Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen

A Chapter by Rae

Gaby wins tickets to a Resort Spa. The plot thickens for the next TS! ^^

   "Thanks for coming shopping with me, Gaby-Tan!" Kasi piped as the two girls walked through the grocery store, "I need to stock up on food in my apartment. And my welsh corgi, Arthur, is running out of dog food. He pretty much told me so when he pulled my pants off this morning and wouldn't give them back."

   Gaby giggled, "I'm happy to go shopping with you. I needed to get out of that dorm anyway... Dai and Ken were doing something, I know it!"

   "Oh, Gaby-Tan." Kasi smiled, "Of course they were doing something. They are lovers after all. You'll see once you get a boyfriend. Speaking of boyfriends, how's your love life?"

   Gaby scoffed, "What love life? I have no love life."

   "What do you mean?" Kasi asked, "What about Kyo? Ali? Ryuu?"

   Gaby almost chocked on air, "K-Kyo and I are just friends! And Ali is just a friend too..."

   "What about Ryuu?" Kasi pressed.

   Gaby remained silent, deciding to look at watermelons and not look at Kasi's smirking face.

   "OOOO~! Gaby-Tan!" Kasi squealed, "So, you like Ryuusuke?! Wow, I was really rooting for you and Kyo too~! Oh well! Ryuu is a cutie and he would probably be even cuter if he didn't let his temper get the best of him."

   "Kyo and I?!" Gaby blushed, "Really? Why would you think that?"

   "Because he rescued you and brought you into our 'sick and demented' family." Kasi giggled, "I thought you two would meet in that park and slowly build your relationship and eventually start going out, but then something happens and you two split up, but then you two resolve it because it was a misunderstanding and get back together and live happily-ever-after!"

   Gaby shook her head at Kasi, "My life isn't a shoujo manga, Kasi-Chan! In fact, it isn't even CLOSE to a shoujo manga! If it was, I would already be on speaking terms with the guy I like..."

   Kasi looked puzzled, "Are you telling me that you and Ryuu-Kun aren't on speaking terms?"

   "We rarely talk." Gaby kicked the ground lightly, "If we could at LEAST carry on a conversation..."

   Kasi laughed lightly, "Why not just try talking to him normally then? Ask him on a little date or something."

   "Wah?!" Gaby cried, "And how am I suppose to do that?! I'm freaking out here, Kasi-Chan!"

   Kasi laughed again, "How about you just start off engaging him in conversation at our Sunday Night parties? Ask about his interests and things like that."

   Gaby nodded, "Alright... that seems simple enough."

   The two girls continued on with their shopping. Kasi grabbed the dog food first, seeing it was the most important, then she continued with the rest of her list.

   Gaby strolled through isle after isle, looking at all the goods. She came across a rather large crowd of people. She squeezed passed all of them to get a better look at what they were looking at. It was a wheel-of-fortune kind of thing. Each little piece had a "No Win" saying on them except for the smallest piece that said "Win".

   "Would anyone like to try and get the prize?" the woman running the stand asked, "You could win tickets to the Resort Spa! The best spa in all of Japan!"

   Gaby watched quietly as several people tried and failed miserably. The lady was smiling the whole time, as if she liked the way they lost.

   "Young lady?" the lady singled Gaby out, "Would you like to try?"

   "Me?" Gaby asked, "N-no way! I'd lose in a heartbeat!"

   "You won't know if you don't try!" the lady ushered her up to the board.

   Gaby felt a little forced, but she didn't really see the harm in trying. Everyone watched as she spun the wheel with all her might. Gaby didn't expect to win and neither did the lady. The hand at the top clicked over a few more times before landing on a "No Win" spot, but then it made a final click and landed on the next piece. The next piece said, "Win."

   Everyone, including Gaby, was baffled. The lady looked rather distraught, but she smiled and said, "Oh, you won, dear! Come and get your tickets!"

   Gaby was allowed ten tickets for a week at the Resort Spa. She took the tickets and walked away with a large smile on her face. There was a week break for a teacher's convention, so that's when she and her friends could go.

   "Kasi!" Gaby ran over to the other, "Look what I won!"

   Kasi looked at the tickets and smiled brightly, "WOW! That's totally awesome! I can't wait for that week off then! It'll be a blast with all the guys!"

   The girls shared a hug and a squeal before rushing out of the store.

   "Let's head to my apartment so I can put my stuff away. How does that sound?" Kasi asked.

   "Sure." Gaby nodded, "I get to see your dwelling space for the first time."

   "And you get to meet Arthur. He'll be so excited to see another person." Kasi got into her car and Gaby followed the suit.


   "Arthur!" Kasi called out into her apartment, "I've brought food!"

   Little footsteps were heard and from down the hallway emerged the cutest little black-back and white-bellied Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He sat on his back legs with his paws up.

   "Kawaii~!" Gaby cooed, "His name is Arthur?"

   Kasi nodded, "Yes! Isn't he the cutest?!"

   The next two and a half hours were spent on playing with Arthur and pretending he spoke in a British accent.

   "We'd better get back." Kasi said, "It's Sunday night and the boys will be thrilled to hear of a spa trip."

