![]() Shimeji and Kasi's Story: Part Three(Final)A Chapter by Rae![]() This is it! The moment of truth!! I'm very excited!!!![]()
Gaby was running so fast that as soon as she got to the lobby, she tripped and fell right in front of Kasi's desk.
Kasi looked up from writing, "Gaby? You ok?" "Kasi!" Gaby got up and rushed to the desk, "Megumi is only dating Shimeji because you like him!" "Eh?" Kasi gasped, "I KNEW she was bad... but what can I do? Shimeji is so happy with her..." Gaby was surprised by Kasi's attitude. She thought Kasi would be all over getting back at Megumi. She must REALLY like Shimeji. "Kasi..." Gaby began, "Look. You need to do this for Shimeji." Kasi looked away, "You don't understand, Gaby. I DO like him, but I can't be with him." "And why not?" Gaby asked. "Sis, please. I don't want you trying to date Shimeji..." Kasi stiffened, "That was so long ago... why do I remember..." "Kasi. WHY can't you go out with Shimeji?" Gaby pressed. "I made a promise..." Kasi said, "To my brother..." Gaby sighed and thought, This is like a bad Soap Opera. "Of course, my brother is dead now..." Kasi began to sob, "But I can't break my promise! That's why I'm resigning." "What?!" Gaby gaped, "You can't!!" "I made up my mind." Kasi said. Gaby huffed. There was no way she could let Kasi just leave her job like that. Gaby got out her cell phone and texted a familiar number. "WHAT?!" Ali came running around the corner, "You did NOT just text me what I think you just texted me." "It's true!" Gaby said, "Kasi is trying to quit!" Ali growled and grabbed Kasi by the shirt, "Look. Here is how this is going down. You AREN'T going to quit, you are going to march up to Megumi and kick her a*s. Then you are going to confess to Shimeji, kiss him, and get together with him." "I can't!" Kasi yelled, "I promised--" "I don't give a rats A*S on a promise." Ali seethed, "Shimeji is dating a B***H when he loves YOU. He just wants you to love him like he loves you. The only reason he is going out with Megumi is because he is trying to make you jealous!! GOSH!! GIRLS ARE SO F*****G STUPID!!!" Kasi shook her head, "I'm sorry, Ali." she began to cry, "I just can't!" Jumping over her desk, Kasi ran out of the lobby. Ali sighed, "If we can't get her to see it, maybe Shimeji can." "But," Gaby began, "Shimeji probably doesn't want to talk. I mean, he finally has a girlfriend now..." "True..." Ali sighed again, "We need to get the whole gang on this. It could help to have a few more heads in this." ... "WHAT?!" Ryuusuke growled, "Kasi is going to resign?!" The whole crew was there, save for Kasi and Shimeji. Kyo, who looked very upset, began to speak. "Kasi is a very sweet girl." Kyo said, "I think everyone would be sad if she went, especially Shimeji. We need to somehow open his eyes about this." "I agree." Kentaro nodded, "We all know that Shi-Chan likes Kasi-Chan. He's just being an idiot because he has a girlfriend now. If Kasi-Chan resigns, Shi-Chan will definitely not like it." "The thing is," Ali started, "We need him to realize this BEFORE she resigns. She might not be able to get her job back if we are too late." The whole crew began thinking. Coming up with a plan to get Shimeji, whose ego has become bigger than Godzilla, to dump Megumi, who was a total b***h, and get him together with Kasi. The problem is that Kasi won't do it because of a promise and Shimeji won't do it because he has a girlfriend. "Maybe..." Gaby began, "Maybe we should somehow get the two of them to talk about that 'promise' that Kasi was telling us about. Obviously it has something to do with Shimeji too, right?" Ali nodded, "Yeah, but Shimeji is so far up Cloud 9's a*s that he won't speak to her. Besides, Megumi doesn't like Kasi." Gaby was suddenly struck with realization, "Wait! Hold on! I have to speak to Yuka for a moment!" She then proceeded to run out of the room. "Why would she need to speak with Yuka?" Ryuu asked. No one in the room could answer that question. ... Gaby barged into Room 5 of the girl's dorm to see Yuka on her couch reading a Monkey High manga. "Yuka!" Gaby said, "I need to talk to you." "For the last time, I'm not helping you with that whole Megumi ordeal." Yuka said without looking up, "It's her love life, not anyone elses." "Can you at least tell me why you hate Kasi so much?" Gaby asked. Yuka laughed suddenly, "Why would you want to know? It's between her and me." Gaby, slightly taken aback by the sudden laughter, regained herself to say, "Megumi was saying that was one of the reasons she went out with Shimeji was