![]() Chapter ElevenA Chapter by Rae![]() Now that Shimeji and Kasi are together, more stuff is going to start happening! And this chap is basically a Kyo and Gaby chap. ^^ Four more until the next TS!![]()
Everything seemed to be normal again, except for the fact that Shimeji's flirting with others had completely stopped. The only person he hit on now was his girlfriend, Kasi. Of course it was a good thing and everyone was happy to see the two of them laugh together.
Room 3 was having a little party meant for the residents of both said room and room 4, as well as the manager, Kasi. It was like a normal gathering that they did. Shimeji and Kasi would flirt, Gaby would make sure everyone was happy, Kentaro and Daisuke would stick close to each other, and then Ryuu and Ali would be fighting. However, this time, Ryuu and Ali were not fighting. And it was a strange sight to behold. "Hey, Ali." Ryuu said with a fake smile, "You look pretty cool today." "Thanks, Ryuu." Ali's eye twitched menacingly, "You look pretty awesome yourself." Everyone gaped. Sure, the aura they were producing was sinister and frightening, but they were clearly complimenting each other. "What the hell?" Daisuke was the one to say what was on everyone's minds. Ali sighed, "We are trying to get along, but it's not working." "Definitely not." Ryuu said, "Ali's face is just too ugly for me to compliment." "F**k you!" Ali lunged for the other boy's throat. The two began to wrestle on the floor in their familiar fashion. Gaby giggled, "You two can't get along, can you?" Shimeji laughed, "No way! All they have to do is look at each other and they start yelling." "I think they could get along." Kyo said. "Sure." Daisuke said in a sarcastic fashion. Ali marched up to Dai, "I'm not the problem! It's stupid Ryuu!" Ryuu scoffed, "I'M the stupid one?" "Hey you guys." Daisuke began, "I'll buy you both whatever food for dinner if you guys can go a week without fighting." "DEAL!" Ali agreed, hearing the concept of food being mentioned. "I can do it easily." Ryuu agreed as well. ... It was another Sunday. That meant a day off from school. "Finally!" Gaby stretched as she strolled outside, "It's Sunday!" "Hey, Gaby!" Kasi pointed to the building on the other side of campus, otherwise known as the Girls Dorm, "Let's stop by to see Yuka real quick." "Ok!" Gaby suddenly remembered that she needed to thank Yuka for helping her out. If Yuka didn't give her help, Gaby would of never been able to get Kasi and Shimeji together. The two skipped over to the building and found the familiar strawberry blonde sitting at her desk and reading a yaoi manga. "YUKA!" Kasi pounced upon her cousin. "Wah!" Yuka cried out in surprise, "Kasi-chan? What are you doing?!" "Just giving my cuzzy-wuzzy-poo a hug!" Kasi squeezing Yuka's head in her arms. Yuka sighed and stopped struggling, hoping it would stop soon. Kasi let go, "I just wanted to thank you for helping get Shimeji and I together." Gaby fell over practically. "What?!" Yuka gave Gaby a searing glare, "I told you not to tell anyone!" Kasi laughed nervously, "She didn't tell me. It was momma who told me." "And how did Auntie know?!" Yuka's glare intensified. "I-I..." Gaby stuttered, "I had to tell her! I had no other choice!" Yuka sighed again, "I guess it can't be helped. Whatever." Kasi gave her Asian cousin another hug, "Well thanks anyway! You're my favorite cousin!" Yuka pushed the eccentric girl off of her to return to her manga reading, "Yeah, yeah. Now shoo." Kasi pouted, but obeyed, "Come on, Gaby! Let's go back to the dorms!" "You just want to see Shimeji." Gaby said. "Of course!" Kasi laughed, "He's my boyfriend now! So I want to see him every waking moment of every day of every week of every month of every year of--" "I get it!" Gaby sighed when she realized she would have to walk next to lover girl for the next few minutes while listening to her rant on how much Shimeji is a god in bed or something... and she did NOT want to hear such lewd things. She shuttered at the thought. Suddenly, an angel of mercy shined down upon her as Kyo appeared giving them a wave and a shout. "Kyo!" Gaby rushed over to him and latched herself onto his arm. She looked at his surprised face and mouthed the words, 'Help me.' Kyo's surprised expression changed as he laughed, "Gaby-tan, I was just going to get some drinks for our Sunday night party. Would you care to join me?" "I would freaking love to." Gaby nodded, "Bye, Kasi-chan!" Kasi gave her a hurt look, "You wanna be with your boyfriend more than me?" "You would do the same to me." Gaby smirked, knowing it was true. Kasi was shocked, but she smirked back, "When did you get so smart, Gaby-tan?" "The day I was birthed from my mothers womb." Gaby waved as she dragged Kyo off. ... "Phew." Gaby wiped the nonexistent sweat from her brow, "That's the second time you saved me, Kyo-kun." "The first time was so long ago." Kyo smiled, "I still remember the girl who was sleeping on the park bench. I thought you were one of the newest homeless on the street, but I guess you kind of were. At first, I was going to leave you alone, but I couldn't resist talking to a cute girl such as yourself." Gaby couldn't help but blush and laugh, "I didn't know you liked to pick up on homeless people, Kyo." Kyo laughed too, "Just you, Gaby." He ruffled her hair. The two passed through some abandoned street as a shortcut to the nearest convenience store. However, it wasn't as abandoned as Kyo had thought because a few degenerate looking boys, or probably yankis, were leaning against the left side on the street. Gaby stood as close to Kyo as she could. She even grabbed onto his arm as they were beginning to pass them. Kyo paid them no mind. "What a cutie." one of them commented. Gaby made eye contact once, just once, and one of them grabbed her arm and yanked her away from Kyo. "Back off!" Gaby pulled away and snapped at