled. Ali offered a small smile back before jumping off the bus and heading down the street. He wasn't sure where he would go, but he had to think of something. He hadn't been looking where he was going until he smacked right into a couple of guys. "Sorry..." he mumbled an apology and tried to leave, but a hand on his shoulder prevented him from doing so. "'Sorry' isn't going to cut it, kid." said a familiar voice, "You're going to have to beg for my forgiveness." Ali sighed, "F**k off, man. I'm not in the mood." The guy growled, "A*****e!" His two friends laughed, "Get him, Izumo." The guy Ali bumped into, Izumo, nodded and went to punch Ali, but Ali ducked and gave him an uppercut. The man fell over and held his chin, eyes wide in shock. "There's only one guy that can do an uppercut THAT well..." one of his friends said, "And that's..." The three of them examined Ali until they suddenly cried, "KAORI-SAMA!" "EH?!" Ali yelped as the three guys attached themselves to his legs and waist, "The f**k?!" "Kaori-Sama!" Izumo cried, "You remember us, right? I'm Izumo! That's Keita and the other guy is Zoro!" "We were so worried about you, Kaori-Sama!" Keita sobbed. "We thought you'd died!" Zoro gushed. Ali was dumbstruck, he remembered these guys, "Oh... I remember YOU guys. You were ALWAYS on my a*s twenty four-seven." The guys got off and saluted him, "We are at your disposal, Kaori-Sama!" Ali sighed, "At ease, soldiers." as the guys put their hands down, Ali continued, "How's dad?" "Oh..." the three of them said nervously, "Boss has been... well... he's been better." Ali grimaced, "He took it THAT hard, eh?" Keita nodded, "After you left, Boss wouldn't come out of his room. He stayed locked up for a year. It's been three years now, huh?" "The last two were spent with Boss being almost completely silent." Zoro said, "He would only talk to give us orders, but not more than three words at a time practically." Izumo sighed, "It has really killed Boss. We looked all this time, and just when we were about to give up, you show up." Ali scratched his head, "Well... I don't have anywhere to go... do you think he would be mad if I went back?" The three men smiled widely, "No way! He would be absolutely ecstatic! Please, Kaori-Sama! You must come back! Boss will be his old self again!" Ali nodded, "Then, I have no choice. I'll go back." Izumo, Keita, and Zoro did a three-way high-five and crowded around Ali, "Boss is going to be so happy we found you that he will probably give us promotions!" Ali laughed half-heartily and thought, 'I haven't seen my father in three years. Ryouma-San... I'm coming home.' ... Gaby and Kyo parked in front of Kasi's apartment. "Do you know how to get in?" Kyo asked. Gaby huffed, "Yes, but I draw the line at breaking-and-entering! We already stole her car! We are NOT going into her house uninvited, Kyo!" Kyo's eyes were serious, "Where's the key?" Gaby coward under his gaze, "U-under the third rock in her garden." Kyo smiled warmly, "Thanks, Gaby-Tan." Gaby pouted, "Stupid yakuza." Kyo retrieved the key and entered the house. It looked so cold and lonely without Kasi or Arthur present. "This should be our base camp." Kyo explained, "We can stay here until we find Ali." Gaby reluctantly nodded, "As long as we do it quick. If Kasi realizes we took her car..." "She won't find out." Kyo reassured the girl, "It's dark now, so why don't we start our search tomorrow?" "Alright." Gaby agreed. ... Ali was amazed, "I can't believe dad stayed in the mansion." "Yup." Keita nodded, "It has so many memories with Kaori-Sama. That's what Boss says anyway." Ali watched the gates open and all of them walked inside. A bunch of members came around. One of the higher ups, Moyo, came up with his leather jacket and aviator glasses on. He rubbed his bald head as he growled, "Where the hell have you bozos been?!" "Getting Kaori-Sama!" Izumo proudly exclaimed as he gestured to Ali. Everyone gasped and Moyo took his glasses off to examine Ali. His eyes narrowed and then they