Kyo and Ali's Story: Part Two

Kyo and Ali's Story: Part Two

A Chapter by Rae

Basically Kyo and Ali's past together and how they knew each other. Prepare for for the unexpected. ^^

   "Years ago, there were two main yakuza clans in Tokyo: The Oohashi Clan and the Mori Clan. Back then, I was from the Oohashi Clan and my name wasn't 'Ali'. My name was Kaori Oohashi and I was the heir to the Oohashi Clan." Ali began.

   Gaby giggled and interrupted Ali's story, "That's a girly name!"

   "Shut up!" Ali growled, "It was my dad's favorite name, okay?! And you can't tell anyone about this, got it?!"

   Gaby nodded, "Alright. Please continue."

   "As I was saying," Ali went on, "my mother died on my fifth birthday from thugs in the Mori gang. They aimed to get me, but my mother shielded me, From that day on, we began taking in members by the a*s-load in order to protect me. And by the time I was seventeen, we had over 13,000 members. My father was still not convinced, but if we had taken anymore members in, the police would've had an easy time in tracking us down. So instead, my father kept me at our mansion. I absolutely hated it there, so I ran away."


   Ali sighed and combed his hair. Half of his head was shaven and the other half had long purple-dyed hair that reached down his shoulder. He put on his black tee shirt, white pants, black Doc Marten boots that went over the pants legs, white short-sleeve trench coat that was open, and black fingerless gloves.

   The boy went to his balcony and jumped over it. He ran towards the barred gates and scaled them quickly. Hitting the ground outside his prison, he began running into the city.

   The city was bustling with people. Ali tried not to look anyone directly in the eye. The last time he did that, he made a little girl cry and her mother scream in terror.

   "Am I really that scary?" Ali asked himself quietly as he strolled down the road.

   "Someone, help!" a woman cried. Ali sighed, thinking it was him that she was screaming about. However, he saw a large burning building a little ways off. Quickly, he rushed over to see the commotion.

   Sure enough, there were numerous people around it, but no one would go in. The place looked like the huge local library that had two floors.

   "A young boy is trapped in there!" a woman that looked like the librarian cried, "He helped all of us out, but he was left in there! I feel terrible!"

   Ali glared at her, which made her cower, "If you really felt all that terrible, you would have brought him out with you."

   The lady began to sob and Ali took off his trench coat.

   "Hold this, lady." he said, "I'll go get the kid out for you, so stop wailing."

   The lady smiled, "Really? Thank you! Thank you so much!" She took Ali's coat and squeezed it in her arms as she watched the brave Ali run into the burning building.

   Flames were everywhere on the desks and shelves. The second floor was just about to crumble, so that must have been where the fire had started. Ali heard a groan and ran to the middle of the building. There was the boy on the floor, covered in flames.

   "Hold on!" Ali immediately regretted not bringing his trench coat to suffocate the flames. He hesitated before pulling off his own shirt and putting it on the burning boy. He patted the flames out just in time. He lifted up his shirt to see minimal damage had been done to the boy.

   "F**k!" Ali growled as flames licked his chest. He put on his shirt to rid himself of the flames, but the flames caught the shirt on fire, further burning him. Deciding to just get out of there, Ali grabbed the boy and threw him over his shoulder.

   A crack was heard, and Ali discovered that the second floor was just about to cave in. Ali ran and jumped out the front door, just in time for the second floor to crash and destroy the whole building.

   Water was thrown on Ali, which extinguished the flames. He mumbled a 'thanks' and stared at the boy who was coming around.

   "What?" the boy sat up. He had a black ducktail hairstyle with a black high school uniform on.

   "You okay, man?" Ali asked.

   The boy looked Ali over and asked, "Who are you?"

   "The name's 'Ali'." Ali said, "And i just saved your a*s from being crushed by the second floor. Be f*****g careful next time."

   Ali began walking off. The lady who was holding his trench coat thanked him as he took the item from her. He murmured a 'you're welcome' her way before putting on his coat and walking off. Sirens came from the opposite direction; most likely they were fire engines getting there late.

   His ears perked when he heard soft footsteps following him. Ali turned and saw the boy that he had recently saved behind him.

   "What do you want?!" Ali grumbled, not wanting him to be followed.

   "I'm Kyo!" the boy grabbed Ali's hand and shook it, "Thank you so much for saving my life!"

   "Don't mention it." Ali said, "Seriously, don't."

   Kyo frowned, but his smile came back when he began talking again, "You look like a yakuza member."

   Ali stopped in his tracks, the blood had drained from his face, "The f-f**k?! I am NOT a member of any yakuza!"

