Intro(Final): Miscellaneous

Intro(Final): Miscellaneous

A Chapter by Rae

Arielle finally gets to Misc. City. She meets new people, and starts to adapt to her new life, but this is only the final to the intro, people. There is much more to come.

    Arielle was simply walking with her nose in the map that Sabrina gave her. The woods were very open with a skinny tree every ten feet away from another. Arielle was walking on a straight path that was suppose to lead straight to the city. Her shoes were crunching on the many autumn leaves that scattered the woods’ grounds.
    “I should be there soon.” Arielle held the map in one hand while her other hand slipped into her pocket. She gasped as she felt something in it. Pulling out the item, she gazed at it in her hand. It was the shell necklace she took from Kylan. Tears began to form in her eyes as she squished it in her hand.
    “Bad breakup, right?” a voice asked.
    Arielle stopped dead in her tracks. The voice came from above her, so she looked up slowly. Nothing was in the tree above her. So she raised a brow and looked forwards. In front of her was a small black cat. It meowed at her and then it transformed.
    The cat transformed into a girl that looked almost identical to Arielle. She had long dirty blonde hair that was straight with straight bangs and in a long ponytail that reached to her lower back, pale skin, and enchanting blue eyes. She wore black knickerbockers that were held up by a black belt, no shoes, a black tank top, short leather fingerless gloves, and large black hoop earrings. On her head were two black cat ears and behind her was a long black cat tail. She smiled and her fangs shown.
    “Hello, Arielle.” the girl smiled.
    “Who are you?” Arielle asked.
    The girl stepped a bit closer, “You may call me ‘Kasi’. Kasi BlackCat.”
    Arielle studied the girl, “You look… almost identical to me…”
    “I was apart of you once.” Kasi gently poked Arielle’s belly with her claw, “I guess you can say I AM your curse.”
    Arielle growled, “I see. So as long as you live, I will have the curse?”
    “Precisely.” Kasi smirked catlike, “Well, I must go now. See you later, Finn.” and with a giggle, she added, “May Luck be with you.” Kasi turned into her black cat form and sped off through the trees.
    “Wait!” Arielle attempted to run after the cat, but she lost sight quickly and sighed, “Damn!”
    Arielle growled in the direction the girl had ran off to, then she turned back towards the trail. She began her walk to the city when she saw something else blocking her path.
    “Not again…” she sighed. This time, it was a boy. He looked very flustered as he was gathering papers that he apparently dropped. He had short black hair and gently tanned skin.
    The wind blew a lone paper towards Arielle and she caught it with ease. She approached the boy and held the paper out to him.
    “You need any help there?” she asked.
    The boy looked up and his face suddenly reddened, “Um… it’s ok… I just dropped a bunch of important papers… I’m a klutz…”
    Arielle bent down anyway and helped gather the rest of the papers before handing them to the now standing boy.
    “I’m Arielle.” Arielle introduced herself, “What’s your name?”
    “I-I’m Sam.” the boy smiled nervously, “Sam Tablet. I work for the mayor of Misc. City…”
    “Really?” Arielle beamed, “I have been meaning to speak to the mayor, but being new to the city I have no idea where I am going. Could you please be my escort?”
    Sam’s blush deepened, “Of course. Follow me…”
    Arielle did as she was told and followed Sam through the rest of the woods. They began to approach an arch that said “Misc. City” on the top. They passed through it and Arielle began making mental notes on all the places she could see. The city seemed busy, but then again not busy. There were cars and buses going up and down the roads and people walking the sidewalks. ‘People’ might not have been the correct term as most of them looked like things that came out of a horror movie. Some of them looked as normal as Arielle did; if Arielle was actually normal.
    “Hey, why do all the people here look like monsters?” Arielle asked.
    Sam replied, “Well, this place is actually meant for all the ‘rejects’ of society. This country is seen as a haven for people who have been cast from their home countries, have been banished, running from, or wanted from their past homes. Most of them are kind of like monsters to other people, but to us, they’re family.”
    Arielle went silent, which made Sam c**k his head to the side.
    “Are you one of them?” Sam asked.
