Prisoner's Secrets

Prisoner's Secrets

A Chapter by Rae

Gaby and Syrus wake up after being kidnapped, and Gaby learns of how Syrus is affiliated with Series Castle.

   Gaby remembered how she was on that mountain with Syrus. They were holding each other, listening to nothing but butterfly wings and the sound of their heartbeats. Then, she was surrounded by soldiers. She tried to run, but they had surrounded and caught her. She called out to Syrus, but they had caught him too.

   Gaby's eyes opened quickly, they darted across the ceiling. She sat up and observed the room she was currently in. She must of been in an infirmary or something along those lines. Gaby got off the bed and realized that she was wearing different clothes. A long sleeve blue shirt with a blue sash across the stomach, long white baggy pants, and white flats with blue a rhinestones decorating them.

    "Where's my..." Gaby saw her bag and ran to it, digging through it as if her life depended on it. She breathed a sigh of relief as she pulled out her large aquamarine gemstone, "I thought they took you."

   "Miss Gaby?" a voice came from the door, "Are you awake?"

   Gaby hid under the bed as quick as she could, putting the gem into her pants' pocket.

   "Miss Gaby?" the person walked in and stood near the bed. Gaby then grabbed onto the voice's ankles and pulled them under the bed. Their face fell onto the floor with a crack, and Gaby didn't stick around to see if they were dead or not. She ran out from under the bed, grabbed her bag, and ran out the door.


   Syrus woke up in a cold, dark room chained to the wall. He tried to struggle, but the chains were binding him to the wall.

   "D****t." Syrus cursed as he tugged harder.

   "Oh Syrus, you won't be able to resist me any longer." a sinister voice came from beyond the bars of the cell.

   Syrus looked up and saw the prince at his cage.

   "So nice for the prince to visit me." Syrus spat, "What do you want, Serus?!"

   Serus grabbed Syrus' chin through the bars and made the boy look straight into his eyes, "Listen, Syrus. We WILL become

   "Never!" Syrus bit Serus' finger. The prince pulled back.

   Serus only smiled and caressed Syrus' face once more, "You know you can't resist me any longer. Just watch. We will become one."

    Syrus pulled his face away from Serus' hand and growled.

   "Fine." the prince stood up, "Be that way, but you will come to me when your little Gaby is in trouble."

   "Don't you DARE lay a finger on her!" Syrus' chains began to make cracks in the walls from where he was tugging on them.

   Serus laughed, "Don't worry. She won't be your concern for long."

   "Damn you, Serus!" Syrus began to pull on the chains, the cracks growing bigger and bigger.

   Serus turned around and began walking out, "Guards, make sure that his chains do NOT break. We can't have him being a hero, now can we?"

   The guards nodded and opened the door for the prince.

   Serus turned around and blew a kiss towards Syrus, "Ta-ta for now, my other-half." He then proceeded to walk out.

   Syrus shivered from what just happened. He struggled harder against his chains.


   "Sy?" Gaby called from around the corner. She had been getting lost in the castle for well over an hour, and she STILL could not find the boy. She huffed as she crawled in the pillars that held the ceiling together.

   She made a small noise from the squeaky pillar and a maid looked up. Gaby hid in the shadows and waited until the maid passed. She then continued on.

   Gaby reached a certain room that looked like a simple little room with a small white table and two chairs. She jumped down and began to admire the engravings in the table.

   "Hello, Miss Gaby." a man's voice said.

   Gaby spun around and saw the dark blue haired man, "Who are you?"

   "Prince Serus." the man said, "Maybe you've heard of me?"

   "No..." Gaby cocked her head to the side, "You... you are the prince of Series Castle?"

   "Why yes, I am." Serus smiled, "I knew that you knew who I was."

   Gaby backed off, "I thought Syrus was the prince."

   Serus' smile faded into a frown, "Now why must you mention such a nuisance at a time like this?"

   "He is NOT a nuisance!" Gaby growled, "And where is he?!"

   Serus suddenly grabbed Gaby by the throat and pinned her to the wall. Gaby chocked as her feet dangled for the ground and her nails clawed at his hands. Serus got his lips close to her ear and said, "He is not the original prince."

   Gaby was gave him a confused look and he further explained.

   "Syrus and I... we are the same person."

   Gaby's eyes widened. Serus let her go and she dropped to the floor, gasping for breath.

   "Good day, Miss Gaby." Serus began to walk off when Gaby stopped him.

   "Tell me where you are hiding him."

   Serus pointed to a door on the far end of the room, "Down in the cellars. The third cell." Serus continued his path.

   Gaby took one last look at the prince before running out a door that lead to the cellars. It was dark, but there was enough light for Gaby to see figures.

   "Sy?" Gaby called out to the darkness.

   "Gaby?!" Syrus' voice called back.

   Gaby saw the shine of his blue eyes in the dim light. She ran to his cell and pulled his face closer to the bars.

   "Are you alright?!" Gaby asked.

   "Yes, and you?" Syrus asked back.

   "Fine." Gaby answered, "I ran into the prince though... Serus."

   Syrus tensed in her hands, "And....?"

   "Tell me something, Sy." Gaby's lip trembled, "Are you and him.... the same person?"

   There was a slight silence before she heard him sigh.

   "I'm listening." Gaby said.

   "Yes... we are..." Syrus sighed.

   Gaby let go of Syrus and tried to think of the information she had just confirmed. Serus and Syrus were... the same person.

© 2012 Rae

Author's Note

WHOA!!! Never saw THAT coming, now did you?!??! And if you did... then poo on you. -3- Anyway, tell me what you think. ^^

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Why is the next chapter unpublished? I want to know what happens.
By the way great story so far and please finish the next chapter soon

Posted 13 Years Ago

What does 'the same person' mean?! Are they brothers or something?? T^T I am greatly confused, but I liked this chapter! WOO~! XD I wonder what will happen next!? Hurry with the next chapter! :DDD

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on April 1, 2011
Last Updated on June 7, 2012



Some interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..

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A Book by Rae

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A Chapter by Rae