A New Sword Fighting Master

A New Sword Fighting Master

A Chapter by Rae

Larissa sends Gaby to her sword fighting lessons and guess who shows up? The mystery blue haired boy.

   Gaby was in a beautiful white ballgown wedding dress as she walked down the isle. She noticed that on the right side was her family, or what was left of it, and on the other side was the prince's family, the Royals.

   Gaby looked up at the altar. She saw the prince with his back turned to her. He had the strangest blue hair, and blue hair brought back bad memories for Gaby. It reminded her of the strange boy in the woods. She shook it off and continued to walk down the isle.

   Then, the prince turned around and Gaby gasped. It WAS the blue haired boy from the forest. She stopped dead in her tracks. He gave her a questioned look.

   "What's wrong, Princess?" his voice echoed in her ears.

   Gaby took off running from her wedding, hearing the calling of the prince.


   Gaby woke up abruptly. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she breathed deeply to help her calm down. There was no way that blue haired guy was the prince.

   Gaby realized that she was in her bed. She didn't know how she got there either. Maybe... maybe that blue haired guy was a part of the dream too? Gaby could only hope at this point.

   She got out of her bed and checked herself in the mirror. She was still in her cut up wedding dress.

   Suddenly, Larissa barged into her room, "There you are!"

   Gaby sighed heavily, "Hello, Larissa."

   "How did you get home?" Larissa asked, "My boys couldn't find you."

   Gaby raised a brow, "I have no idea how I got home actually..."

   Larissa cocked her head to the side, "Well, whatever. You are lucky that the meeting with the Royals wasn't today."

   "I thought it was!" Gaby said, "Then why would you dress me up?!"

   "Because we wanted to see how we were going to do your makeup and such." Larissa said, "Anyways, your first lessons in sword fighting are in a few hours so get ready."

   Gaby's eyes lit up, "Really?!"

   "Yes." Larissa said before leaving.

   "WOO~" Gaby ran to her closet to get dressed. She opened it and was met with the blue haired boy.

   "Hello, Princess." he said nervously.

   Gaby's eyes were wide before she slammed the door shut and slapped herself a few times.

   "Let's try this again." Gaby smiled and opened the closet door again. The blue haired boy just gave her a smile.

   Gaby glared at him, "Why the HELL are you in my closet?!"

   "Well..." the boy began, "You fainted after we met, so I carried you home."

   "How do you know where I live?!" Gaby cried.

   "It's a funny story actually--" he was interrupted by Gaby's hand.

   "I don't want to know." Gaby rubbed her temples.

   "But you asked..." the boy trailed off.

   Gaby walked over to her large window and opened it. She then pointed out of it.


   "Ouch." the boy's eyes turned serious, "Are you sure you want me to jump? I could get hurt."

   "That's the point, genius." Gaby said, "Unless you want another sword fight."

   "If I do recall, I won that." the boy smirked.

   Gaby growled, "Do you have a split personality or something?! Jeez, you are seriously psycho."

   "I believe it's called 'schizophrenia'." the boy's smirk grew.

   Gaby was not amused, "Get out now."

   The boy walked past her and towards the window. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. The blue haired boy took this distraction and stole a kiss from Gaby.

   Gaby swung at him after, "DUDE!"

   The boy jumped out the window, laughing.

   Gaby ran to the window, "I WILL DEFEAT YOU!"

   Everyone outside gave her weird looks. She blushed and waved nervously at them.

   "Don't worry. I heard you." the boy said from above her.

   "How the hell did you get up there?!" Gaby looked at him.

   "I don't know." he shrugged.

   "What do you mean you 'don't know'?!" Gaby was getting extremely frustrated with this boy.

   "I hear you are getting sword fighting lessons." he changed the subject.

   "None of your business." Gaby said, "Now shoo. I got to get ready."

   "Alright, Princess." he ran off.

   "If you call me 'Princess' one more damn time..." Gaby growled, "I WILL KILL YOU THREE TIMES OVER WITH YOUR OWN SWORD AFTER I WIN IT IN A DUEL!"

   The boy smiled as he disappeared off the roof.

   Gaby closed the window and went back to her closet.

   "Miss Gaby..." Mikami called through the door, "Are you alright? Who are you talking to?"

   "Myself, Mikami." Gaby answered as she dressed in her usual camisole and shorts.

   Mikami sighed and walked away saying, "She has finally gone crazy..."


   Gaby had the address in hand. She was on her way to the sword fighting lessons that her stepmother, Larissa, promised her.

   Suddenly, she was in front of the sword fighting dojo in her city.

   "Are you kidding me?" Gaby growled, "This place is for little children and stuff! Larissa did this one purpose."

   Gaby sighed and went in anyways. How bad could it be?

   The first thing she saw was a bunch of five year old's with swords, practicing. Gaby felt so out of place.

   "You're Gaby Nunez, right?" came a voice.

   Gaby looked up to see a tan and rather nicely muscled man before her. Her eyes grew big.

   "I'm Ichigo, your new sword master." the man smiled.

   Gaby was in a trance. She WAS rather fond of the name 'Ichigo'. Gaby just blindly followed him further into the dojo. They went into a plain room.

   "This is where we will be fighting." Ichigo said.

   Gaby simply nodded. She just continued to stare at his muscly arms and such.