   Kyo's eyes widened, "S-sorry. I shouldn't assume..."

   Ali took a turn onto an abandoned street. Kyo blindly followed. Ali sighed and was going to tell him to 'f**k off', but he never got around to doing it because they were surrounded by five guys.

   A chubby guy with a lead pipe said, "Well, well. Look who we have here, boys?"

   Ali did not recognize them from his gang, so maybe they were apart of the Mori Clan.

   "Kyo Mori." a tall man with a wrench laughed, "Lucky us. We can kill you here so we, the Takahari Clan, can become rivals with the Oohashi's. The Mori Clan will crumble without its precious heir."

   Kyo growled and made a head-shot right to the guy next to him. Then, with his fist, he punched another in the gut. Both guys went down in only a few seconds and Ali was impressed. A gunshot was heard and Kyo dropped to the ground, holding his shoulder.

   One of the others, a short man, had a gun out. Ali laughed loudly, gaining the attention of the last three thugs and Kyo.

   "What's so funny?" the chubby one asked.

   "It's funny that one of your goons would bring a gun to a fist fight." Ali put on his brass knuckles and made a right hook to the tall man, his wrench went flying to the ground.

   Ali then kicked the gun out of the short man's hands and gave him a left uppercut right in the jaw. The man fell like a sack of hammers. The chubby man held onto him lead pipe and charged towards Ali.

   Ali ducked one hit to his right and side-stepped the one to his left. Ali bravely grabbed the pipe in the man's hands and struggled over it. With his foot, Ali kicked the man between the legs. The man doubled over and Ali used his right foot and slammed it into the man's face, causing him to fall backwards.

   "Weak." Ali sighed, "Just plain weak." Ali picked up the leader's weapon, the lead pipe, and put it into his coat as a trophy.

   Kyo smiled weakly, "Thanks again... Ugh..."

   Ali looked back and grabbed Kyo's arm, "Come on."

   Ali led the boy to an area with houses around. It wouldn't have any thugs around, so that was good. He sat the boy against a wall and crouched in front of him.

   "Hold still." Ali ordered and ripped off the boy's sleeve to see the wound more clearly. The bullet did not go all the way through; it was still lodged in his shoulder. Blood almost poured out of the wound. Ali needed to remove the bullet and he only knew one way, a way his father had showed him by doing it to his mother when she was murdered.

   "Ali?" Kyo asked what the other was doing. He gasped when Ali began sucking on the wound, "W-what are you--!"

   "Hold still, a*****e!" Ali growled, blood dripping from his mouth, "This will hurt!"

   Kyo obeyed and felt Ali sucking on the wound once more. He suddenly felt pain in his shoulder as the metal moved through. Finally it was out and Kyo felt relief.

   Ali spit out the object with a klink! Blood was all over his mouth though. He looked like he just ate a raw animal carcass.

   "T-thank you..." Kyo smiled as he watched Ali bandage him up with the sleeve he ripped off, "That's three times in a row you saved me. I owe you my life, three times over."

   "Like I said," Ali began, "Don't mention it."

   Kyo smiled widely, "Your eyes are pretty."

   "EH?!" Ali gaped. He felt a pair of lips press against his. The lips were soft and gentle, as well as virginal. Kyo must have not kissed very often.

   Ali pushed Kyo back against the wall, "Why the hell did you do that for?! We are both guys!"

   "But you are my hero." Kyo said innocently, "Ali... uh... what is your last name? You know mine, so..."

   Ali smirked and got a little closer to Kyo, "You really want to know?"

   Kyo nodded fiercely, face red from the kiss.

   "I'm Ali. Ali Oohashi." Ali stated.

   Kyo's face paled quickly, "W-what?"

   "It's like you heard." Ali said, "I'm the heir to the Oohashi Clan just like you are the heir to the Mori Clan. Now will you finally leave me alone?"

   Kyo was shocked, but he was determined, "If you already knew who I was, why did you save me?!"

   Ali shrugged as he sat beside Kyo, "I guess I felt like you were a good guy. You saved everyone in the fire but yourself. That's pretty impressive."

   "You're a good guy too." Kyo smiled lightly, "You ran into a burning building for me, beat up thugs, and took the bullet out of me. You are way better than me."

   Ali shrugged again, "Whatever. Look, it would be dangerous to continue our 'friendship' or whatever you consider this."

   Kyo wiped the blood on his mouth from their shared osculation, "I still want to be your friend!"

   Ali sighed, "Kyo... in the end, one or both of us will get hurt. Are you prepared for that?"

   "Yes!" Kyo said wholeheartedly, "I am!"

