![]() Chapter ThreeA Chapter by Rae![]() As Gaby gets acquainted with her new roommates in the Girl's Dorm, she discovers a mishap that gets her kicked out, leaving her homeless. Can kindness from a stranger be trusted?![]() Her
fingers drummed erratically on the windowsill behind her seat. She wasn’t
sitting properly on the train, but she didn’t care. The nervousness was getting
to her. And it wasn’t just because she was going to a new school, college in
fact, it was also because she was called the “Legend” for scoring perfects on
both tests that allowed her into the college.
people would be ecstatic to get such good scores and be accepted into their
college, but Gaby wasn’t most people. In fact, she never even knew that there
were tests. She hadn’t applied herself; her tutor, K, had done it for her. She
had received the Acceptance Letter in her mail by complete surprise. And when
she asked her tutor about it, K simply was excited for her to go.
stared blankly out the window. Her brain was working on overdrive on how she
was going to deal with this dilemma. She doesn’t consider herself smart, and
the truth would surely come out in class. And the biggest problem was the
Japanese language test. Passing that made them believe she could speak basic
Japanese. Gaby barely knew any Japanese at all, and the only Japanese she knew
was from watching anime.
intercom chirped out that they would be arriving at Tokyo Uni shortly. The
panic rose even higher inside of Gaby. Her fingers stopped drumming to simply
grip the sill as tightly as possible. She tried her best to even out her
breathing, but it wasn’t working.
Nate, her new friend, asked, “Mon papillon? Are you alright?”
Gaby shouted, “I-I’m fine! Just a l-little nervous is all.” She let out a
pathetic laugh, which caused concern to wash over Nate’s face.
he could say anything else, the train slowed down for a stop. Gaby turned back
around with a fake, yet anxious, smile on her face. Yuka, her buddy, and Ricky,
Nate’s buddy had already stood up from their seats. The doors opened and the
group of four trailed out of the train.
say that Tokyo Uni was large would be a dishonor to the college because the
place was massive. The train station was on the outskirts of the school’s
gateway. The gateway looked to be like a park filled with trees, fountains, and
benches where students sat with their textbooks out. Grecian columns stood
around the gateway park, and the path through was paved with the cleanest
stared in awe, while Nate placed his hands on his hips and breathed in deeply
next to her. “Ah, smell the knowledge already,” Nate said with a smile, “The
breeze feels nice too. I could get used to this.”
nodded in agreeance as she followed him when he moved with the two senior
students. They made their way down the path and around the beautiful marble
fountain that stood out in the middle. People stared at them as they walked
past, and Gaby figured it was because she wasn’t Japanese. Apparently, Tokyo
Uni rarely lets in foreigners, though it has happened before. Many people chalk
it up to how hard the tests are. Not for Gaby “apparently”.
made it onto the main campus that had a plethora of paths left and right, all
decorated with cherry blossom trees, and one large path leading to the main
building. Said building towered over all the others with a large dome shape on
the left is the Boys’ Dorm and to the right is the Girls’ Dorms,” Yuka stated,
“So this is where we part. Takashi. Guzman. Bye.”
rolled his eyes at the curt dismissal. He shot back, “Of course, your royal
assness. Why do you have to be so uptight, Yamada?”
tapped her foot in impatience. “You,” she gestured to Gaby, “let’s go already.”
have a name, you know,” Gaby muttered, “Alright. Bye Ricky. Bye Nate.”
mon papillon,” Nate said, “I’ll text you later, ya?”
nodded. Yuka gave a huffed sigh behind her, indicating that she wanted the
American to hurry up.
luck with Mean Yamada, Gaby!” Ricky called to her, “You’ll need it!”
gulped nervously as she waved goodbye. She felt that Ricky was right on the
money with that. She turned to the Japanese girl, who sneered in disgust at her
before turning on her high heel and continued down the right path.
tried to make small talk when she asked, “So, Yuka, how do you like it here?”
stopped abruptly and swiveled around so quickly that it frightened Gaby. She
glared with her deep brown eyes into Gaby’s own.
murmured something in Japanese that could have very well been an insult, and
she said to Gaby, in English, “That’s Yamada-senpai to you.”
gave a frustrated pout, “I have a name too, you know!”
care,” Yuka replied.
you should, Yuka.”
strawberry blonde growled, “You think you can just call me what you want?!”
could say the same thing to you!”
two women stared each other down, waiting for the other to give up. Yuka’s
smoldering eyes filled to the brim with electricity made Gaby want to look
away, but she kept her eyes on Yuka’s. That’s what she had to do if she was to
get any respect from the other.
stare off lasted barely two minutes, but Yuka clicked her tongue and finally
looked away. Gaby let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
Yuka said, “Let’s go already.”