widened, "F*****g hell. It IS Kaori-Sama!" "KAORI-SAMA!" everyone cheered and gave Ali a group hug. "Get the f**k off, you guys!" Ali yelled. They all pulled out handkerchiefs and wiped their running noses into them, "He's the same as always." Ali sneered, "You guys stayed the f*****g same as well. A******s." Moyo smirked, "Still have your attitude, I see. Boss will be happy to see you're back. However..." "'However'?" Ali asked. "Boss doesn't let anyone in." Moyo sighed, "We've all tried to get him to come out, but he refuses. Maybe you can get him out though." "I'll try." Ali said, "But I can't guarantee anything." "You can do it." Moyo motioned for Ali to follow him into the mansion. The mansion was virtually the same as he remembered it. The only difference was the thick menacing aura that fell upon him as he entered. He was led to his father's chambers. The sliding door stood right in front of Ali. Moyo knocked, "Hey, Boss. You feel like coming out now?" "Leave me be." Ryouma's sad voice came from within. Ali felt a pang in his chest. "But, Boss." Moyo pressed on, "We have a surprise for you! You HAVE to see what Izumo, Keita, and Zoro found! Please, Boss?" "I said, 'Leave'." Ryouma growled. Ali felt his eye twitch. His father was being such a puss. Ali cracked his knuckles and shooed his cohorts away. They all hid around the corner, but watched silently. "Oi!" Ali shouted, "Ryouma-San." Ryouma seethed from inside, "You DARE call me so familiarly?!" "Yes, I do." Ali said, "Oyaji." Ryouma slammed his door back to see his perpetrator. He stopped as he stared right into Ali's eyes. "K-Kaori..." Ryouma stuttered, "I-is that really you?" "It's me." Ali said and braced for what he was sure was going to happen next. He was correct if he was thinking that Ryouma was going to hug him. It wasn't just a hug though. It felt like Ryouma was squeezing him to death. "Kaori!" Ryouma lifted Ali off the ground, "Oh my darling, beautiful, lovely, cute, cool, stubborn, and tough child! How I've missed you and your adorable face! And to think I was about to give up!" Ali felt his cheeks redden. His father was so embarrassing. "Oyaji!" Ali growled, "You are embarrassing me!" Ryouma looked to see all his cohorts around the corner. He growled and ordered, "Disperse." They all scattered quick, leaving the father and son alone. Ryouma put back on a smile and hugged Ali tighter, "I'm so happy you are back!" Ali sighed, "Look. We need to talk." Ryouma put him down, "About?" "Everything." Ali said. "Alright." Ryouma petted Ali's hair, "You must be tired though. Can it wait until breakfast?" Ali shrugged, "I guess, but no later. Okay?" Ryouma nodded, "I haven't seen you in so long, I don't want you to leave my sight ever again. You may stay in my room, if you wish." "Ew." Ali grimaced and walked away. "May I stay in your room then?" Ryouma's lip quivered and his eyes shimmered. "NO!" Ali sped up and got into his room, locking the door for safety. His father was always so embarrassing. Ali sighed and looked around his room. It was dark purple-themed, the same color as his eyes and his favorite color. Ali chuckled, seeing his old clothes folded neatly on his bed. He took off his clothes and put on the old ones. Looking into the mirror, he smiled and twirled. Something was off, however. He ran fingers through his long brown locks. His hair had grown long in those past three years. Pictures of Ali when he was little were framed on his desk. That was when his hair was down to his ankles. It was pretty embarrassing for him, so he shaved half of his head and cut the other half to be shoulder-length. Ryouma was furious, but he eventually got over it. A knock was heard at the door, "Kaori?" Ryouma's voice called through the door, "Goodnight, my cute and adorable child." "Goodnight, Oyaji!" Ali growled and heard his father's footsteps recede down the hall. Ali jumped into bed and stared at his ceiling, which was pitch black with purple glow-in-the-dark stars. In the middle was a crescent moon