   Gaby giggled, "Maybe Ken and Dai."

   Kasi laughed, "Gaby-Tan, you are so evil! The rest of the boys will probably enjoy it too."

   Gaby said goodbye to Arthur, who did not like that she was leaving. He kept rolling over, trying to be cute enough for her to stay. However, Kasi shoved the girl outside before she was deterred by the cuteness.


   Kasi parked her car in the college parking lot. Her and Gaby had drinks and snacks in bags as they walked up to the Boys' Dorm lobby. However, a peculiar sight made them stop.

   A little ways to the side, Ali and Kyo were having a rather heated argument, or rather, Ali was simply yelling at Kyo, who was calmly taking it. Kasi and Gaby hid in a nearby bush to watch what was going on.

   Ali pushed at Kyo's chest, yelling something that the girls couldn't quite hear and that was sad considering Ali's voice was the second loudest out of the group(Kasi being the first). Ali went to push at Kyo's chest again when Kyo caught the other boy's arm and twisted it to make Ali come closer to him.

   The girls leaned in with eyes wide. What was going on here?

   Kyo said something that made Ali's eyes go wide. Then Ali tried desperately to get free from Kyo's iron-grip. Ali finally got out of the grip and ran inside the lobby. Kyo just sighed and followed after him.

   Kasi and Gaby emerged from their hiding place and said in unison, "What was that?"


   All the boys were sitting in their usual circle, except Ali who was in between Ken and Shimeji. Normally he would sit in between Kyo and Ryuu, but it made sense since Ali and Kyo had that huge "fight" or whatever it was.

   Kasi set all the stuff in the middle and clapped her hands, "Everyone! Gaby-Tan has an announcement to make!"

   Gaby held up her tickets, "I won ten tickets to the Resort Spa in Fukushima. It's for a week and it's only a two and half hour drive from here. I want all of us to go this week."

   There was a sudden silence before everyone cheered. Gaby smiled widely.

   "This sounds like fun." Ken said, "I heard that place is really expensive, so free tickets for a week is pretty amazing."

   "Good job, Gaby." Kyo smiled, "This could be what everybody needs."

   Ryuu nodded, "Any type of getaway from here would be awesome."

   Everyone began to chat excitedly except for Ali, who stayed silent the whole night.


   While the party was still going, Gaby had ran off to the Girls Dorms. In the lobby, she found Yuka, reading her 'HaruHana' manga.

   "Yuka-Chan!" Gaby smiled at the other girl, "I've brought you a thank you gift!"

   Upon hearing the word 'gift', Yuka looked up, "Really? What is it?"

   "You aren't doing anything this week, are you?" Gaby asked.

   Yuka gave her a suspicious look, "No. Why?"

   Gaby presented two tickets, "I won ten tickets to the Resort Spa in Fukushima, but I only need eight for my friends and I. So I'm giving you the last two for you and someone special."

   Yuka blushed and took the tickets, "Thanks. That's really thoughtful of you. I'll put these to good use then."

   Gaby smiled brightly, "I'm glad you like them."

   Yuka shooed Gaby away with her hand and put the tickets into her manga as a place holder.

   Gaby ran back to her dorm and noticed everyone was gone and packing for the trip tomorrow. Gaby decided to do the same as she ran into her room, filled with excitement.

© 2012 Rae

Author's Note

Only one more chapter until the next Triple Special! Is anyone excited?! Alright, question time: What do you think Ali and Kyo were arguing about? I want to hear your interesting ideas. If they are good enough I may use them later-on(and I'll give full credit, of course.) ^^

My Review

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I wish I won tickets to a Resort Spa! No freaking fair! >:(

Anyway, I REALLY like Yuka's character. It reminds me of myself, so it is kind of like being in the story without... actually... being... in... it... Uh, yeah! I can't wait to read the next chap! :D

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Sorry to burst your bubble, Ash. I did NOT model her after you. She is just suppose to be a normal g.. read more
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it wouldnt be the first time HE(ali) got in an arguement before,i wonder what wrong with HIM.usually HE isnt like that

Posted 12 Years Ago

I want to know whats wrong with Kyo and Ali. That was way strange. I think maybe he admitted to loving her, but she doesn't want to ruin the friendship so maybe she decided that if she ran from it it wasn't true. Or maybe she admitted to loving him but he told her he loved someone else (ALI MAYBE?!) and she was embarassed so she ran away from him.

Idk...Im not very original XD

Loved it though...more plz!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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i got butterflies,lots and lots of butterflies

Posted 12 Years Ago

Wow, how lucky. That'd be really cool if I ever won tickets to a resort spa. Though, I've never won anything in my life, so I'm not going to hold my breath.
I really have no idea what Kyo and Ali could have been arguing about. But if it freaked Ali out then it's probably something big.
Really nice chapter! I'm really excited to know what'll happen in the the next chapter. Then it'll be the TS. :D

Posted 12 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on June 16, 2012
Last Updated on June 18, 2012



Some interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..

Dorm Life Dorm Life

A Book by Rae

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A Chapter by Rae