because you hated Kasi." Yuka sighed and put down her book, "I don't 'hate' her. She just makes me angry sometimes. Once, she gave me a wedgie outside of the train station for everyone to see. I was so embarrassed! She thinks just because we are cousins that she can do those things to me! Honestly--" "So, Megumi was lying when she said that?" Gaby asked. "Most likely." Yuka said, "Listen, Gaby. Megumi is one of those girls who likes other womens' men. It's just like that. She went after Shimeji because she sensed the weakness in Kasi and Shimeji's relationship. She knew that Kasi wouldn't date Shimeji because she likes tall men, and she knew Shimeji would say yes to her because he is desperate. Other than that, she doesn't like him. If you really want to free him and get Kasi with him, maybe you should try locking them in a closet so they can talk it out." Gaby sighed, "Please, Yuka. I need some serious help with this." Yuka ignored her, so Gaby did something she never thought she would have to do. She got on the floor and began to beg. "Yuka-Chan. I don't want Shimeji and Kasi to spend their lives like this. I want them to be happy. So please. Please help me." Yuka blushed furiously and coughed, "You REALLY want help THAT badly?" Gaby nodded. "Fine." Yuka sat up, "But don't tell ANYONE, especially Kasi, that I told you about this. Got it?" Gaby nodded again. Yuka leaned forward a bit, "America." "Eh?" Gaby cocked her head to the side. "When Kasi met Shimeji in America, that is how this whole thing got started. I'm sure going there will help shed some light on them." "How are they going to get to America?" Gaby asked. "The hell should I know?" Yuka picked up her book again, but she set it down and sighed, "If you call Kasi's mom and tell her about all this, she could help you." Yuka wrote something down and gave it to Gaby, "This is her number." "Arigato, Yuka!" Gaby hugged her. Yuka pushed her off, "Yeah, yeah. Oh... by the way... tell my Aunt Janean that Yuka says 'hi'." "Will do!" Gaby ran out the door. ... Gaby hesitantly dialed the number and waited for someone to pick up. "Hello?" an answer came. "Hello." Gaby piped, "Is this Ms. Janean speaking?" "Why, yes it is." the older women said, "And might I ask whom I'm speaking to?" "My name is Gabriella Landeros." Gaby said, "I'm friends with your daughter Kasi." "Oh? Is she alright?" "Well..." Gaby proceeded to tell the women about the whole situation. There was a pause on the other end, "My goodness. I knew this day would come. I get it. I'll call both Kasi and Shimeji and get them on a flight to America as soon as possible." "Thank you." Gaby said. "You must be a great friend to care so much." Gaby could hear the smile in the women's voice. "Your niece, Yuka, gave me the number." Gaby smiled, "She deserves some credit too." "Yuka did?" the women sounded surprised, "She's always so cold. I'm surprised... Well, I must go and do the arrangements. It was nice to speak to you, Gaby." "You too." Gaby said her goodbyes and hung up, feeling triumphant. ... Ryuusuke and Ali were informed by Gaby, so they watched Shimeji pack without questions. The two stood side-by-side and oddly enough they did not fight. A silence had settled itself in the whole dorm. "Why are you guys just watching me pack?" Shimeji asked, "And why are you guys so quiet? Usually you would be fighting." Ali's purple eyes narrowed, "Shouldn't you do a little more packing and a little less talking?" Shimeji pouted, "Whatever." When he was done, Shimeji walked out of his dorm with bags in hand. In America Shimeji got off the plane and went to search for Janean. After all, she said on the phone that she would be sheltering him for a few days. It was weird that she would ask him to come to America to visit Kyle's grave, but since Kyle WAS his best friend, he had to go. Besides, he had missed Kyle's funeral, which made him guilty enough. Shimeji heard his name being called and he turned around to see Janean and Kasi. He was surprised because he did not know Kasi would be here. "Hello, Janean." Shimeji greeted the older women, "I did not know Kasi would be joining us." "Nor did I know you would be joining us, Shimeji." Kasi said with a cold voice that made Shimeji wince. Janean stepped in, "Now now. I called you both here because I needed to give you something that Kyle left the both of you. I wasn't sure when to give it to you, but I decided I would do it now or never." Kasi and Shimeji both raised a brow, "Something for us?" Janean nodded, "Yes, now let's go before traffic gets unbearable!" The