Chapter 2: Weapons and Werewolves

Chapter 2: Weapons and Werewolves

A Chapter by Rae

A letter from Sabrina brings Arielle to Sabrina's secret base. What is the surprise Sabrina has for Arielle?

    Arielle had been in Misc. City for a month now. She did errands constantly for Caroline and watched to make sure Shelby didn’t get into any trouble. And in all that time, she hadn’t written to Sabrina. It made her feel kind of bad. So Arielle got a pen and paper to reply to the last letter Sabrina sent. However, The doorbell rang and Arielle went to quickly answer it. She opened the door to reveal a tall monster that was hidden with the long straight head hair that went all the way to the sidewalk. Two hands parted the hair to reveal the normal-looking girl under, Kaitlyn Hair. She was the messenger of Misc. City. Her and her brother, Robby, delivered mail across the city on a steel silver, double-seated motorcycle.
    “Hi, Arielle!” Kaitlyn greeted with a cheerful smile, “Robby and I are here to deliver a message from the oracle!”
    Kaitlyn dug through her hair and brought out a bag. From the bag, the girl took out a letter. She handed it to Arielle, who took it was a smile.
    “Thanks, Kaitlyn.” Arielle looked over towards the motorcycle parked by the curb. Robby, with his black hair that was in a low ponytail, gave a short wave to the ex-queen. For some reason, Robby had hair that didn’t go past his middle back. The Hair family was known for their magically long hair, so why didn’t Robby have that hair?
    “Hey, Katie?” Arielle asked, “I’ve been wanting to know for a while, but why does Robby have such short hair compared to the rest of your family?”
    Kaitlyn giggled, “Oh! Is that what you wanted to know? Silly Arielle! Well, my family has magic hair that, if properly boiled and such, can cure any illness, and I mean ANY. However, after ten cuts, our hair will no longer have its magical growth or healing properties. Robby used to be in the Evil Unicorn Bounty Hunters Corporation, or E.U.B.H.C., and he, for fear of getting caught by the Unicorn Mafia lords, cut his hair ten times and donated it to the Misc. City’s hospital. He was never caught, but it’s better to be safe then sorry, right?”
    “An Evil Unicorn Bounty Hunter…” Arielle knew it sounded familiar as she thought of Sabrina’s dad, “Hey, Katie, is your brother busy?”
    “Well, right now we are delivering letters.” Kaitlyn said, “But he should be free around 4.”
    “Is it ok if I come over to talk to him then?” Arielle asked.
    “Sure!” Kaitlyn smirked, “I bet you wanna ask him out.”
    Arielle blushed, “EH?! N-no, I just want to talk!”
    “Sure you do.” Kaitlyn giggled as she skipped off towards her vehicle, “I’ll tell my brother that he‘ll be seeing you at 4!”
    Arielle watched Kaitlyn get on the second seat and her brother get on the first. Her brother then started up the motorcycle and drove off; Kaitlyn’s hair was flying in the wind as they disappeared down the street.
    “Alright, now to get to Alicia’s.” Arielle shut the front door on her way out, “I wonder what she wants.”    Shelby was already at work so there was no one home to say goodbye to.
    Arielle hopped onto the bus that would take her to the East Gate and to the Miscellaneous Woods. On the bus, Arielle sat alone and stared out the window. It didn’t take long for the bus to reach Arielle’s destination. She hopped off and walked into the woods.
Alicia’s house was in the deep woods, so Arielle had a long walk ahead of her. As she was walking, she stopped to see something running towards her. Arielle readied herself for the worst and put her fists up, but she put them down when she noticed who is was.
It was Sabrina and she was on a silver Pegasus. The Pegasus had been running toward Arielle and was now at a full stop. Sabrina got off and ran to hug Arielle.

    “Hey, Arielle!” Sabrina squeezed her, “I haven’t seen you in a long time!”

