Kentaro and Daisuke's Story: Part Three(Final)

Kentaro and Daisuke's Story: Part Three(Final)

A Chapter by Rae

Gaby tries to save Ken, but ends up diving in after him... What happens to the two of them?

   "KEN!!!!!!!!!!" Gaby saw him jump and was running to save him. She jumped off the bridge after him.

   "Ken!" Gaby called as she fell.

   Ken turned his head and saw Gaby plummeting to her death after him. He couldn't let her die... why was she even here? He turned around and pulled Gaby into a locked embrace. 'I can't die here... I have to save Gaby-Tan!'

   Then they hit the water with a violent splash.

   Ali reached the ledge just in time to see the two hit the water, "GABY!! KEN!!! NO!!!!"

   "Ali!!!" Kasi, Ryuu, and Shimeji caught up with him, "Did you save Ken?!"

   Ali was silent. He tried not to cry, but it was hard. He had gotten pretty attached to Gaby in the last month and Ken was a great guy.

   "Ali..." Ryuu raised a brow, "Hey, man. Are you ok? Where's Ken and Gaby?"

   Once again, Ali remained silent.

   Kasi began to panic, "Ali... W-where are they?! Tell us now!!"

   "THEY'RE DEAD, OK?!!!" Ali snapped at her.

   Kasi was taken aback at the yelling, and she broke into sobs, crying into Shimeji's shoulder.

   "Dead?" Ryuu asked, "Are you sure?"

   "They hit the damn water with a hard a*s thud." Ali growled, "I'm sure..."

   Ryuu sighed shakily, "S**t..."


   Daisuke was laying on the couch with a broken nose. Gaby had punched him pretty hard. Daisuke began to think of Ken. It wasn't that he hated Ken... he was just... a little embarrassed by the thought of liking Ken back.

   Daisuke had been shocked at Ken's confession, but after time, he began to think about it. He liked attention, yes, but the 'attention' that Ken gave him made his heart jump with excitement.

   It hurt Daisuke that Ken gave him such sad looks whenever Daisuke hit on someone else. The only reason Daisuke acting like that...

   "...Ken... I'm not someone you should be with..." Daisuke began to cry, " deserve so much better than me... so why?! Why must you like me?!"

   The door slammed open with Kasi, Ali, Shimeji, and Ryuu storming inside.

   "What's going on???" Daisuke sat up.

   "Nothing much." Ali cracked his knuckles, "Just gonna whup your a*s."

   "What for?!" Daisuke gaped.

   Ryuu cracked his knuckles as well, "For killing Gaby and Ken."

   "Killing?" Daisuke was confused, " I didn't kill--"

   "Ken jumped off a bridge and Gaby jumped after him..." Kasi began sobbing again.

   Daisuke couldn't believe what he was hearing. Ken... committed suicide for him... and Gaby wanted to save Ken... What has he done?

   The first punch came from Ali, soon followed by Ryuu.


   Gaby's life had flashed briefly before her eyes as she hit the water. Her eyes opened as she saw Ken holding her tightly. She was still alive! she couldn't believe it. However, she felt Ken's arms slip away from her.

   The current was rather feisty as the two of them were hurled left and right. The current dropped the two off onto a small riverbank that was on the outskirts of the city.

   "Ken?" Gaby checked Ken's pulse. It was there, barely. She couldn't believe what she was about to do.

   "Forgive me, Ken." Gaby began giving Ken CPR.

   After a few pushes against the chest and air being blown into his lungs, Ken coughed up water and his eyes opened.

   "Ken?!" Gaby looked at him with excitement, "You're awake!!"

   "Gaby?" Ken asked, his voice hoarse, "Are we in Heaven?"

   "No." Gaby chuckled lightly, "We are still alive."

   Ken sat up quickly, "Really? Even after hitting that water so violently?"

   "Yes. Now that we have that settled..." Gaby swung her fist right into Ken's face.

   "What the--" Ken held his face.

   "The HELL did you think you were doing?!" Gaby growled, "Committing suicide is NEVER the answer, d****e canoe!!! Daisuke is NOT worth it!"

   Ken looked away sadly, "I think he is..."

   Gaby glared, "No one is worthy of such a thing, ok?! You shouldn't try to end your life when you have people who care about you!"

   Ken thought of all his friends, including Gaby, who had jumped in after him, knowing that she might not be alive after it. He remembered his thoughts before they hit.

   'I can't die here... I have to save Gaby-Tan!'

   Ken smirked, "You're right, Gaby-Tan. As usual."

   "Damn straight." Gaby said, "Oh... by the way, I had to give you CPR... I hope you don't mind..."

   Ken laughed, "Why would I mind?"

   "B-because you like Daisuke and all..." Gaby stuttered.

   Ken laughed again, lightly this time, "It's ok, Gaby-Tan. I'm very grateful for you saving me. Thank you."

   "You're welcome!" Gaby threw her arms around his neck.

   Ken suddenly winced in pain. His ankle was sprained from the impact. He probably couldn't make it back home...

   "What's wrong?" Gaby asked.

   "Ankle's sprained." Ken said, "Help me walk back to the dorm?"