two followed Janean out of the airport and into her car that was waiting patiently. The car ride was silent. Shimeji glanced over at Kasi and sighed mentally. He noted Kasi's non-cheerful expression and sad eyes. He had never... well almost never, seen her like this. The only time he had seen her like that was the day she told him that they couldn't be together all those years ago. After hours of driving, they pulled up to the house. ... Kasi ran her fingers along the walls and smiled. It had been some time since she had seen the place. She strolled into the kitchen and remembered when her and Shimeji almost kissed. She blushed and walked into the garden. Apparently Shimeji had the same idea because he was in the garden as well. He was busy admiring the little shrine that Janean had created in the garden. "I still remember him and I playing soccer out here." Shimeji smiled, "It was so fun then." Kasi smiled too, "I remember watching you always lose." The two of them stood next to each other as they stared at Kyle's picture. A few seconds later, Janean came running out with two envelopes. "One for each of you." Janean said, "Kyle had written letters to you both before his death... Please, read them." She left the two alone. The two of them began reading their letters. Dear Sis, I'm sorry for yelling at you and telling you to not date Shimeji. You see, it's because I liked Shimeji and I was jealous that he liked you as much as you liked him. However, I realized that I need to let him go if I want him to be happy. I also want you to be happy too, sis. So that's why I'm revoking that promise. I want you to take care of Shimeji in my place. Can you do that for me, sis? I hope you two have a long and happy life together. Kyle P.S. I love you, sis. Always have and always will.Dear Shimeji, You are my best friend. We were always together and in that time we have spent, I had unintentionally fallen in love with you. I never wanted you to find out because I was afraid you would hate me, but I'm not afraid anymore. I know you like my sister and my sister likes you too, so could you do me a favor and take care of her for me? I want the both of you to be happy, even while I'm gone. I was being selfish, but now I'm setting everything right. Take care of my sis, Shimeji. Kyle P.S. I love you, man.As soon as they finished their letters, Kasi and Shimeji turned to each other. Kasi had tears streaming down her face, while Shimeji had small tears in his eyes. Kasi sobbed, "Oh, Shimeji... I love you so much." Shimeji blushed, "I love you too, Kasi." Kasi fell to her knees and cried. Shimeji knelt down in front of her and took her face within his hands. He first kissed her forehead, then her nose, and next her right cheek followed by the left, and last her lips. Janean watched from the kitchen window and smiled, "This is exactly what you wanted. Huh, Kyle?" In Japan Gaby and the boys waited patiently outside the lobby. Gaby didn't have to hide since she wasn't inside the lobby. They were waiting for Kasi and Shimeji to get back from their trip to America. "I hope it worked." Gaby mused. "We all do." Kyo smiled and ruffled her hair, earning a smile from Gaby. Suddenly, shouting was heard. In the distance were two figures walking towards the crew. It was Kasi and Shimeji... and they were holding hands! "YES!" Gaby shouted as the rest of the crew cheered. Kasi blushed and giggled as Shimeji wrapped his arm around her waist. Shimeji smirked, "Well, she couldn't keep her hands off of me during the whole trip." Everyone gaped and their eyebrows twitched. Shimeji was still Shimeji. "That's right." Kasi kissed his cheek, which made everyone gape wider. Ali smirked, "Hey guys. Look over there." They looked to where Ali pointed to. Megumi glared at them from a little ways off. Shimeji had dumped her through phone as soon as him and Kasi kissed in the garden. She must have been pretty pissed at him. The whole group stuck their tongues out at her, except for Ali and Ryuu who flipped her the bird. Megumi huffed and walked off. Everyone began laughing and that's when Gaby noticed that Kasi replaced her high pink heels for a pair of short pink flats. © 2016 RaeAuthor's Note
5 Reviews Added on July 20, 2011 Last Updated on June 7, 2016 Dorm Life
Chapter One
By Rae
Chapter Two
By Rae
Chapter Three
By Rae
Chapter Four
By Rae
Chapter Five
By Rae
Chapter Six
By Rae
Chapter Seven
By Rae
Chapter Eight
By Rae
Chapter Nine
By Rae
Chapter Ten
By RaeAuthor![]() RaeAboutSome interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..Writing