    “I haven’t seen you either!” Arielle squeezed back, “Caroline has been making me run around town for errands when she could of sent her stupid assistant, what’s his name…? Sam Tablet! Yeah, she could of sent him!”

    Sabrina laughed, “But then your curse might not get over as quickly, remember?”

    “Oh… yeah…” Arielle had totally forgotten about her curse, and about Kasi for that matter. Which reminded her that she hadn’t seen Kasi since she got Shelby that job.

    “Anyway, I wrote you that letter.” Sabrina explained, “I have been working on something, without Alicia’s knowing. I’ve been working on it in my secret base. Will you come see it?”

    “Sure.” Arielle smiled, “But are you sure you want me to see your secret base?”

    “Yeah!” Sabrina grinned, “You can be the first and only to see it! Not even Alicia has been in it!”

    “Wow.” Arielle said, “Where is this base of yours?”

    “Get on and I’ll show you.” Sabrina jumped onto the Pegasus’ back. She motioned for Arielle to do the same.

    Arielle jumped on the back and put her hands on Sabrina’s shoulders to hang on. The Pegasus turned around and began running back. Its wings spread wide and began to flap. Hooves began to slowly lift off the ground, still kicking wildly. The Pegasus ascended into the cold morning air; so cold that breath could be seen as clouds. The three soared through the sky and Arielle watched as the trees whizzed by in a blur. By that time though, they were high above the trees and heading towards the Abatis Mountain Range; mountains that boarded Misc. Country from the countries of Vampire and Werewolf and separated the two countries. Even from Misc. Country, the howls of the wolves could be heard.

    “How much further…?” Arielle asked cautiously.

    “We are descending now.“ Sabrina said.

    The Pegasus tilted downward and began to kick its feet once more. They landed on the ground and the Pegasus was back to running. They reached a small cave on the mountain side and the Pegasus halted. The two girls got off.

    “Thanks, Pagonis.” Sabrina patted the Pegasus’ mane, “I’ll send a flare when I need you again.”

    The flying horse nodded and ran off into the woods.

    “Is this a safe area?” Arielle asked worriedly, “It is awfully close to the Vampire and Werewolf countries…”

    “It’s fine.” Sabrina said, “It is forbidden that they come onto neutral grounds such as Misc. Country. Alicia told me so.”

    “Ok then…” Arielle looked a bit skeptical, but she followed Sabrina into the cave anyway.

    The cave was rather odd looking. It looked more like a blacksmith’s shop then anything else. On a table was a bunch of weapons, but only one stood out in particular. It was a simple handle; just a metal handle. It also had a knob on the bottom of it with numbers one through seven around it.

    “What is this?” Arielle picked it up to examine it.

    “I have been working on it for weeks.” Sabrina piped, “I wanted to make you a weapon of some sort so you could be safer, but I couldn’t pick what weapon to give you. So, I made a handle out of magic and made it have six different weapons in it. Since all the weapons are made of magic, they are indestructible. They can survive a hit from ANYTHING.”

    “Six different weapons?” Arielle asked, “Why are there seven notches then?”

    “The seventh one is to return the weapon back into the handle form so it can be travel sized.” Sabrina said, obviously proud of her work.

    “Wow…” Arielle turned the knob to 1. The handle suddenly sprouted the weapon of a large metal bat.

    “The first weapon is a metal bat.” Sabrina explained, “Go on and try them all.”

    Arielle turned it to 2 and the bat turned into a long sword. She spun it around a few times before turning it to 3. The sword shortened to a dagger.

    Turning it to 4, the weapon became considerably longer and turned into a double-bladed axe. Arielle murmured the word ‘Sweet’ and turned it to 5. The weapon turned into a sword with a curved blade.

    “What is this one?” Arielle asked.

    “I knew you would ask that.” Sabrina smiled, “It is one of my favorite non-wand weapons. It’s called a ‘scimitar’. It was used by pirates and people like that.”