Gaby replied. She followed obediently after the blonde, passing by impressive
looking buildings, though none would compare to the main hall. The dorm
building was a tall and wide structure with a hotel-like entrance. The two
girls went in and the first thing that Gaby noticed was a large circular desk
in the middle with six elevators on each side of the room, and two staircases
came down and wrapped slightly around the main desk.
the desk was a surly looking woman with a tight topknot on her head. She barely
looked up when the two girls approached her.
Yuka bowed lightly to her, “We’re checking in.”
woman looked up and raised a brow. She simply thrust a clipboard at them and
went back to her typing. Yuka wrote on the board first and handed it to Gaby
afterwards. When Gaby got it, however, she noticed that it was in Japanese.
Sweat beaded onto the back of her neck.
tapped her foot, impatiently, “Well? Sign it already and let’s go.”
Gaby looked to where Yuka signed and put what Yuka did before returning it to
the desk. She had no idea what she wrote, but hopefully it wouldn’t be too much
of a problem. Yuka gestured for the American to continue following her. They
took one of the elevators.
tension was so thick that it was hard for Gaby to breath. Yuka’s eyes were
blank, but it wasn’t as if Gaby was able to read them before. They rode the
elevator to the fifth floor and Gaby went after Yuka down the hall.
hall itself was wide, and only held four doors, indicating the largeness of the
rooms. The doors each had an intercom beside it to talk into. Gaby thought
about how fancy everything was. However, her thinking made her run into Yuka,
who had stopped in front of the room numbered ‘17’ in both English and
into me again,” Yuka warned, “and you will be sleeping out in the hall for the
rest of your time here.”
Gaby replied.
used her key to open the door and went inside, leaving the door open for Gaby
to go in as well.
inside was large and just as lavish as the rest of the building. The entrance
was a bit on the small side and held a row of cabinets on the right, where
shoes were placed. Gaby could see house slippers places on the ground right
before the steps that led to the rest of the dorm.
off your shoes and put on the guest slippers,” Yuka instructed, “You’ll have to
get a pair of your own later. If I see your dumb American a*s walking with your
outside shoes on in the dorm, I swear I will hurt you.”
know!” Gaby whined, “I’ve seen anime!” Maybe she shouldn’t have mentioned that,
but it seemed to get Yuka off her back, if only a little. She replaced her
shoes with the slippers and continued into the dorm. The entrance led to the
living room that held a large, grey sectional with big cushions. In front of
said sectional was a glass coffee table that sat in between the couch and the
TV stand that held the plasma screen TV.
the right of the living room was a door that led out to the patio where blankets
folded over the side of the railing hung and clothes on a clothesline above
them dangled. The patio also had windows looking out and a lounge for outside
the living room was the kitchen that held a kitchen island and a small dining
table with chairs. Gaby noticed that the fridge was littered with post-it notes
and the counters had containers of cookies with what looked like a single name
written on all of them. Yuka cursed when she saw them, but she proceeded to
point to the doors on the right of the kitchen.
room on the right is my room.” Yuka explained, “Under no circumstances is it
okay to go in there, with or without my permission. The room next to it is
Megumi’s room. Don’t disturb her either. She… she isn’t someone you really want
to talk to.”
raised a brow at the explanation. If Yuka was telling her to avoid talking to
someone, she might have to listen, especially when Yuka sounded so uncomfortable
about it.
the door next to hers is the bathroom. Only spend ten or less minutes in there
at a time. We need to let other people use it. We have western toilets, so
don’t get scared about using the bathroom.”
rolled her eyes. “Where is my room?”
pointed down a short hallway to the left of the kitchen. “Your room is down
there on the right of the hall. And the door on the left of the hall is the
laundry room. Don’t leave laundry in there or else I’ll throw it off the patio
and onto the ground. Understood?”
looked down the hall sullenly. Her room was disconnected from the rest of her
dormmates, not that she wanted to be so close to Yuka, or the mysterious
Megumi, but it made her feel lonely. Yuka took this as an opportunity to leave
her. She entered her room and shut the door, leaving Gaby to fend for herself.