that glowed the brightest. His ceiling reminded him of the night sky, so beautiful and calming. Ali's eyes closed and he fell asleep within seconds. ... The sun peeked over Tokyo, waking every morning bird in the city. That also meant Gaby and Kyo were waking up. Both were very good morning birds. "Morning!" Gaby raced down the hall, greeting Kyo in the small kitchen. "Morning, early bird." Kyo smiled, "You always wake up at the crack of dawn?" Gaby giggled, "Not back in America. I was always sleeping in the day and waking at night, but I had to change that for school. My jobs were also at night, so that was also a factor. Now I wake at morning and I never felt better." "I see." Kyo flipped a pancake, "Ready to look for Ali after breakfast?" Gaby nodded fiercely, "Ready as I'll ever be. We also have to be ready for 'The Confrontation', when Ali is ready to take you as his lover." Kyo's face reddened and put a pancake onto a plate for the girl, "W-well, are you even sure he'll do that?" "Positive!" Gaby stabbed the pancake viciously. "If you say so..." Kyo had his doubts, but he didn't voice them to Gaby. If she was sure, then he should be sure as well. She's the one who had successfully gotten Ken and Dai together, and then Kasi and Shimeji. She must have been cupid or something if she could get them all together like that. 'She must be thinking elaborate plans in that cute head of hers.' Kyo thought and smiled. Gaby looked at the pancake and thought, 'I normally don't like pancakes, but I can't just tell Kyo that I dislike them now! He already made them. I guess I'll just have to suck them down quick so I won't be able to taste them. Yeah!' Gaby began wolfing down the pancake. Kyo watched the girl shove bits of pancake into her mouth at a breakneck speed. He smiled nervously, 'She must like pancakes... maybe I'll make them more often.' Gaby washed down the pancake with Dr. Pepper that Kasi has in her fridge. "Would you like another one?" Kyo asked. "Naw." Gaby laughed, "One was enough. Thanks though. Anyway, we have to go now. Come on, Kyo! We are burning daylight!" Kyo finished the last of his breakfast and headed out after Gaby. ... Ryouma was patiently waiting for his son to come for breakfast. He started feeling excited as he heard Ali's footsteps come down the hall. What surprised him was the image of his son in the years past with his half shaved head and purple hair. "Kaori?" Ryouma raised a brow, "You--" "I hope you don't mind, Oyaji." Ali sat down on the other end, "I just liked the way I used to look." "It's fine." Ryouma smiled, "You are still my beautiful Kaori!" Ali snorted, "Whatever." The two conversed over things like where Ali had been the past three years and if he was there to stay forever. Ali answered the former perfectly well, not caring if his old man knew, but the latter... it took some thought to it. "I don't know." Ali said truthfully while eating. Ryouma said silently, "I see." The two had no more conversation as they ate. ... "Ali!" Gaby called as they ran down the streets of Tokyo. Gaby was about to run off again when she noticed Kyo was just standing in front of a small construction site. She strolled over to him and tapped him on the shoulder, "You okay?" Kyo smiled, "Yeah. I was just remembering the library that used to be here." "Oh." Gaby realized, "This was the place, huh?" Kyo nodded, "The first time I met Ali and the first time he saved me. I remember it like it was yesterday." "Maybe Ali is near here?" Gaby suggested, "He could be wandering around here like that one time. Wait! You can't go in there!" Kyo had wondered into the dark, semi-built building. Gaby thought it best to leave him to remember. "Okay, Kyo. I'll look around here." Gaby called to him and she walked off. ... "I'll be out for a walk." Ali told Ryouma, "I'll be back soon." "Alright." Ryouma hugged him, "Have fun!" Ali nodded and walked out the front gate this time. After he ran away the first time, Ryouma said he would let Ali go out any time he wanted, not