Black and Blue

Black and Blue

A Chapter by Rae

The final battle begins between Gaby and Serus. Who is ready to see some major action?

   The castle was heavily guarded, waiting for the two to return. Gaby noticed this and stayed in in the shadows. She noticed a window not to far up for her to climb. She inhaled and then began her trek.

   The window was suspiciously open. Gaby climbed in and kept her guard up as she moved through the castle with light feet. Her heart was hammering against her chest and her hands felt like rivers, but she kept her mind clear. Of course she was scared to face Serus, but it had to be done. For Syrus.

   Not five minutes into her break in, she stumbled into an all white room. White concrete floor, white wooden walls, white stairs and the back most likely meant for sitting upon.

   "Gabriella." Serus' voice reverberated in the empty room.

   Gaby swung around and saw the man with his black blade on his back.

   "Serus." Gaby put a hand on Syrus' blue blade, "You know why I'm here."

   "I don't." Serus said, "I was expecting Syrus."

   Gaby unsheathed the aquamarine sword and got into an offense stance, "You will kneel before my aquamarine blade."

   Serus suddenly growled, "How DARE you!" He drew his sword, rage in his eyes, "You will regret taking Syrus' place!"

   Gaby ran at him. Her blade and his collided in a loud way that made sparks fly. Gaby backed off before charging again. Her blade, once again, colliding with his. Gaby let out a barrage of attacks. She aimed to kill and it clearly showed.

   With the swing of her blade, she made to slash his chest, but just in time his sword blocked her attack. Gaby went for his arm and was unsuccessful.

   Gaby took a step back to analyze her situation. Serus would clearly win in a muscle match, so she had to use her stealth to her advantage. All she had was Syrus' sword and her mind for this battle. Serus had his brawn, sword, and rage to go up against. Adrenaline pumped through Gaby's veins for she knew that this was a sudden death battle.

   Heart racing and hands sweating, Gaby lunged for another attack to Serus' right side. It was blocked and Serus countered with his own attack, successfully slashing Gaby's arm.

   Gaby growled and dove for a head-shot, but Serus was a step ahead and side-stepped out of range. Gaby swung her sword again and Serus blocked it with his.

   'I don't get it.' Gaby's mind raced, 'His sword should be weaker than mine. Mine is pure aquamarine and if his is pure obsidian... wait!'

   Gaby jumped back and got into a defensive stance, "Your sword... it isn't pure obsidian, is it?"

   "Well, technically it is." Serus admired his blade, "Just coated with heavy magic. See?" Serus ran at her and slammed his blade onto hers. A small crack was heard.

   The aquamarine blade had a small chip in it from Serus' attack. Gaby gasped and glared at the man. His blade no longer was a plain black blade. It was now glowing with a white light, or in others words, magic.

   "Cheater." Gaby spat.

   Serus smirked and slammed his blade down once more. Gaby side-stepped and evaded the attack. She had to think of a new plan now that magic was involved.

   Suddenly, Gaby screamed in pain and fell onto one knee. Serus had used her thinking as a distraction to slice her leg open. A long red cut ran from her knee down to her ankle. Blood poured out of the wound and if she didn't get it cured soon, she might have to say goodbye to her leg.

   Even with the life-threatening cut, Gaby was not deterred from her mission. As long as she killed Serus, all would be alright.

   With all her might, Gaby swung her blade down onto Serus'. That was a big mistake. Almost immediately, the beautiful aquamarine sword shattered into a million pieces. The pieces flew in every direction, giving Serus a cut under the eye and Gaby a cut on her arm.

   Blood trickled down his cheek as he spoke, "Gabriella. That sword did not belong to you and for that it was shattered. Only Syrus could use the sword, but now that it is gone, no longer will I have to bow down to it."

   "I will kill you where you now stand, Serus!" Gaby put up her dukes, readying to take him down with pure strength. Not like she had much left after the blood had been pouring from her wound all this time.

   Serus laughed, "You really think you can take me on with just your might? Fine. I will take you on." Serus threw his beloved sword into the corner of the room to keep him from using it as he readied himself.

   Serus swung his left fist into her right cheek, but Gaby had ducked quickly before it collided. And with all her strength, she landed an uppercut right to his chin. Serus stumbled back and grasped his swollen chin.

   Gaby readied herself for the next attack, "Did that hurt, Serus? I'll try to go a bit easier on you next time."

   Serus breathed in deep before charging at her. Gaby was ready to block, but Serus slammed his fist into her gut and as she doubled over, he grabbed her head and slammed his knee into her cheek. Gaby fell to the floor, now having a gigantic bruise on her face. She got up and went after him again.

   His fist hit her cheek while her foot collided with side. Serus kicked her in the hip, when Gaby grabbed it. Using her defense training, she hooked her leg onto the back of his and took him to the floor. His head hit with a sickening thud.

   Serus tripped her legs and she fell as well. Serus then got up and went after his forgotten blade in the corner. Gaby growled, and got back up.

   'How can I fight him if I don't even have a weapon anymore?' Gaby suddenly felt something hit her leg. She looked down and saw the bulge in her pocket. Slipping her hand in, she felt her aquamarine gemstone. She pulled at out and held it like a dagger. It was the size of her flat hand, so it was perfect as a temporary weapon.

   Serus turned around just in time to see Gaby jumped into the air, something sharp in her hand. He held his sword defensively and she landed on him. She jammed the sharp gemstone into his left shoulder as he cried out in agony. Gaby withdrew it from its temporary sheath and did a back-flip off Serus, causing her to fall on her hurt leg and cry out. She had to hurry for it was only a matter of time until she bled to death.