The American girl ventured over to her room and, with a heavy sigh, opened the
door to where she would sleep for the next semester.
at least she thought.
room was littered with boxes. There were so many that Gaby could barely fit
into the room. She could also see a bunch of storage cabinets in the rightmost
corner of the room with stairs leading to a bed on top. Next to the bed was a
small nightstand with a cute cat light. In the right corner connected to the
wall with the door was a desk. To the left of the room was a large closet with two
large bookcases with a chair in between then in the leftmost corner for
relaxing and reading. The room would look real cozy, if not for the plethora of
The girl had no idea where to put her own things. Who did all these boxes belong to? "Ohayo!”
came a perky and sickly-sweet voice behind Gaby. She whipped around and saw a
girl standing in the doorway with bright green hair in pigtails and a lollipop
in her mouth.
hello?” Gaby greeted back.
the girl exclaimed, “An American? Are you our new roommate?!”
nodded, “Uh, yeah. I’m Gabriella, but call me ‘Gaby’. I am going to be living
with you. Um… please take care of me?”
girl giggled, “You are super cute, Gaby-chan! Your accent is cute too! Do you
only speak English? Where in America are you from? What major are you in? Can
we be best friends?”
sudden barrage of questions stunned Gaby, who tried to answer the questions but
choked on her answers.
Yuka appeared behind the green-haired girl, “Leave the American alone. She
needs to…” Yuka glanced around the room with a raised eyebrow, “…unpack.”
Yuka’s gaze at the stuff, Gaby stammered out, “T-this isn’t mine! I don’t know
who’s this is!”
mine,” the green-haired girl, the mysterious Megumi, answered.
both Yuka and Gaby replied. The reply at the same time made Yuka glare at Gaby
nodded, “Yeah. It wouldn’t fit all in my room, so I put it in here. I heard
that our roommate had decided to live off-campus, but here you are. Strange.”
Yuka asked, “Where did you hear that?”
desk said so,” Megumi stated, “But I’ll go ahead and move everything. It’ll
take a bit though.”
as they finished the conversation, the intercom at the door buzzed. Yuka rolled
her eyes, but she rushed to get it, leaving Gaby and Megumi by themselves.
rooms are really nice and fancy,” Gaby commented.
Megumi nodded enthusiastically, “They are rather nice. Not as nice as the ones at my house, but they are quaint and cozy here.”
gave a questionable look. She briefly wondered what Megumi’s house looked like.
She didn’t have time to ask as Yuka reemerged and said, “Front desk wants all
of us down. Come on.”
three girls put on their shoes and left the dorm. Yuka walked in front while
Megumi stuck to Gaby behind.
never properly introduced myself,” she held out a hand, “I’m Abe Megumi. You
can call me ‘Megumi-chan’ if you want. I don’t mind if a cutie such as yourself
calls me that.”
aren’t you my senpai?” Gaby asked.
other nodded, “Yeah, but like I said, I don’t mind if you call me that.
Besides, I want us to be besties. Okay?” She said as if it was the final word
and linked their arms together. Gaby gave an awkward laugh. The gnawing feeling
of Yuka’s warning came back to her.
she isn’t someone you really want to talk to.”
Yuka had said that because Megumi is so forward, and it makes Yuka
uncomfortable? Maybe Yuka would back off of her if she was more like Megumi.
Though she didn’t believe she could pull it off since she barely had the
confidence enough as is.
elevator ride down was uneventful, save for the chattering that came solely
from Megumi’s mouth. Yuka growled lightly under her breath as the chattering
continued. The tensions were rising, but Megumi seemed oblivious to them. Gaby,
on the other hand, felt uncomfortable the whole ride.
it reached the ground floor, the three got out and strode over to the main
desk. Megumi kept her arm linked with Gaby’s the whole time, much to Gaby’s dismay.
spoke with the woman and then gestured for Gaby to come up. Both Megumi and
Gaby approached, and the woman looked at the three of them.
is Gabriella Garnica,” Yuka introduced her, which left Gaby rather shocked,
“You wished to speak with all of us about her?”
woman nodded and spoke in English, “Yes. I have been informed earlier this week
that your roommate, Ms. Garnica, was staying off-campus rather than in the
dorms. I wanted to make sure she remembered that since she signed into the
I AM staying in the dorms!” Gaby responded, “I never said anything about
staying ‘off-campus’!
in our database,” the woman replied stoically, “And we have the papers on file
as well. If this has been a mistake, it’ll take up to a month to fix. You can
call this number if you have any questions.” The woman slid a card over to Gaby
without looking at her. Gaby slowly took it and read it, or at least tried to.
shook her head and tried to get the woman’s attention, “But this is a huge
misunderstanding! I can’t be homeless for a whole month! Isn’t the room empty
without me in it? Can’t I just live in it until I get this mess sorted out?”
woman finally gave her the attention with a harsh glare, “That is strictly
forbidden. Someone can’t live in the dorms unregistered. It’s against
regulations. Find a hotel for the time being and sort this mess out yourself.