    Arielle sighed, “I was going to be killed, so I fled my country…”
    The bus that they were apparently waiting for arrived. The doors opened and Sam motioned for her to get on.
    Sam had coaxed Arielle to tell him her whole story; how she was accused of treason and sentenced to death by her own sister, how she ran away and was dumped by her boyfriend, how she was found by a novice witch and was taken care of by Alicia. She left one part out, however, and it was about her curse.
    The bus stopped at a large building in length, but not so much in height. It was labeled ‘City Hall’.
    “We’re here, Arielle.” Sam said as he got off the bus.
    Arielle got off and followed the boy into the large building. Inside were a bunch of people going to and from the elevators, up and down the stairs, and in and out the door. There was a large reception desk in the shape of a circle. Several receptionists seated inside the 360 degree desk. Suddenly, upon hearing a distant sound of clicking heels on the black linoleum floor, everyone scattered; that left the receptionists, Arielle, and Sam the last ones in the lobby.
    The high heels that were making the clicks on the floor appeared and revealed the woman wearing them. She had long blonde hair that reached just passed her shoulders, threatening brown eyes, pale skin, and lips in a sneer. She wore a black pea coat, gray jean pants, black leather gloves, and last wore black high heel shoes. As she walked, the woman seemed to be concentrating hard on something.
    She stood in front of Arielle and motioned for Sam to join right next to her; Sam obeyed.
    “So.” the woman spoke condescendingly towards Arielle, “Who might you be?”
    “I’m Arielle.” Arielle said, “Arielle Finn.”
    The woman began circling Arielle and finally stopped in front once more to say, “I’m Caroline Cadaver, Misc. City’s mayor.”
    Sam spoke up, “Um, Miss Cadaver, Arielle helped me when I dropped all of our project papers… and she told me that she needed to talk to you for some reason… s-so I took her here.”
    Caroline gave Arielle an icy stare, “Well then. Spit it out. What do you need?”
    Arielle was slightly taken aback, but she shook it off, “W-well, I am… ‘wanted’ back at my old country, Ocean Country, and I came here to escape my bounty. I need a job and a place to stay… If that’s ok with you, Miss Cadaver.”
    “Hm.” Caroline seemed to be thinking, “I do think I have a job for you, but the house will take a few hours of preparing. If you are ready to wait that long--”
    “Thank you!” Arielle hugged the mayor.
    Caroline face reddened a bit from embarrassment, “Alright, get off. Your job will be an errand girl. You can do odd jobs for me here and there when Sam is busy. If I do not give you a job, you are free to do whatever you please with yourself in the meantime. Your payment is your house, so you’ll have to do different jobs for money, got it?”
    Arielle nodded furiously, “Yes, ma’am. Thank you very much.”
    “Sam.” Caroline looked to her assistant, “You may wait here with Arielle and get at least some of the project done.”
    Sam nodded as Caroline flipped open her phone and walked off.
    “She seems… nice?” Arielle smiled, “Is she always like that?”
    “She’s nicer when you get to know her.” Sam laughed, “She is also just getting used to the ‘niceness of the mayor’. Did you know, she used to be a professional fighter?”
    “EH?!” Arielle said in surprise, “You mean she used to beat people up for a living?!”
    “Yup.” Sam continued, “She was known as ‘Cadaver Crusher’ or for short ‘C.C.’. She would be put in the Zombie Arena Center, which is a big dome in the middle of the city, and she would fight against zombies with superhuman strength. So she’s pretty strong too. She would wear short leather shorts, combat boots, a short sleeved crop jacket that was buttoned up--”
    “No shirt or anything?!” Arielle interrupted.
    “Nope.” Sam said, “And she would wear those leather gloves that she wears. Those gloves are the only things she has left of her ‘glory days’. She even traded the combat boots for those high heels. She can barely walk in them!”
    Arielle thought, ‘So that’s why she looked so concentrated.’
    Sam sighed, “Yeah, I used to be her biggest fan too. But I support her decision on becoming mayor.”
    “How could she become mayor if she was a fighter?” Arielle asked.
    “Her mother, may she rest in peace, had wanted her daughter to get away from violence.” Sam said, “So she made Caroline agree to be mayor for a year, but then she died… Caroline kept up her end of the bargain though. She still has eight more months to go.”