    “I see.” Arielle nodded, “Cool.” She then turned it to the 6th notch and the scimitar turned into a short metal wand.

    “A wand?” Arielle chuckled.

    Sabrina smirked, “Thought you might wanna try magic. It could come in handy one day.”

    Arielle turned the knob to the last notch and the weapon disappeared into dust; the dust retreated back into the handle. Arielle put the handle in her belt.

    Suddenly, a howl was heard. The two girls ran outside to see three wolves climbing over the mountains. Since there was a protective force field around Misc. Country, it should of held them off; However, the force field was weak from being so old and the wolves were sliding through with minimal damage. The wolves turned into their human forms and smirked at the girls.

    “Well, well. Look what we have here.” a boy with long gray hair and pale skin said.

    “Looks like a couple of girls.” a shoulder length black haired and dark skinned boy smiled, “Human girls.”

    The third boy had an angry look on his face; it was as if he didn’t like the thought of the two girls being in front of him. He had short brown hair and lightly tanned skin.

    “Lucas! Michael!” the boy barked, “Stop messing around! Kill these girls before they warn someone of our arrival!”

    “Aww.” the gray haired boy, Lucas, whined, “Can’t we play with them a little more, Daniel?”

    “Yeah.” Michael, the black haired boy, sighed, “What do you say, Howlenton?”

    Daniel growled, “I swear, if you two idiots don’t kill them RIGHT THIS SECOND, I will do you BOTH in!”

    The other two coward down and obeyed their leader. They turned back to Arielle and Sabrina with their fangs showing.

    Arielle acted quickly by whipping out the handle and turning it into the bat. She swung and hit Lucas in the face. The wolf boy cried out as he was sent flying.

    Sabrina used her wand and aimed it at Michael. Her wand sent out a spark that stunned the other wolf boy and made him drop to the ground; growling in pain.

    Daniel had a shocked look on his face. He regained his stoic exterior and said, “You are strong. However, next time we meet, I will be stronger.”

    “Psh!” Arielle taunted, “I can kick your butt anytime, Wolfie.”

    Daniel’s face reddened in anger, “Don’t get so cocky, woman! Just because you’ve got a magical weapon, doesn’t mean you can actually beat me! You are just relying on magic to help you!”

    “How am I not suppose to use magic on an immortal mutt like you?” Arielle laughed.

    “Arielle…” Sabrina warned quietly.

    Daniel stood up straight, “So, your name is Arielle? Well, I guess you can die right now!” The wolf boy ran at her.

    Arielle was ready for the attack, but Sabrina stepped in from of her and sent up a red flare into the sky. Daniel stopped when she had done that.

    “The hell?!” Daniel growled.

    Sabrina did her best to look brave, “Leave. Back to your own country. Now!”

    Daniel glared, but he did as he was told. Grabbing his two friends, he ran back up the mountain and back over to Werewolf Country.

    Sabrina sighed in relief, “Good. I thought he wouldn’t listen to me…”

    “Wow, Sabrina.” Arielle put her weapon back onto her belt, “You were pretty brave.”

    “And you were stupid!” Sabrina suddenly lashed out, “Why did you have to provoke him?!”

    “Sorry…” Arielle apologized.

    Sabrina sighed again, “It’s ok. Let’s just get back to Alicia’s and tell her what happened. She’ll be able to help.”

    Pagonis landed before them; having been called by the red flare. The girls mounted him and they flew off towards the tree house.

(End Of Chapter 2)

© 2012 Rae

Author's Note

A little shorter than the last chapters, but still a good one. Sabrina is pretty much a main character by now. She's going to be EXTREMELY helpful in the future. Tell me of any errors. ^^

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Dear God, go Sabrina! I didnt know she could be that awesome! :D Or mean. She just lashed out at Arielle like a boss.

An amazing first encounter! Ooh I can feel the tension!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 12, 2012
Last Updated on May 12, 2012



Some interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..

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