Now go away. I’m very busy with my work.”
that, the woman turned back to her computer. Gaby felt her heartbeat pounding
in her eardrums. Her breathing increased, and her eyes glossed over. What had
happened? Who could have called them and told them that Gaby was to be living
‘off-campus’? This was absurd. Gaby had nowhere to go but the dorms. Where
would she live? Not only will she be homeless, she’ll be homeless for at least
a month, maybe even longer if they can’t sort everything out. How could this
happen? She had only been in Japan a few hours and she already wanted to get
back on a plane and take the over ten-hour flight back to America where she
could lay in her grandmother’s arms and cry about how much of a failure she is.
Megumi poked her, “You okay? You seem stressed out?”
voice brought Gaby out of her thoughts. She gave a nervous frown and replied,
“I… I didn’t ask to live off-campus. Something happened. Where will I live
shrugged, “Just get a hotel like Sensei suggested. Not near the school though,
unless you want to pay a fortune.”
tried to swallow the lump in her throat, but it refused to budge. She had a
little money, sure, but not enough for housing.
Megumi whined, “Look what you did to poor Gaby-chan! You made her feel
hopeless! Say something nice to her!”
looked away from Megumi, a slight blush on her cheeks. She folded her arms and
stood straight, staring directly at Gaby. She said, “Things are going to
happen. Sometimes we just sit back and roll with them. Other times we do
something about them. Take your pick on what you’re going to do.”
advice struck Gaby like a brick. It wasn’t the sweetest thing to say, but it
was probably going to be the only nice thing she gets from Yuka. She couldn’t
stay in the dorms. Yuka wouldn’t do that kind of thing for her, and Gaby
couldn’t ask her to do that. Gaby sighed internally and nodded at the two
Yuka and Megumi walked her and her luggage out of the dorm hall. Gaby looked
back at her new friends, or maybe just new acquaintances. Yuka looked at her
without any remorse, as if she had kicked Gaby out herself. Megumi looked
slightly forlorn but not too much. It pained Gaby to see such indifference. At
least Megumi waved to her ecstatically.
see you soon, Bestie!” Megumi continued to wave. She put the lollipop back into
her mouth. Yuka gave a curt nod and went back inside, followed by her roommate.
watched them leave. “What am I going to do now?” She asked herself. She glanced
around and decided to explore the campus. Maybe she’ll find a place to stay,
like a shed or the gymnasium. The places she could possibly camp out at were
bleak, and the pain in Gaby’s stomach began to increase with every hour she
wondered around.
campus was beautiful. As expected from such a pretty country. The university
itself was in Tokyo, but with all the foliage around it made it seem like they
were in a forest. A gentle breeze hit Gaby, reminding her of her bare legs. She
shivered and wondered over to a bench that was shaded with a tree. The tree was
big enough to shield her from the wind, so she put all of her stuff onto the
bench with her and sat back in thought.
are going to happen. Sometimes we just sit back and roll with them. Other times
we do something about them. Take your pick on what you’re going to do.”
about what Yuka said, Gaby kicked her feet restlessly. What exactly WAS she
supposed to do? She’s always been the type to sit back and take whatever life
rolled at her. She let herself go to Tokyo, get on a plane for the first time,
be in a friendship with a total stranger on said plane, be bullied by Yuka, and
even be pushed out of the dorm.
thought a lot, but thinking wasn’t her strongest suit. Heck, nothing was her
strongest suit. A lone tear slid down her eye. She couldn’t just cry out in the
open like that. She wiped it away and laid her head down on her luggage. As the
sun set slowly, Gaby thought about a place to sleep.
hand on her shoulder woke her up. It was dark out, but not enough to be blind.
Lanterns were lit along every path, so when Gaby woke up, she saw exactly who
woke her up. It was a boy.
boy wasn’t much taller than Gaby, perhaps by an inch. He had an undercut and
the soft dark hair on his head flipped into a ducktail. His eyes were a gentle
brown drizzled with concern, but Gaby couldn’t help but stare at the ear
piercing on his right ear. Both of his ears were pierced with opal studs, but
the right ear had a silver chain leading up to an intricate cuff on the side.
spoke to her in Japanese, and his voice was serene. Gaby knew he asked her a
question, but she had no idea what he had said.
she answered, trying desperately to come up with something, “I’m sorry, uh,
gomen nasai, but I don’t speak Japanese. Umm… arigatou, though.”
the boy was clutching his sides in full-belted laughter, and Gaby’s face grew
hot in embarrassment. She pouted and crossed her arms. How dare he laugh at
her! She was trying hard!
must be one of those foreigners,” the boy spoke in lightly accented English. He
sounded so practiced that it surprised Gaby.
am! So please don’t be so hard on me!” Gaby cried.
boy laughed again and apologized, “I’m sorry. It was because you were trying so
hard that I laughed. Don’t take it in a mean way. You were so earnest. I was
asking what your name was.”
whole situation had Gaby on edge. It was night, so no one was around, and it
was dark out. And she was suddenly woken by a stranger. She hesitated, but she
eventually replied, “Gabriella. Gabriella Garnica. But my friends call me
‘Gaby’.” The emphasis on ‘friends’ came out as a sort of warning that people
knew her, even though it was an empty one.
hummed in acknowledgement, “Gaby, huh? Hello, Gaby. I’m Takashi Kyo, but my
friends call me ‘Kyo’.”