   Serus held his new wound and accidentally dropped his sword. Gaby quickly gabbed it away from him and held it above her.

   "Going to kill a man with his own sword?" Serus panted, "How cruel."

   "No." Gaby explained, "You know how I'm not the owner of this sword? Well, I'll make sure no one will use it again!"

   "What?!" Serus watched as Gaby banged to blade onto the floor and on impact the sword shattered, "NO!"

   Gaby threw away the hilt that remained and held her dagger once more, "This is the end, Serus!" She ran at him and with the final blow; she drove the dagger into his chest. Serus gasped as blood shot out of his chest and mouth. Gaby kicked him off her stone and watched as he fell. It was over; she had won the battle.

   Gaby turned around to head to Crystal Lake for her wounds, but something didn't feel right. She looked at the fallen prince and sure enough he was dead. However, Serus was not present. His spirit form should have been here as well. A sharp pain in Gaby's head made her fall to her knees.

   "I'm in your head now, Gabriella." Serus cackled.

   'Serus!' Gaby growled in her head, 'Leave this instant!'

   "No, my dear. I will get you for what you've done to my host body and then take over yours. With your body, I can finally kill Syrus!"

   Gaby held her head, searing pain shot through it. She saw Serus in her head clearly. If she happened to kill him now, he would be gone forever. It was a perfect opportunity.

   "Thinking of killing me?" Serus laughed, "Don't be ridiculous. Spirits cannot be killed unless you have a strong sense of magic in your veins, and you, Gabriella, have none."

   'Magic!' Gaby thought, 'That's it!' She began thinking of what her father had told her about magic. He said it came from within you and you have to REALLY want it to happen with every fiber of your being. Gaby began thinking of fire.

   Serus kept cackling, "My dear, you cannot possibly burn me. You aren't strong enough."

   You aren't strong enough.

   You can't do it.

   You're nothing.

   Even Syrus doesn't believe in you.




   "SYRUS!!!" Gaby felt flames all around her and inside her mind. She saw it as clear as day. Blue flames rose all around and licked at Serus' ankles.

   "What are you doing?!" Serus tried to fight the flames, "Stop! Stop!"

   The flames engulfed Serus as he screamed. Soon, all that there was of Serus was a black mist that faded from Gaby's mind. Gaby opened her eyes and saw that, in the heat of the moment, she lost control of her magic and lit the whole castle aflame. She touched the fire, and even though it was blue, it did not hurt. Gaby, panting and covered in sweat and blood, limped through the burning castle until she got to the doors.


   Too much blood had oozed out of her, and she was fading fast. She only needed to get to the lake and then her wound would heal, but why was it so far away?

   Gaby was almost there, but she began to stumble, and she knew that if she stumbled, she would never get back up. The thought of Syrus kept her going and motivated her to quicken her pace until the lake was within sight. She sped up more and as she neared the water, she tripped and fell into the liquid.

   Her eyes slowly closed as she slipped into oblivion.


   Syrus noticed his castle aflame, but he looked again and saw that the flames were doing no such damage. 'Spirit flames.' Syrus thought to himself, 'This must be Gaby's doing.'

   Syrus felt well enough to leave the lakeside and travel to see if Gaby had done finished her battle. He stumbled into the white room and was baffled at the amount of blood and debris that covered the floor. He took note of said debris and gasped when he found it to be pieces of his sword and pieces of Serus'. He would mourn for his sword later. He needed to find Gaby.

   Serus' presence was completely gone and there laid the body of the prince. Syrus took a deep breath before diving into the body and taking it over.


   'Where am I?' Gaby asked as she floated in darkness. She felt her leg wound and gasped for it was miraculously healed. Even her bruise and arm cut were healed.

   She felt like she was being pulled from her unconscious state as a light came toward her faster and faster.

   Her eyes shot open and water was all around. She screamed, unknowing of her surroundings, and the screams turned to bubbles. Her leg was healed, so she used it to kick off the floor and head for the surface. Out of the water, Gaby filled her lungs with sweet oxygen.

   All the sweat and blood was gone from her and she felt clean. The battle was over and she had been the one to win it. Take that, Larissa!

   Gaby waded out of the lake and was surprised to find Syrus walking towards her.

   "Sy!" Gaby ran and hugged him tight, "You're okay!"

   "I got better after you put me in the lake." Syrus explained, "My love, you saved us all."

   Gaby smiled happily, "So, you are the new prince now?"

   Syrus nodded and took her hand, "Yes, and I hope I can still have you as my queen."

   Gaby blushed but she nodded, "Of course. I didn't fight for you and the castle for nothing."

   Syrus laughed and lead Gaby towards her new home.

© 2012 Rae

Author's Note

NOT the last chapter, but it IS the longest(2101 words). I am proud of the fighting scenes. They were longer than I had expected, which is great. Please let me know if there are any errors and tell me what you think. ^^ See you for the final chapter!

My Review

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Wow, that was really good! I loved the action scenes you wrote. Knowing Serus is gone makes me feel real relieved, too. I really didn't like him. :/
Anyway, really good chapter. I'm happy that it's not the last one. Hope it'll be out soon.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 7, 2012
Last Updated on June 15, 2012



Some interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..

Dorm Life Dorm Life

A Book by Rae

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by Rae