   "I see you brought your own sword." Ichigo said, "That's good. It's good to familiarize with your own..."

   Gaby tuned him out to stare at him, but then she remembered what her father said about men.

   "Wolves in sheep's clothes." Gaby said silently to herself.

   "Shall we get started?" Ichigo asked.

   "Let's." Gaby pulled her sword out.

   "How about not?" came a cool voice from the doorway.

   The two looked to see a blue haired boy leaning against the door frame, his blue eyes icy.

   "The hell?!" Gaby growled, "Why do you keep stalking me?!"

   "It's not stalking." the boy smiled, "It's more like... making sure you don't get into trouble."

  "WHAT?!" Gaby flailed her arms, "I don't get into trouble! Trouble finds me! I'm innocent!"

   The boy walked in and took his sword out, "Well, I don't like you being near this guy."

   "Why not?" Gaby asked.

   "Because you are mine." the blue haired boy pouted.

   Gaby began laughing, "Hell no. I never agreed to THAT."

   "We kissed twice." he said.

   "Don't say that in front of hot guys!" Gaby cried.

   The boy's eyes had hurt in them, which made Gaby look away.

   "I didn't mean--" she was interrupted by the boy grabbing her by the waist and pulling her into a kiss.

   Gaby gasped and tried to push him away. He pulled away on his own.

   "Now three times." he smirked.

   Gaby blushed furiously and punched him, "Don't do that without warning me first!!"

   "So, you want me to tell you that I'm going to kiss you before I do it?" the boy asked.

   "Why don't you just stop kissing me in general?" Gaby asked back.

   "Can't do that." the boy said.

   "Why not?!" Gaby growled.

   "Because." the boy pulled her close again, "It was love at first

   Gaby's face got redder. She looked away and sighed.

   "Umm..." Ichigo finally said something, "Who are you?"

   The blue haired boy growled, "None of your business."

   Ichigo sneered, "Well, seems like we have a jackass in our midst."

   "Actually, I am a smartass, thank you very much." the boy grinned, "Let's have a duel."

   "Terms?" Ichigo asked.

   "If I win, I get to be Gaby's sword master." the boy said.

   "WHAT?!" Gaby gaped.

   "Fine." Ichigo agreed, "And if I win, I want that sword."

   Gaby looked at the boy's sword. She wanted it too. It was a regular sword with a white hilt, but the whole blade was made of aquamarine. The color made Gaby happy and brought back memories of her father.

   "Deal." the boy let Gaby go. She sat down on the ground at the far end to keep away from their fight.

   Ichigo thrust his sword down onto the blue haired boy's sword. The clattering echoed in the room.

   The boy threw Ichigo's sword off and attacked. Ichigo blocked him and ran after him.

   Gaby had spaced out, even though she knew she shouldn't. This was good training to watch. She watched the blue haired boy go for Ichigo's hand most of the time.

   'Wait.' Gaby's eyes followed the boy's movement, 'He is trying to knock the sword out of Ichigo's hand. Like what he did to me that day.'

   The blue haired boy suddenly got Ichigo's hand and blood stained the beautiful sword.

   "DAMN!" Ichigo dropped his sword to the ground.

   "I win." the blue haired boy said, "Let's go, Gaby."

   Gaby obeyed and followed after him.

   The two walked out of the dojo and towards the Brynhild Woods.

   "Um." Gaby broke the silence, "Why did you do all that?"

   "All of what?" he asked.

   "Why did you fight him?"

   "Because I wanted to." he pouted.

   Gaby smirked, "You were JEALOUS."

   "NO!" the boy pouted further.

   Gaby pinched his cheek, "So cute. You were SO jealous."

   "Stop it, Gaby." the boy shooed her hand away.

   "Hey, you've been calling me by name." Gaby smiled, "At least
it's better than 'Princess'."

   "You respond to 'Gaby' positively." the boy said, "Even though I'd rather call you 'Princess'."

   Gaby ignored his last comment, "You know, I don't even know your name."

   "I never told you." the boy dipped his blood stained sword into the river to wash it off.

   "May I know?" Gaby asked.

   The boy paused and wiped the water off his sword.

   Gaby waited patiently. She was quite eager to learn his name.

   "Promise you won't freak out when you hear my name?" he asked.

   "Unless your name is 'Gaby'..." Gaby laughed.

   "Trust me, that's not it." he laughed.

   "Then you can tell me." Gaby grinned.

   "My name..." the boy hesitated, "is Syrus."

© 2012 Rae

Author's Note

Liked it? ^^ I swear when he was telling Gaby that it was "Love at first sight" I cried a little. She's just so lucky. DX

My Review

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Wow. Now things are starting to heat up. I wonder how Gaby will react next.

Posted 13 Years Ago

wheres the sword action ++
that dude, did it three times...to the same girl...bloody genius :D
ehem, anyways, good chapter, would prefer a bit of detail, everything moves a bit fast...
but overall, as i said, good chapter ^^

Posted 13 Years Ago

Dude, I was smiling the whole time I read this. XD Lmao, I loved this! KYA~! I swear, it only gets better and better! I'm constantly wanting more chapters to this! This was great by the way, totally in love with all of it. ^^

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 6, 2011
Last Updated on June 7, 2012



Some interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..

Dorm Life Dorm Life

A Book by Rae

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by Rae