Gaby repeated. Her face flushed and she stuttered out, “I-I mean Kyo-senpai!
smiled, “I might be your ‘senpai’, but you can just call me ‘Kyo’ or ‘Kyo-kun’.
It doesn’t matter to me. So, Gaby-chan, what are you doing sleeping out her on
a bench? If a security guard caught you, you would be in big trouble being out
here after curfew.”
raised a brow. “Oh yeah? Then what about you? Why are you out here past your
snark that spilled out of Gaby’s mouth surprised both her and the Japanese boy.
He gave her a nervous smile.
got me there! You could be a good law student, you know. You notice that kind
of stuff pretty quickly.”
way! I’m a Humanities major for a reason!”
huh? I’m a Law major myself. Gonna be a policeman, you know. I’m all about that
tapped her foot in impatience. This guy was worse than Nathan. “You never
answered my question. Why are you out here?”
you never answered mine. But I’ll tell you.” Kyo’s smile became a dangerous
smirk as he spoke, “I come out here every night to find pretty girls who fall
asleep on benches.”
scoffed, “Okay, yeah right! Get away from me, creep!”
put up his hands in defense, “Ok. Ok. I’ll stop. I actually was coming back
from work. See?” He lifted up a nametag on his shirt. “I work at a minimart
within walking distance of the school. Because of my schedule, I come back
late. Now it’s your turn.”
girl kicked her feet nervously. Could she really trust a stranger with this
kind of info? Besides, what could he do? “I…I got kicked out of my dorm.”
Isn’t today the first day for foreigners?”
but there was a mix-up, and it’ll take over a month to fix. So, for now, I’m
serious look cast over Kyo’s face, and the sudden change from a smile made
Gaby’s insides twist in anxiety. Quickly, he got out his phone and dialed
something. He lifted a finger to her, signaling that he would be right back,
and walked a short distance away from her. Gaby thought about getting up and
leaving while he was distracted.
seemed slightly frantic, as if he was begging for something. Gaby felt her
fingertips pulse from rising blood pressure. Maybe she should get out of there.
as quickly as he left, Kyo came back. He seemed to notice her frenzied look.
“Hey, so this is going to sound completely insane, but I want you to just think
about it for a moment, okay?”
grimaced, but she nodded in agreement.
I asked my two roommates at the Boy’s Dorm and they are on board, for the most
part,” Kyo added on the last part quietly, but Gaby heard it, “I had this idea
that if you need a place to stay, you can stay with me and my roommates for the
time being. At least until the dorm thing clears up for you. What do you
short silence fell onto them until Gaby shouted out an, “EH?!” Which prompted
Kyo to hush her quickly.
know it’s a little weird to just be asked something like this,” Kyo explained,
“I mean, you barely know me and I you, but I can’t just let you sleep out here.
It would be just cruel.”
you live in the Boy’s Dorm, right?!” Gaby cried, “I can’t go there! It’s
forbidden! If I did say yes, and I’m not saying I am, but if I was caught I
would be expelled. And so would you and your roommates! How could you not think
about all of the consequences?!”
smiled sheepishly, “I’ve never been much of a thinker. I’m more of a man of
action! Besides, there aren’t a lot of options for you right now. The guards
check everywhere; no place would be safe for you. And if you’re afraid of my
roomies and me, I’ll give you the key to my room, so you can keep it locked
while you stay. No one would have the key but you.”
feet tapped back and forth on the ground. This was sounding too good to be
true. Something had to be up. Gaby glanced up at her ‘savior’ and asked,
“What’s in it for you?”
put his hands on his hips and replied, “A goodnight’s sleep knowing that you
aren’t sleeping on the ground somewhere.”
this is for your own conscience?”
could say that. But I still want to help you for help’s sake.”
girl pursed her lips silently. What choice did she REALLY have? Honestly? She
would be found by security anywhere else and would be thrown out onto the
streets. She couldn’t afford a motel either. But could she really live with
three guys she doesn’t even know? She shouldn’t. Right?
sorry,” Gaby apologize, “I think I should pass.”
gave her a sad smile, but he nodded, “I can respect that. I won’t try to force
you, but if you ever need anything, I’ll give you my number, so you can contact
but I shouldn’t-” was all Gaby could get out before a yell was heard a few
yards away.
two looked to see a security guard shining his flashlight and yelling at them
in Japanese. He walked briskly towards them. Panic settled in Gaby’s chest.
no!” Gaby yelped, “What are we going to do?”