wanting a repeat of last time. Ali was strolling down the familiar street, hands in his trench coat pockets. Suddenly, he saw a girl walking down the opposite side. She looked familiar. "Gaby?" Ali stared and looked around for Kyo. When it was clear Gaby was alone, Ali walked over with a frown. ... "Ali!" Gaby called as she was walking down the deserted street. In her line of vision, she saw a delinquent-looking boy walking the other way. Gaby tried her best to avoid him, but the boy walked right up to her. "You looking for someone?" he asked. Gaby noted the purple hair and shaved half of his head. He surely dressed like a..., "Yakuza!" He grabbed Gaby's arm, "Why did you follow me?!" "Follow you?!" Gaby tried to pull out of his grip, "I don't even know y--!" Gaby stared into the furious purple eyes, "Ali?" Ali sneered, "No f*****g s**t! First you take Kyo, and now you've forgotten me!" Gaby winced at Ali's harsh tone. People that had turned down that road had begun to notice. "Let's talk in private." Ali growled and began pulling Gaby down the street. 'Where's Kyo when I need him?' Gaby thought, 'Ali is obviously unstable right now because of this whole situation.' Luckily for Gaby, Ali had pulled her into the dark construction site that Kyo had been in earlier. Unfortunately, Kyo was no where in sight. He must have went to look for Gaby. Ali shoved Gaby into the back wall and stood a few feet away. "You thought I you could play me for a fool?!" Ali yelled, "How dare you go out with Kyo!" "Wha--" Gaby gasped when she realized. 'This is it!' Gaby thought, 'This is The Confrontation! Where's Kyo though?! He needs to be here for it! If he isn't... Ali could possibly do something bad! He's so unstable, he's like a ticking time bomb!' "Answer me!" Ali growled, "Why did you go out with him?!" "Calm down, Ali." Gaby said. "F*****g answer me!" he screamed. Gaby stood tall and gave her best mean look, "What happened to not liking him? If you don't like him, then you don't have to worry about the reason. It's none of your business." Ali was stunned, but only for a moment, "You b***h! How dare you talk to me that way!" "You like him." Gaby remained calm, "And that's why you are angry with me. Just accept it." "I don't like him!" Ali seethed, "I just don't think you are right for him!" "Then you are." Gaby smiled, "Please, Ali. Let your stupid pride go for just a moment to realize it." "That's it!" Ali pulled out his brass knuckles, "I'm not afraid to kill you, you know." Gaby's knees shook, but she put up her fists and let out a snarky comment, "I'd like to see you try." Ali went for a right hook to her cheek and Gaby went for a block, but before he could hit, Ali felt his wrist being grabbed. His fist was right at Gaby's arm, where she would have blocked him. "Kyo?" Ali's eyes widened. Kyo held his wrist and squeezed it; a rather scary look was on his face. Kyo moved in front of Gaby, "You alright, Gaby-Tan?" Gaby gave him a thumbs-up before her legs buckled, making her slide down the wall into a sitting position. She breathed a sigh of relief, 'If I would have fought with Ali, I would have just made it worse. Kyo's here now and will settle this whole thing.' "I knew you liked her..." Ali refused to look down at Kyo's face, "That's why she's your girlfriend." "She's not my girlfriend by choice!" Kyo uncharacteristically yelled, "I don't love her like I love you!" Ali's eyes widened as he tried to back up, "B-but..." "And why should you be concerned whether she's my girlfriend or not?" Kyo's eyes narrowed as he drew nearer, "I thought you didn't like me." Ali kept backing up, trying to get out of Kyo's iron grip, "I-I--" "Unless you DO like me." Kyo continued, "And your pride is just too strong for you to admit it to yourself, much less me." Kyo pulled Ali close to him and said, "My, isn't this a familiar position?" Ali pushed way from him and fell to the ground with a grunt. Kyo stood over him and snatched his other wrist. "L-let go." Ali said with a shaky voice. "I