    Arielle and Sam talked for a few more hours until…
    “Oh no!” Sam exclaimed, “I still have my project to work on! Sorry, Arielle, but I will have to cut our talk a little short…”
    “That’s alright.” Arielle smiled, “I’m just glad we talked at all.”
    Sam blushed, “M-me too. I’ll see you l-later then.” He ran off.
    Arielle sighed; she was now alone. She looked up when she heard the sound of the clicking shoes. Caroline was approaching her.
    “Finn.” Caroline stopped in front of her, “Your abode is finished. I will send Sam with you to see your new dwelling.”
    “Alright.” Arielle stood up and watched the mayor walk away.
    Sam came running a few minutes later, “I didn’t get much done in that short time…”
    Arielle simply laughed and the two of them walked out of the building and back onto the bus.

    The two went through the black iron gate to Arielle’s house. The house was a large two-story house colored purple and black with a garage; it was covered with vines that were blooming all sorts of different flowers and surrounded by a row of tall sequoia trees that hid the house very well. The yard was lush and green and there were stairs that led up to the front door from the gate. The archway they went through to get to the door was also covered with vines. Arielle opened the black oak door and gaped at the first floor.
    The first thing she noticed was walls that formed a circle around a black spiral staircase. The walls had large gaps in them so Arielle could walk through one to get to the staircase. To the immediate left of the staircase walls was a living room with black carpet and three white sofas around a clear coffee table. A flat screen TV was on the wall opposite of the coffee table. To the immediate right was a white tiled kitchen with black appliances and black counter-tops. The large kitchen island also was black with a sink on it and dishwasher under it. The whole back wall was covered in windows so the backyard could be seen.
    Arielle smiled and looked at the staircase, “Let’s see my room. The backyard can wait.”
    Sam was a little hesitant, “Um… Do I stay here, or…?”
    “Come on, dude!” Arielle grabbed his wrist, “You can come too.”
    They ascended the staircase and were led into the large second floor which was just a one-room floor covered in white shag carpet. The was a purple queen size bed in the top right corner of the room and a nightstand was sitting right beside it with a furry lamp on it. In the top left corner was a large black armoire with multiple shelves for clothes. Book shelves filled to the brim with books were in the bottom left corner. The bathroom door was by the bottom right corner and Arielle looked through the door.
    The bathroom had the largest black porcelain bathtub Arielle had ever seen, though she rarely saw bathtubs since she was a mermaid. And by it was a black porcelain toilet. Across from the tub was a mirror and sink.
    “Wow.” Arielle gasped, “This house is pretty bomb so far. Let’s check the backyard, Sam.”
    Arielle dragged Sam back down the stairs and into the living room. There was a door that led to the backyard. Arielle opened it and took a step outside. In the middle of the backyard was a large rectangular spa; it looked at least more than five feet deep. The rest of the backyard was made of ebony with a few chairs around the spa.
    “Awesome!” Arielle began pulling her shoes off as she hopped over to the spa. She tossed her shoes onto a nearby chair and sat down by the edge, dipping her feet in. Almost immediately, her legs turned into her black tailfin; she began splashing her tail around in happiness.
    Sam smiled at the cute scene in front of him when a buzzing came from his pocket. He looked at the phone to see who was calling; it was Caroline.
    “Hello?” Sam said into the phone. Their conversation was short and ended with an “Ok, Miss Cadaver. I’m on my way.” He hung up the phone and turned to Arielle, who was already staring back.
    “Sounds like Miss Mayor wants you.” Arielle commented.
    “Yeah…” Sam trailed off, “I-I hope you enjoy your home. I have to get back on that project.”
    “Alright.” Arielle waved him off before going back to her splashing.
    When Sam was truly gone, Arielle stripped off the rest of her clothes and submerged herself completely into the spa. And there she stayed until morning.

(End Of Intro Final)

© 2012 Rae

Author's Note

So I literally finished this yesterday. I just didn't post it until now. Please review. Thankies! <3

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Yknow, when Sam was describing C.C during her zombie fighting days, she sounded just like Sonya Blade from Mortal Kombat 9. Look it up!

Im glad that Arielle has made a friend...I wonder if her and Sam will be more than friends later? ;D


Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 12, 2012
Last Updated on May 12, 2012



Some interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..

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A Book by Rae

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by Rae