Kyo stated. His face was stoic and when he grabbed her hand, she jolted into
action. Her luggage was plucked from her and put onto his left shoulder, while
his right hand tugged on hers. The two ran towards the left side of the campus,
or more specifically, the Boy’s Dorms.
that felt like lead fell into Gaby’s gut as she saw the large building
approach. The guard was struggling to keep up with the two, and by the time
they turned a corner, the man ran past them.
duo sighed and Kyo put her luggage down on the ground. “You still want to find
another place?” he asked her seriously.
heart was racing. She assumed it was from the running, or maybe from the panic,
but now she felt a whole new reason to panic. She never had a choice.
she responded softly, “I’ll take you up on your offer. I have nowhere else to
go anyways.”
large smile broke onto Kyo’s face as he excitedly said, “Don’t worry,
Gaby-chan! My roomies and I are the nicest guys you’ll ever meet. Well, maybe
not Daisuke, but Ken-chan is the sweetest. You’ll love him to bits.”
Kyo picked her luggage back up and glanced around to make sure the coast was
clear, Gaby let out a deep and shaky breath. If she wasn’t completely freaking
out at the thought of staying with three strange men, she would be soon. The
idea was stupid, but she had no real choice. To deny the offer, she’d be facing
living in several places to avoid the guards and other people and being
genuinely homeless.
thoughts flicked back to K. She cursed inwardly. She had meant to call her
earlier to ask about the application. Surely K had been the one to take the
tests. How else could Gaby have scored anything since Gaby didn’t take any of
them? It was afternoon in California since it was so late in Tokyo. Gaby
deduced the time difference; sixteen hours was a long time to be ahead.
call her tomorrow,’ Gaby told herself, ‘I can’t scold her when it’s so late at
night here.’
popped his head back from looking out. “Okay. Coast is clear. We better go
while it’s all good. You ready?”
nodded quickly, not wanting her nerves to hit again. She could do this. She
could do this and if she couldn’t… well at least she tried. She followed Kyo
closely; too closely as she ran into him a couple of times. The two sneaked
around the building and stopped at a tall lattice that led up the building. The
whole place seemed to be covered in the latticework, and wrapped thoroughly
around was beautiful wisteria. Gaby couldn’t remember if the Girl’s Dorm was
covered in wisteria as well.
see the patio on the second floor right there?” Kyo pointed to a patio right
above another patio. “The second one up is ours. You can tell by the stupid
Superman underwear that Daisuke wears. He should know that it is all about
chuckle almost escaped Gaby. She looked at the embarrassing Superman boxers
that flapped gently in the wind on the clothesline. Gaby herself was a Marvel
fan, therefore she didn’t get into the arguments of the DC fans.
about you go up first, I’ll throw up your luggage, and then I’ll be up after making
sure the coast is clear one more time?” Kyo suggested.
Gaby hesitated, “Sure?” She wasn’t sure at all. Could his two roommates be
waiting to ambush her?
don’t sound sure,” Kyo responded, “If you’re thinking that ‘his other roommates
are going to grab me the second I get up there and do horrible stuff to me’,
you’re wrong. Daisuke and Ken-chan are probably in the kitchen eating and doing
homework at this time. And yeah, there are windows looking onto the patio, but
they are absolutely too busy being into each other to notice anything going on
out here.”
explanation puzzled Gaby, but she seemed more convinced than before. She
glanced up the lattice and wrung her hands nervously.
just going to have to trust me,” Kyo said, “I feel like you don’t do that
hard to when a strange guy shakes me awake at 11 at night and asks if I need a
place to stay with his two roommates,” Gaby replied, “To stay at his place that
happens to be forbidden for members of the opposite sex to be in and if I get
caught, all of us are going down in expulsion.”
don’t get caught. Listen, can you throw your heavy luggage up two floors?”
gotta start answering questions before asking them. Can you or can’t you throw
your luggage?”
grimaced as she shook her head from side-to-side.
then. You go first. You’ll be fine. Just make sure to catch the luggage.”
took a deep breath and gingerly grabbed the lattice. She felt cold metal on her
fingers and breathed a sigh of relief. The metal should hold her weight. Gaby
pulled herself up and put her foot into one of the holes; she cursed herself
for wearing sandals. Slowly, she climbed upwards.
you done this before?” She whispered down at Kyo, who kept glancing around for
close the doors at 10 on weekdays and midnight on weekends,” Kyo explained, “I
get off work at 10:30, so yes, I do this very frequently.”
continued and when she reached the second-floor patio, she climbed slightly
further up and stepped onto the patio wall. She hopped onto the patio. It
looked similar to the Girl’s Dorm patios with a lounge against the windows and
clothes on the clothesline.
get up there fine?” Kyo called up quietly, “I’m gonna throw the luggage up
popped her head over the edge and nodded. The girl reached her hands out for
her luggage. Kyo placed it on his shoulder and, with a massive heave, threw it
upward. Gaby was able to grab it. She gripped the handle and scrambled to pull
it up. It was heavier than she expected, but gravity was most likely to blame
for that.
it!” Gaby cheered.
