The Mysterious Boy

The Mysterious Boy

A Chapter by Rae

Larissa tries to prep Gaby into a princess to meet with the Series Royals, but Gaby gets angry and runs off into the Brynhild Woods. And there is where she meets... him.

   "Wake up, Miss Gaby." said Mikami, the maid of the Nunez Mansion.

   Gaby yawned and rolled over in her king sized bed, "Five more minutes, Dad."

   Mikami sighed, "Miss Gaby, your father is..."

   Gaby's eyes opened, "I know, Mikami."

   Mikami nodded and left the room.

   Gaby sat up and stretched. She wasn't looking forward to today at all.

   Suddenly, Larissa barged into the room, "Hello, darling."

   "Why are you acting so sweet?" Gaby asked.

   "Because today, we will be primping you for the Royals." Larissa said.

   Gaby smirked, "Hell no."

   Larissa frowned and snapped. Some really buff guys came walking in.

   "These boys will hold you down." Larissa said.

   Gaby's smirk grew bigger and she flipped out of bed and ran under the guy's legs and out the door.

   Larissa sighed and yelled, "After her!"


   After an hour of chasing after the girl, the men were exhausted and laying around the mansion.

   "Aw! You boys are already tired?" Gaby laughed, "How boring."

   Larissa fanned herself and said, "Gaby, what's it going to take to get you to cooperate?"

   "Sword fighting lessons." Gaby said, "I want to learn the art of sword fighting."

   "Fine." Larissa said.

   "I don't trust you, Larissa." Gaby spat out her name, "You must swear on your daughter, Karen's life."

   Larissa gasped, "Not my baby! No!"

   "Then no deal." Gaby said.

   Larissa sighed, "Fine. I, Larissa Roberts, swear on my daughter Karen's life that I will give Gabriella Nunez sword fighting lessons."

   "Ok." Gaby said, "Do your worst."

   Larissa ordered a few guys to pick Gaby up so she couldn't run. And they walked to Gaby's room.

   They curled her long hair until it was a beautiful ringlet mess on her head. They glossed her lips with light pink lipstick, much to Gaby's dismay. They manicured her nails, pedicured her toes, blushed her cheeks, and mascaraed her eyes. Finally, they put her in a big white ballgown wedding dress.

   "I ain't getting married yet!" Gaby cried, "Why am I in a wedding dress?!"

   "Because we want to see how you look in it." Larissa gaped at her, "You look... like a princess."

   The maids all began bawling, wiping their eyes and noses with their handkerchiefs.

   "Eh?!" Gaby gagged, "A princess?! Ew!"

   "It took a lot of grooming." Larissa smirked, "To transform a dog into a princess."

   Gaby growled and looked into the mirror. She looked so beautiful.

   "EW!" Gaby gaped, "I look like a poodle! A POODLE!"

   "Oh stop." Larissa said, "You look beautiful."

   Gaby began to growl. Larissa only cared about how she looked. That's why she loved Karen so much.

   Mikami lifted up the ballgown and gasped, "Miss Gaby! Why are you still wearing your stockings and boots?!"

   "Because they are WAY more comfortable!" Gaby said, "And heels make you look weird."

   Larissa sighed, "I guess I should cancel those lessons."

   "You know what happens to people who swear on others lives right?" Gaby asked, "When they break their promise, they have to kill the person they swore on themselves."

   Larissa growled, "You little--"

   "And another thing." Gaby strapped her new sword to her waist, "I ain't staying here any longer, because if I do, I'll turn into a mini-Larissa."

   Gaby opened her large window and jumped out.

   "Miss Gaby!" Mikami cried, "Come back!"

   "After her!" Larissa told the guys.

   Gaby landed on someone because the landing was soft. A guy suddenly crawled out from under her dress, his face red.

   "Sorry!" Gaby said and she ran out the gates and into the city.

   As she ran, she held up her dress so she wouldn't trip. She thought of where she could hide. She got an idea. Running out of the city itself, she saw the bridge that lead to the Aya kingdom. She got into the river and hid under the bridge.

   "She probably went into the Aya kingdom!" the guys ran across the stone bridge.