   "Alright then." Ali stood up, "Go back to your... clan and tell them about the Takahari Clan. Do NOT mention that I was there."

   "Right!" Kyo stood up as well, "Goodbye then, Oohashi!"

   "See you, Mori." Ali walked off towards his mansion.


   "So that's how you met Kyo!" Gaby's eyes were sparkling, "How cool!"

   "If you say so." Ali stretched his back.

   "It reminds me of 'Romeo and Juliet'." Gaby giggled.

   Ali gave her a 'WTF?' look, "Yeah, if he drank poison and I stabbed myself."

   "Are you saying you are Juliet and he's Romeo?"

   "I'm pretty sure Romeo was the one who stabbed himself."

   "It was Juliet!"

   "Sure it was." Ali's voice was dripping with sarcasm, "Anyway, the story isn't over, dumb-a*s."

   Gaby went quiet and waited for Ali to continue.

   "After that," Ali began again, "we saw each other almost everyday. We would hang out at different places each time, or we would beat up some thugs who were picking on poor girls. It was great... until we were found out."


   "Kaori." his father called to him one night, "Our boys have caught you with another boy. Is he your friend?"

   Ali chocked on his pocky snack, "W-what?! They must be seeing s**t!"

   "Kaori." his father warned.

   "Ryouma." Ali called his father by his first name. Normally, it would have been offensive, but Ali and his father were really close due to Ali's mother's passing; her name was Kaori as well.

   Ryouma sighed, "Tell me the truth, Kaori."

   Ali looked away, "Yeah... he's my friend."

   "A 'boyfriend'?" Ryouma grinned.

   "Thanks, dad." Ali said with sarcasm, walking back to his room without another word.

   "Be careful." Ryouma whispered as he walked off in the other direction.

   Ali had sneaked out right after his talk with his father. Off the balcony and out the gate he went. He met Kyo on the outskirts of Tokyo.

   "How have you been?" Kyo asked, smiling as usual.

   "Fine." Ali replied, "However, I don't think this 'friendship' thing is going to work out after all."


   "Some of my clan members have seen us together."

   Kyo pondered for a moment, "I see..."

   "So this is our last meeting." Ali said.

   "Then let's make it last!" Kyo took Ali's hand and took off towards the high school, which was closed since it was Sunday. The boys picked the locks and went straight onto the school roof.

   "Why are we here?" Ali asked as he looked down the five story building.

   "I just thought it would be a nice place to get away." Kyo began, "I've always liked school, but sometimes I would just want to get away. So I would come here, onto the school roof. No one but us is here right now."

   Ali watched Kyo sigh in relief, "I've never been to school before. I'm a home-schooled kid. If I did go to school though, I'd probably scare all the kids and get into trouble often."

   "We would have been friends!" Kyo stated, "You really are cool, you know."

   Ali puffed out his cheek in irritation, "You're an idiot!"

   Kyo simply chuckled and leaned closer to Ali, who backed away in suspicion.

   "Kyo?" Ali raised a brow, "What are you--"

   Kyo kissed Ali fully on the lips, and this time Ali let him. Seconds ticked by until Kyo's tongue grazed Ali's lower lip gently. Ali opened his mouth to let Kyo's tongue explore his cavern. Their tongues met shyly and began to battle for dominance. Ali's tongue swirled around Kyo's, emitting a moan from the boy.

   "What do we have here?" a sinister laugh came from the other side of the roof, where the door was.

   Kyo and Ali broke apart and faced towards the door.

   The same guys from the first day Kyo and Ali met were there. Except, there was way more than the five of them.

   The chubby one growled, "You homos think you could just give us a beating and get away with it?"

   Ali smirked, "You are just mad that I took this." He took out the lead pipe and swung it in his hand before putting in on his shoulder nonchalantly, "You wanna go again?"

   "GET THAT A*****E!" the leader screamed and his goons all charged at once.

   Ali rushed to meet them, clocking one man in the head with the pipe. Kyo rushed to aid Ali, kicking a man in the stomach.

   There were a lot more thugs to fight off, but this did not deter Ali. He kept banging the pipe against their heads, blood spurting everywhere and staining Ali's pipe and clothes.

   The numbers began to dwindle and the leader began to get desperate. He took out his cell phone to call for help, but Ali kicked the phone out of his hand. The leader, who was the last one, fell to his knees.

   "Please!" the chubby leader begged, "Don't kill me!"

   "Tch!" Ali grimaced, "You aren't even worth it." Ali turned away from him, giving the man a chance to escape. Kyo did not want to turn his back on the man, but if Ali could do it, so could he.