I’ll be up soon.”
sat herself on the lounge. She peered through the windows and found that the
room was almost identical to the Girl’s Dorms, except everything seemed to be
opposite. The kitchen was to the right of the entrance instead of the left.
gasped when she saw two boys at the kitchen table, surrounded by papers and
food. One boy was looking over the papers with a furrowed brow. He seemed to be
complaining. The other boy was stuffing his face with onigiri. He seemed to be
laughing at the other’s grumbling. Were these the two roommates? Probably.
stepped onto the patio. “Come on and meet the guys, Gaby-chan.”
girl nodded and stood from her seat. Kyo waltzed right in, and she followed
Daisuke?” Kyo called out, “You guys still up?”
two at the table turned to the sound of his voice. The one who was eating
onigiri smiled even wider than before. He wiped his face and stood up, prancing
over to the two.
He exclaimed, “You’re home! Where’s the cute girl you promised?”
gestured to Gaby, who had been hiding behind Kyo’s back. She stepped out and
gave a small wave.
she murmured, extending her hand politely, “I’m Gaby…”
He repeated, “Nice to meet you, Gaby-tan! I’m Nakashima Kentaro, but you can
call me ‘Ken-kun’! I’m super excited to meet you!” He took her hand and pulled
her into a hug. A sudden release of air came from her lungs as he picked her up
and swung her around.
he put her back down, Gaby bravely met his eye. She noticed his brown eyes held
a kindness to them. She felt her heartbeat slow from its panicked pace as she
took the rest of him in. He had spiked hair that was an orangey red, and a
thick, black headband was wrapped around his forehead. She also noticed that he
was tall, almost a whole head taller than her and Kyo, and he had dimples when
he smiled. And, to Gaby’s surprise, he was quite muscular as his muscle shirt
revealed sculpted biceps. Not that Gaby was complaining.
you f*****g serious, Kyo?” came the voice from the other boy at the table. He
had looked up from his papers and gave Gaby a disgusted look. “You know that we
can get into serious trouble for harboring a girl in here, right? Surely you
aren’t that stupid.”
she had nowhere to go, Daisuke,” Kyo argued, “Surely you aren’t that heartless.
Besides, once she has her dorm situation sorted out, she’ll be back at her
boy at the table, Daisuke, took off the reading glasses he had on and stormed
over to them. Gaby took in his appearance. He had annoyed-looking green eyes,
and light brown hair in a tiny and cute ponytail. Long, side-swept bangs
covered his right eye, but he shook it out of his face to look fully at Gaby.
He was the same height as Gaby, so intimidation wasn’t there for her. At least,
not much was there.
crossed his arms and tapped his foot impatiently, “Oh yeah? And how long will
that be exactly?”
month or maybe a little more than a month,” Kyo replied softly.
livid expression came across Daisuke’s face, “A MONTH?! How can you put us in
danger of expulsion for an entire month?! Are you insane?!”
Kentaro frowned, “Stop being so mean to poor Gaby-tan.”
you, Ken, will you get off of her already?!” Daisuke shouted.
who had his arms wrapped protectively around Gaby’s head, pouted. Gaby was
holding onto one of the arms that wrapped around her neck. She wasn’t even
trying to pretend that she wasn’t grabbing onto his bicep on purpose.
took a step closer to look at Gaby. “Who exactly are you anyway?”
Gabriella. Gabriella Garnica.” Gaby said, feeling braver with Ken’s arms around
incredulous look plastered itself onto Daisuke’s face, “No way. YOU’RE the
grimaced, but both Kyo and Ken looked at him with a confused look.
both are so stupid!” Daisuke claimed, “The Legend received full marks on both
of their tests to get into Tokyo Uni! You are in the same room as a formidable
person. I just can’t believe it’s this girl.”
Kyo and Ken whistled, both with a look of surprise on their faces as they faced
Gaby. Gaby gulped nervously.
Daisuke.” The boy introduced himself, “You can call me ‘Tachibana’ for now.