him. They began to advance on her when an arm hooked around her shoulders and she was pulled closer. Kyo, with his serious expression, gave them a hard stare. "Sorry, boys." Kyo started, "This one is mine. So do what the lady says and 'back off'." With his hand, he made a shooing motion. The boys growled and reluctantly obeyed. Both Kyo and Gaby walked the rest of the way with his arm around her shoulders. Gaby couldn't help but think Kyo was destined to save her forever or something. This would have to be the third time. They entered the store and Kyo's arm slipped off her. As Kyo went to the cold section of the store, Gaby noticed that the store was pretty huge. It even had an entertainment area with CDs and movies. Gaby strolled to that side of the store and began looking through the CD collection. Something caught Gaby's eye and she almost screamed in delight. The CD she held was an Aqua Timez CD. Gaby quickly searched through her pockets and found her cute Vocaloid wallet. She peered inside and her blood ran cold. All there was inside was American dollars. 'Crap!' Gaby mentally cursed, 'I keep forgetting to convert my dollars into yen. That means I can't buy it... and it's the last one too...' A tap on her shoulder made her turn. Kyo held up the drinks he was buying. "Ready?" he asked. "Yeah..." Gaby reluctantly put the CD back and walked towards the register. Little did she know that Kyo had plucked the very same CD from where she had put it back and followed after her. ... The pair was walking back to the Boys dorm when Gaby heard Kyo going through the bag. He tapped her with something and she turned to see the Aqua Timez CD in his hand. "Wha--?" Gaby looked at him, "Is this--?" "I saw how much you were staring at it." Kyo smiled, "And then you were sad, so I guessed that you either didn't have enough money or you still haven't converted your American money to Japanese money." "The second one." Gaby said sheepishly. "Gaby-tan." Kyo shook his head, "You are very forgetful." Gaby pouted and took the CD from him, "I'm sorry for the trouble. I'll pay you back later." "No need." Kyo said, "It's my treat." Gaby blushed and smiled, "Thanks." The two sneaked into the Boys Dorm lobby and up to their room. They opened the door and saw everyone sitting in a circle in the middle of the living room floor. "You guys sure took your time." Kasi giggled. Kyo ignored her comment and sat the drinks in the middle of the circle for everyone to grab. "Hey, Gaby." Daisuke asked, "What's in your hand?" Gaby smiled brightly, "It's an Aqua Timez CD! Kyo bought it for me! I'm so happy I have it!" She danced around the room happily. She stopped when she saw everyone, excluding Kyo and Ali, smirking at her. "What?" she asked. "We should of known." Ken whispered. "Yeah, I mean he saved her and all." Shimeji chimed. "Of course they would be going out now." Kasi and Daisuke said in unison. "What?!" Gaby blushed, "No! It's not like that!" Kyo agreed, "It really isn't. We are just friends." "Sure you guys are." everyone else laughed. Gaby and Kyo kept trying to tell the others, but they wouldn't listen. It seemed hopeless until a growl was heard. It came from Ali. "Ali?" Ryuu, who was still being nice because of the bet, asked. "So f*****g stupid." Ali said quietly. "What?" everyone asked. A vein popped out of Ali's forehead as he yelled, "I said you guys are all f*****g stupid! They said they are just friends. That means they are just friends! Don't f*****g assume s**t!" Everyone gaped. "Don't be like that, Ali." Ryuu said calmly with his eye twitching. "SHUT THE F**K UP, RYUU!" Ali screamed, "I don't give a damn about this bet anymore! Don't be f*****g nice to me!" Ali stormed passed Gaby and out the door, slamming it behind him. Ryuu growled and yelled after him, "Well f**k you too!" Everyone sighed and drank silently, thinking, 'Well that killed the mood.' Gaby sat down where Ali previously was, between Ryuu and Kyo, "He'll cool down soon and come back over." "If you say so." everyone drank. Kyo suddenly raised his can, "I'd like to make a toast to Gaby." "Me?" Gaby asked, "But why me?" "Because of all the things you've done for us." Kyo smiled. Daisuke chimed in, "I agree! I mean, if you hadn't listened in to Ken and I on that conversation, we would of never been able to get together!" Ken added, "And you saved me from killing myself!" Gaby remembered falling through the door as Daisuke yelled at Ken about liking him. If she hadn't of done that, Dai wouldn't have kissed her and Ken might have not tried to kill himself. Or Ken would have killed himself... Kasi said, "And if you hadn't talked to my mom and gotten her involved, Shimeji and I wouldn't have gotten together! I would have resigned and Shimeji would still be with bitchy Megumi!" Shimeji nodded, "True. Thanks, Gaby-chan!" "Also," it was Ryuu's turn, "ever since you've came here, everything has been great. You brighten up everyone's moods and make everyone feel better." "Awww!" everyone cooed at Ryuu. "Shut the f**k up, you guys!" Ryuu snarled, "I make one sappy comment and you all have to call me out on it like a******s!" Gaby wiped away a few tears, "Thanks, you guys. You are so nice to me. I'm glad I didn't go back to America. I love you guys!" "We love you too." everyone put up their cans, "To Gaby!" With that, they drank happily while Kyo put the Aqua Timez CD into the stereo. Outside, Ali leaned against the door. His expression showed that he was in deep thought. "I wonder how long I can keep this up..." © 2012 RaeAuthor's Note
4 Reviews Added on May 30, 2012 Last Updated on June 6, 2012 Dorm Life
Chapter One
By Rae
Chapter Two
By Rae
Chapter Three
By Rae
Chapter Four
By Rae
Chapter Five
By Rae
Chapter Six
By Rae
Chapter Seven
By Rae
Chapter Eight
By Rae
Chapter Nine
By Rae
Chapter Ten
By RaeAuthor![]() RaeAboutSome interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..Writing