An Arranged Marriage

An Arranged Marriage

A Chapter by Rae

The young royal girl learns of her stepmother's scheme to marry her off.

   It was another peaceful day in the kingdom of Sakura. The cherry blossom trees were letting their blossoms fly in the gentle wind that swept through the city.
   "GET BACK HERE, GABRIELLA!!!" the shopkeeper at the weapons store ran after a young girl with a new sword strapped to her belt.
   "I don't go by that name!" the girl yelled back, "The name's Gaby!"
   Gaby was a young girl of noble birth. However, she disliked the riches and was content with the simple life of a pauper. She wore black short-shorts, a light blue camisole, light blue and dark blue stripped stockings, and unlaced black boots.
   The shopkeeper was gaining on her, so Gaby ran to the west sakura tree park and climbed up one of the trees quickly and squirrel-like. She laughed when she saw the shopkeeper sigh and give up. She watched the shopkeeper leave and she giggled in the tree.
   "Gaby." came a stern voice. She looked and saw her stepsister, Karen. Karen and her mother came from Katsu and the mother married Gaby's father. When Gaby's father died, her stepmother, Larissa, took over the aristocracy and fortune that Gaby's father left them. Karen was a lot kinder and more beautiful than her mother and it is why Gaby got along with Karen. Karen had long black hair with deep green eyes and pale skin, and she would always wear short black dresses with black heels.
   "Hey, Karen!" Gaby jumped down to greet Karen, but she was awarded with a thump on the head by her stepsister, "The hell was THAT for?!"
   "Mother is furious for hearing you steal again." Karen said, "You need to be careful. If mother gets angry--"
   "I know." Gaby touched the scratch on her cheek from her stepmother's last attack.
   Her sixteen year old stepsister looked at her with a smile and pulled the tanned fourteen year old Gaby into an embrace.
   "Don't worry." Karen said, "I'm going to become queen and then our life will get better."
   Gaby sighed, "The only reason you are becoming the ruler is because Prince Eric went gay and slept with Prince Jose of Aya."
   Karen thumped her on the head again, "That is NOT true. Eric wanted to fall in love, so I helped him run away and he found Jose and when they fell in love and got married, the war between Aya and Sakura stopped. Didn't you have history class yet?!"
   "Yeah, but I don't pay attention." Gaby huffed, slight anger showing in her brown eyes, "And love is totally over-rated. Who would want to fall in love?!"
   Karen ruffled her stepsister's hair playfully, "I hear you there. I'm going to be a single ruler and then I will choose the heir. I'm thinking of choosing you."
   "No way." Gaby let Karen take the blossoms out of her long dark brown hair, "I don't want to be a queen! I just want the simple life of having fun wherever I go. And if I'm queen, then I'm limited to where I can go. I'm like a cat, Karen. I like to roam."
   "I know, I know." Karen smiled, "Let's get home and take our punishment."
   "Our?" Gaby asked, "But you didn't do anything."
   "Of course I did." Karen gave Gaby a wink.
   Gaby smiled, "Thanks."


   "Karen?!" Larissa, in her big pink ballgown, "My poor girl couldn't of done anything!"
   "But I did, mama." Karen said, "I helped Gaby steal the sword."
   Larissa didn't believe it, she stomped over to Gaby and smacked her across the cheek, "YOU made my daughter this way!"
   Gaby just sat there, letting her anger rise. This happened a lot. Larissa took everything out on Gaby.
   "Well." Larissa laughed, "I'll get rid of you yet."
   "Just try." Gaby smirked.
   Larissa challenged it, "Oh don't worry. I have already decided on the arranged marriage."
   "WHAT?!" Gaby stood up rudely, "The HELL are you talking about?!"
   "Gaby..." Karen warned, "Sit down."
   Gaby dropped down to her original sitting position before Larissa turned around.
   "I'll ignore that language." Larissa said, "Because I'm in a good mood."
   "Stepmother." Gaby asked, "What did you mean by 'arranged marriage'?"
   Larissa smirked, "I have arranged a marriage between you and the famous prince of Series Castle."
   Karen squealed, "Gaby! I can't believe you get to marry such a famous guy! I'm jealous!"
   "Karen." Larissa warned her daughter of her outburst.
   Karen immediately fixed herself, "I mean, congratulations."
   "Why?!" Gaby growled, "I don't want to marry, at all! Especially not to a prince!"
   "Why not?" Larissa asked, "He is loaded with riches and you would be set for life."
   "I don't care about money." Gaby said, "I only want to travel. Being a queen would limit me."
   "You should be honored, you ungrateful child." Larissa said, "Everyone wants to marry the Series Prince. He is handsome, kind, and a great swordsmen. You should WANT to be his queen."
   "Or I can be his king." Gaby laughed and was awarded a hit by Larissa.
   "Brat child." Larissa glared, "You are a girl and you will act like one. If you embarrass me in front of the Series Royals, I will make sure that you will look different when I am done with you."
   "Is that a threat?!" Gaby growled.
   "No." Larissa turned around, "It's a promise."
   Gaby got up and was about to attack the woman when Karen held her back, "Stop, Gaby! Calm down."

   "How can I when that woman pisses me off so bad?!" Gaby asked.

   "Karma." Karen said, "Karma will get to her soon. So don't worry."

   Gaby sighed and drifted off to her room, not wanting to wake tomorrow.

© 2012 Rae

Author's Note

Was it good? I really liked it. ^^

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Very amusing. I hate people that make decisions for others without that person's permission. Good work.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I like it!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

this is highly amusing. Gaby is a funny, interesting character with and equally good personality. maybe the prince will turn out to be a d****e...or like a real gentlemen :D ahahaha continues on reading...~~

Posted 13 Years Ago

WOO~!! I want more! XD I'm already in love with this! KYA~! I can't wait for the next chapter! I want it SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on March 5, 2011
Last Updated on June 7, 2012



Some interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..

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