can't and I won't." Kyo whispered, "I'll never let you go." Ali finally looked into Kyo's eyes. Kyo leaned in and placed a chaste kiss onto Ali's lips. Gaby squealed mentally, trying not to make an actual sound or else she could ruin the mood. Kyo straddled Ali and took his face in his hands. He bit Ali's bottom lip, then sucked on it. Ali closed his eyes and put his own hands on Kyo's face. Their tongues met and began to gently massage each others'. Ali ran his hands through Kyo's soft hair. A moan escaped them in their escapade and Kyo pulled away, a small trail of saliva connecting their lips. "Isn't there something you want to say to me, Ali?" Kyo asked breathlessly. Ali panted, "K-Kyo. I like you... a lot." "Say it again." Kyo kissed his lips again and again. "I... like you." Ali said in between kisses. "Again." Kyo began sliding Ali's shirt up with his hand. Someone cleared their voice, which made Ali and Kyo break apart to look. Gaby waved nervously at them. They chuckled and Kyo got off Ali, offering the other male a hand. To both Gaby and Kyo's surprised, Ali took his hand and let Kyo help him up. "I like you, Kyo." Ali intertwined his fingers with Kyo's. "I like you too, Ali." Kyo brought Ali's hand up and kissed it. Gaby smiled, "I'm glad everything turned out great!" "Wait..." Ali began, "Weren't you guys going out? Does that mean Kyo cheated on you?" Gaby and Kyo let out a fit of laughter that made Ali puzzled. "Oh, Ali." Gaby giggled, "We were never together." Kyo nodded, "Gaby came up with the plan to fake our relationship so that you would get angry and leave back to Tokyo. And we would chase you and put you into a corner, where you would finally confess to me and we would get together." Ali's eyes widened, "Gaby... came up with this whole plan? By herself?" "Yup!" Gaby smiled. Ali smiled back nervously, 'So much for thinking of NOT falling for their plans. I guess Gaby is more formidable than I originally thought. I have to watch out for her in the future. I wonder how she comes up with such elaborate plans? What could be going on in this genius mind of hers?' Gaby sighed mentally, 'I really wish I told Kyo that I disliked pancakes instead of eating them. Now my tummy hurts...' "We have to get back to the resort soon." Kyo said, "Kasi and the others are probably worried about us." Ali nodded, "You're probably right, but... I have to say goodbye to my father first." "What...?" Kyo raised a brow. "While I was here, I rekindled things with my father." Ali explained, "I've been staying with him since I got here. He's been really sad without me, and I can't do what I did to him again. It would kill him." Kyo was shocked at first, but he smiled, "Let's go tell him together then." Ali nodded, "Alright..." The three began walking back up the road that led to Ali's mansion. Gaby walked behind the two lovebirds and sighed to herself. This had to be the most exhausting 'hookup' she ever did. Well, she almost died to to get Ken and Dai together and she had to arrange help to get Kasi and Shimeji together. Those two couples weren't as in-denial as Ali was though. Gaby didn't have to chase anyone down and force them to confess. 'I feel like a total third-wheel right now.' Gaby stared at the two in front, who were holding hands and talking about something that Gaby couldn't quite hear. They came up on a large gate and beyond was the large white mansion. Gaby gaped and said, "This place is huge." "Eh." Ali shrugged, "I guess it could be seen that way." Gaby noted the pretty gardens that the mansion seemed to have and a large fountain in the middle of a courtyard. They entered through the gates and almost immediately were surrounded by yakuza members. "Kaori-Sama!" they all bowed. Ali waved, "Hey, guys. These people are friends of mine, Kyo and Gaby." Moyo smirked and looked at Gaby, "Kaori-Sama, is this your cute girlfriend?" Gaby blushed, "Uhh, we aren't--" "The f**k do you think?!" Ali growled and showed Moyo his and Kyo's conjoined hands. The yakuzas