Garnica, right?”
nodded, “Yes, Tachibana-senpai.”
nodded in confirmation to the name. “Now, how exactly is this going to work for
a whole month? She can’t sleep on the couch.”
she can’t,” Kyo agreed, “Or else she’ll see you in your dumb Superman
underwear, and that’s just embarrassing.”
filled Daisuke’s cheeks and he growled out, “F**k off, Kyo! I’m not having the
Superman versus Batman talk with you so late at night! Where is she going to
room,” Kyo stated.
YOU?!” Daisuke shouted.
laughed loudly, “No, Daisuke, you dummy. She’ll take my room, and I’LL take the
couch. That way, if you prance around in your underwear, you won’t have to be
so embarrassed, even though you should be.”
my underwear one more time and you can sleep on the damn patio,” Daisuke
warned. He breathed a calming breath before he turned to Gaby once more, “We’ll
have to get you some slippers that you will have to keep in the cabinet at all
times. And you can probably use the mini fridge Kyo keeps in his room for your
food. We can’t have anyone seeing your things around the house.”
rest of them nodded. Gaby smiled and said, “Thanks for being understanding,
Ken whined, his arms still around Gaby, “Let her call you ‘Dai-chan’ or
something. ‘Tachibana-senpai’ seems so stuffy.”
a respectful term, Ken,” Daisuke retaliated, “Besides, she should address all
of us as such since she is in our debt. We could easily toss her out on her
a*s, so she should be grateful.”
gave a deep pout. Ken picked up on her irritation and giggled, “Oh, Gaby-tan,
Dai-tan is just mad because he isn’t the center of attention right now.”
you, Ken!” Daisuke exclaimed, “Will you shut your dumb mouth already?!”
Ken’s sweet voice lowered in warning as he released Gaby, “Leave her be
already. It’s late and she needs sleep after the day she’s had.”
was surprised to see the look on Daisuke’s face. His eyes desperately looked
away from Ken’s as he backed down quickly. He reminded Gaby of a chihuahua. All
bark and no bite.
who was silent, motioned for Gaby to follow him. She did, and they went down the
hallway to Kyo’s room. It was just like her room in the Girl’s Dorm, tucked
away from everyone else. When he opened the door, she was even more surprised
to see the similar layout to her room in the other dorms. Except Kyo’s room was
covered with posters of bands and the floor was covered with his clothes.
a little messy, sorry,” he apologized as he quickly picked up his things and
threw them in a laundry bin on the other side of the door.
really don’t have to give up your room for me,” Gaby said quietly, “Won’t that
be an inconvenience for you?”
boy shook his head and replied, “Nah. I can put my clothes in the bathroom and
get anything I need out for the night during the day when you aren’t in here.”
He opened a few drawers in the closet and pulled out some clothes for the night
and the next day. “I hope you have a good night’s sleep, Gaby-chan. I’ll be on
the couch if you need me for anything.” He left his room key on the desk, closed
the door, and left Gaby alone.
stood in the middle of the room, twiddling her thumbs. The room smelled heavily
of the same scent Kyo seemed to carry: vanilla. She opened the cabinets under
the bed and found an empty one that led to the underneath of the bed, most
likely for maintenance or wiring. She put her luggage in there and closed the
looked up at the bed, which was neatly made with a pretty purple comforter. The
pillows were matching, and in the middle of the two pillows on the bed was a
pink pillow in the shape of a flower. Gaby ascended the steps and crouched onto
the small amount of ‘floor’ by the bed that doubled as the top of the cabinets.
Upon closer inspection, the flower pillow had stitching in it that Gaby assumed
was Kyo’s name.
girl smiled before descending the steps and grabbing her luggage from inside
the cabinet. She pulled out pajamas and quickly changed. Returning the luggage
to its place in the cabinet, Gaby went to go back up the steps when she turned
towards the door. She ran over and locked it before running up the steps and
diving into the plush bed. Her face buried into the flower pillow.
slipped herself under the covers and hugged onto the flower pillow. It smelled
warm, like someone had aalready been hugging it beforehand. She turned off the
lamp on the short bedside table and placed her head on the flower pillow.
wonder how long I’ll be able to stay here,’ Gaby thought, ‘I have to fix the
dorm mishap. I can’t intrude on these guys forever. At least Kyo and Ken are
nice to me.’
deep in her thoughts, Gaby slowly drifted off into dreamland. © 2019 RaeAuthor's Note
5 Reviews Added on June 20, 2011 Last Updated on January 23, 2019 Dorm Life
Chapter One
By Rae
Chapter Two
By Rae
Chapter Three
By Rae
Chapter Four
By Rae
Chapter Five
By Rae
Chapter Six
By Rae
Chapter Seven
By Rae
Chapter Eight
By Rae
Chapter Nine
By Rae
Chapter Ten
By RaeAuthor![]() RaeAboutSome interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..Writing