   Gaby smirked and she took her sword out and slashing at her dress. She just needed it short enough to fit her standards and so she could run easily. She slashed the dress until it was knee length. Satisfied, she looked out for the guys before running south towards Brynhild Woods.

   Gaby's ringlets turned into end curls after all the running she had did. Miraculously, her makeup was still in pristine condition. She was now deep into the woods, so she just walked.

   Suddenly, she heard a crunching of boots in the leaves. She backed up a little before seeing a boy emerge from the trees. He had spiky light blue hair, blue eyes with small glasses, and pale skin. He had on black boots with black pants, a long sleeve white button-up shirt and a black jacket.

    "Who the hell are you?!" Gaby asked, backing closer towards the river.

    "Oh my." the boy said, "Why is such a damsel out in the woods?"

   Gaby blushed, "I am NOT a damsel!"

   The boy walked closer and Gaby tried to back up, but she was too close to the river.

   "STOP!" Gaby warned, "Don't come any closer!"

   "But..." the boy trailed off.

   Suddenly, the earth under Gaby's foot softened and she slipped and began falling into the river. She awaited the cold water, but it never came. She opened her eyes and saw that the boy had caught her before she fell in. And worse, his hand was on her waist. She jumped away from him and held her sword pointed at him.

   "I'm warning you." Gaby said, "I might not be an expert, but I WILL cut you."

   The boy smiled and pulled his own sword out, "Princess, I am a swordsmen myself."

   Gaby growled, "You did NOT just call me 'Princess'."

   "Princess, let's have a duel." the boy said, "If I am able to knock the sword from your hand, you must let me kiss your lips."

    Gaby choked, "And if I win, I want that cool sword of yours."

    "Agreed." the boy got into a fighter stance.

    Gaby was wanting that sword, so she was going to fight her best.

    Suddenly, Gaby's sword sailed out of her hand. The boy knocked it out of her hand even though she had her iron grip on it.

    Gaby gaped, "No way... best two out of three!!!"

    "No." the boy pouted, "I won fair and square."

    "You cheated then!" Gaby cried, "You must have!"

    The boy put his sword back into its sheath and walked up to Gaby. Gaby's legs began to tremble and she backed away from him. There was no way she would let him kiss her.

    The boy grabbed Gaby's chin gently and bent down, his lips touching hers. He then pressed against them. Gaby's eyes widened. She couldn't believe she was kissing a guy! First, her stepmother puts her in a wedding dress and "primps" her up, and now she was kissing some pervert she just met.

    The kiss had been going on for a good ten seconds. Gaby had closed her eyes and was actually enjoying the kiss.

   Then the boy pulled away and whispered, "Princess, your lips are like the cherry blossoms in Sakura."

    Gaby blushed furiously, but then it registered in her mind what he called her, "What did I tell you about calling me 'Princess'?!" Gaby round-house kicked the boy and he flew into a tree.

    "Amazing." the boy said, "A princess who is so strong and yet so beautiful. It would be an honor to be your husband."

    Gaby huffed, "Well who would marry you?!" She then stormed away, anywhere without that pervert was fine with her.

    "We shall meet again, fair maiden." the boy called after her.

    "Yeah, yeah, whatever." Gaby waved him off and sighed. She just wanted to go home and NOT think about the next time they would meet. However, fate wasn't on her side.

© 2012 Rae

Author's Note

WOO~ That kiss was so cute and then what he said after... -sigh- So cute!!! Lucky Gaby. -3- Anyway, hoped you liked it. ^^

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Reviews like anime and stuff yeh...?
i could imagine it like a manga :D
if i did that to a girl, i'd be smacked in the face...
so, maybe more detail on the sword fight? ++
andand, these buff dudes, picking "holding down" a young girl... ;D
yeh...maybe change it? lol, add more detail and its a fine chapter

Posted 13 Years Ago

-sigh- Yeah, lucky me! ^^ That was amazing! :3 I'm so hooked to this already XP I really want the next chater, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad!! But dude, what he said was hardcore awesomeness. I wish a guy would tell me that! T3T

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 5, 2011
Last Updated on June 7, 2012



Some interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..

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A Book by Rae

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by Rae