gasped, "S-since when?" "None ya." Ali walked off with Kyo and Gaby following him. He entered the house and called out, "Oyaji!" "Kaori?" Ryouma's voice came from within the living area, "I'm in the living room." Ali nodded to Kyo and Gaby as they all strolled into the living area. Gaby saw Ryouma and noted how he slicked his still-black hair back and had tired looking eyes. "Oyaji." Ali sat across from him, making Kyo and Gaby sit as well, "This is Gaby Landeros. One of my friends." Ryouma looked at her and smiled, "Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too, sir." Gaby shook his hand. "And who is this?" Ryouma pointed to Kyo. "This is Kyo." Ali took a deep breath before continuing, "My boyfriend." Ryouma froze, "Y-your... boyfriend?!" Ali nodded and showed his father their intertwined fingers, "I hope you accept us. It won't matter if you don't, because you will. And you will because I said so." Ryouma laughed, "Oh, Kaori. You are my lovely and pretty child. Of course I will always love you, no matter what you do. However, how long have you known this 'Kyo'?" "Since I met him the year before I left home." Ali began, "he's the one I left home with." Ryouma's eyes widened, "So you two have been 'together' for around four years now?" "Actually," Ali replied, "it's been more like four minutes. We JUST got together." "I see. So you two were only friends before this?" "Yes." "Hmm." Ryouma was thinking, "And I'm guessing you want to leave with him again. Am I correct?" "Precisely." Ali nodded. "And where will you go?" Ryouma asked, "If you don't mind my asking." "I don't mind." Ali said, "We are going back to College Tokyo." "I see." Ryouma smiled, "I'm proud of you for following your heart." "I know." Ali smiled, "I'm sorry for not getting in touch with you until now, but I just wanted to leave the yakuza world. I wanted a normal life." Ryouma gave a saddened smile, "I understand. Will you keep in touch this time?" "Yeah." Ali got up, "I promise." Ryouma took Ali into his arms and squeezed him, "I love you, Kaori." "I love you too, Oyaji." Ali squeezed back. Gaby smiled at the sentimental moment, "This is surprisingly sweet for a yakuza family." The room went quiet and Gaby clapped her hands over her mouth. "S-sorry!" Gaby stammered and thought, 'Crap! Why am I so blunt?!' Ryouma stared and suddenly burst out in fit of laughter, "I guess it is rather weird, but we are no longer a yakuza family. After Kaori left, I dissolved the Oohashi Clan. I figured that it wouldn't have an heir anyway. Now we are just a family." "Really?!" Ali was surprised. "Then why is everyone still here?" "I couldn't just leave them on the streets." Ryouma explained, "We are still the family we once were; we are just not illegal anymore." "I see." Ali said, "That's good then. Well, I have to go back now. I'll keep in touch like I promised." "I'll miss you greatly my perfect Kaori." Ryouma ruffled Ali's hair and watched as his son walked out for the second time. Outside, they were greeted by all of Ali's ex-yakuza cohorts. They tackled Ali down, yelling, "Kaori-Sama! We will miss you!". "I'll miss your lame asses too." Ali laughed as he walked out the gate, waving to his friends, "I'll come back, okay?!" When the three of them were out of sight, Ali went back to holding Kyo's hand. "We still have vacation time left." Kyo said, "So let's get back to the resort." Gaby agreed, "Yeah! I'm ready for those hot springs!" Ali nodded, "Yeah, let's go." ... 'The vacation will most likely go by fast, but it seems like everything is going to be amazing from now on.' Gaby thought before she fell asleep in the car. © 2012 RaeAuthor's Note
5 Reviews Added on June 22, 2012 Last Updated on June 30, 2012 Dorm Life
Chapter One
By Rae
Chapter Two
By Rae
Chapter Three
By Rae
Chapter Four
By Rae
Chapter Five
By Rae
Chapter Six
By Rae
Chapter Seven
By Rae
Chapter Eight
By Rae
Chapter Nine
By Rae
Chapter Ten
By RaeAuthor![]() RaeAboutSome interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..Writing