   It was a bad mistake. The man whipped out a gun and shot Kyo in the leg, causing him to fall.

   "Kyo!" Ali made a move to get him, but the gun went straight to his chest.

   The leader smirked, "Checkmate."

   "Go ahead." Ali said with a stoic expression.

   The leader licked his lips nervously, "Who are you?"

   It was Ali's turn to smirk, "Ali. Ali Oohashi."

   The leader smiled, "Lucky me. If I kill you AND that Mori brat over there, then our clan will be number one!"

   "Kill him," Ali growled and grabbed the barrel of the gun with his hand, "and you can say goodbye to your balls, because they will be ripped off and stuck down your throat. And I will laugh as I watch you bleed to death."

   The man took out another gun and trained it at Kyo, "I came prepared this time. You make a move and I'll kill both of you."

   'S**t.' Ali cursed mentally. He had sustained quite a few injuries with those brawls. His lip was busted open, left arm had a gash in it, a black eye, and multiple bruises on his torso where punches had hit. He felt his hand being pried away from the barrel.

   The man pushed Ali backwards, a gun on him and a gun on Kyo. Ali had no choice but to surrender. He hated to admit it, but he was in a jam. Kyo's leg had a bullet wound, a gash in his cheek, bloody nose that was most likely broken, and bruised hand because he used it to punch someone and instead hit a metal bat.

   Ali was at the edge of the building now. Funny how the roof didn't have a fence around it. That was probably why students where not allowed up there. The school must have been too poor to fund a fence. Now it would be Ali's downfall, literally.

   The chubby man lowered his gun on Ali, but soon replaced it with a elbow to the face. Ali fell backwards and off the roof.

   "ALI!" Kyo staggered up. The man shot Kyo in the arm to shut him up.

   The man was about to laugh, but he noticed Ali was holding onto the edge of the roof. He slammed his booted foot onto Ali's left hand. The boy cried out as his left hand fell, blood pouring out of the gash in the arm.

   The man began stepping on Ali's right hand, "This is the end, Oohashi!"

   Kyo glared at the man. He needed to save Ali, but how? He noticed the forgotten bloody lead pipe on the ground. Inching quietly toward it, he picked it up and limped towards the man in silence. When he was close enough, Kyo swung and hit the man directly in the temple. Blood spouted out of the deadly blow and the leader fell off the roof.

   Ali's hand couldn't hold anymore. 'F**k.' Ali sighed as he let go.

   A hand caught onto his. Kyo struggled to help Ali up, with his dwindling strength, bruised hand, and shot arm.

   "Let go, Kyo." Ali said calmly.

   "No!" Kyo said stubbornly.

   "Why the f**k not?!" Ali growled, "I'm too weak to pull myself up and you are in pain as well! Just let go!"

   Kyo tried to pull Ali up, but he felt so weak. He panted as he tried to haul Ali over the roof's edge.

   "Let me go, Kyo!" Ali yelled at the other boy, trying to pry his fingers off his wrist, "Save yourself!"

   "I can't!" Kyo yelled back, "And I won't! I'll never let you go!"

   "You dumb-a*s!" Ali growled, "You will die too! Is that what you want?!"

   Kyo bit his lip, "I can live with that. And it's because... I..."

   "You what?" Ali asked, though he was afraid of the answer.

   "I love you!" Kyo cried.

   Ali bit his lip and sighed, "Kyo..."

   "I will save you!" Kyo pulled, "I'll save you like you saved me!" And with all the strength he had left, he hauled Ali back onto the roof. Ali landed on the other boy with a thud. Ali got on his hands and knees to see Kyo passed out.

   Ali rolled off the boy and as he stared at the sky he chuckled. Kyo had really saved him. Two more times and they would be called even.


"Wow!" Gaby's eyes glistened, "That was such a happy ending!"

   "It's not f*****g over yet!" Ali growled, which made Gaby shut up at once, "Anyway..."


   Ali and Kyo stayed up on the roof for a few more hours. Bodies were laying everywhere, but they didn't care. Kyo's eyes began to flutter open and he turned his head to the left. His eyes met Ali's.

   "Ali..." Kyo began to tear up, "I... I did it! I thought it had all been a dream..."

   "It wasn't." Ali smiled softly, "I assure you."

   Kyo smiled too and looked up at the evening sky.

   "Kyo." came Ali's serious voice.

   "Yes?" Kyo asked.

   "This is what our friendship will do to us." Ali said gravely, "In order for us to not continue hurting each other, we have to stay away from each other."

   Kyo frowned, "Or...?"

   "There's no 'or' to it!" Ali sighed, clearly irritated, "We can't be together! Got it?!"