   Gaby nodded and helped him up. With his arm around her shoulders and her arms around his waist, they set out towards the city.


   Daisuke had two black eyes, a re-broken nose, and bruises everywhere. He gently touched his broken nose, which was out of place.

   "Here, let me fix that." Ryuu grabbed his nose and violently put it back into place.

   "F**K!!" Daisuke yelled at the sharp pain.

   "That's what you get, a*****e." Ryuu growled.

   Ali had blood on his knuckles, most of it Daisuke's. He looked at Kasi, who was still crying on Shimeji. Shimeji seemed to enjoy Kasi's attention.

   "Beating Daisuke up won't bring them back, you know." Kasi said with a shaky breath.

   "I know..." Ali said.

   The door suddenly opened and in came Gaby helping a limping Ken.

   "Gaby! Ken!" Kasi jumped up and attempting to hug them both.

   "You guys!" the rest of them began their hugs, except for Daisuke, who was still in shock after seeing Ken alive.

   "Daisuke." Gaby seethed. She gave Ken to Ryuu and ran over to punch Daisuke right in the mouth.

   "Gaby! Stop!" Ken limped over to Daisuke and offered him a hand.

   Everyone just stared at the scene before them. Was Ken REALLY going to forgive Daisuke? After ALL THAT?!

   "Daisuke..." Ken began, "I-I love you, but if you don't love me then that's fine... I still want to be best friends... so I'll let me feelings go, but in return, please stop flirting in front of me... please?"

   Daisuke was speechless, but eventually he found his voice, "Why... why did you try to kill yourself...?"

   "Because I thought that without your love, I wouldn't be able to survive." Ken said, "But someone had told me that there were tons of other people who loved me. The one who told me, being one of them, because she jumped off the bridge to save me. I don't need your love as I thought I did... but... I wanted your love... not need, but want. I wanted it so bad that I wanted to kill myself if I couldn't have it... Even now, I still want it..."

   Daisuke tried to keep his tears in, but they poured down his cheeks, "...B-baka..."

   "Wha--" Ken gasped and his heartbeat raced when he felt Daisuke hug him tightly around the waist.

   "B-baka!" Daisuke said louder, "You shouldn't love someone like me. Someone who hurts you, someone who drives you to kill yourself... I... I-I love you too, Kentaro..."

   Ken blushed, "Y-you do?!"

   Daisuke buried his head in Ken's chest and murmured a quiet 'yes'.

   Ken embraced Daisuke back, smiling as he did so.

   All the hatred for Daisuke had melted away when Ken and Daisuke began hugging and confessing to each other.

   "Barf." Ali said, but received a punch from Ryuu.

   "I think we should leave them alone..." Kasi suggested.

   "Naw, I wanna see this." Shimeji had been eating popcorn the whole time.

   Everyone agreed with him and sat down, eating the popcorn Shimeji had.

   "D-Daisuke..." Ken blushed harder, "C-can I k-kiss you now?"

   Daisuke's face reddened as he nodded.

   Ken smiled as he bent down and kissed Daisuke's lips lightly.

   "WOO~" Shimeji wolf-whistled and was awarded with a punch from Kasi.

   "Hey, guys. I'm home." Kyo opened the door and froze at the sight in front of him, "Umm..."

   Daisuke pulled away and blushed even redder when he saw the whole crew behind Ken, smirking. Even sweet and nice Kyo was smirking.

   "W-what?!" Daisuke stammered, "S-stop looking at me like that!"

   "Oh, but Daisuke," Kasi giggled darkly, "I thought you liked the attention."

   Her dark voice made the whole room shutter.

   Ken just kept on smiling. He finally got what he wanted for years now. Daisuke's love.

© 2016 Rae

Author's Note

WOOO!!! So cute~ LOVE the end. So Ken and Dai will be together for the rest of the book. ^^ I hope you liked the triple special. I'm going to make those an every five chap thing until the last one is done. :DDD Hope you liked it.

My Review

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*phew* Ken is still alive~ Your life has been spared, Kasi-Chan~ When Daisuke was crying, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him~ o3o And then they kissed and got together! I was so HAPPY!!! The ending was GREAT!! I love you, Kasi-Chan~ ;D

Posted 12 Years Ago

Geez poor Dai getting his a*s handed to him like that...A lot of punching this chapter lol...I'm glad Ken and Gaby turned out ok. She's a very special friend to go in and jump after him...But the ending turned out to be a happy scene with Ken and Dai kissing and we have the man Kyo back. I said before I thought Kyo and Gaby would hook up but now it just doesn't seem that way

Posted 13 Years Ago

Ahh man....I was rooting for Gaby and Daisuke. Oh well. Shes still got a whole bunch of men to choose from! XD

I almost thought Gaby and Ken really WERE dead. O_O But then they were okay so I was all happy :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

WOO~! That was SWEET! :DDD Made me wanna cry, though. I'm just glad Ken didn't die, then I seriously would have cried. Wonderful chapter! Lol, my new fave! Post the next one soon, please! Can't wait!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on June 30, 2011
Last Updated on June 7, 2016



Some interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..

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