   Kyo sat up, "I won't allow that. I have an idea."

   Ali sat up as well, a confused look on his face, "What is it?"

   "Let's quit being yakuza."

   Ali's eyes widened, "Are you f*****g serious?!"

   Kyo nodded, "Yes. I know our clans would probably dissolve and our families would be sad, but we need to start a new life. I want to start a new life... and I want you in it." He put his hand on Ali's, "Will you come with me?"

   Ali thought for a moment. If he did leave, he would be leaving his father and his friends behind... but he did not want to be like this forever. Fighting, hiding from the law, only making friends to benefit himself... that wasn't the life Ali wanted. Now Kyo was offering him a chance to start over. They could go to school together and maybe attend college and get real jobs. Ali smiled at the thought of it. He would miss his father terribly, but he would be forgiven in time.

   Ali squeezed Kyo's hand, making the other boy's heart race, "Alright. I'll go with you."


   "And that's when I packed my bags and left. I left my father a note, explaining the situation." Ali said, "Kyo and I went out of the city to go to another high school. We graduated and somehow got funded to go to College Tokyo. And that's how the story ends."

   "EH?!" Gaby pouted, "Where's the ending kiss scene?! Where's the cheesy line about loving each other forever?!"

   Ali burst out laughing, "Dude! Kyo and I AREN'T together for a reason!"

   "And that reason is?" Gaby asked.

   "Being together would only remind me of that past." Ali stated, "Kyo knows how hard it was for me to leave my father and everyone."

   Gaby frowned, "I still don't get why you guys aren't together."

   "I. Don't. F*****g. Like. Him." Ali growled, "He is only a friend! And that's what he is staying! Understand?!"

   Gaby gaped before glaring daggers into the other boy. 'Kyo obviously cares for Ali!' Gaby thought, 'And Ali likes him too! Ali is just too stubborn to admit it! I'll have to get them together somehow...'

   "Don't you even THINK about getting us together." Ali said, "I know you have a knack for getting people together, but I don't want you interfering in MY life like that. Kyo and I are fine with the way things are now."

   "Are you sure about that?" Gaby asked.

   "Positive." Ali got up and stretched, "You best be getting your rest now, Gaby. It's almost midnight."

   Gaby frowned and nodded, sliding out the door. She sighed as she was out in the hallway. She heard a chuckle and looked to the left. Kyo leaned against the wall next to Ali's door.

   "Uhh..." Gaby blushed, "D-did you hear all that?"

   Kyo nodded, "Our story had a rather... abrupt ending, yes?"

   Gaby nodded, "I'm sorry."

   "Why apologize?" Kyo ruffled her hair, "If Ali wants us to stay this way, then we'll stay this way. No matter how much it hurts me... I have to do it for Ali."

   A small silence settled between them. Gaby was surprised when Kyo suddenly took her hand.

   "Walk with me." Kyo suggested, "We can talk more about this."

   Gaby nodded and followed the boy, not knowing that a pair of furious purple eyes glared at them.


   It was afternoon the next day and the crew was all in a small reserved pool just for them. Gaby whispered something into Kasi's ear that made the other girl scream in happiness.

   "EVERYONE!" Kasi jumped up, "You all owe me 1,000 yen each! WOO!"

   "The f**k are you talking about?!" Ryuu growled at the eccentric girl.

   "Because..." Kasi pointed to Gaby and Kyo, who both stood up sheepishly and were holding hands, "these two are finally going out!"

   Everyone froze, but soon laughed it off and gave Kasi her money, congratulating Kyo and Gaby. All except for Ali, who sat there with his mouth wide and his eyes deadly narrowed, saying, "Oh HELL no."

© 2016 Rae

Author's Note

I really liked the name "Kaori" which means "ice" in Japanese. I think Ali has a more fiery personality, so I chose the opposite name for him.

WOW! This is the longest chapter I've written for DL ever(4220 words)! - cue fireworks-

Anyone else can't wait to see what happens next? Next chapter will have even MORE drama! XD

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Oh no!! D8 POOR ALI!!! I love Gaby, but noo!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

This chapter was great! I finally know Kyo and Ali's backstory and everything makes sense now.
Really good chapter. I loved it! :D

Posted 12 Years Ago

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holy f*****g shetttt. i thought you were kidding bout the make out scene.IM SO HAPPY!!!! who would have thought ali and kyo. ^_^ AWEWSHDOEI

Posted 12 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on June 20, 2012
Last Updated on June 7, 2016



Some interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..

Dorm Life Dorm Life

A Book by Rae

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by Rae